Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 908: blue fish

"Haha, I have already told you all, but unfortunately you don't believe it." Yu Guihai chuckled lightly.

"This," the people of Huitian Dao Sect looked at each other, not knowing whether what this person said was true or not.

However, this person said before that he came to conquer this place. If it is true, he is an enemy rather than a friend.

The key is that this person is hard to resist.

"It seems that it is difficult for everyone to make a decision. It doesn't matter, I will help you."

Yu Guihai chuckled lightly, and a powerful aura suddenly erupted from his body. A multicolored divine light shot up into the sky behind him, and then swiped down towards the people of Huitian Dao Sect.


The multicolored divine light was extremely fast, and the people who returned to the Taoist Sect didn't have time to react and were brushed by the divine light. The five strongest people, plus a group of ordinary Taoist first-level powerhouses, all disappeared on the spot.

Yu Guihai fell to the ground, and with a wave of his hand, the people of the Huitian Dao Sect scattered on the ground, all unconscious.

He waved his hand lightly, and a gray fog flame swayed out, volleying into the sky and evolving into countless mysterious tricks, drilling into everyone's bodies.

Everyone trembled, and after a while, dense runes appeared on the skin.

Yu Guihai withdrew his hand, and the visions of everyone disappeared. These people have been completely controlled by him. Back to Heaven has entered his pocket.


In a quaint hall, Yu Guihai sat at the top, and below were all the Taoist experts of the Huitian Taoist Sect. These people were respectful and were constantly reporting the situation here.

The strongest people in Huitian Daozong are the headmaster Yuanzi and the four Taishang elders. They are not super strong like the ancestor Wansen, but the ancestor Wansen can't leave the wood spirit world, so the strength of the two sides is similar, who Can't do anything like that.

However, when it comes to the influence of the Void, the Wood Spirit Clan cannot beat it!

Relying on the two major resource belts around Huitian Realm, Huitian Daozong has created a large number of Void aircraft, as well as five Void Fortresses, which directly control dozens of surrounding worlds, and radiate the surrounding large voids.

These things are exactly what Yu Guihai values. In this way, he can easily grasp the surrounding world through the Heaven-returning Dao Sect, which can save him a lot of time.


Yu Guihai spent a few days to understand the basic situation of Huitianjie and Huitian Dao Sect, and then he had to go back and forth to Tian Dao Sect, learn all the exercises, and advance the deduction of Hunyuan Dao Jue.

Huitian Daozong's Zhenzong immortal method is Huitian Dao Jue, which is also an immortal method that can be cultivated to the sixth level of Taoism. There are two immortal methods under it that can be cultivated to the third level of Taoism, and the five doors can directly reach the Dao. The realm is heavy. There are also dozens of immortal methods in the virtual realm.

Its overall background is stronger than that of the Wood Spirit Clan, because it controls many worlds, and most of the immortal methods come from the forces of the subordinate worlds.

After learning the exercises, it was time to search for treasures. Yu Guihai picked out the treasure house of Huitian Dao Sect and took away the treasures that were useful to him.

Then he entered the origin space of the Heavenly Realm again.

The origin space of Huitian Realm is very different from that of Wood Spirit Realm. Its origin space is blue, and there is a blue streamer flowing in the pool of good fortune, and there is no such thing as the Origin Ancestral Tree.

However, the treasures here are not inferior to the original space of the Wood Spirit World, and the treasures here are all water attributes.

Huitianjie is a water-attribute world. The water area in the world occupies most of the area, mortals live on a small number of land, and monks occupy floating islands floating in the clouds.

When Yu Guihai saw this, he also had doubts. The Wood Spirit Realm is a world dominated by the ultimate wood attribute, while the Huitian Realm is a world dominated by the ultimate water attribute.

Could it be that the top worlds in the star system are all extremely single-attribute worlds?

He is not sure about this question yet, but soon, when he has conquered the entire star system, he will be sure of it.

After Yu Guihai searched, he took a lot of treasures. However, he did not dry up and fished. He only took half of all the treasures and implanted them in his inner world.

He finally came to the pool of good fortune, and saw that there were three pieces of avenues floating in the blue streamer.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, grabbed two of them, and put them into the space inside his body. Now his good fortune pool can also hold two large fragments. This thing can be used to reward subordinates even if you don't need it yourself, no matter how much is too little.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he stared at the pool of good fortune.

The blue streamer keeps flowing and never stops.

Suddenly, a slight incongruity flashed from the blue streamer, and the time was only a short moment.

"It's now!"

Yu Guihai suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it, then retracted it instantly, a slender blue fish was lying in the palm of his hand.

The whole body of this little fish is colorless and transparent, and there is a thin line in the vertebrae of the body that emits a faint blue fluorescence, which is mixed with the blue streamer, and it is really impossible to detect it easily.

And this little fish doesn't show any breath, it's no wonder that the people who returned to the Heavenly Dao Sect never mentioned this thing.

They have been controlled physically and mentally by Yu Guihai. Yu Guihai asked about the strange things in the Creation Pool, and they could never hide it.

The only explanation is that they never discovered the existence of this little fish.

This little fish didn't have any breath all over his body. He didn't struggle or resist when he was caught. He looked like a fool and a brainless person. Don't know what it does either.

However, Yu Guihai intuition that this little fish is not simple. Eight percent of this thing is a strange thing in the original space of returning to the heavens. It is the same level as the original ancestor tree. How could it be a simple thing.

Yu Guihai casually put it into his source space, trying to see if this little fish would adapt.

Unexpectedly, the little fish swam for a while in the colorful streamer, and quickly hid his figure in the blue light frequency.

Yu Guihai immediately felt relieved.

He then caught five more small fish in the back to heaven's fortune pool, all of which were thrown into his own fortune pool, and then he stopped. He also did not catch all these small fish, and left a few.

That night, Yu Guihai stayed in the origin space of the Heavenly Return Realm.

He closed his eyes and meditated, and a large amount of water aura was inhaled into his body, forming a faint blue mist in the space inside his body.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and there was a hint of ecstasy on his face.

His ten avenue fragments have a faint trend of fusion.

Yu Guihai hurriedly closed his eyes and tried to merge the fragments of the avenue.

Not long after, he opened his eyes in disappointment. The fusion did not go on, it stopped soon, and the nine avenue fragments were clearly separated again.

However, Yu Guihai quickly put his disappointment behind him and began to analyze the reasons carefully.

After a while, his face showed a hint of joy, and he speculated that the very key information of the Ronghe Avenue.

The emergence of the opportunity for fusion this time should be related to the little blue fish.

The little blue fish, the original ancestral tree, these strange things should be of great use to him.

The reason for the failure of fusion this time seems to be the lack of some key things. Nine times out of ten, it is the five elements of other attributes.

Considering that his ten avenue fragments are different, ten is the perfect number that surpasses the extreme, maybe there is such a special requirement.

"Five elements of strange objects, now there are two kinds of wood and water, and the rest is gold, fire and earth. I don't know if these things can be gathered in the rest of the world."

Yu Guihai has a vague worry in his If he can't find everything, so that he can't merge with the Dao, then it will be troublesome.

He immediately pulled out the star map he had just obtained from the Heaven-returning Dao Sect and checked it carefully.

The star map of Huitian Daozong is much larger than the star map of the Wood Spirit Clan, and there is another record of another great world that is not inferior to the Wood Spirit World of Huitian.

Yu Guihai looked at it carefully for a while, and his face became a little gloomy.

This top-level big world is a small underworld. According to the records of Huitian Dao Sect, this place was originally a big world with earth attributes, but it was suddenly invaded by ghosts and ghosts, and it was directly destroyed.

Later, under the erosion of ghosts and ghosts, it completely turned into a ghost world! It's called the underworld!

Today, the underworld and several worlds around it form a small ghost realm in the starry sky, and Huitian Dao Sect does not dare to invade it easily.

What Yu Guihai was worried about was that the Netherworld was eroded by the Netherworld, and the earth-attribute wonders in it were likely to disappear. This would not be good news for him.

"The next target is this underworld."

He made a decision after a little thought.

The Huitian Dao Sect marked this realm as a forbidden area, because for them, these powerful ghosts and ghosts are very difficult to deal with.

But to him, these ghosts are the best things to bully.

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