Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 910: transposition

"Haha, unfortunately, you have been enslaved by humans, come on, let me remove the ban for you."

Suddenly, the strange voice said.

Then, on the gate of the void, the two head reliefs suddenly opened their mouths and let out a shrill howl.

A strange shock wave rushed out and charged towards the empty void not far away.

At the same time, a green smoke spewed out of each of the two large mouths, and when the air turned into a whirlwind, it quickly rolled towards Mu Yu. She didn't react at all, and was swept up in the whirlwind.

Then, the whirlwind dissipated, and Mu Yu had disappeared in place.

The shock wave hit in place, and a pitch-black long shuttle emerged out of thin air.

Yu Guihai stood in it, looking at the gate of the void, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "It seems that the ghosts in it are really interesting."

Obviously, the ghosts in them had already discovered their existence, and Mu Yu went there just to fall for this ghost's plan, and he took the opportunity to kidnap him.

"Big brother, Mu Yu won't be a problem, right?" Lu Linsheng asked.

"No, and bringing her in by a ghost is equivalent to actively opening the door to the void."

Yu Guihai smiled mysteriously, and typed a tactic at random. A thick black mist immediately appeared on his body, drowning his body in an instant. In the black mist, countless mysterious runes could be seen floating up and down endlessly.


Mu Yu felt that the world was spinning for a while, and found that she came to a gloomy and dark dilapidated hall. At the foot was a magic circle depicting a ferocious skeleton. The hall collapsed, and the doors and windows became several holes.

"Hehe, you're here, now I'll unblock you." The strange figure sounded again.

Mu Yu looked around, there was no one there, and there was no figure of the person speaking.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a powerful ghost qi suddenly pressing down. The ghost qi was so huge that she had never seen it before, and it even made her unable to move at all.

A look of terror flashed in Mu Yu's eyes, a sense of danger that suffocated her in this ghostly aura, not to help her lift the ban, but to devour her!

Suddenly, a thick black mist rose from Mu Yu's body, drowning her in an instant.

"Huh?" The strange voice suddenly let out an exclamation, and he suddenly found that all his powerful ghostly energy was pushed back by this black fog.

Not long after, the black fog quickly dissipated, revealing the figure of a young human being inside.

This man looks extremely handsome, wearing a light blue Taoist robe, looking up at the sky with a smile.

"Who are you? Where is my clan?" The strange voice asked in surprise.

"Do you want to know? If you want to know, come out and see!" Yu Guihai said with a chuckle.

He is using a powerful spell, shifting.

This spell was deduced from an ability of the original ancestor tree of the Wood Spirit Tribe, and combined with what he had learned, he created this spell.

It allows him to change positions with the aliens he controls. At present, he can only do the transformation with the ghosts.

At this time, it just came in handy, he took the opportunity to enter the underworld, and Mu Yu returned to the ghost shuttle.

"Hahaha, since you want to meet, let's meet." The strange voice laughed wildly.

There was a terrifying ghost energy fluctuation outside the main hall, Sen Han's incomparable breath broke out, the surrounding temperature dropped countless times in an instant, there was a freezing sound in the air, and the surrounding hall instantly turned into an ice sculpture. Then it was directly frozen into powder and sprinkled all over the ground.

A huge dark green bone hand suddenly grabbed Yu Guihai fiercely from the depths of the ground.

The bone hand was full of fine barbs, and the barbs flashed with a faint dark green fluorescence. The powerful corpse poison contained on them made Yu Guihai feel a sense of danger.

Obviously, this corpse poison is a powerful Taoist power. Has the terrifying power to hurt him.



The ground beneath his feet collapsed directly, smoke and dust flew, and a bottomless terrifying crater emerged.

And Yu Guihai soared into the sky, and his whole body rushed towards the sky like a rocket.

The giant bone hand was hit by a powerful anti-shock force, and it was instantly covered with cracks like a spider web. With its slight movement, the whole shattered and turned into countless fragments towards the giant pit. Sprinkled, and soon fell into the deep darkness and disappeared.

Yu Guihai stood in mid-air, staring blankly at the deep pit below.

His eyes couldn't penetrate the dark abyss, but he could sense the terrifying evil force beneath the abyss.

This side of the world has completely fallen into death. It is not the fall of the living, and even the ghosts of the ghosts do not exist. This is the real place of death.

And the root of everything is the evil existence below.

It possesses an incomparably powerful devouring power, devouring all life in this world.

The evil power below is constantly increasing, Yu Guihai just watched it quietly and did not interrupt.

He has already seen that these evil forces come from the source space of the underworld, which is also the real place for this evil existence.

Yu Guihai wanted to let it come out on its own, and then kill it completely in one fell swoop. Otherwise, if this ghost cannot come out of the original space, even Yu Guihai will not be able to invade it.


Soon, the evil power beneath the abyss condensed to the extreme.


With a sound of explosion, the huge plateau with a radius of thousands of miles collapsed instantly, and countless smoke and dust mixed with the pale green mist rose up, and soon filled the space between heaven and earth.


A slight sound of wind came from Yu Guihai suddenly punched without warning.


His fist just met a terrifying bone hand, and a terrifying shock wave swept out, directly blowing away all the surrounding smoke, dust and mist.

Yu Guihai was safe and sound, while a rickety figure like a reptile below was falling rapidly. One of its arms had been shattered, and there was still a terrifying power going up along the arm, gradually eroding and destroying its body bones.

This is a ghoul, with a dark green poisonous water flowing all over its body, forming countless strange and evil patterns, covering its surface.

The ghoul looked at the human above angrily, and sent out all kinds of vicious curses in his heart. Since the infinite years, when has it received such humiliation.

It has to pay the price for this person, it can't beat this human being. But it must not make this human better.

This person must have coveted the world when he came to this world. As long as it goes away, he will immediately return to the original space and detonate the power in it. At that time, this person will not only get this world, but also be buried with this world. .

Thinking of this, the ghoul's face showed madness.

Suddenly, its expression froze, the human above disappeared, and it suddenly shattered like a bubble.

Then, terrifying fluctuations came from below the body.

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