Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 902: change your mind

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"Friend Daoist's words are bad. If it is about strength, Daoist friend can naturally crush all beings. But when it comes to studying the world, one Daoist friend is not as good as three cobblers!" Yu Guihai said.

"Impossible." Wan Sen said unconvinced.

"Then ask fellow Daoists to make this piece of skin into a soft leather jacket of a golden dragon without using the slightest magical power." This thing was taken by him from the mortal world.

" does this old man know such things!" Wan Sen's ancestor said weakly after a stagnation in his tone.

"Look." Yu Guihai spread his hands, "so you should not underestimate mortals. Take this hard animal skin as an example, the tanner found the reason and developed a method of tanning, which can remove the hard animal skin. Soften, make it tough and soft, and make a leather jacket."

"How can this be compared with the enhancement of the world." Ancestor Wan Sen disagreed.

"How powerful do you think mortals can be?" Yu Guihai asked again.

"The strongest weapon available to mortals can at most hurt the peak Qi-refining cultivator, and it is completely helpless for the Zifu cultivator." Ancestor Wan Sen said without hesitation.

"You're wrong again. I have personally seen the weapons researched by mortals destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and they can kill the cultivators." Yu Guihai shook his head.

"Impossible!" Wan Sen shook his head in disbelief.

"Do you think I'll lie to you?" Yu Guihai said lightly.

"Uh? No. But how can a mortal hurt a cultivator?" Wan Sen wondered.

"Because those mortals have thoroughly studied the laws of the Dao's operation, they have created this powerful weapon." Yu Guihai said.

"How do mortals refine a material that can carry this powerful power?" Wan Sen asked after thinking for a while.

Yu Guihai pondered slightly, but Wan Sen asked for an idea.

An important difference between this world and the earth is that the materials are different. The materials here are graded, high-level materials emit high-level power, and low-level materials can only emit low-level power.

The mortals here are incapable of high-level materials.

"Tools! We provide him with tools, which can be controlled by people with lower levels of cultivation, and then can emit super-level power. This allows people with low levels of cultivation to refine high-level materials and create high-level items."

"One more thing, many theoretical things do not need to be practiced. Even if they really need to be proved by practice, they can be specially handed over to people with high cultivation."

"Void star iron, it is generally believed that only the virtual realm can be refined, but my subordinates are all handed over to the cultivators in the integration period to refine and produce Void aircraft in batches. It is I who specially designed the Tiangong furnace and Tiangong knife for them.

This Tiangong Furnace uses a special magic circle, which can be activated only during the integration period, and emits a powerful flame of virtual realm, which can melt the void star iron. The same is true of the Heavenly Sword, and the magic circle can be engraved on the virtual material during the integration period. "

"Moreover, with these two kinds of things, I will pass on the production methods of these two treasures, and the cultivators in the integration period under my command can make their own Tiangong Furnace Tiangong Dao, and I don't need to continue to bother to help them make them."

Yu Guihai talked eloquently.

Wan Sen was stunned when he heard it. He really didn't expect that there would be such a coquettish operation. He thought about it carefully, don't say it, this method is feasible!

"Fellow Daoist is really a god!" He couldn't help but exclaim.

Yu Guihai smiled lightly and continued: "And I gave the task of improving these two treasures to my subordinates. I believe that it will not be long before they can create a heavenly furnace that can be used by monks in the spiritual transformation stage. Knife."

"Also, I have improved a void aircraft, which can be activated by the cultivators in the fusion period, and use special materials to prevent the harm of the undercurrent of void rays, such as gray fog. I can directly send a large number of cultivators in the fusion period to the edge of the undercurrent of the void to search for the void. Star iron and other spiritual materials."

"It won't be long before I can form a Void fleet, hehe."

"Hey! When I saw fellow Daoist today, the old man knows that there are people outside the world." Wan Sen couldn't help admiring.

His Wood Spirit Clan dominated half of the star field, and he never formed a Void Flying Fleet. It is because of the difficulty of making Void craft. In addition, Void Star Iron is extremely rare.

But he never thought that Yu Guihai directly solved two major problems.

There are few monks in the virtual world, but there are many monks in the fusion stage. They all entered the undercurrent of the void to search for star iron. Even if a blind cat killed a mouse, the output of star iron would skyrocket several times.

Then, as Yu Guihai conquers the surrounding world, he can form more fleets and explore more materials.

A virtuous circle has formed since then. Unifying the entire star system is just around the corner.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist just didn't think about it. Therefore, to solve the problem of world enhancement, we still need full participation. I have already promoted changes in the world under my command." Yu Guihai laughed.

"What you said is very true. The old man really sat in the well and watched the sky before." Wan Sen said ashamed.

"In the future, fellow Daoists will need to compile the laws of the world that you know, and distribute them widely. You can also work together to find a feasible way theoretically." Yu Guihai said.

"This matter is simple. I'm bored when I'm idle. If I have something to do, it won't be so difficult." Wan Sen agreed happily.

"Then I will trouble fellow Daoists."

"Don't dare, don't dare, the old man would like to thank the Daoist friend for not killing him!"


After fooling Wan Sen to accept his theory, Yu Guihai communicated with him about other aspects.

I have to say that Wan Sen has lived for such a long time, and he really knows a lot, which greatly makes up for Yu Guihai's understanding of the world of immortality.

This also makes Yu Guihai very satisfied. The reason why he is willing to let go of his grievances and not kill Wan Sen is because of this. In his opinion, a little grudge is far less important than so much knowledge.

And in the future, an old monster like Wan Sen was mentioned by him, and he was destined to become his scientific research old monster. His life is much more useful than killing to vent his anger.

In the end, he scoured all the exercises of the Wood Spirit Clan.

It has to be said that it is a powerful race, and the wood spirit tribe's own exercises can reach the sixth level of the Taoist realm. It is stronger than Void Spirit's Void Devouring.

However, as long as you don't soar, the realm behind is actually useless.

Of course, Yu Guihai is only used to deduce the Hunyuan Dao tactics, but it is very useful.

In addition, the wood spirits have some other exercises, which are all plundered from other races, and three of them can reach the first level of the Taoist realm. There are also fifteen gates that go directly to the virtual transformation period. Twenty or thirty practice methods of virtual cave practice.

Yu Guihai learned everything and used it to deduce Hunyuan Dao tactic.

In addition to these things, Yu Guihai focused on checking Zu Shu's information. It is a pity that the wood spirit clan's cognition of the ancestral tree is like the cognition of mortals to the gods, and there is not much useful content.


Half a year later, Yu Guihai carried out the next round of promotion. With a piece of Dao fragment obtained from Wan Sen, he directly raised his cultivation base to the peak of the Void Transformation Stage.

At this time, he has refined ten pieces of the Dao, and he only needs to combine them into one to form a complete Dao, and the cultivation of immortality will truly reach the Dao realm, and will also evolve another Dao realm power.

However, Yu Guihai found that this step is not so simple, at this time the invisible interface could not help by adding points.

He can only break through by himself.

And there is no experience to learn Because everyone else is a fusion of nine pieces of avenues, it is easy to get through.

And he has ten avenue fragments.

He had tried it before, and when he refined nine pieces of the Great Dao on the sixth floor of the Void Transformation Stage, he couldn't combine them into one to form a complete Great Dao.

But now after refining ten pieces of the Great Dao, every time I try to merge, I feel a premonition of failure, and it seems that there is no chance.

In desperation, Yu Guihai had no choice but to let go of promotion. He concentrates on promoting the scientific research ethos in the world under his command.

The top-down push quickly paid off. Many monks and even mortals in the world under his command have fallen into the scientific research boom, and the old atmosphere has been swept away. Various forces have regarded the scientific research level as an assessment level as important as the cultivation base, and countless people have begun to invest in it.

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