Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 946: problem

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After the fusion of the Purple Spirit Demon Realm was completed, the world was recast, and the new world was much larger than before.

Ziling sent information from Amethyst Space, saying that the consumption is too high, and it takes a period of time to cultivate before the next fusion can begin. There was an indescribable joy in his tone.

Yu Guihai asked about the formation of the gods, but unexpectedly Ziling didn't even know about it. And to be more careful, this world fusion divine formation was learned by Zi Ling from the origin of the Ziling Demon Realm, not his own creation.

Yu Guihai didn't say much afterwards. Anyway, he had already deduced the divine formation, and its origin was not so important.

Later, he also came to the Amethyst Space, constantly observing the changes in the world after the fusion of the Purple Spirit Demon Realm, and exploring its mysteries.

After a long time, Yu Guihai sighed.

He found that when the worlds merged, it was inevitable that the world would repeat itself.

Because the fusion of the world is not simply pieced together, but the fusion of the origin of the world, the merger of the Dao.

The first thing to do is to manifest the origin of the world and complete the fusion, and then the two worlds can truly complete the fusion.

In this process, the evolutionary chaos of the two worlds that merge with each other will inevitably result. This is inevitable.

If this is not the case, the two worlds will not merge, but collide, which can only lead to the destruction of the world.

In this way, there is no way.

Yu Guihai thought for a while and found that he could only move out all the people from the Five Spirit Realms, and then start to integrate the world, but it was very difficult.

The tens of billions of people in the entire Five Spirit World, all migrated to other worlds, it would be too difficult.

Not to mention the massive resources consumed by cross-border transmission, nor where to find a place to resettle these tens of billions of people.

How long will it take to gather these people and move them away? Can it be transmitted in hundreds of years?

During the migration, I am afraid that countless people will die.

All kinds of problems summed up, the migration of the population is simply not practical.


Yu Guihai has been comprehending for a long time, but he is unable to solve this problem.

In desperation, he left the Ziling Demon Realm. It will take some time for Ziling to recover. He just took this opportunity to relax and take a look at the situation on the front line.

Yu Guihai came to the Dari and unexpectedly met someone, but it was Ning Mei'er.

She has stabilized her cultivation base and has also come to the front line.


As soon as she saw Yu Guihai, Ning Mei'er greeted her.

"Madam? How did you come here?" Yu Guihai asked curiously.

"I sensed the increase in the power of the Kuroshio, so I came to check." Ning Mei'er replied.

"The power of the Kuroshio?"

"Yes, the power of the Kuroshio is increasing. Now even in the outermost part of the gray fog, the power of the Kuroshio contained is equivalent to the concentration of the original six thousand miles. I perceive the depths of the undercurrent of the void, with an indescribable terrifying darkness. The tide is brewing." Ning Mei'er said solemnly.

"Are these Kusu monsters related to the Kuroshio?" Yu Guihai asked with a frown.

"It has a lot to do with it! These monsters came with the Kuroshio." Ning Mei'er replied.

"But in ancient times, these monsters were the mortal enemies of the Kuroshio family!" Yu Guihai wondered.

"I don't know about that, but I feel that these monsters are incompatible with the power of the Kuroshio, not the same thing." Ning Mei'er said.

"The power of these monsters comes from the gray liquid. They are alien forces outside the void, and they are born to be the opposite of the world of monsters, ghosts, and humans." Yu Guihai described what he found from the gray liquid monsters.

"Grey liquid? The Holy Bead has no information on this," Ning Mei'er said.

"Well, let's not talk about this issue, I think you should go back temporarily, your strength is too low." Yu Guihai nodded and persuaded politely.

"No, I didn't come here on a whim, but felt some kind of call. It was the Holy Bead who guided me to come here and receive my chance." Ning Mei'er said sternly.

"Uh?! That's fine. Would you like me to accompany you to the gray fog?" Yu Guihai was stunned and asked.

"No, I can absorb enough Kuroshio power in this fortress." Ning Mei'er replied.

"Alright, it's still safe here." Yu Guihai nodded in agreement.


Afterwards, Yu Guihai met Xu Ling and others, and gained an understanding of the current situation.

The effect of his killing countless Kusu monsters last time is still there, and now Kusu's offensive has been greatly reduced, and it is difficult to recover in a short time.

The Yunmiao Sect took the opportunity to develop vigorously, adding three fortresses and several battleship formations.

Seeing that the line of defense is worry-free, Yu Guihai returned to the Five Spirit Realm. He wanted to investigate on the spot how to arrange the World Fusion Divine Array in the Five Spirit Realm.

Yu Guihai went home first, met his family and friends, and then called his two sons to him.

"Father!" said the two sons.

Yu Guihai looked at his two sons with satisfaction. The second son, Yu Zui, is now very calm, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the Spirit Transformation Stage all the way. Has caught up with the talented third son Yu Yingjun.

This speed is very fast!

"Zui'er, I remember you just entered the Spirit Transformation stage last time. Why are you peaking now? How fast?" Yu Guihai asked curiously.

He knows that his son has a very perverted talent, but even so, it shouldn't be so fast.

"Father Qi, the main reason is that Feng'er agreed with me to take a concubine." Yu Zui blushed and said.

"..." Yu Guihai was silent, remembering his son's talent.

Fertility is super strong, and the remaining offspring are all highly qualified to cultivate immortals; each biological child will also feedback a part of her cultivation base to improve.

If you let go of concubines, this kid will find hundreds of thousands, give birth to tens of thousands of children, and all go to practice.

Um! The pinnacle of divine transformation is nothing!

In the future, he will continue to marry, marry tens of thousands of wives, and have hundreds of thousands of children, all of whom will cultivate.

Sooner or later, this son's cultivation will surpass that of his father!

"Yes, work hard. Remember, don't neglect Feng'er, or I will kill you!" Yu Guihai said solemnly.

"Remember, son!" Yuzui promised, sweating profusely.

"Okay, I called you here this time mainly to ask, how has your mother changed recently?" Yu Guihai waved his hand and asked with a frown.

"Why does my father ask that?" Yu Zui asked in surprise.

"I have my own reasons, so don't worry about it." Yu Guihai said.

When he met this time, he found that something was wrong with Ning Meier. She used to be gentle and virtuous, but seeing him now made him feel a little strange.

But after investigation, no problem was found. Her body and soul are independent and pure, and have not been polluted by different forces.

So he came to ask his sons to see if they found anything.

"Really!" Yu Zui thought for a while and said.

"Tell me now." Yu Guihai's eyes lit up and he hurriedly urged.

"Mother doesn't show me the baby anymore! She used to watch it herself, but now I have to find a wet nurse myself. Now, with my 1,897 children, how many wet nurses do I have to find. And it is difficult for a wet nurse to make people feel at ease. , I have to devote my energy to staring at it often, which affects my cultivation."

"Besides, grandchildren, shouldn't they all be seen by grandma!" Yu Zui complained.

"..." Yu Guihai's forehead was black!

Should grandma look at her grandson or not, there are nearly 2,000 grandchildren, which grandma can see!

Get out of here! Stop hurting my wife!

Yu Guihai raised his hand and slapped Yu Zui out.

Then he looked at the third son, "Hangjun, have you noticed?"

"Yes! My mother has been a little weird recently. I came to steal it. Uh, when I visited my mother, I found that she was often holding a strange ball and muttering to herself! The expression was also a little frantic and very scary." Yu Yingjun said after thinking for a while.


Yu Guihai took a look and saw that this is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I said that the spiritual fruit I planted has never been seen before, and it was eaten by this kid.

However, the words of the third son caught his attention.

"The ball? Wouldn't it be the sacred object of the Kuroshio family!" He thought silently in his heart.


Yu Guihai wrote down the matter, Ning Meier didn't change much now, maybe her temperament has changed a little because of her strength. For the time being he does not intend to explore this time.

After walking around at home, Yu Guihai went directly to Wuling Lake, where he wanted to investigate the situation in the Five Spirit Realms.

Coming to the source space of the Five Spirit Realms, Yu Guihai found that the space still remained in a mess, and the small pool that appeared in the center of the space did not change much, but the water and light in it increased a little.

Yu Guihai turned around, then chose a place to sit down, ready to understand the origin of the world of the Five Spirit World.

He is now a strong man far beyond this world, and the world's various means of self-defense cannot stop him, and he can easily do it if he sees it.

However, from the very beginning, he noticed something was wrong.

The world will of the Five Spirit Realms not only did not reject him, but also revealed a kindness. Like a family member welcoming a loved one back from afar, the secrets of the whole world are open to him!

Yu Guihai had no time to think about it, and began to carefully explore the biggest secrets of the Five Spirit World.

His consciousness quickly merged into the heaven and the earth, and came to a chaotic space. There seems to be no distinction between space and time, and ten bright beams hang in the void.

In his heart, he instantly realized that these ten beams were the avenues of the Five Spirit Realms.

In addition, there are three black dots hidden behind the beam, which are very inconspicuous.

"This is the Nether Avenue Fragment!"

Yu Guihai was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly investigated, but found that although this object was more than 90% similar to the Netherworld Avenue Fragment, it had a special aura of its own.

And this special breath is the breath of the Five Spirit World!

He immediately understood the origin of this thing, which represented the dark side of the Five Spirit World. According to legend, the yin side, which can compete with the yang side, has only three fragments left.

However, this is also a good thing for Yu Guihai. In any case, the foundation of the avenues of the yin side is still there, and this is the foundation for the fusion of the yin attribute world in the future.

Otherwise, it's really hard to blend the dark side.

Yu Guihai eagerly explored the secrets of the world, communicated in-depth with the will of the world, saw the past history of Wulingjie, and knew the glory of Wulingjie.

At this time, he realized that when the Five Spirit Realms possessed both sides of Yin and Yang, there were more than 30 Great Ways at the same time, which was still not the peak of the Five Spirit Realms.

The pinnacle of the Five Spirit Realms is the Great World of Refining Yin in the ancient times!

Today's Five Spirit Realm is one of the core fragments of the once refining Yin Great World.

The other two core fragments are Lushengjie, which has been destroyed, and Xinshengjie, which has been repaired by him.

At this time, Yu Guihai also understood why in the entire stellar system, only Wulingjie, Lushengjie, and Xinshengjie are the worlds that have both the five elements.

Because they used to be the core of the Refining Yin Heaven Domain, and they were transformed from the source space of the fallen Refining Yin Great World.

As for other worlds, most of them were transformed from ordinary fragments of the Great Yin Refining World, and a small part was transformed from other worlds outside the Great World.

A few months later, Yu Guihai opened his eyes, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

He has seen the secrets of the Five Spirit Realms. If he wants to set up a world fusion formation, he can easily do it.

And he discovered a secret of his own.

Because he refined the original fortune pool of the Five Spirit World, he had a profound entanglement with the Five Spirit World.

This is also the reason why he is completely accepted by the world will of the Five Spirit Realms.

Today, to the Five Spirit Realm, he can be said to be equivalent to the Purple Spirit to the Purple Spirit Demon Realm.

This is the child of the world, who is one with the world's luck.

However, since Yu Guihai is a powerful individual, his connection with the world is not like Ziling's with the Ziling Demon Realm.

He has his own independence. The status of the five spiritual worlds is in a lower position in the relationship between the two.

If the world of the five spiritual worlds continues to grow, then Yu Guihai can reap huge benefits. On the other hand, if the Five Spirit Realms were destroyed, Yu Guihai would not be implicated much.

These five spirit worlds are almost his slaves.

It was from here that Yu Guihai discovered the solution to the replay of chaos when the world merged!

Since Wulingjie, Xinshengjie and Lushengjie are all transformed from the source space of the great world of refining yin, the three are originally one and integrated with each other. There is no need for Wulingjie to reproduce chaos at all, only Xinshengjie needs to reproduce chaos. .

After the Xinsheng Realm was integrated, it expanded along the end of the world of the Five Spirit Realms.

So it only needs to migrate all the population of Xinshengjie into the Five Spirit Realm. There are only hundreds of millions of people in Xinshengjie, and the difficulty of migration is much lower than that of Wulingjie.

Thinking of Yu Guihai is very excited, wishing that he could integrate into the new prosperous world right away. Then it was a little regretful, regrettable that the Lusheng Realm was destroyed, otherwise the Wuling Realm could merge the two worlds.

However, Yu Guihai couldn't set up the divine formation right now.

Because the arrangement of the divine formation requires a lot of precious materials, the origin space of the Five Spirit World does not want to have a large amount of precious amethyst like the Purple Spirit Space, which can be used as the basis for the formation!

He needs to prepare these materials.

Fortunately, metals such as Void Star Iron can be used. Several resource belts are dedicated to producing such precious treasures, which are enough for him to use.

However, this will inevitably affect the construction of Void ships and strongholds.

"It seems that the speed of mining minerals needs to be increased." Yu Guihai thought.

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