Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1458: Book of Fate (more than 4000 words)

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Originally, Yu Guihai didn't care too much about the copper plate that contained the Cube of Destiny.

I just thought that its material was special, and it was refined using a material containing the Dao of Destiny. Didn't expect such a change.

"It seems that this thing still has a lot of secrets."

Yu Guihai's eyes flashed with anticipation.

His current cultivation base is already a genuine Supreme Realm, and it is far beyond the ordinary powerhouse in the early stage of the Supreme Realm. According to his current vision, even the Supreme Immortal Treasure cannot hide its brilliance in front of him.

But the copper plate was hidden from his eyes, and it was not discovered by him until it suddenly started. From this, it can be seen that this thing definitely hides a big secret.

Yu Guihai came here to explore secrets and treasures, and the bigger the secrets hidden here, the better.

On the copper plate, there is a huge light spot not far away, and what the light spot represents should be the final answer to this secret.

Yu Guihai glanced ahead, and at the end of the mountain path, there were several stone halls, which were also the tops of the low mountains.

To get there, you need to pass through this mountain road, and this mountain road is not safe, but a very powerful restriction is hidden.

Before, the kind of illusion that made Lan Ke have to quit was one of them.

This kind of illusion is of no use to Yu Guihai, but there are more powerful restrictions behind it, and Yu Guihai has to be a little cautious.

He slowly stepped forward and walked along the mountain road to the stone hall on the top of the mountain. After walking a few steps, nothing was found. After those illusions appeared once, they did not appear again.

However, when he took another step, he suddenly felt a heavy weight on his body. A terrifying pressure descended.

This pressure is extremely heavy, comparable to the total weight of one world. Even the supreme powerhouse is unbearable.

Unfortunately, this is what Yu Guihai is not afraid of the most.

His physical body is extremely powerful, and his immortal essence is as vast as the sea. What kind of strength and endurance will have no pressure on him.

Yu Guihai's footsteps did not stop at all, and continued to move forward. Every step had to withstand this heavy pressure, but it was not affected in the slightest.

He quickly walked half the way, and the pressure suddenly disappeared.


With a bang, he actually found himself in a world of lightning and thunder.

Looking around, the low mountain and the ruins were gone, but a desolate land and a dim sky. Dark clouds piled up, electric snakes fluttered, a doomsday scene.

This world can't see the edge, and he can't tell the direction. He seems to be in the center of the world. He probes in all directions, but he can't detect the boundary.

Yu Guihai knew there was a problem here because he came from the mountain road.

In the current situation, either he has encountered an extremely powerful illusion, so powerful that he can't even see it. Or it was banned and pulled into a special space.

Yu Guihai made great contributions to his eyes, and a special brilliance suddenly flashed in his eyes, and each brilliance represented a special vision. But under several fields of vision, no abnormality was found.

When his eyes radiated a faint radiance of fate, he saw the world around him changed. The originally desolate world has turned into twisted and disordered trajectories. These trajectories are as slender as hair strands, tangled together indiscriminately, forming a mess the size of a galaxy.

Yu Guihai realized in his heart that this was the trajectory of fate. This world is a special world evolved by the power of destiny.

These disorderly and entangled fate trajectories form a chaotic special maze. Among these countless fate trajectories, only one is correct. Only by finding this trajectory can we leave this maze. Otherwise, you will be stuck here forever.

And to find the correct one from these countless twisted and entangled fate trajectories, ordinary powerhouses have no way to start, nor can they do it.

Only by cultivating the Dao of Destiny to a very advanced level can we see the existence of these destiny trajectories and have the basis for finding the correct trajectory.

But it’s not enough just to see the fate trajectory, because these hair-like fate trajectory form a galaxy-sized mess, the number of which can be imagined.

It is impossible to find the correct one just by looking at the trajectory of fate.

Therefore, it is necessary to have the correct means to find the correct trajectory.

However, such means do not exist.

Yu Guihai believes that even the person who set up this fate trajectory labyrinth himself cannot have any definite means to find the correct fate trajectory.

Because fate is unpredictable, uncertain, and disorderly. There is no means by which fate can be fixed. Therefore, there is no certain way to find the correct one among these countless fate trajectories.

However, this is not without solution.

It is also very simple to say, if you want to go out from here, you have to look at the arrangement of fate.

This is not metaphysics, but the root of the Dao of Destiny.

Yu Guihai closed his eyes and flew straight ahead. He closed his five senses and gave up all means of detection, leaving him in a completely closed state.

It can be said that even if someone came to cut him, he would not feel it.

Since everything is left to fate to solve, there can be no subjective opinions, otherwise there can be no guarantee that fate will not drift.

Yu Guihai didn't know whether he was standing still or moving forward, let alone where he was. You can't even feel the passage of time.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly opened his eyes and found that he had returned to the mountain road, and walked through the second half of the mountain road to the exit at the end of the mountain road.

"Sure enough!"

Yu Guihai smiled slightly. This level is difficult to say, and it is not easy to say.

For someone like him who has a deep understanding of the Dao of Destiny, this level is extremely simple, and he can pass it with his eyes closed.

But for those who don't understand the avenue of destiny, this level is a mortal level. Unless its strength can forcibly break the arrangement of fate.

This level is actually the same initial fate for every visitor when they first enter this level, that is, they must pass this level.

However, this initial destiny is easily disturbed by external factors, which leads to a change in destiny. Once the destiny of inevitable customs clearance is changed, it will inevitably fail to clear the customs.

Therefore, in order to pass this level, the trick is to close oneself, eliminate all subjective factors, and completely obey the arrangement of the original destiny. Only in this way, the initial destiny will not be disturbed, and the destiny trajectory that is not disturbed is the inevitable customs clearance.

Yu Guihai used this trick to pass this level easily.

In fact, the prohibition settings on the entire mountain road are very simple. First, there is the entrance test of illusion, and the passer will encounter the test of pressure. These two levels test the strength and mastery of the Dao of Destiny.

The third pass is tricky. But it is also the most dangerous. Yu Guihai believes that the vast majority of strong people cannot pass the test.


Yu Guihai looked forward. In front of him was a flat mountain top with several small stone halls built. These stone halls are very simple and have experienced vicissitudes and are full of mottled traces of the years.

Most of the stone halls have been damaged, the doors and windows have collapsed and are very dilapidated, and the restrictions inside have all disappeared.

Yu Gui swept the sea with divine thoughts, and found that there were no valuable items in these dilapidated stone halls. I don't know if it was taken first by someone.

Only the stone hall in the middle still retains the complete prohibition, the doors and windows are closed, and the light of prohibition is flashing, emitting a powerful threat faintly.

And the huge light spot above the copper plate is in this stone hall.

Yu Guihai looked at this stone hall carefully. There were special disordered lines on the outer wall of the stone hall, like the trajectory of fate.

He soon discovered that the ban on this stone hall was very tricky. It's not that it's unbreakable, but that there is a pull of fate in it. Once it is forcibly destroyed, it will inevitably damage the things in it.

Fortunately, this kind of restriction can't help him. Although he doesn't know the method of cracking, he has also learned the very profound avenue of destiny from the cube of destiny.

After a few tries, Yu Guihai found the law of this prohibition.

The way to crack this ban turned out to be to input enough Destiny Force to grab its control force abruptly.

This is very difficult for ordinary experts who practice the Dao of Destiny, and it takes a long time to meet their requirements.

However, to Yu Guihai, it was nothing at all. His strongest point is that his strength is ten thousand times stronger than that of the same rank.

As soon as he waved his hand, a terrifying force of destiny surged out, and it was instantly instilled into the prohibition of the stone hall.

Bright lines appeared in the entire stone hall. These lines are exactly the fate trajectories depicted above.

It didn't take long for the entire stone hall to become like a light bulb, emitting a bright brilliance.


With a muffled sound, the door of the stone hall slammed open, revealing the room inside.

Yu Guihai looked intently, and the inside of the stone hall was unobstructed, a stone table was placed in the center, and the surroundings were completely empty.

On the stone table is a gray book.

It was the book that was indicated by the light spot on the copper plate.

Yu Guihai checked carefully and found nothing unusual in the room, but he did not go in.

Instead, he stood outside the door, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and suddenly a force swept past, rolling out the book together with the stone table.


The stone hall collapsed immediately, and the terrifying force of fate erupted, twisting the location of the stone hall into chaos.

"There is indeed a trap."

Yu Guihai understood in his heart. He had anticipated this for a long time, or he would not have gone in to take a look.

Destiny is unknown, disordered, uncertain, but inevitable. All destiny must come to an end.

Yu Guihai put away the books and the stone table, turned and left the top of the mountain.

When he came to the mountainside square, Lan Ke immediately greeted him, "Master."

"Let's go, this place is about to collapse." Yu Guihai said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the surroundings began to vibrate violently, the outermost transparent mask began to collapse, and the terrifying power of time and space swept down.

When they came down the mountain, they found that the portal that had been sent had disappeared.

"It's broken, Master, what should we do?" Lan Ke asked with a look of astonishment.

"It's nothing. Isn't it just endless time and space. You can all find a way to get out, we don't have to be afraid now." Yu Guihai said lightly.

Soon, the tyrannical power of time and space poured down. Immediately drown the two of them.

However, Yu Guihai's body exuded a faint brilliance, protecting the two of them, and the power of time and space could not touch them at all.

"Let's take the Karoo."

Yu Guihai said and waved his hand, and Karu's huge figure emerged, but the two had already appeared in Karu's control room.

"Do you still remember your original transmission channel?" Yu Guihai asked.

In this endless time and space, if you want to go out, it is best to find the transmission channel, and then you can go out along the transmission channel.

"I don't remember. We can't tell the direction here, and we can't determine the time. Once we left the transmission channel, we couldn't find it again." Lan Ke shook his head and replied.

Yu Guihai had long expected this result, he just asked casually, not expecting Lan Ke to remember.

"Then just go."

Yu Guihai immediately urged Karu to fly in one direction.


"Book of Fate!"

Yu Guihai looked solemnly at the gray book on the stone table in front of him.

This book is made of a special material, and the cover is painted with messy lines and outlines four characters.

Although he didn't recognize the word, he was able to automatically know its meaning. Because this is the text formed by the trajectory of fate, as long as you know the avenue of fate, you can understand the meaning of this text.

Yu Guihai immediately opened the cover, and the pages inside also contained the contents recorded by fate. He just glanced at it, as if he saw the fate of all things in the world.

The terrifying information of the Avenue of Destiny poured into his like a stormy sea, which made his consciousness a little fuzzy.

After an unknown amount of time, Yu Guihai finally woke up. He looked at the Book of Fate in front of him, with a complicated look on his face.

This Book of Destiny is a treasure of destiny that is far more powerful than the Cube of Destiny. It is the condensed source of the Dao of Destiny, and contains all the supreme exercises of the Dao of Destiny.

At that time, the Dayan Supreme couldn't refer to the Book of Fate, so he could only settle for the next best thing, refining the Fate Cube for his own use, and then achieved the Supreme Realm.

Yu Guihai has now obtained the complete Supreme Realm Destiny Cultivation Technique, which can be said to have surpassed the original Dayan Supreme.

However, he found that this book of destiny is not complete, only the first half. And the second half is missing.

Only the first half contains the complete Supreme Realm Destiny Cultivation Technique, so what kind of secrets does the second half contain?

It is a pity that Dayan Supreme also does not know the whereabouts of the second half of the Book of Fate.

Yu Guihai can only temporarily let go of this matter.

He put away the Book of Fate, walked out of the room, and suddenly saw a strange scene.

In the turbulent flow of time and space outside, a group of big golden fish swims by.

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