Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1413: Lu Shengjie

Lan Fukong thought for a while and said, "There are three main ways that disciples know."

"The first one is to join the Immortal Sect of Refining Yin. The master is very powerful. If he can join, he will definitely be valued, and it is not that he cannot be inherited."

"The second is to find a small fairyland with weaker strength and seek its inheritance. Some small fairyland has only one strong person in the mysterious fairyland. With the cooperation of the master and the two, it is enough to win it."

"The third way is to participate in the Tainan Immortal Society, and maybe you can trade the Xuanxian Cultivation Technique."

Yu Guihai thought about it when he heard the words.

This first method is not feasible. Joining Yinxian Sect is a good idea, but his background, his relationship with Lu Linsheng, and even the relationship between the descendants of Lusheng's blood will make Yinxianzong's The strong are vigilant.

At that time, let alone getting the Mysterious Immortal Realm Cultivation Technique, I am afraid it will be difficult not to be targeted.

The first way to exclude.

The second method is quite reliable, but it is not easy. He and Lu Linsheng's strength is equivalent to the early stage of Xuanxianjing, and it is basically difficult to capture him alive in the face of a strong man of the same strength.

If the other party is determined to run, I am afraid it is not easy to stop. If this matter spreads out, he and Lu Lin Shengke will become mice crossing the street.

Therefore, this method cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

Then there is only a third way left.

Yu Guihai had a plan, and immediately asked, "What do you mean by Tainan Xianhui?"

"The Tainan Xianhui is a meeting that was blocked by the master of the small fairyland called Tainanjie. The master of the small fairyland is a powerhouse in the middle stage of the mysterious fairyland. Announced that he would not participate in the struggles of all walks of life. He specially organized the Tainan Immortal Society in his Tainan Realm, allowing the powerhouses from various small fairy realms to exchange transactions and get what they need."

"This Tainan Fairy will be held every five hundred years, and there will be many experts in the Mysterious Immortal Realm participating. There will often be exercises in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, and the next Fairy Fair will be held in a year. The master can participate. Then buy A Mysterious Wonderland Cultivation Technique." Lan Fukong explained.

"I see, but what is the value of the Mysterious Immortal Realm Cultivation Technique?" Yu Guihai keenly discovered a question.

"This, the value of the Xuanxianjing cultivation method is naturally very high. According to the previous example, the minimum cost is 300 high-grade immortal stones!" Lan Fukong replied.

"Immortal stone?" Yu Guihai wondered. It was the first time he had heard of this.

"Immortal stone is a stone that contains immortal essence. The value of a high-grade immortal stone is approximately equal to the sum of the ten small fairy realms before." Lan Fukong said immediately.


Yu Guihai was speechless.

This price is really too expensive.

The most expensive thing under his command is that small spirit realm, and the real fairy realm spirit grass produced in it is more than the sum of what he got before. And this is one-tenth of the value of a high-grade immortal stone.

Even if he sells him, he can't be exchanged for a copy of the Mysterious Immortal Realm Cultivation Technique.

Fortunately, he is not without a chance. It really didn't work, so he sold the Xuanxianjing exercise that Lu Linsheng gave him, and exchanged it for another Xuanxianjing exercise.

That Moyang Art is the true inheritance of Lu Sheng's ancestor and cannot be sold. But the remaining two exercises, Shifang Xianwu Jue and Xianlingdu Round Mantra, do not have so many taboos. Can be sold for a new one.

Yu Guihai took the Tainan Immortal Society as his main route, and took the inheritance of others as a backup route. If you really can't make a deal, then you can only grab it.

"Very good! Next, let's prepare to participate in the Tainan Fairy Fair. Besides, you can sort out the situation of the small fairyland around Lushengjie for me." Yu Guihai nodded and then ordered.

"Follow your orders!" Lan Fukong and Lu Jun saluted respectfully.

Yu Guihai did not leave directly, but went to find Lu Linsheng.

Explaining the purpose of his visit, Lu Linsheng expressed that he was not interested. He escaped from Lushengjie in his previous life, and he really did not want to return to that sad place. So he said to stay here and continue to cultivate.

Yu Guihai didn't force it, and asked him to help take care of his forces, so he took Lan Fukong alone.


The violent destruction aura roared rampantly, and black traces were scraped out of the surrounding void.

A huge warship sailed in it, with a dazzling mask flashing on the outside, flashing brilliance from time to time, but it blocked all the aura of destruction.

Yu Guihai stood inside the giant ship and looked out quietly.

He found that these destruction auras had the terrifying power of the mysterious fairyland, and even if he went out, he could not be underestimated.

The void here seems to have undergone some kind of strengthening to be able to withstand the ravages of this power, otherwise it would have completely collapsed and destroyed, and even spread to other parts of this world.

And this giant battleship is also very good, and it can resist such a powerful destruction power. If his subordinates are equipped with such battleships, they can avoid most of the dangers of the Death Star.

This is the center of the Death Star Field, they are going to the most central cross-border gate, and then go to Lushengjie.

It didn't take long for Yu Guihai to feel that the front was suddenly empty, and the battleship broke into an empty star field. There was a small galaxy in the star field, and hundreds of stars surrounded a huge bronze gate in the center. rotate.

There is this huge cloud of light in the bronze giant gate. The cloud of light emits a faint white light. If you look closely, you can see all kinds of colorful lights, which are very mysterious.

"Master, that is the door to cross-border. That light cloud is the entrance to the teleportation array to the small fairyland. As long as the cross-border beads are activated, the teleportation can be carried out." Lu Jun introduced from the side.

"That's it. Let's start then." Yu Guihai nodded and commanded lightly.

"Yes!" Lu Jun agreed, and then took out a small white ball the size of an egg.

Then, he entered Xian Yuan, and the white ball suddenly radiated bright light, and countless white runes spewed out from it, quickly forming a small illusory magic circle, and a dangerous atmosphere spread from the center of the magic circle. out.

Yu Guihai was slightly taken aback when he saw this, he recognized this small ball, and he also had one in his hand. At this time, he finally understood the details of this thing. It turned out that this thing was a cross-border bead.

Lu Jun quickly pointed a few times in the light array, and then the light array expanded rapidly until the entire battleship was wrapped.

Then the giant battleship plunged into the cloud of light in the center of the bronze giant gate and disappeared.


The battleship vibrated violently, as if it was about to be shaken and scattered. Outside the window is a colorful streamer, messy and irregular.

Yu Guihai could feel the terrifying danger contained in that stream of light.

The entire battleship is protected by the light array of the cross-border bead, and is not damaged by the streamer.

This made Yu Guihai feel a little surprised. This layer of light array is not very powerful in terms of power alone. He can break it without too much effort, but it can block the terrifying streamer.

Within this passage, there is no concept of time and space. I don’t know how long it has passed, and I don’t know how far it has flown. The entire battleship suddenly shook violently, and the colorful streamer outside began to quickly fade away. disappeared.

Yu Guihai also saw the scene outside. This is a place above the sky, with a huge bronze gate behind it, and a vast expanse of land beneath it.

Above the earth, the mountains are ups and downs, the strange mountains and ridges can be seen everywhere, the mountains are green, and precious elixir can be seen everywhere. The little beast that flashed by in the forest has the strength of a real fairyland.

The huge plain can not be seen at a glance, like a green carpet, huge rivers like jade belts traverse many places, and mirror-like lakes are scattered everywhere, like jewels dotted on the green carpet.

Yu Guihai took a deep breath and couldn't help but admire in his heart.

The spirit of the fairy here is too pure and too rich. If he can break through the Mysterious Immortal Realm here, there will be no problem at all.

Not far from the bronze giant gate, there is a huge city built on a white cloud, which is the city in the cloud.

Seeing the movement here, a small warship flew out of it and greeted it.

"Master, someone is here. I will ask you to pretend to be a guard in a while. After you have dealt with it, you can hide your identity and act alone. This cross-border gate can lead to the small fairy world, among which there are Tainan Realm." Lu Jun said in a low voice.

"Yeah!" Yu Guihai nodded, and with a wave of his hand, there was an extra set of guard clothes on his body, mixed with the guards, and ordinary people couldn't see it at all.

Soon, the small battleship sent a call, and after Lu Jun connected, his image immediately appeared on the other party's screen.

"Meet the young master!" When the monks on the small battleship saw him, they all saluted respectfully.

"Yeah." Lu Jun nodded expressionlessly, and then ordered the giant battleship to sail into the distance.

The small battleship hurriedly got out of the way.

After walking far away, Lu Jun said to Yu Guihai, "Master, just go down here. If you encounter anything, feel free to contact me, and senior brother and I will be on call at any time."


Yu Guihai immediately turned into an elegant middle-aged man, wearing a white robe, showing that his cultivation was in the early stage of the real fairyland.

After leaving the battleship, he flew towards the city in the clouds as Lu Jun said.

It didn't take long for him to come to the outside of the city in the cloud, where there was no warning for a single cultivator. He easily came to the city.

The city here is no different from the Nether, and it is also full of people coming and going.

The difference is that the pedestrians on the street have a higher cultivation level, and any one they pull out has the realm of the true way. Daoist powerhouses and even overlord-level powerhouses are everywhere, and true fairyland powerhouses are also very common. He was hardly noticeable on the street.

In addition, the things sold in the shops on the street are far higher than the Nether. The grain store sells spiritual rice, the grade of which is comparable to the true Taoist elixir of the lower realm. Any piece of clothing in a clothing store is an acquired treasure. The weapon equipment store is full of innate treasures and chaotic spiritual treasures.

Yu Guihai strolled around for a while, and saw a restaurant with three big characters, Ju Fu Lou!

For the name, he was quite affectionate, and went straight in.

As soon as he entered the door, a young man greeted him and said with a smile: "The guest officer is here, do you want to eat or stay at the restaurant?"

"Eat." Yu Guihai said strangely. This little Er is impressively a strong man in the early stage of the Great Dao Realm. Such powerhouses are the superpowers who suppress one side in the lower realm, but here they are just a shopkeeper.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

"Okay, guest here, please." The second shop assistant invited Yu Guihai to a seat by the window, and then asked, "Look, guest, what would you like to eat?"

"I'll have one of the good dishes that I'm good at." Yu Guihai said proudly. How about he wants to taste the food in this fairyland! Anyway, with the immortal stone given by Lu Jun in his pocket, he is not afraid of running out of money to settle the bill.

"Okay. The guest officer will wait a moment." The shop assistant agreed with a smile on his face, and then walked away singing, "This guest officer is good at serving a portion of each dish!"

In a short time, the table in front of Yu Guihai was filled with various delicacies.

To be honest, he was an eye-opener.

This is just an ordinary meal in a restaurant, and it is already better than the top medicated food in the lower realm.

A random plate of green vegetables is comparable to a spirit medicine at the Dao level, and a roast chicken is a spirit beast of the True Dao realm. The beef used is the overlord-level demon beef...

Yu Guihai immediately feasted.

In a short time, he ate all the food on the table.

The people around are a little surprised, it's really rare to see people who can eat so much. But when they discovered the real fairyland cultivation base revealed by Yu Guihai, they all withdrew their attention and did not dare to provoke them.

The real fairyland powerhouse is one of the top people even here. After all, there are only five in the entire Lusheng Realm of Xuanxianjing.

"This Taoist has a friendly appetite!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the next table.

Yu Guihai turned his head to look, but saw a fat middle-aged man with a kind face.

Seeing him, the middle-aged Bai Fat handed over his hands and said, "My lord, Liu Fu, of the Jingdong Chamber of Commerce, I have seen fellow Daoists. I don't know what you call you?"

"Hehe, my dear Qingyang, I have seen fellow Daoist Liu." Yu Guihai smiled and returned the salute.

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Qingyang. I'm glad to meet you. I don't know if you have free time. I have some things to discuss with you." Liu Fu said directly.

"If you are free, fellow Daoist will say so." Yu Guihai was curious, but did not refuse.

"This is not a place to talk. Fellow Daoist, please come with me." Liu Fu got up and said.

"Okay!" Yu Guihai didn't got up and followed him.

Liu Fu took him out of the restaurant and came to the back. There is another mystery behind the restaurant, it is a cave.

The two came to the outside of a cave, and Liu Fu waved his hand, and the cave opened with a bang.

"Fellow Daoist, please come in!"

"Friend Liu, please!"

The two of them humbly entered the cave. The interior of the cave is luxuriously decorated, with spirit flowers and plants everywhere.

"Fellow Daoist Liu can speak now!" Yu Guihai asked directly after taking his seat.

"Do you want to ask your friend to go to Tainan Realm?" Liu Fu asked.

"Yes, how did fellow Daoist see it?" Yu Guihai said.

"Hehe, the fresh faces who came here at this time must be the Taoists who want to use this place to go to the Tainan Realm to participate in the Tainan Immortal Society." Liu Fu smiled.

"Dao has friendly eyesight." Yu Guihai praised.

"Hehe, what I am most proud of is this pair of eyes. To be honest, my fellow Daoist, I have a batch of goods to be shipped to the Tainan Realm, but something unexpected happened and a group of bandits stared at me. So I would like to invite a fellow Daoist to **** me. Cheng." Liu Fu then said.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bandit?" Yu Guihai was a little strange. Being targeted by the robbers and looking for strangers to **** them, is it because they didn't die fast enough?

"Don't be afraid. With my eyesight, fellow Daoists are not bad people, they should be upright gentlemen with great principles!" Liu Fu replied.

"Oh? You're not afraid to read it wrong?" Yu Guihai said in surprise.

"You can't read it wrong. Daoist friends may worry that I have ulterior motives. To be honest, in addition to Daoist friends, I also invited three other true immortal Daoists." Liu Fu shook his head and said.

"Okay then." Yu Guihai agreed. Anyway, they all go to Tainan Realm, and following the caravan is less troublesome.

1413 Road Shengjie, **** (more than 4,200 words)

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