Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 883: grand blueprint

Yu Guihai made four star charts in a row, copied all known star charts into them, and distributed them to four of his subordinates.

Of course, this is not free, but requires a few treasures to exchange. This piece of thing basically emptied the inventory of several people in half.

In addition, Yu Guihai upgraded the aircraft, refined other treasures, elixir, etc., and even all the information he detected in the undercurrent of the void, all clearly marked the price and told everyone. To exchange, you need to take out treasures to exchange.

The five bodies that Xu Ling and the others simply admire fell to the ground, and they even felt that their master was unpredictable and had a future with him. They searched for treasures harder and harder, just to strengthen themselves.

When Yu Guihai did this, he also saw the prospect of the undercurrent of the void.

In fact, he was still on the edge of the edge of the undercurrent when he went two thousand miles deep. There are so many precious treasures in such a place, so there must be more and more precious treasures if he continues to go deeper.

This undercurrent of the void is so huge, and the development prospects are infinite. It will definitely be a key treasure land for exploration and development in the future. I don’t know how many years it will last.

If he was alone, it would be impossible to explore much. And he can't waste all his time here. At most, he goes to search for treasure when he needs it.

So he wants to establish a system and let his people develop this place, he just needs to sit back and enjoy its achievements.

Now this exchange system is just a prototype. After returning to Yunmiao Mountain, many managers in the sect will be refined and refined to form a complete system, which is also to meet the upcoming Void Development. lay the foundation.

Since Yu Guihai already knows that there is no world in this star system that can support ascension, the strongest world is only a cultivation base that can only support the cultivator to break through to the first level of Dao Realm.

So he can only think of other ways, or get out of the star system, or other ways, to seek ascension. But this could not be done by him alone.

What he has done is to push his own strength to the strongest, and at the same time cultivate a super powerful force that unifies the entire star system as his backup auxiliary force to support his desire to complete his ascension.

This grand blueprint was named Void Development by him!

The development of the void is facing the entire star system, and the development of the void undercurrent is only part of it. The next step is to conquer the void and unify the entire star system.

Uh? Do not say do not say. Just do the things right now.

Yu Guihai took back his thoughts of flying farther and farther, and pushed the ghost shuttle into the gray fog.


A few months later, Yu Guihai led Voidling and others back to the Five Spirit Realm.

The first thing he did was to convene the responsible people from all over the sect and announced the first step of his own development plan for the void.

That is to let many powerhouses in the fusion stage gradually participate in the development of the void.

Although the strong in the fusion stage are very powerful, they are as weak as babies in the face of the void. Generally speaking, Void cultivation is the threshold for stepping into Void.

However, this is to say that independence steps into the void with the strength of the individual.

The strength is not enough for foreign objects to make up.

Yu Guihai thought that ordinary human beings in the previous life could develop space. The category of people in the previous life is said to be relatively strong in the fit stage, and any low-level warrior can't compare.

But they can also enter space, land on the moon, and work in space, relying on foreign objects.

This set can be completely carried over to this life.

What many monks in Yunmiao Mountain lack is the aircraft and various equipment that can protect themselves. As long as these are provided, low-level monks can also traverse the void.

However, it is not easy to do this.

The void in this life is much more dangerous. The aircraft that can protect the low-level cultivator needs to use spiritual materials such as Void Star Iron. Ordinary spiritual materials cannot block the dangers such as void rays at all.

If they were all refining aircraft with treasures such as Void Star Iron, it would be impossible, because it was not enough. Although Yu Guihai and others have collected a lot of Void Star Iron, but it can be used in a small area, it is impossible to form a Void Fleet army.

In addition, the spiritual material of Void Star Iron is very difficult for ordinary Void Realm cultivators to refine. It is basically impossible for monks with lower cultivation bases to use such materials for refining.

At present, only Yu Guihai and Void Spirit can refine the Void Aircraft, and they can refine them in a small area, but they can't refine all the aircraft.

Another thing is that even if they refine the flying machine, the cultivator with low cultivation level will fly very slowly in the void. Because they can't travel through the void. Yu Guihai didn't have so many Void Stones to give all aircraft the ability to travel through the void.

Therefore, at present, with the development of the void, the participation of low-level monks is very limited.

Yu Guihai thought of a solution, allowing low-level monks to participate in the development of the edge of the gray fog.

It started with getting that boulder.

The characteristics of this boulder are that it is extremely hard and immune to various void hazards such as gray fog, turbulence, and void rays.

After discovering the characteristics of giant stones, Yu Guihai had such an idea.

This boulder can be used to build a void base, and low-level monks can settle in it as a repairing place.

In addition, a part of the void aircraft can be made and given to these low-level monks to go to the edge of the undercurrent of the void to find treasures, or they can also complete other void tasks in the In this way, these low-level monks have a void when they go out. Aircraft support, if the consumption is too large, it can be returned to the Void Base for repair. In this way, it is similar to a human aircraft carrier, and it is not a dream to traverse the void.

He can even install powerful attack treasures on the flying machines of these low-level monks, and they can launch powerful attacks with simple operations. Nor is it a dream to form a swarm of warships like Star Wars in past life illusions.

Although low-level cultivators have low cultivation levels, they are better in numbers. One or two is not as good as the strong ones in the virtual realm, but what about 100 children and 8000 people?

Whether it is to search for treasures or other tasks that can be won by numbers, it is more efficient than the powerhouses in the virtual realm.

What's more, these low-level monks took over the low-level tasks, so the virtual realm powerhouses can free up their hands to do those more dangerous and advanced tasks.

In this way, a virtuous circle can be gradually formed. The low-level monks are trained, the high-level monks don't have to worry about trivial matters, and Yu Guihai, who is standing at the top, can be completely freed to do his own thing.

This boulder, Yu Guihai is going to cut into two pieces and refine them into two void bases, one is placed outside the door of the void in the Karin realm, and the other is placed outside the turbulent void.

A large teleportation formation is set up between the two, which can directly teleport the cultivator in the fusion stage to the outside of the Void Turbulence. In this way, the problem that low-level monks cannot travel through the void can be solved.

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