Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1427: Experience

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Yu Guihai got the memory of Tainan Xianweng, and obtained a lot of useful information. These are extremely precious, unique, and extremely rare and precious information for him.

However, in order to benefit, you must pay.

Tainan Xianweng has survived for countless years, and the memories of his life are enormous, most of which are redundant and useless information, such as eating, sleeping, breathing and drinking water.

Once such a huge amount of information pours in, ordinary powerhouses can't bear it at all. Even the powerhouses of the same rank will be directly smashed into the primordial spirit. It is extremely dangerous.

And this is not the end, even if it has survived this step, there are still experiences, thoughts, insights and so on with strong personal characteristics in Tainan Xianweng's memory. It will inevitably have a strong impact on my three views and thinking patterns.

If you are not careful, your own thinking will be completely changed. Although the essence of your soul has not changed, it is still you, but your thoughts and behaviors have completely changed. Only in terms of consciousness, you have changed.

What's more likely is that my consciousness and Tainan Xianweng's ideological perception had a huge impact, which directly caused the cognitive mutation to be distorted and became a schizophrenic lunatic.

Therefore, although this memory contains incomparably precious information, it is also accompanied by enormous danger.

However, none of this poses a threat to Yu Guihai at all.

Along the way, he has used the system to add points to upgrade to learn various exercises, and every time he has to fill in a lot of information. Many of them are memories of his own hard work day and night in the virtual world.

It's like he learns a practice method, he only needs to add a few points to level up and learn, and cultivate to Consummation. But the process is only shortened. It might take him ten thousand years to actually learn, but it is filled in in an instant.

Since then, he has to bear a huge amount of information, so although Tainan Xianweng's memory is huge, it does not constitute a burden on him.

Moreover, the impact of that kind of thinking consciousness could not have an impact on Yu Guihai. Because he has already cultivated a way to get rid of useless memories. In an instant, the impurities in Tainan Xianweng's memory can be judged and eliminated immediately.

Therefore, after Yu Guihai accepted the memory, the dross had been eliminated, and only the essence remained.

It didn't take long for Yu Guihai to accept all the memories, and it also cleared many of the confusions in his heart, especially about the various major events in the Immortal Realm from ancient times to the present.

Of course, since Tainan Xianweng was not strong at the beginning, these perceptions may be flawed or even wrong, but they are much more than what Yu Guihai knew through his own investigation. Moreover, he has the foundation of Tainan Xianweng, and he will easily be able to distinguish the true from the false when he investigates such information in the future.

However, these things are not the key things after all, they are just evidence that Yu Guihai understands the ancient history, allowing him to explore the secrets of the ancient times. But it can't improve his strength.

But the best thing to improve his strength is Tainan Xianweng's cultivation experience.

Yu Guihai has gained a lot from these cultivation experiences. Among them, there are only three powerful Mysterious Immortal Realm exercises, which can greatly enhance the power of Hunyuan Dao Jue.

The most precious of them is Tainan Xianweng's experience in the practice of the Fate Slate and the Fate Dao. Yu Guihai accepted all these experiences, and then saw the progress of the mysterious Fate Cultivation on the invisible interface. Nearly half of it directly saved more than 4,000 upgrade points.

Now he only needs to spend 4,382 upgrade points to complete the deduction. Only ten years left.

"very good!"

Yu Guihai was quite satisfied with this. Although it is still a bit slow, such a huge improvement still makes him very happy.

Moreover, with these experiences, his understanding of the Destiny Cultivation Technique has greatly increased. If he relies on his own understanding to comprehend by himself, he can greatly speed up the progress of comprehension and further save a lot of upgrade points.

Speaking of which, Yu Guihai still has some admiration for Tainan Xianweng.

After all, he doesn't have any system talent. He has comprehended the Slate of Destiny so deeply by himself, and has cultivated the Dao of Destiny cultivation technique to this level. It can be seen that his talent is extraordinary, and it is definitely very suitable for cultivating the Dao of Destiny.

It's a pity, just because of his wickedness, all this has been accomplished by Yu Guihai.

It can be seen that people are absolutely not allowed to do evil. As the saying goes, the heart of preventing others is indispensable, and the heart of harming others is not necessary. People just have to walk the right way and be open and upright in order to be safe and happy!

After Yu Guihai finished sorting out his memory, his consciousness returned to his body, and he quietly went to Tainan Xianweng's cave to inquire, only to see the rotten corpse.

So he scoured it, and with the memory of Tainan Xianweng found a precious treasure that was very tightly hidden, and then returned to his cave. During the whole process, he did not break the prohibition of Dongfu, nor did he alarm anyone. Let others find out about the death of Tainan Xianweng.

After he came back, he immediately went into retreat. He wanted to sort out and digest Tainan Xianweng's experience and perception of the Fate Slate and the Fate Avenue.


The dim yellow lights hung high, illuminating the silent hall, surrounded by thick stone pillars that made the hall even more gloomy.

tata tao~~

A figure came slowly, his body was shrouded in a black robe, his face could not be seen clearly, and the shadow on the ground was drawn very long. The shadow was constantly twisting and changing, and all kinds of strange things kept growing and disappearing.

The figure walked slowly through the hall and came to a table in the depths of the hall. A black square was placed in the shrine above the table. The square was pitch black, as if shrouded in a thick black mist, and it was impossible to see the specific appearance at all.

A person is kneeling under the altar table, bowing devoutly, the whole person is hidden under the black robe, and his body cannot be seen clearly.

"Senior Brother, Master is gone. I don't know if there is a reversal of fate." The visitor lifted his hood, revealing a face, it was Nan Yunzi.

The man who was kneeling on the ground stood up straight after hearing the words. He was very tall, revealing a face with a strange blue pattern, it was Lan Ke.

But at this time, the two brothers could not see the hostility before.

"I don't know either. Master's strength surpasses us too much. His understanding of the Dao of Fate is far more than the two of us. We can't observe his fate." Lan Ke said lightly with a solemn expression.

"Do you need to try it out?" Nan Yunzi said with a worried look on his face.

"No need." Lan Ke shook his head, "Master, if he succeeds, he will definitely contact us or reveal information to us. If he fails, it doesn't matter, Master has already erased the memory about us and the cube. , that person will not know what this matter has to do with us.

And as long as that person comprehends the Slate of Destiny, he will be controlled by the cube, and then he will know who is in control of the right to speak. "

"Well. Are we just waiting?" Nan Yunzi asked with a sigh of relief, his brows stretched out.

"Wait. Respond to change with the same thing. Anyway, we will occupy an invincible position!" Lan Ke nodded.

"Where's Master's body?" Nan Yunzi asked again.

"Go and open the cave. Since the master has followed the choice of fate, then his body should not be exposed. We as disciples will bury the bones of the master, so that we can bid farewell to the past and move towards a new life." Lan Ke After thinking for a while, he said.

"Okay, then I'll do it."




A burst of crying came from outside, from far to near.

Yu Guihai sat in the cave, suddenly opened his eyes, his face changed slightly, then he stood up and came out of the cave.

I saw Nagumo rushing in from a distance, crying loudly as he walked. When he saw Yu Guihai, he cried from a distance: "Fellow Daoist Yu, Senior Yu, my master, I respect him, he is dead! Woohoo~~~"

"Dust to dust, dirt to dirt, that's a good thing."

Gu Qi

Yu Guihai showed an unfathomable sense of vicissitudes on his face, and said ambiguous words with an indifferent expression.

"???My master is dead!" Nan Yunzi couldn't help but emphasized again with a puzzled look when he saw him like this.

"I know. Look at that golden cicada. He left the cicada slough and flew away. Sometimes, death is just the beginning."

Yu Guihai chuckled lightly and said with a strange expression. It seems to mean something inside and out.

"What? Senior, what do you mean by this? My master is dead, why do you keep talking slander."

Nan Yunzi's face showed a puzzled look, and asked a little unhappy.

"It's not interesting. Some words are boring once they are said. It's me, Yu Guihai, who controls the Tainan Realm. It's not anyone else, remember. In addition, since fate has made a choice, our relationship needs to be Re-positioning. You go back to Lan Ke to discuss it, and then tell me after it is confirmed." Yu Guihai said lightly.

"Yes!" Nan Yunzi replied silently. Then he asked again: "The funeral of the master?"

"According to the specifications of the Lord of Tainan Realm, advertising all realms." Yu Guihai left a sentence and turned back to the cave.

"Yes!" Nan Yunzi left with a sad face.

Yu Guihai returned to the cave with a thoughtful look on his face.

He was just probing.

In Tainan Xianweng's memory, there is no memory about whether Nan Yunzi and Lan Ke knew.

And that just aroused his suspicions.

Because normally, if these two people don't know Tainan Xianweng's plan, then Tainan Xianweng's memory should be that they don't know about it.

However, there is no memory in Tainan Xianweng's memory that the two of them knew about the plan.

It's not like a normal memory, it's like it's been forgotten or deliberately removed.

In this regard, Yu Guihai was not sure whether there was anything tricky. So he did this test.

He specially imitated the convoluted way of speaking, just to see Nagumo's reaction. However, Nagumo's reaction was normal, and no flaws were revealed. It looked like he really didn't know about it.

But this is the biggest flaw.

Because if he behaved too normal, it would be like a disguise.

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai couldn't help but smile.

He was thinking that if Nan Yunzi knew the result of this judgment, he would not be able to die of anger.

If there is a flaw, it means that you know this plan, it must be ill-intentioned, and it will not end well.

But there is no flaw, that is the biggest flaw, which is disguised.

This is not so special, how do people react?

However, as the so-called desire to add to the crime, there is no excuse for it!

Yu Guihai has an intuition that Nagumo and Lan Ke are very problematic.

So here comes the question. If something contradicts, do you trust your intuition? Or do you trust two strangers you don't know very well?

People with low self-confidence may choose to trust others.

But for Yu Guihai, the answer is obvious, and he must trust his intuition.

However, he wasn't ready to do it right away.

Because if the two really know Tainan Xianweng's plan, then it must be related to Tainan Xianweng's successor. Otherwise, it is impossible for Tainan Xianweng to delete the information about the two in this aspect from his memory.

In fact, if someone else replaced this situation, it would be impossible to find out from the vast sea of ​​memory. Only a freak like Yu Guihai can do this, thus grasping the flaw that is not a flaw.

So Yu Guihai was going to test it out step by step, to find out the details of the two people bit by bit. As long as he has enough information, he can launch a thunder strike and completely understand everything.


Nan Yunzi worked diligently to handle the funeral of Tainan Xianweng, let the disciples prepare the funeral, and personally sent a notice to inform the major forces. As for whether the other party comes to participate, it depends on the other party.

In the evening, Nan Yunzi came to the hall again and saw Lan Ke!

"How is it?" Lan Ke asked lightly.

"I don't know. That person seems to be a little different. He said some mysterious words, and it is difficult to judge whether the master is successful. It would be better if the master said it more clearly." Nan Yunzi shook his head and sighed.

"Even if Shizun is successful, he can't say it directly. Otherwise, he will encounter the backlash of the force of fate. One bad thing will lead to the collapse of the new body. So we can only stabilize, whether it is the real Shizun , or that person is aware of something tricky, as long as we stabilize our position and do not mess up, we will not reveal flaws." Lan Ke said.

"Yeah!" Nan Yunzi nodded.

Just then, a voice suddenly came.


The two suddenly turned their heads, but saw a figure slowly emerge It was Yu Guihai.

He looked at the two with a half-smile, a strange expression on his face.

"It's you!" Nan Yunzi exclaimed.

"It's me. What I want to tell you is that Tainan Xianweng is dead. He wanted to take me, but unfortunately he failed. So I think you may know about it too. Now it seems that my suspicions are correct. "Yu Guihai said lightly.

He actually didn't expect that in just one day, Nan Yunzi brought him here.

This place is deep in Lan Ke's cave, and he usually doesn't notice the situation here.

"What do you want?" Lan Ke asked calmly.

"What should you do? To be honest, I don't know your role in this matter. So I haven't decided how to deal with you." Yu Guihai said.

"You practiced the Slate of Destiny?" Lan Ke asked.

"Not bad!" Yu Guihai replied.

"That's it. You surrender!" Lan Ke nodded and said with a certain victory.

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