Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 965: speculate

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Next, Yu Guihai began to collect legends about ascension in depth, and finally got two theories.

The first and most common argument is that once the calamity of ascension is passed, the upper realm will descend the channel to guide the cultivator over. It is very difficult to return later.

And which upper realm to ascend to depends on the main cultivation method that the cultivator cultivates. If he cultivates the authentic human immortal method, then he will undoubtedly ascend to the spiritual world.

If you cultivate magic arts, you will ascend to the devil world. If a human becomes a demon, he will ascend to the demon world; if it is a ghost method, he will ascend to the netherworld.

The second argument is that after the cultivator has survived the ascension, he can choose to stay in the human world, but the lower world must be a super big world that can accommodate the ascension cultivator.

As for what kind of big world can accommodate Ascension monks, there is no exact information.

Yu Guihai personally prefers the first statement.

Because this statement is really spread too widely, it is well-founded, most of the worlds under his command are circulating this statement, and there are definite records in ancient sects such as Huitian Daozong and Wood Spirit Clan. .

This statement is based on facts.

The second statement is mainly from some scattered records, there is no exact case, and even many ancient books that record this are skeptical.

But Yu Guihai did not deny this statement.

He believes that the world is full of wonders. This second statement seems to have an unreliable source, but it may also occur under certain special conditions.

For example, in the big world beyond one hundred avenues!

According to the information collected by Yu Guihai, the reason why the ascended people cannot stay in the lower realm.

First, it is because its essence has sublimated, and its strength exceeds the limit of the lower realm. If it persists for a long time, it will cause the lower realm to collapse.

The second is the forced introduction of the upper bound. After the calamity is over, there will be a channel to guide the ascendant to the upper realm.

If Yu Guihai wanted to survive the ascension, he would need to solve these two problems.

The first problem is easy to solve. It only needs to increase the bearing limit of the lower realm to solve it, and it can directly integrate more worlds.

The second question is not easy to solve, but it also depends on the strength. As long as I can resist the power of the channel, I am not afraid of it being forced to lead.

However, Yu Guihai didn't know how powerful the force of coercion was and whether he could fight against it himself.

However, he believes that as long as the first problem is solved, with a strong enough world, maybe the power of the big world can be used to fight against the force of attraction.

For example, he can do this with the help of the power of the Five Spirit Realms.

Yu Guihai suddenly remembered the information he had read before.

The world in the lower world can be divided into small worlds, middle worlds, and large worlds according to the degree of the Great Dao.

The small world does not have a complete Dao, only fragments of Dao, and the strongest that can accommodate can only reach the integration stage.

The middle world has one to ten complete avenues, and the strongest it can accommodate can reach the virtual refining stage.

The Great World has more than ten to a thousand great avenues. The size of the world is very large, and the strongest it can accommodate is two realms higher than the middle world, which are called Dongxu and Huaxu.

Above the big world is the spiritual world, which contains countless avenues.

According to his own practice, Yu Guihai found that the descriptions of the small world and the middle world are correct, and the powerhouse beyond the limit of the world must suppress the cultivation level to be able to enter it safely, otherwise the world will collapse.

The description of the big world is correct so far, but Yu Guihai has never seen a big world with more than 60 avenues.

He personally felt suspicious.

The big world goes directly from ten avenues to a thousand avenues, and the span is a bit large.

He felt that there should be another level separated from the one hundred avenues. The world from ten to ninety-nine avenues is a big world that cannot soar, while the world from one hundred avenues to a thousand avenues is a big world that can soar.

Ascension is theoretically the pinnacle of the lower realm, and the world of one hundred avenues can do it.

In this case, wouldn't those worlds of two hundred, three hundred, or even a thousand avenues be a waste?

Yu Guihai remembered the level division of the Taoist realm. Ascension is only a special level of the first level of the Taoist realm, followed by the second level of the Taoist realm, the third level of heaven, and the ninth level of heaven.

Can the powerhouses above the first layer be able to survive in the super world of hundreds of avenues?

The more Yu Guihai thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

Assuming that this is possible, and by pushing back, it can be concluded that after ascension, it can also survive in the lower realm, as long as the world is large enough.

"Since that's the case, you'll know when you try it!"

Yu Guihai secretly said in his heart. Now it's all just guesswork and can only be known through practice.


Next, Yu Guihai continued to integrate the world. In his spare time, he began to study the technology of immortal cultivation, and taught it to the monks under him, so that the scientific and technological development of human monks has been maintained at a high speed.

As the so-called war drives technology, technology gives back to war.

Now under the strong pressure of the Kusu monster invasion, the first thing to improve is the war technology.

Various warships that are more suitable for Void combat have been designed and built, and the power of Void Cannons is getting bigger and bigger.

A large number of warships with better combat performance were put into use, and the old warships were gradually updated in batches.

There is even a giant battleship with great firepower into the battlefield.

This is a kind of aircraft carrier, not only its own firepower is extremely powerful, it is not inferior to the Dairi base after the comprehensive upgrade, and it is more maneuverable and can inhabit a battleship formation.

For this reason, Yu Guihai personally took action and directly refined the Void Base of the Great Sun into an aircraft carrier.

The above firepower has been comprehensively strengthened, and the firepower can directly kill the powerhouse of the Ziling level.

With this powerful upgrade Yunmiaozong's defense line has also become impregnable.

There were several times when the powerful attacks of the Kusu monsters were all directly defeated, and the black mist monsters that attacked were unable to withstand the salvos of the cannons. The cube is blocked.

Yu Guihai will specially take time to go to the defense line, personally deal with the core of these black mists, and do further research on them.

It is precisely because of his research on the weirdness of the black mist that he has a deeper understanding of the special weirdness caught on the dark side of the Five Spirit World, and gradually uncovered its most core mechanism.

Yu Guihai found that this kind of special weirdness that combines many powers should be an upgraded version of the black fog weirdness. It is not a coincidence, but has a special core that integrates these powers.

This core has the powerful ability to twist and pollute many forces.

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