Super Soldier

Chapter 1020: The murderer was killed?

On the night of the same day, Xiao Bing swayed and flew back to China, but Tokugawa Benxi knew nothing about it.

Many countries, the entire dark world, and social media networks are still talking about this matter. Almost no one thinks that Xiao Bing can return to China in alive, even though Xiao Bing is now full of prestige, it will turn people in Jingdong City, but No one would think that Xiao Bing could live away from Jingdong City. Now it is to see how he died in the end.

Those who had suffered losses in the hands of Xiao Bing, now all gloating in the heart, waiting for Xiao Bing to be cleaned up by the country.

Xiao Bing even the Jingdong Military Region has been leveled off, but this does not matter. It is just that the Jingdong Military Region is too big. There has never been a military who dares to provoke a war with a military region. This is the first time in history that they have lost Jingzhou. There is nothing unusual, but now there will be no more people in the country of r. All of them are aware of the real power of the military. They will certainly use the power carefully to destroy Xiao Bing.

Xiao Fu can't sleep anymore now. After the chaos of Jingdong in the r country, it has already been guessed that Xiao Bing is here. Others can't recognize it. How can they not recognize Xiao Bing's figure?

Just when everyone in Xiaofu was worried about Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing had already returned to Xiao Fu. When Xiao Bing returned to Xiao Fu, it was already early in the morning. He planned to go back to the room quietly, but didn’t want everyone to Up, the room is full of people, Xiao Bing looked at them, they looked at Xiao Bing, one by one.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Xiao Bing glanced at the watch, just three o'clock in the morning. "You have all got up so early? Is there any activity today?"

The leaves can't believe the way: " are back, isn't that the big one in Jingdong?"

Xiao Mingyue smiled happily: "Look, I said that my father will not have anything. I felt uneasy the night before. I felt much better yesterday. I guess my father is definitely fine. My father and I have a heart and soul. Be more spiritual than your mother's sixth sense."

When the leaves saw Xiao Bing back, they almost cried, their eyes were red, and the tears almost flowed down. But at this time, her mood was still good. She immediately said, "Well, you and your father have a good heart, big bad guys, you can tell soon. I, is that Jingdong City, is it you?"

"It's me!" Xiao Bing looked unclear, "What's the matter? I went to Jingdong City for a big fight. Are you worried about the Jingdong people? Why don't you sleep?"

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Of course we are worried about you, Xiao Da Ge, I am not talking about you, why don't you worry about it, how to go wherever you go, we all see the video, Jingdong is being troubled by you. It’s almost going to become Iraq."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Don't talk nonsense. Jingdong is much better than Iraq. I just removed all the public security bureaus in Jingdong City, and then demolished a military base. By the way, I destroyed several tanks and several Ten planes only."

Everyone was stunned, and the leaves grabbed Xiao Bing’s arm and said, "Oh, I really don’t know how you came back. Don’t mention this matter in the future. Don’t say anything to others, say it’s not What a good thing, it is easy to be caught by the handle."

"Well, I know this." Xiao Bing’s eyes sparkled with shimmering light, and said with deep meaning, "But one day, one day, no matter where I talk about anything, I don’t need to

These have any evasions, but they have not yet reached that point. OK, the sky is bright, I have to apologize, everyone who has harm can't rest, go back to the room and rest. ”

Maggie said: "I don't accept your apology."

Xiao Bingdao: "Take you to the playground."

"I accepted!"

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Bing and the leaves, Xiao Mingyue returned to the room, after the leaves changed their pajamas, tiredly lying on the bed, screaming Xiao Mingyue, first said to Xiao Mingyue: "Xiao Mingyue, sleep well, you have not slept well." ”

"Well, it's okay!" Xiao Mingyue closed his eyes and began to sleep.

The leaves looked to Xiao Bing and asked: "Bad bad guys, how come you come back?"

"If you have enough trouble, you will be back."

The leaves are squeaky: "You know what I mean. How can I not believe that Congress will let you come and go? Even if you are better, but if a country can't even deal with a warrior, then the country still has Not in a mess?"

"What you said is true!" Xiao Bing said with emotion. "Don't say that it is my current strength. Even if it was the strength of the Tianshan old man, it was not able to prevent the Qing army from entering the customs, even though it was self-destructive." The reason for the Great Wall, but manpower can not compete with national strength after all, let alone the current era of hot weapons."

"Yeah, what did you do?"

"To be honest, it is indeed a thrilling start. It was because I let the people of Longmen darken their military bases in the Jingdong Military Region. They also did not have a war for too many years, so they also slacked off and were invaded for five minutes. In just five minutes, I was enough to tear through their encirclement and get out of their control."

"Then the country's martial arts went everywhere to chase me, but even if I couldn't beat him, wouldn't I run and run? After all, I was active, he was passive, so he couldn't catch it, and what those of them? The missiles are all furnishings. I have always been in the city center. Even if they have any weapons of destruction, they dare not use it for me. This is what I have been exploited."

The leaf said: "On the Internet, have you also demolished their military area?"

"Yeah, the people in the military region are also paralyzed. They think that I only dare to wander around in the urban area. I can’t imagine that I would actively vote for the net. At first, they fired three missiles at me. To be honest, as long as Two more, maybe I will be seriously injured, but unfortunately they still looked down on me, plus the reasons for the lack of preparation. When I rushed in, their missiles became a display, and they could not use their own missiles. Bombing yourself? The things behind it are simple. The weapons of destruction are indeed threatening to me, but if they play close combat, they will not be my opponents, and they will be directly killed by me. Inside the department."

The leaves smiled bitterly: "You are too big for this time. The world is eye-catching. It is estimated that the country has never lost such a big loss since World War II. How can they let you escape?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is more complicated. I took advantage of their internal discord. I took the opportunity to use my three-inch tongue to persuade the Emperor to let me go. The situation in the country is very complicated, just to make it I fished in troubled waters. Anyway, I was so good that I had passed the addiction and returned safely."

The leaves are long and sighed: "You won't be like this again in the future. It won't be so lucky every time. The military strength of the country is not necessarily the best in the world, but they are not weak, if they are really iron. If you want to kill you, even if you are two, you can't come back alive!"

"I know, I know my wife is worried about me. Well, my husband promised that I won't be so impulsive in the future. Oh, and this Tokugawa Benxi's gift, the next time I must double my return!" Xiao Bing used to, quietly watching Xiao Mingyue, who was asleep, glanced at the leaves, but did not expect that the leaves would be hooked around the neck with their arms. The lips of the two men began to touch together, and then the tongue of the leaves gently opened the mouth of Xiao Bing. The slippery tongue sticks in, soft, sweet, slippery, and the two little snakes are gently entangled, touching and gently teasing.

Xiao Mingyue’s eyes secretly opened a slit, and the corner of his mouth slightly shook a smile.

The next day, everyone went to sleep in the afternoon. After Xiao Bing got up, he went to wash his face, and then walked out of the room with the leaves and Xiao Mingyue. Just went to the room and heard Maggie yelling there. Road: "Bing brother, nephew, you can come see it soon, look at the news online."

Xiao Bing and the leaves walked over and smiled and said: "What news?"

Maggie said excitedly: "On the Internet, you said that you are dead, oh, no, it is said that the man who was in downtown Jingdong died, and posted a photo. Jingdong police said it was a picture of you, you It’s been completely unrecognizable by the grenades. The people on this photo are all black-painted and bloody, scary and dead.”

Xiao Bing looked at it in the past, it was true, but it was not beyond the expectations of Xiao Bing. He smiled and asked: "Is it announced by the country?"

"It was announced by the defense minister of the country, and a press conference was held, saying that a group of terrorists from the Middle East had killed the terrorists, but only took photos of the terrorist leaders. To the public, and there are really terrorist organizations in the Middle East who have publicly acknowledged it."

Xiao Bing smiled: "This is not unusual."

If the r country wants to calm down this matter, it will inevitably push things to the terrorists, and they will also find a scapegoat. It is estimated that the person in this photo is one of the dead people in Jingdong City this time, and then they are photographed. Photographs are used to fool the public. As for the terrorist organizations in the Middle East, it is not unusual. This kind of terrorists who want to be famous will always claim some headless cases that they are not doing.

Xiao Bing asked: "How do you comment on the Internet?"

Xiao Mingyue said: "Most people believe that although there are those videos, many people think that the video is processed and processed. Later, the official said that the video is processed. Although there are some doubts on the Internet, the overall Eighty percent of the people still believe in these words at the press conference. After all, if it is said that a martial master has made Tokyo a scourge, even if it is true, it makes people feel more fake. ""

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "You are right, that's it."

Xiao Mingyue asked: "In this case, should things come to an end?"

"Well, let's just come to an end here, but I don't know what else to do on the other side of the country."

Xiao Bing said that yes, the thirty-two public security bureaus that were destroyed by Xiao Bing in Jingdong City had to be rebuilt, and the Public Security Bureau was gone. Some criminals began to take the opportunity to make trouble. Now the entire Jingdong City’s public security has begun to be chaotic. Many foreign tourists have returned to China, and some of them have begun to withdraw their business. It is conceivable that Jingdong’s economy will at least lose more than five years.

In addition to these direct losses, the prime minister’s stepping down has become inevitable, and the leaders of the Jingdong Military Region will also be tried, and Tokugawa’s original plan also led the masters of the martial arts temple and the emperor’s side to form an encirclement of Xiao Bing, and then After catching it, I finally asked the old martial arts cheats of the Tianshan old man. As a result, I learned that Xiao Bing had already fled back to the country. He was so angry that he went to the palace of His Majesty the Emperor, and went to the friend of You can search for "", you can find this site in the first time.

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