Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1407: old knowledge

"Do you recognize heavy black and heavy white?"

Yu Guihai squeezed the wine glass in his hand and asked lightly.

"Heavy black and white? Disciple recognizes it!"

Chongxuan's face was shocked when he heard the words, and there was a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

"At the beginning, we were both Yin spirits of the Yin Yin Ruins, and our relationship was naturally good. It's just that I came to betray the Yin Yin Ruins, and the two of them stayed there. Later, I was guarded by that great master as the sealer. Sealing the node. And the two of them joined the Yin Refining Sect formed by the great master. However, I heard from the disciples of the Refining Yin Sect that because of me, their life is not easy. "

"So it is." Yu Guihai nodded and drank the wine from the glass.

"I don't know where Shizun got their news?" Chongxuan asked expectantly.

He has gone through endless years, most of the acquaintances he knew have disappeared in the long river of history, and even no traces have been left. It is naturally quite emotional to hear the news of old friends now.

"I discovered the secret realm of the Refining Yin Sect. They are the guardian Yin spirits of the last secret realm. Now they have come under my door and are currently helping me take care of the secret realm." Yu Guihai said lightly.

"What? It's great! It is a great luck for them to meet Master! The disciple thanks Master for saving the old friend!" Chongxuan was so surprised when he heard this, he immediately knelt down and bowed excitedly.

It's not unreasonable for him to be so excited. Think about it, if you are developed, is it the coolest to act in front of your former family and friends? There is nothing cool about meeting new friends who are not familiar with them!

"It's nothing. I'm here this time, mainly for a big event, the four of you can regain your freedom!"

Yu Guihai stood up, put his hands on his back, looked into the distance, and said lightly.

"What? Master wants to..." Chongxuan exclaimed in shock when he heard the words.

"That's right. This seal formation will last for one or two years at most, and it won't matter much if you keep it. This time I discovered the inheritance of the seal formation from the secret realm of Yin Refining Sect, and I have already understood this formation. I'm going to seal it up. The self-destruction of the large array will definitely cause damage to the demon. Then take the opportunity to eradicate it. What do you think?" Yu Guihai said.

"Disciple supports Master." Chongxuan replied immediately.

He knew very well in his heart that, as the master said, the sealing formation could not last long, and it would be difficult to usher in a new turning point in this short period of time, so it would be better to detonate it directly.

At this time, the power of the demons infiltrated into the seal formation, and once the formation was detonated, it would definitely cause great damage to the demons. Its strength will definitely decline. Since then, Master's chances of winning have greatly increased.

In addition, he knew that the Master said so, not to discuss with him, but to give orders. Let him get ready, cooperate with the detonation of the big formation, and take the opportunity to cut off the connection and break free from the seal of the big formation.

"Very good, I will teach you a method, and you should practice it. When I detonate the great formation, remember to drive the method and cut off the connection with the great formation." Yu Guihai nodded and urged.

"Disciple understands. Thank you Master for giving the law!" Chongxuan said gratefully.

Yu Guihai immediately stretched out his hand a little, and a little spiritual light flew into Chongxuan's forehead. He immediately felt a large amount of information entering his mind, but it was an extremely mysterious method.

"Okay, practice hard. I have to go to the three of them." After Yu Guihai finished speaking, he disappeared in a flash.


The violent aura of destruction whizzed to and fro, exuding terrifying power.

Suddenly, the aura was expelled, and a huge special-shaped warship rushed out.

This battleship is tens of thousands of meters in length and width, like a flat circular plate, with a dazzling aura all over its body. This aura is powerful, and the surrounding tyrannical aura of destruction cannot penetrate in the slightest.

In a cabin inside the battleship, a handsome young man stood in front of the porthole, sipping a glass of spirit wine in his hand.

Suddenly, an old man in black robe walked into the room and saluted respectfully: "Young Master, the battleship has discovered a small fairy world, which should be the seeds left by the ancestors."

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"Oh? Let's go take a look. The seeds left by the ancestors have passed for nearly a million years. There must be some good spirit medicine spirit beasts in it. Just grab it and try it." The handsome young man heard the words slightly Said with a smile.

"Then this old slave, let the warship turn and go to the little fairy world to see." The black-robed old man left immediately.

The huge warship quickly changed direction and drove away.


In the spiritual realm, Yu Guihai stood on the top of the mountain, looking down.

Behind him, Yan Mu is doing a report respectfully.

"Master, now we have opened thirteen void fortresses outside, increasing the detectable range to 10,000 miles. During this time, many places of foreign objects have been found! However, following your warning, we did not dare to move. Those foreign objects, just memorized their location..."

After he finished speaking, Yu Guihai said lightly: "Very good, continue to expand the number of Void Fortresses on the basis of ensuring safety. In the future, the death star field outside is our hope for development."

Yu Guihai paused for a while when he said this, and then continued: "By the way, I will change the name outside in the future, don't call it Death Star Territory, it is not auspicious. This is the hope of this Star Territory, and it will be called Xianlingxing in the future. Domain. This spiritual realm is also called the fairy realm."

"Follow your orders!" He said respectfully.

Suddenly, an escape light lasing came, and the visitor shouted from a distance: "Master, it's not good, the disciples of the Void Fortress found that a huge and strange battleship came from the void, and it exploded without saying a word. The thirteenth fortress. Junior Brother Xunlin, who was responsible for guarding the thirteenth fortress, returned with serious injuries! The rest of the disciples have all lost contact."

"What? Where is Junior Brother Xunlin?" Yanmu said angrily.

"He's on the teleportation formation. He's injured so badly that he can't move." The visitor is one of the real fairyland beasts, the Goshawk Oolong.

"Go! Go and have a look." Yu Guihai said with a frown. After he waved his hand, they came to the teleportation array.

"It's over there." Goshawk Oolong pointed the way, and Yu Guihai came to a tall palace.

When I went in, I saw a few disciples surrounding one person releasing healing spells.

"Get out of the way, Master is here." With a loud shout, several disciples hurriedly got out of the way.

Yu Guihai took a closer look and frowned.

The injured Xunlin is a sika deer, with a wood spirit and immortal essence incomparably tyrannical. He is best at healing and healing, but at this time his strength is useless to his injury.

A terrifying force rampaged through his body, constantly devouring his upgrades. If it weren't for Xun Lin's own tyrannical self-healing ability, I am afraid he would have already died under this power.

Yu Guihai suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed Xunlin's chest, a terrifying immortal essence entered Xunlin's body, trapped the terrifying force in an instant, and then took it back.

At this time, there was no such chaos, and Xun Lin's own Wood Spirit Immortal Essence immediately played a huge role. His injuries healed quickly, and his breath quickly stabilized. The long horns on his head quickly grew branches like weeping willows.

Yu Guihai raised his hand, and the palm of his hand slammed left and right, but he couldn't escape from Yu Guihai's palm.

"This is the pinnacle of the true fairyland, and I have already seen a trace of the power of the mysterious fairyland. No wonder Xunlin couldn't resist. If the other party took it seriously, he would not even be able to escape." Yu Guihai looked at the strange power in his hand, and said lightly.

"Why is the other party like this? Could it be that it's not good, they are trying to find this place." With a strange look on his face, he exclaimed.

"No, with the strength of the opponent, he has already discovered this place. He did this just in a bad taste of cat and mouse. Look, they have already come." Yu Guihai said, looking up into the sky.

Above the sky, outside the world barrier, a huge battleship was slowly approaching, and the nearby No. 1 fortress was suddenly tense. Many alien beasts and Kunlun monks were in a hurry, and the entire fortress was ready for battle.


On top of the battleship, a handsome young man looked down at the Void Fortress below, and said suspiciously: "It's really strange! Shouldn't this be the little fairy world left by the ancestors? How can there be human monks? Shouldn't all be Spirit beast?"

"Young Master, it may be that the human monks outside discovered this place. That's why they cooperated with these spirit beasts. It seems that they want to develop this chaotic star field." The black-robed old man beside him replied respectfully.

"Then didn't they all take away the elixir here?" the young man said with a frown.

"Isn't there still those spirit beasts? Don't let the young master run away in vain!" The black-robed old man said hurriedly.

"Yeah. That's right. The spirit medicines here must be of average quality. But the spirit beasts just happened to grab it and open the meat. They're used to eating delicious food from mountains and seas, and it's good to taste game." The young man smiled with his brows stretched.

"Okay! That subordinate will lead someone to occupy that fortress." The black-robed old man asked for battle.

"Go!" The young man nodded.

The black-robed old man turned around immediately.


Above the Void Fortress, the teleportation array flashed, and several figures appeared in it.

One person hurried up to greet him, and said respectfully, "I have seen Master."

"Well! How is the situation?" Yu Guihai asked indifferently.

"Qi Shizun, the battleship is not moving outside, I don't know what it is doing!" This person is Fei Lian, who is in charge of the Void Fortress outside.

"Immediately activate all the offensive and defensive formations, activate all the cannons in the void, aim at the battleship, and fire at any time at my command." Yu Guihai immediately ordered.

"Follow your orders!" Fei Lian's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said loudly. He couldn't hold it any longer, and he was naturally no longer polite when he got an order at this time.

Yu Guihai came outside, looked up at the battleship in the sky, and suddenly found a series of small battleships flying above the battleship.

These small warships formed a formation and rushed towards the void fortress.


Yu Guihai ordered immediately.


In an instant, hundreds of Void Cannons above the Void Fortress blasted out terrifying beams of light.

Layers of masks lit up on the small warships, and the bombardment of the Void Cannon landed on them, only shaking ripples, but it was unable to break through them.

Above the Void Fortress, many powerhouses were horrified.

Each of these Void Cannons has the attacking power of the True Wonderland, and the three most powerful main cannons have the terrifying power of the latter stage of the True Wonderland. Hundreds of them add up, even the powerhouses in the late stage of True Wonderland can be directly killed.

But even these small warships' protective masks could not be broken.

"What a strong defense!"

Yu Guihai couldn't help but admire. The shields of these small battleships actually have a trace of the power of the mysterious fairyland, and the attack power of his Void Fortress is really unshakable.

This kind of technology has a great effect on exploring the fairy star field. he wants!

On a small battleship, the black-robed old man showed a disdainful smile.

"Hehe, a group of ants dared to fight back. I really don't know whether to live or die. All warships are ready to counterattack immediately and destroy all the artillery on the fortress. Then destroy all the attacking and defensive circles." The black-robed old man ordered.

bang bang bang~~~

The dazzling brilliance immediately launched from the battleships, and wherever the brilliance passed, the void directly collapsed into a black trace.

All the cannons above the fortress were destroyed in an instant.

Then, the battleships fired another salvo, this time destroying most of the defensive attack formations above the Void Fortress.

Immediately everyone panicked and panicked. This kind of attack, even in the late stage of True Wonderland, will immediately fall. Although they have a lot of manpower, it is absolutely impossible to resist this small fleet.

In addition, don't forget that there is an even larger mothership in the void in the distance.

Such a huge gap between heaven and earth, instantly made everyone panic and at a loss. Even the many real fairyland powerhouses who were subdued by Yu Guihai were still apprehensive at this time, not knowing what to do!

"Don't panic, I think they are going to occupy this place. We will talk about it when they come here." Yu Guihai said lightly. The people suddenly felt at ease.

As expected by Yu Guihai, the battleships did not continue to attack. Not long after, those small warships landed on the Void Fortress.

Soon, a group of people came down from it, headed by an old man in black robes.

"Humble servants, we are the Venerables from the Immortal Realm, where is the person in charge of you? Come out to greet me soon!" The black-robed old man looked around proudly and said arrogantly.

"You are from the fairyland?"

Suddenly came a voice. Then, the black-robed old man and others saw a human youth walking out of a room.

"Who are you?" The black-robed old man's expression changed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice.

He found that he could not see through the details of this young man. This means that this person must be a strong person in the same realm as him.

This shocked him. I didn't expect that such a strong man could be born in this lower realm. No wonder they were able to discover this little fairy world and develop it in cooperation with alien beasts.

"Hehe, I am the master of this place. It is said that you are guests from afar, and we should welcome them warmly. But why did you suddenly attack my disciples?" Yu Guihai hehe and asked.

"Haha! Boy, do you know who I am?" The black-robed old man laughed wildly.

He was rather surprised by this kid's cultivation, but that's all, if he really wanted to fight, he was confident and could easily take down this guy. You must know that the same realm does not mean the same strength. The mere powerhouses in the lower realm are just the big ones out of the chicken flock, how can they be compared with the eagles in the upper realm!

"I care who you are!"

Yu Guihai replied casually. Thinking of a movie from a previous life, I couldn't help laughing.

When the black-robed old man saw this, his Qi orifices lit up smoke. He was actually played by a lower realm kid, he can't bear it!

"Hey, boy, it seems that you really think you are amazing. I'll let you know the difference between the upper realm and the lower realm today!" The black-robed old man said with a stern smile.

After he finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared in place!


There was a loud noise, and Yu Guihai was seen bending over, grabbing the neck of the black-robed old man with one hand, and smashing him directly to the ground. The extremely hard fortress ground was smashed into a big pit!

1407 Old acquaintances, outsiders (more than 4,200 words)

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