Super Soldier

Chapter 1007: Xiao Bing’s crisis

In this world, there is a woman called a confidante. ??

Xiao Bing has many of the same ideas as Xiaohui Baihuizi. Many of his ideas and hobbies are also far from each other, and his mind is similar. The most important thing is that both people are full of wisdom and attract each other.

But the two of them are not the relationship between men and women in the traditional sense. What Xiao Bing feels in the small island Baihuizi is not the kind of love between the leaves, but there is a saying between them. If you don't finish it, even if you think about each other, it's almost a bit. They are legendary confidants.

Xiao Bing cherishes his confidant friend because he has never been in his life. Although Su Peiya was also a confidant of Xiao Bing, in a strict sense, she is more a fan of Xiao Bing, one of Xiao Bing. Followers.

The confidant is hard to find, so Xiao Bing lived here for a few days. During the period, he also made several phone calls to the second goods. After confirming that there was nothing happening there, he was relieved. He heard the goods from the phone. At this moment, the kind of happiness that can't be concealed from the heart, Xiao Bing knows that the second goods really like this red stalk, and I really feel happy for the second goods.

Xiao Bing talked with Xiaohui Baihuizi in the room for a long time today, then took a casual look at the window and smiled and said: "Miss Baihuizi, I am going to go back these two days."

Xiaohui Baihuizi lost his mind. It seems that there is something reluctant to ask. "Is going back so soon? I still have a lot of words to talk to you."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "There is less than a thousand cups of wine, and there is not much speculation. You and I are the former, even if you can talk about it anymore, it is better to wait for me to come next time, or you can always Relax yourself, go out to travel, go to China to play, I will entertain you."

Xiaohui Baihuizi sighed: "Then I will not leave you more, why not live for another three days?"

“Oh?” Xiao Bing curiously said, “What did you say in three days?”

The smile on the face of Xiaohui Baihuizi is like Qiu Shui: "Two days later is my birthday."

"It turns out that." Xiao Bing sighed. "Then I have to stay for three more days, and then leave after your birthday."

Speaking, Xiao Bing glanced out the window, the dark road in his heart, prayed that there would be no flies coming to disturb my interest in these three days, otherwise I would not mind killing.

It was just the first two days of the cherry blossom nightclub. Everything was fine. In the past two days, Xiao Bing suddenly had a few flies outside the window. Several masters who were proficient in hiding were secretly monitoring themselves, although they said they were good at hiding themselves. Shape, but Xiao Bing even now that the infuriating body in the body has fallen to the beginning of breaking the void, it will take some time to fully recover, but the realm of Xiao Bing has not fallen, the sensitivity of the senses has not decreased. How can they get through the power of Xiao Bing this Tianzun level?

Within the hall of the Wushen Hall, Tokugawa Benxi sits on a chair above the high chair. The person who can sit on this chair represents the strongest of the entire martial arts world and the spiritual leader of all warriors and ninjas.

At this moment, a ninja wearing a black ninja costume and wearing a black mask on his face was kneeling on the ground, looking up at Tokugawa Benxi sitting on the chair, he was so calm and there, but If you don't see him, you can't even feel his existence at all, as if there is no such person in the hall.

You can't hear his breath, I can't hear his heartbeat, and everything seems to be the same.

If you feel his presence, perhaps a sharp shackle has been inserted into your heart, or a sword in your hand pierced your throat.

This man is one of the top ten in the country of r, and is also the most mysterious one who is loyal to the royal family, called Iga.

In the whole country, except for the Emperor, there are only two people who can make him kneel here. One is the original Ixuanchuan Valley, and the other is the current Tokugawa Benxi.

After Tokugawa Benxi finished listening to Iga’s report, he said in an easy-going manner: “Ihe is pleased to ask, in front of me, you don’t have to be so polite. I am waiting for Ihejun as a nationalist.”

If Tokugawa’s words are heard, it will be extremely shocking. On the one hand, one person calls another person as a national sergeant. This is usually the name of a king who is the most valued person. Is it difficult for morality Kawamoto to have that ambition? Still his unintentional words? On the other hand, he actually called this person a national sergeant, which shows how high the status of this Iga in his heart is.

After Iga listened to Tokugawa's words, he stood up quietly.

Tokugawa Benxi-do: "According to what you said, Xiao Bing is now in the Sakura Nightclub? I have seen his video with Wei Sihai before. His strength is not as good as Wei Sihai, and the result is deeper. Instead, he killed the old antiques of Wei Sihai. He seemed to have broken through the legendary realm of Tianzun in that battle. You must know that this is the realm that my teacher can achieve in the past, and it is my lifelong pursuit. I thought he was so young."

Tokugawa Benxi continued: "But it doesn't matter. This is a great opportunity to kill him. His injury was very serious in the first battle. It is absolutely impossible to recover in the short term. If he stays in China for a while, we Really helpless, I did not expect that I would come to the country of r, it is simply to find death."

"My good apprentice, Toyotomi Ieyasu, has been very beautiful for two days. It has killed two old guys who are not convinced by me. Both of them have reached the peak of enthusiasm, but they face Fengchen Jiakang. This is my love, I still have no power to fight back. Oh, I am a disciple of my Tokugawa Benxi."

Although Tokugawa’s mouth is talking like this, his eyes look quite deep. Obviously, the strength and potential of Toyotomi’s family have made him feel a bit jealous, for fear that one day will be difficult to control.

Tokugawa Benxi sighed and said: "Of course, he still needs to continue to hone and slowly improve his reputation. In the future, I will put everything on him. One day I can take over my position. I can Let's raise the sky. Ihejun, you should take a good rest first, and then you may have trouble with you."

Iga bowed to Tokugawa and then left the hall silently. He walked silently, like a ghost, and the most incomprehensible is his strength, this Iga I have already trained Ninjutsu to the environment, and I can hide everything from the hidden, even if your strength is above him, it is difficult to see him completely.

After Iga’s departure, the smile on Tokugawa’s face disappeared, and the tone was deep: “Even killing two people, everyone is a squad, and the family’s people don’t even live, my apprentice. It seems to be hidden deep, and the means are more hot than me. Good apprentice, good apprentice, you really make me love and hate."

"As for Xiao Bing..." Tokugawa Benxi suddenly smiled. "Since it is here, you don't have to go back. If you can kill you, and then try to kill the Buddha, what else is there in the world?" Will people be my opponents?"

Tokugawa’s eyes were suddenly mad, and an evil atmosphere shrouded the entire temple of the martial arts. His strength has begun to break through and reached a half-step!

Toyotomi Jiakang took the list that Master had handed over to him. In the past few days, he has killed two people in succession. Both of them are famous martial arts masters in the martial arts circles of the whole country, but they are all very close to the previous one. The masters of the temple, they are not particularly convinced to Tokugawa Benxi in private, and have revealed this before the people, saying that Tokugawa Benxi is the strongest man of the technique of practicing the magic, and the virtues are completely incomparable to the former Ikegawa Valley. Be the master of the martial temple.

At this time, Toyotomi Jiakang was walking towards the hillside step by step. Today he will kill the third person, and the front is their battle place.

This third person is called Okawa Noro, a master of knives. The martial arts realm has reached the peak of martial arts. In these years, he has rarely asked the world. He belongs to a hidden master and teaches several apprentices at home. Usually I rarely interact with the outside world, but I did not expect to have murdered.

Toyotomi Jiakang walked and suddenly laughed out, Master, Master, you really do not know what you mean, after killing these highly respected seniors, you are awesome and hateful. I am going to be an obedient dog for you, otherwise you will push me out one day, all the dirty water will be poured on me, let me not be allowed for the martial arts of the whole country. It’s a strong guard.

If I can't believe it now, I can't resist you, or I will end up with the same end. They can kill these people but I am willing. If you can learn your Shinto martial arts, you will be the gods and the gods. What is the sum of the temporary humiliation and weight bearing?

If one day my strength is really high on you, then I will let you know what is the real essence of the magic, killing relatives and uncles can not be anything!

Not to mention your master!

3 Kawano Taro stood on the hillside ahead. He looked like he was over sixty years old. His head was gray and his body was not tall, but he held a knife in his hand, as if everything around him was under his control. Within a few meters of the surrounding area, everything was calm and the invisible suffocating air could not penetrate.

Suddenly, his anger became disordered, and a more powerful evil spirit penetrated in. Then he saw a white man dressed like a snow under the hillside. This person's face was morbidly pale!

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