Super Small Forward

: Three hundred forty. 5 big? Mi Nai Langyao?/a>

Liu Ren smashed Horford and dunked.

"See! This is the real strength of the boss! Boss scores depend on Kobe? Funny! Haven't seen Kobe before his comeback last season? The Lakers rely on the boss to score! Kobe is the one who holds the thigh! "O'Neal said excitedly, hacking Kobe by the way.

"Shaq, calm and calm, do we still see this kind of ball? This is just a regular scoring method for bosses!" Barkley seemed calm.

At this time Kenny Smith said: "Charles, I think this ball is rare."

"Huh?" O'Neal and Barkley were both surprised. In fact, even O'Neal was simply cheering for Liu Ren. The ball was really too simple for Liu Ren in their impression. Didn't it just hit a center forward to dunk.

Kenny Smith smiled and said: "It was the first time I saw someone stand up and tried to commit a foul and was blindly run. It was really a shame for our pitchers."

"Hahahaha, as expected, the most poisonous one is Kenny..."

If the Lakers have any advantage in this rookie lineup, they have four perimeters. Millsap certainly cannot defend Liu Ren from the perimeter, so he can only use Carroll to defend. Then Millsap must defend against others. A small man can only be pulled out.

So Horford was the only one at the Hawks basket.

Horford has been an All-Star for many years, but I really want to say that he has any strengths, and I really can't see it for a while, anyway, the defense at the basket is really not good.

Watching Liu Ren let go of the basket and fell expressionlessly, the fans on the scene spouted an swear word.

"Korver, are you sure this is the guy you said can only be scored by teammates? Then you-him-mother still avoid! I don't know if Horford sees someone rushing in?" The fans don't blame Horford, after all Horford had old injuries to his chest muscles, which had been torn several times, and he didn't dare to try his best to stop them.

After all, what the Hawks need most is Horford's mid- and long-range shooting and low post support.

After seeing Liu Ren's goal, the fans on the scene had a bad feeling, and some even booed Korver!

When it came to the Eagles offense again, Korver once again got an open opportunity. Perhaps it was affected by the impact just now. Korver's three-point shot was obviously crooked and missed. Liu Rengao jumped high and grabbed a defensive rebound on Horford's head.

When it comes to rebounding, no one on the Hawks can compare to Liu Ren!

The Lakers attacked and Liu Ren continued to play singles.

The same routine, the same taste.

Liu Ren easily smashed Carol and went inside.

This time Korver still stood at the dotted line within the free throw line.

What a shame just now! Korver heard his own fans boos, this time he closed his eyes directly, preferring to die rather than flinch!


One second, two seconds, I haven't hit it yet! Did it successfully delay the opponent's breakthrough?

Korver opened his eyes and saw Liu Ren turned back to defend.

"Damn! Are you-him-mum sleeping? Shooting a ball in front of you is so scared that you don't move?" A fan shouted loudly. The voice is probably a high-pitched voice, even the radio on the sidelines. Everyone received the sound, and everyone in the audience heard it.

Korver looked dumbfounded, what the **** happened!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaha He almost fell off the chair with a smile.

"Shaq, I must watch your show today, it's so funny!"

Barkley laughed directly.

What was born just now?

The big screen on the scene did not return to defense, because there was no time for dead balls, and the game continued.

But TV viewers have replays!

Seeing Korver close his eyes and block in front of him, Liu Ren made a sudden stop at the free throw line, but instead of stopping the jump shot, he adjusted for half a second at the free throw line, standing and shooting like a free throw!

This didn't even think of Carol who was catching up. He didn't expect Korver to close his eyes and even reach out to interfere!

"Indeed, it's the first time I saw this kind of scene. How scared was Korver? He was so scared that he tried to provoke Liu. Doesn't he know Liu's end after being provoked by the idiot owner of the Knicks last year? Liu's CIC has become more accurate. Oh my god, don't the Hawks watch the Lakers game? They provoke their opponents so much without watching the Lakers game." Kenny Smith is also unable to complain.

"I think it's not that the Eagles don't watch the Lakers games. You see Carol has caught up. I'm like Korver, who doesn't watch the Lakers games. But Shaq, what is your president? Let me give you five seconds of advertising time." Barkley's brain circuit is always so strange.

"Ahem, let me slow down, it's so funny, the principal of this university? I signed another endorsement, it's a soda drink from China..."

"Okay, five seconds are up, let's continue to watch the game... Rely on it! This is how many shots Liu has blocked!" Kenny Smith exclaimed.

Time went back to five seconds ago.

The eagle attacked.

With the Lakers defensive lineup, the Hawks are playing more and more easily.

Although defending Korver and the Pigs twice just now, the Lakers' defense is really too poor, always giving Korver a chance to Korver to get a three-pointer in the corner.

Korver tried his best to adjust his mentality, he just cried out by his own fans!

Aiming at the basket, Korver closed his eyes and took a deep breath without knowing what he thought. He opened his eyes and took a three-pointer!

In fact, Korver closed his eyes for only a few tenths of a second, and there was no particularly obvious eye-closing action, but when he opened his eyes and jumped up to take a shot, there was an extra person in front of him, slapped on the ball just shot!

Liu Ren dropped his defensive Millsap and rushed from the inside when Korver caught the ball and aimed at the basket. Korver closed his eyes when he sprinted. The second when Korver opened his eyes and jumped up to shoot. When the action of time was finished, Liu Ren happened to rush in front of him to block the cover!

If Korver is as decisive as before, he will not be blocked.

But no if!

Liu Ren directly blocked Korver!

The undead ball was slammed down and hit Korver's head out of bounds!

Lakers ball right!

The fans and others on the field felt that this was just a normal block shot. To say that the accident was also Liu Ren's explosiveness too fast, he was almost catching up with Iverson, and even faster than James, who just entered nBa. Minute!


TV fans have slow motion back to guard See everything clearly!

"Hahahahaha... three! Three perfect materials in a row! The principal of the university has decided! I will watch the Eagles games more in the future. This material is more abundant than McGee!" O'Neal felt that he had picked it up. Bom!

o.3 seconds, it seems to the naked eye that it will not happen for a moment.

Korver closed his eyes for o.3 seconds. The people at the scene did not see any problems, but the slow-motion defense was exaggerated!

Blinking is at most one-tenth of a second. Korver’s blinking before shooting actually took o.3 seconds, which looks like a century in slow motion!

In addition, I was scared to close my eyes just now* This ball is like Korver was scared to close his eyes and waited for Liu Ren to block the shot!

12 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists and 6 blocks!

Less than two minutes later in the second quarter, Liu Ren has been able to get 6 blocks!

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