“The system upgrade is successful, please check it out by the summoner!”

Ye Qiu smiled, then closed his eyes and turned on the updated system.

A golden light crossed his mind, and then that familiar list appeared.

Information Bar:

King System: Intermediate

World: The world of super-intelligent football.

Summoner: Ye Qiu.

Age: 14

Identity: Young master of the Ye family of the three major families in Shanghai.

Rank: Silver

Gold: 7300 (+1000 per day).

Diamonds: 2840 (+1000 per day).

Roll Point: 4500 (+1000 per day).

Points: 2100 (+1000 per day).


The further down he looked, the more excited Ye Qiu became, this Nima welfare skyrocketed!

When I was a junior system, the daily welfare gift of the system was only +100, but now I have upgraded to the intermediate level, and it has actually skyrocketed tenfold!

System, Young Master Ben loves you to death!

“Summoner, congratulations on advancing to the Silver Rank and getting 1 achievement pack× 1!”

“System upgrade successful, reward summoner skin package × 1!”

“The gold reward mechanism has changed, please check it out by the summoner!”

Immediately afterwards, one after another bombshells hit Ye Qiu’s head, making him a little confused.

Is the system so powerful?


Ye Qiu’s inner world, that beauty!

After a long time, Ye Qiu eased up, and his mind moved and he first opened the achievement package.

“Congratulations to the summoner for obtaining the King Hero Barbarian Hammer Zhong Wuyan Inheritance Skill Card!”

Uh-huh, not bad!

Ye Qiu was very satisfied, and then continued to open the next gift bag.

“Congratulations to the summoner for obtaining the Zhong Wuyan King’s Hammer skin!”

Nima, is Young Master Ben’s luck so good today? Actually open the same hero and its skin!

Luck exploded!

Air exploded!



Subsequently, Ye Qiu Meizhi opened the King Mall.

Now he has the heroic inheritance of Mozi and Zhong Wuyan, Mozi is rainstorm, and this Zhong Wuyan has let the warhammer inherit well, and there is still a witch doctor.

The heroic inheritance of the witch doctor, Ye Qiu already had a choice in his heart, that is-Bian Que!

Good and evil monster doctor Bian Que!

Worth 5888 gold!


At this point, Ye Qiu’s system backpack has three golden hero skill inheritance cards and a hero skin card.

He is not in a hurry to inherit it now, but is ready to say it tomorrow, now, it’s time to rest!


Early the next morning, Ye Qiu walked into the leisure room, took out the player boxes of Heavy Rain, Witch Doctor, and Warhammer, and concentrated them together.

Subsequently, he began the inheritance of heroic skills.

As the three legacy cards were integrated into the bodies of the three players, the hero skills were quickly passed on.

At the same time, Ye Qiu also integrated Zhong Wuyan’s skin card into Warhammer’s body.

Then, he couldn’t wait to turn on the scanning function and check the data of the three guys.

Player: Heavy Rain [Mozi].

Position: Center (specialty).

Number: 24

Attack: 5 stars (full of mystery).

Defense: 5 stars (full of mystery).

Dribbling: 5 stars (full of mystery).

Support: 5 stars (full of mystery).

Introduction: Terrifying super-intelligent players, after mysterious inheritance transformation, to break away from the category of ordinary players, the data is full of mystery.

Skills: Love non-attack (passive), artillery shooting, peace walk interception, mechanical heavy artillery shooting, conformist interception (active).

Before Rainstorm had no hero inheritance, it was a very good midfielder, and now after the inheritance, the data and skills are all explosive!

With the retirement of light energy, heavy rain made a strong appearance!!!

PS: Ask for flowers! Collect it!

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