Super Small Forward

: Three hundred and three. War Clippers II

I have to say that the Clippers are still quite strong. Indeed, every player is in very good condition this year. Even if Liu Ren cuts the Clippers into a sieve, they still bite the score.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the two sides began to rotate.

The Lakers replaced McCollum, Nick Young, Liu Ren, Antetokounmpo and Whiteside.

LaVine and Clarkson still did not get the chance to play in regular time. At the beginning of the season, they had to sit on the bench for a long time when they were fighting for a win.

The Clippers introduced some role players in the summer. Rivers’ veteran Glenn Davis was called back by him. It seems that he is determined to continue building the team in the same way as the Celtics. .

Jordan Farmar, if he didn’t sign with the Clippers, perhaps Kupchak would either cut Henry or not sign with Clarkson, but Farmar had already joined the Clippers when Kupchak hesitated. , The Lakers lineup has therefore locked the 15-man roster.

The Clippers players are: Farmar, Crawford, Turkoglu, Davis, Jordan.

In the second quarter, the Lakers first attacked. McCollum hit a three-pointer with Farmar. McCollum was much stronger than Farmar. He was only in the second grade and he was able to beat Farmar.

With the Clippers offensive, Farmar was not as free as D'Antoni in the Lakers period when the Clippers had to hand the ball to Crawford in the second half.

Ankle terminator, when defending Crawford, Liu Ren finally understood the meaning of this name. Crawford's sudden stop and change to sudden rise are really amazing!

But Crawford is not as fast as before! After all, I will be 35 years old soon, and time will not be forgiving.

After Crawford stopped and changed direction, although Liu Ren was swayed a bit, Liu Ren immediately returned to the defensive position to block Crawford's advance by relying on his speed advantage.

Liu Ren frowned. Crawford's offensive style is too difficult for the defender to defend. Even if he barely keeps up, the pressure on his feet and legs is also great.

However, Liu Ren felt that Crawford would definitely not be well, and the physical consumption of the offensive team was not much smaller.

Defend it! Crawford's breakthrough was blocked by Liu Ren! Crawford didn't get to the inside in several changes! Just like the first round of last season's playoffs, Crawford faced Liu Ren's defense without a chance to break into the interior.

Crawford could not break through Liu Ren, but he was still not discouraged and continued to change direction.

Crawford is another emergency stop and change direction. Crawford is fast, but Liu Ren is faster! Liu Ren intercepted the position where Crawford changed his direction faster.

Suddenly Liu Ren hit something, the referee's whistle sounded, and the defense fouled!

Looking at Turkoglu who fell on the ground, Liu Ren was a little helpless and pulled him up.

It turned out that Turkoglu wanted to make a pick-and-roll for Crawford, and then couldn't stop Liu Ren. Liu Ren didn't notice him and knocked him over.

Turkoglu's mid- and long-range shots are more accurate than Jordan, and the high pick and roll response effect is much better than Jordan.

But Turkoglu was a little too big and couldn't stop Liu Ren at all.

If you change to Jordan or Fat Davis, the ball will be shot in by Crawford.

Although Liu Ren committed a foul, Turkoglu still didn't want to go head-to-head with Liu Ren. He was hit in the chest by Liu Ren, and Turkoglu's pain relieved for a long time.

Turkoglu is at this age, and it is impossible to smash with Liu Ren. Just now, that was the habit of Kim Terry's tactical training before the season that made him come out for pick-and-rolls.

The Clippers continue to attack.

Turkoglu experienced the feeling of being hit by Liu Ren, and immediately decided to return to the bottom corner and hand it over to Davis.

Davis is worthy of being the fat man nicknamed the cliff-jumping version of O’Neal. He is full of tonnage and his pick-and-roll awareness is also very good. He came to Liu Ren’s moving route before Liu Ren judged that Crawford changed direction and made a move. Many inside players don't know how to pick and roll, and they are often blown to move screens, but they can't predict the movement of teammates and opponents in advance.

And Davis has been the younger brother of Garnett for a few years, but he has learned nothing but pick-and-roll.

Davis is also a very talented player. He weighs 300 pounds, is only 2.06 meters tall, and has the average mobility of a power forward.

Davis blocked Liu Ren with enough weight to compete with O'Neill!

Relying on Davis bravely blocked Liu Ren, Crawford broke through behind the inside line to assist Whiteside's defense and moved in the air to avoid the defense and send the ball into the basket.

Playing like this, there is only Crawford in the league except for Rose of the Bulls, and all the actions are torturing his knees.

But Crawford had much better luck than Ross. After playing for so many years, he was almost 35 years old, and he was still able to jump.

Liu Ren served, McCollum advanced to the frontcourt and handed it to Nick Young.

The second quarter is not Liu Ren's regular offensive time. At this time, his main role is to open space for defense and offense.

In the face of Crawford's single defense, Nick Young dribbled the ball down his hips and shot a jumper.

Simple and effective. Compared with Crawford's style of play, Nick Young can actually appear so efficient.

Nick Yang made a gun-in motion with both hands, obviously provoking the opponent!

Crawford has always been criticized most for his defensive and offensive efficiency. The ball is in his hands and the offense is over.

Both are famous singles kings in the league, and now they are on the bar!

No matter how to provoke Crawford's style of play, how to explain the consequences of Crawford's style of play from science and in fact, but he is so strong.

Crawford was beaten by Nick Young and he wants to return it!

Nick Young wants to prove himself, and Crawford is the same.

Seeing Crawford continue to play singles with the Bickerstaff and D'Antoni both smiled, and Nick Young did the right singles.

Crawford originally wanted to score one or two, so he began to organize the team's offense as the coach arranged. He has shown that he has the ability to average 5 assists per game last season. He averaged during the Clippers’ consecutive victories. The assists almost reached 6.

The Clippers’ current play style is completely different from their play this season. The Clippers’ offensive routines formed in the past two years are completely different. When the Clippers played their best last season, Crawford was actually an attraction to defense He played as a point, and it turns out that the Clippers played better when he passed the ball!

The Clippers are playing team basketball. If the Clippers really cooperate, then Bickerstaff really has no solution.

What exactly is the job of a coach? The first is to formulate tactics, the second is to formulate response strategies for the opponent's tactics, and the third is to respond on the spot.

A coach who does these three points is considered qualified.

But coaches like Phil Jackson and Popovich, tactics are all clouds, their style of play has long been deeply embedded in the team they lead.

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