Super Soldier

Chapter 1015: Removed the entire capital of the R country!

"The trough, what is this?"

The entire network was almost full of inquiries. They thought that they would see that the submachine guns, tanks, and rockets were all bombarded with Xiao Bing. The result turned out to be a missile that did not know where to come from overwhelming. The soldiers of these r countries were bombarded and bombed. They screamed and cried and cried. network??

Xiao Bing has already rushed to the line between the herdsmen. His degree is extremely fast. Suddenly, more than a dozen black ninjas emerged from both sides, and more than a dozen swords formed an impenetrable sword net. Directly shrouded Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing snorted, his body exploded, and the other's sword net immediately became messy. Xiao Bing slammed out, and the airtight sword net collapsed instantly, followed by Xiao Binghua for more than ten swords. These ten first-class ninjas were all bombarded by Xiao Bing’s fists. Everyone was smothered by the fists and the dead flesh was not adult.

At this time, there was chaos in the Jingdong Military Region. In the command room of the Jingdong Military Region, several technicians were madly manipulating the console there. The military commander rushed into the command room wearing a pair of slippers and shouted loudly: "Gossip Road How is it going? How can this be like this? How can you let those shells bombed into the city, you are dereliction of duty, you are dereliction of duty, you have to go to the military court, you know?"

Inside the command room, a person was crying and sullen. "The commander-in-chief, there is a hacker who controls our console. The hacker is very powerful. I am afraid that only the US and Russian departments can barely do it."

The commander-in-chief opened his eyes and shouted: "Do you mean that Russia uses technology to darken our control room? You mean that the Third World War is about to explode? Gossip, immediately notify the adults, hold Urgent meeting. Also, no matter what method you use, you can't regain control within two minutes, and one by one is waiting to be executed by the military court!"

Xiangfu was also in a big mess at this time. He called the Jingdong Military Region and made a phone call. He even reprimanded and even threatened to dismiss the official position of the commander of the current military region. Then he urgently convened a meeting to ask the media to block the relevant news. The result video was one after another. Leaked out, where did they know that the person who leaked the video was a little girl who was not leaving in the tall building.

There is a whirlwind in the whole world. Countless people are paying attention to everything that Jingdong City is born to. Even the governments of major countries are paying attention to it. We must know that the protagonist who gave birth to this is called Xiao Bing and also called Long Gongzi. Guy, he is the strongest individual soldier in China, and those countries that have a competitive relationship with China are all eager to die in Jingdong.

But no one thought that Xiao Bing was already violent.

After killing the dozen or so black ninjas, Xiao Bing continued to rush toward the front, but unfortunately now the herd’s column has disappeared. Xiao Bing had to smother toward others, the six self-defense forces. The man was still shooting there toward Xiao Bing, but the degree of their bullets couldn’t keep up with Xiao Bing’s degree. When Xiao Bing rushed to them, they punched out and more than a dozen people flew out at the same time. They fly very high and can never move after falling to the ground.

Two people just drilled out of the bombed tank. Xiao Bing grabbed the tank with one hand and even lifted the tank over his head. Then he threw it out hard. The tank was directly smashed on another tank. The two The person who just got out of the way was directly smashed into a pie.

Several planes were hit by missiles at this time, and at the same time they fell, and the whole street became a sea of ​​fire, which looked like a human purgatory.

Those 6 teams and special teams are running like headless flies. Xiao Bing snorted and said loudly: "Come and not be indecent!"

Said, Xiao Bing grabbed a machine gun on the ground, vacated, the whole person leapt into the air, and then began to open fire crazy, the gunfire swept away like a fire dragon, countless 6-team people were hit In the middle of the gun, there was some luck. The special forces wearing bulletproof vests ran away from the distance, and Xiao Bing slammed out.

The reason why breaking the void is called breaking the void, that is to say, it can be put out of the air. The power of a punch is even less than the power of a cannonball. This fist is bombarded and four or five special forces are directly in the pool. Xiao The soldiers again slammed out a few punches. Almost none of the special forces were able to escape. They all fell to the ground, and some even had no bones.

Xiao Bing fell to the ground, provocatively looked at the sky, erected a **** and shouted: "Tokugawa Benxi, are you **** not trying to kill me, not wanting to steal cheats? You come what!"

Tokugawa Benxi, who was sitting in the main headquarters of the Imperial Palace, looked like a big change. He didn't expect that things would change so much. The original encirclement that was thought to be impenetrable was broken by his own family. He has just been reported. The missiles all flew out of the Jingdong Military Region, and the Jingdong Military Region was attacked by hackers and was controlled.

He was screaming at the time. What military area is this, and a hacker can control the command of their military region? What is the difference between this military zone and the timing bomb?

Of course, he does not know that it is not an ordinary command. This can only show that he still lacks understanding of the Longmen Eight. He does not know that there is a existence in the technical field in the Dragon Gate. Looking at the world, it is difficult in the field of science and technology. Find a more Jack's existence.

Now I can no longer wait, out of the encirclement, and the whole Jingdong may not be able to control such a crazy guy.

Tokugawa Benxi stood up and said coldly: "Tell the people in the Jingdong Military Region and prepare to go to the military court."

The staff asked carefully next to him: "Mr. Tokugawa, where are you going?"

"I? Of course, it is to clean up the **** mess, this arrogant Chinese monkey, I still have to personally clean up!"

Tokugawa Benxi stepped away, and as he took every step, the momentum on his body became extremely horrible. Even the room of this command room seemed to be shaking, unable to withstand the power in his body, half-step Tianzun In the realm of Tokugawa, the strength of the world has been difficult to compete in the world, extremely terrifying.

After breaking through the half-step Tianzun, he never touched his hand. The anger in his heart burned wildly. When he remembered the **** of Xiao Bing, he only thought it was the most shameful day in his life: "Xiao Bing, today I am going to take you to the flag!"

The surrounding missiles one after another, the 6 team members and special forces who tried to escape, one by one or died in the hands of Xiao Bing, or else died under the shells, only the special team captain There were several people between the herdsmen who barely fled.

In this battle, the 6th National Self-Defense Forces of the M countries killed at least 200 people at least, and the special forces died more than 30. Even a terrorist attack could not bring such a big damage to a country. They can be said to be lost heavily.

In addition, several high-rise buildings around the city were also blown up. The little girl lived in a lucky position. The shells did not land in her, and she also daringly recorded the whole process repeatedly, and then arrived. Online, broadcast live to all people around the world who are concerned about this situation.

After the provocation, Xiao Bing rushed out of the street and rushed toward the bustling neighborhood. Sure enough, Xiao Bing just rushed into the crowd, and the excitement of Jack came from the watch: "The door owner, feeling cool, good or not. It’s fun? It’s a pity that control has been taken back. Hey, I’m going to help you fight for a few more minutes, so that the whole Jingdong City will disappear from the world.”

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Oh, this is enough. The rest is left to me. Tell the brothers that if you don't worry, don't worry about me. I will go back after I finish, I'm fine."

"Oh, they all went to play poker, fight the land. Lord, win the money..."

"..." Xiao Bing directly hangs up the Tonghua equipment, and then muttered to himself, "Is this stuff really long without a long heart, really not worrying about me?"

Sure enough, those missiles have begun to stop shooting, and everything has stopped. That street is all dead, and at first glance it is the trace of the battlefield.

When Tokugawa Benxi came here, he had already disappeared from Xiao Bing’s figure. He glanced around and tightened his fist. His face was blue and green, and his mouth shouted loudly: “Shame, shame! Xiao Bing, I must not Will let you live and leave from country r!"

Tokugawa Benxi called out, dialed the number of the general command, and then snarled inside: "Tell Mr. Xiang, inform all the departments of Jingdong City, block all the exits of Jingdong City, and do not allow anyone to leave. Let the Ministry of Communications immediately mobilize all the videos, find the exact location of him now, and tell me!"

Hanging up the phone, Tokugawa Benxi’s eyes flashed with murder. This time, if he was escaped by Xiao Bing, he was not only going to be the laughing stock of the whole world, even if he had just entered the temple of the martial arts, the prestige would fall soon. At the bottom of the valley, even if it is a phase, it will have doubts about his ability. At that time, it will bring a series of unpredictable consequences, which will be a huge blow to his ambition and rights.

So he can't let Xiao Bing go back anyway!

He had just hung up the phone in less than a minute, and the mobile phone immediately rang. After Tokugawa’s connection to the West, he heard the voice of the staff inside: "Mr. Tokugawa, the monitor shows that Xiao Bing has reached the thousand. The public security bureau branch of the household area is at the door."

"Okay, I know!" Tokugawa Benxi said with a smile, "Xiao Bing, I have to take a look, how can your current strength survive from my hands."

Said, Tokugawa Xun flew in the direction of the thousand households. In less than five minutes, he arrived outside the police station of the Qianhu District. When he stood there, he was completely sluggish. However, I saw that the Public Security Bureau was gone. Yes, it was wiped out from the earth. The people in this branch are still alive. There is no one dead, but the entire branch building has completely collapsed. Some policemen are staying, muttering in their mouths. The devil, some policemen kneel on the ground and cry.

Tokugawa Benxi’s spurt of old blood and humiliation is a huge shame for him. Xiao Bing is clearly deliberately humiliating him!

Tokugawa Izumi screamed in the sky: "Xiao Bing, I will not kill you, I will not be a man!"

In the distance, Xiao Bing came to the door of a public security bureau. His face showed a smile: "There are twenty-three branches in Jingdong City. I don't know if I have removed all these 23 branches. How long does it take to dismantle the Public Security Bureau, then I will dismantle the city government, dismantle the city government, and then dismantle it... Anyway, it will be dismantling and dismantling, and on the day of returning to China, I will fight for the entire office of Jingdong City and the government. The venues are all gone. Tokugawa Benxi, your stupid scorpion is slowly chasing after my ass..."

"Small country, this is the price you have to pay for this uncle!"

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