Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1437: shock the world

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The Dao of Heaven and the Ten Directions means that the entire Dao of Heaven and Earth can be divided into ten directions.

The way of cultivation goes against the sky, and the avenues that ordinary monks can cultivate is just a small branch subdivided under one of the ten-direction avenues, and they can become immortals and ancestors.

If you can cultivate a complete avenue, you can achieve the realm of supreme.

And Yu Guihai's cultivation now covers the Dao of the Ten Directions, but because the Dao practice is still shallow, he has not yet achieved the supreme realm. However, his potential is immeasurable, and his future is enormous.

It was only until the death of the war critical ancestor Yue Tianshan that he wanted to understand what kind of terrifying existence he was fighting against, but unfortunately it was too late. He angered Yu Guihai because of his ruthlessness in the past, and eventually became the chicken that he slaughtered and served as an example.

Yu Guihai has a total of nine non-human heads, plus his human head, there are exactly ten heads, and each head represents a kind of avenue.

He came out with nine heads, and together with his own attack, ten kinds of tyrannical avenues attacked Yue Tianshan together. Even if he is a super strong at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, he cannot resist this kind of attack at all.

"Sad, sigh!"

Yu Guihai put away the complete body, turned it into the body, and sighed softly.

He didn't feel sorry for Yue Tianshan, this man was stubborn, brutal, and he died.

He regretted the resources that this person had spent in cultivation for millions of years.

Yue Tianshan has cultivated for millions of years, fighting for opportunities along the way. Countless arrogances have become his stepping stones, and countless treasures of heaven and earth have become his resources for progress. Only then did he achieve the pinnacle cultivation of the Mysterious Immortal Realm that he looked down on in the world.

Moreover, along the way, how many forces and strong people died under his ambition and desire.

It's really hard to count.

He died by himself, but it also represented that the resources he consumed were completely wasted.

However, Yu Guihai also understands that this kind of sacrifice is inevitable.

The world does not care about good and evil, but only provides for the strong. Whoever is strong will receive the gift of the world, so that the strong will remain strong.

And what he has to do is to do what the world can't do for the world.

As the so-called punish the former and avoid the latter, cure the disease and save the life.

The death of Yue Tianshan will surely shock some careerists and let them know what to do and what not to do.


"Meet Master!"

A respectful voice came from the side.

Yu Guihai turned to look at Lao Yun and the others.

At this time, their eyes were full of enthusiasm, their faces were filled with incomparable reverence, and their excited little hearts were beating wildly, as if they had seen idols they worshipped.

No wonder they lost their composure, the fact that Yu Guihai beheaded Yue Tianshan was too terrifying.

That is the peak powerhouse of Mysterious Immortal Realm!

It is the existence that stands at the top of the current boundary. In front of them, they were beaten to death like a chicken. This shock will never be forgotten.

"What's up?"

Yu Guihai said softly.

"Report to Master, how to deal with those who are at the critical stage of the war?" Lao Yun replied respectfully.

Yu Guihai looked down and saw a few people in Zhanjie who were lost.

At this time, they seemed to have lost the support in their hearts, their faces were ashen, and they seemed to have lost their energy and spirit.

"We need manpower, only the first one will be punished. These people will be imprisoned for the time being until I take them down." Yu Guihai commanded lightly.

Not that he was soft-hearted. But he really needs manpower. These people are good subordinates who are charging for him. If they kill him, there is nowhere to find them.

Moreover, these people have cultivated to the Xuanxian realm, and they don't know how much resources they have consumed. If they kill them like this, it would be too wasteful.

On the other hand, killing Yue Tianshan can already shock the heavens, and killing these people will have no effect except to make himself a reputation for indiscriminate killing.

So keeping it is more useful than killing it.

"Follow your orders!" Lao Yun and the others said respectfully.

Yu Guihai immediately waved his hand and hung Yue Tianshan's corpse above the cross-border gate. The person who was teleported could see this terrifying corpse as soon as he entered.

"The war critical ancestor Yue Tianshan invaded Tainan and killed my disciple. It was a heinous crime. I beheaded him and hung his body here for a hundred years as an example!"

Yu Guihai's voice spread throughout the Tainan Realm, and countless powerhouses shook, all looking in the direction of the cross-border gate in shock.

In the battle between the two sides, these people were all restricted and could not go to watch. At this time, they heard that an ancestor of the peak of the mysterious fairyland was beheaded, and he was also a battle-critical ancestor known for his strong combat power. Their shock can be imagined.

The local people in Tainanjie or those of Yu Guihai's forces rejoiced after being shocked. The strength of their ancestors also means that their backers are strong.

A top powerhouse in the Immortal Realm was beheaded by his own ancestor for killing a disciple in the Tainan Realm.

What a guarantee of safety this is!

And those powerhouses from other forces were all frightened. They may be harboring evil intentions, or they may have no other intentions, but they all understand one thing at this time, that is, they must not provoke Tainanjie, and they cannot provoke Yu Guihai.

In a luxurious hall, a real fairyland peak powerhouse hurried out and instructed his subordinates: "Quick, quick, immediately stop all plans for Tainan Realm. Let them all settle down and don't provoke anything. ."

"Follow the order!" The subordinate also knew why, and hurriedly spread the information. The subordinates in other places responded one after another, saying that they would never dare to cause trouble.

And the real fairyland peak powerhouse immediately left the residence in a hurry and went to the cross-border gate to investigate the situation.

At this time, at the gate of the cross-border, the army in the Tainan Realm has withdrawn in an orderly manner, and Yu Guihai and the strong men under him have also left with the prisoners who are at the threshold of war.

Everyone can see the huge corpse above the cross-border gate.

This corpse is an old man with glaring eyes. His whole body is broken up and down, and the golden fairy blood flows and penetrates. Once it drips, it will be burned into nothingness by a white flame that suddenly emerges.

Although the old man looked miserable, he still exuded a terrifying aura. Every real fairyland powerhouse took a look and felt that he would be crushed by the heavy pressure.

"Definitely a peak powerhouse in the Mysterious Immortal Realm!"

They all know the aura of a peak powerhouse in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. This level of aura can only be possessed by the peak powerhouses of the Mysterious Immortal Realm. Because they actually had a qualitative change compared to other powerhouses in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. The powerhouses in the late stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm are only a little bit worse than the powerhouses at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, but there is a difference in strength between heaven and earth. Not at all comparable.

"It turned out that the war critical ancestor died!"

This true immortal is a strong man from the Xuantian Realm. He has seen the true face of the war critical ancestor Yue Tianshan, and immediately recognized it. The horror in his heart burst instantly.

He didn't dare to stay, and immediately turned around and returned to the station. He came to a secret room without stopping, and urged a small mysterious magic circle to spread the news.

This scene has occurred in the resident of many forces.

Soon, the worlds shook!

An ancestor of the peak of the mysterious fairyland was beheaded!

A strong man is inexplicably horrified by this, and when he mentions the name of Yu Guihai in the Tainan Realm, he can't help but feel awe in his heart.

Just because of its tyrannical strength!

The powerhouse at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm is the top figure in the fairyland at this time, and it has been many thousands of years that such a powerhouse has not fallen.

The reason why the Ten Great Realms bully all the realms is because they all have the top powerhouses at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

This time, Yu Guihai was not only as simple as beheading an ancestor of the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, but also directly destroyed one of the Ten Great Realms. The Tainan Realm has directly become one of the new ten realms.

In this regard, Yu Guihai did not pay much attention to this, but directly controlled all the Xuanxians who were in the critical state with the Book of Life and Death, and then asked them to take them back to accept the critical immortal world and the subordinate immortals under their control. .

Yu Guihai himself returned to the cave, and looked carefully at a bright golden light in his hand.

This streak of golden light suddenly became bigger and smaller, rushing from left to right, constantly scurrying back and forth in his palm, radiating incomparably sharp edges, trying to escape from the confinement. But Yu Guihai's palm had a layer of colorful giant net that blocked him tightly, preventing him from protruding.

This golden aura is very familiar to Yu Guihai. It is a treasure of the heavenly treasure level, but it is even more powerful than his Myriad Dao Fengling Net.

According to Yue Jinshan and others, this thing is the enlightenment thing that Yue Tianshan has just refined, using countless precious materials, but it has the potential to become a supreme immortal treasure. In the future, if Yue Tianshan can become the supreme, this thing will automatically become the supreme immortal treasure.

It's a pity that Yue Tianshan was so stupid that he provokes Yu Guihai, so that he died, and this treasure that was hard-finished also came into the hands of Yu Guihai.

In fact, although this treasure is powerful, it is the most suitable for the original owner. Whether it is the way of cultivation, or the breath of his own immortal essence, etc., it is the most suitable for the original owner.

If it is replaced by another owner, then this thing will be different, and it can only become a sharp treasure, but it will never become a supreme fairy treasure.

However, Yu Guihai didn't care about it.

The reason why other people can't fit this treasure is because their cultivation paths are different. Even if they practice the same Dao, there will definitely be some differences.

But Yu Guihai was different. The old ancestors of Zhanjingjie practiced the way of gold, softening the way of killing, attacking unparalleled and extremely sharp.

Unfortunately, Yu Guihai's own avenues include these. Although it is not as good as it is, he has obtained the complete inheritance of Zhan Jiehui. As long as it is integrated into the Primordial Dao Art, he can easily possess all the avenues cultivated by Zhan Jie's ancestors.

As for the user's breath problem, ordinary people can't solve it. But as a master of refining, he has the help of system talent, and he can easily fit.

In other words, this golden sword treasure also has the possibility of becoming a supreme fairy treasure in the hands of Yu Guihai.

However, now Yu Guihai has not completely integrated the martial arts of the war into the Hunyuan Dao Jue, so he has not been able to completely refine it.

Yu Guihai clenched his fingers tightly, and the incomparably powerful restraint instantly imprisoned the golden light, forming a golden ball of light, and closed it.

He called out the invisible interface, and saw the Battle of the Immortals tactic appearing on it!

This is the inheritance of the war critical, and its level goes directly to the peak of the Xuanxian realm. The upgrade points required for enlightenment are 1,849 points.

It is far inferior to the Supreme Cultivation Technique, but it is also a rare and powerful profound technique.

Next, the situation in this area has undergone great changes.

Zhan Jiejie and its affiliated Little Immortal Realm have all turned to the Tainan Realm, and the powerhouses of Xuanxian Realm are all controlled by Yu Guihai using the Book of Life and Death and accepted as disciples.

He did not accept disciples in name, but he was really proficient in the practice of all walks of life. It is possible to improve the exercises for these strong people on the spot, so that they can go further. These disciples were also extremely happy and even more convinced from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, due to the serious sins of the war, it will take so many years to make great achievements before they can teach more powerful methods.

After Yu Guihai's forces annexed the battle boundary, they suddenly increased sharply and became the most powerful force in this area. It is recognized by many small forces as the head of the Ten Great Realms.

In this regard, even if the other nine worlds disagreed, no one came out to refute.

After all, Yue Tianshan's body is still hanging at the cross-border gate of Tainan Realm. At this time, it has become a scenic spot, and countless powerhouses come here to pay their respects to the bodies of top powerhouses.


Time passed slowly, and it was five years in a flash.

In the past five years, the worlds have been very calm, and the major forces have coexisted peacefully without any major disputes.

The Tainan Realm, which was in full swing, did not continue to expand its power, but it made all realms relieved.

On this day, in Lushengjie, the gate of cross-border, a huge caravan teleported out, and a humble young man quietly looked into the distance on one of the battleships.

"I'm back again!"

The young man let out a sigh in a flash, then disappeared. And the people around didn't even notice.

On a high mountain in Lushengjie, two figures stood quietly. One of them was an old man in black robes, and the other was a handsome young man.

The young man looked into the distance, and the black-robed old man stood behind him respectfully like an old servant.

If anyone who knows it sees it, they will be shocked. This black-robed old man is impressively Lu Jingtian, the suzerain of the Immortal Sect of Refining Yin in Lushengjie!

Lu Jingtian is the number two person in Lu Shengjie and the first person under Lu Rongfang's ancestor. Who can make it like a servant!

Of course it is Yu Guihai!

"Take me to see Ancestor Rongfang!"

Yu Guihai said lightly.

"Master, isn't this a bit early? The ancestor is definitely not the same as Yue Tianshan!" Lu Jingtian said hesitantly.

"No! You can do it now!"

Yu Guihai was not ready to wait any longer.

He understands Lu Jingtian's scruples, but Lu Rongfang is not a simple person, he is more complicated.

Now that he has first integrated the Zhan Lin Fa Tian Jue into the Primordial Dao Jue, and has completely refined the golden sword treasure, his strength has soared, and he is no longer afraid of Lu Rongfang.

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