Super Soldier

Chapter 1026: Ye Xiaoxi and Xue Tianyi's banquet

In the evening, Xue Tianyi was very proud of coming to the Shangri-La Hotel. Fang Yiming was very early in the game to give Xue Tianyi a stinky foot. It was very early than Xue Tianyi. He stood at the door of the hotel for half an hour in advance to wait for Xue Tianyi. It doesn't look like a partner at all, but it is like a despicable servant.

The age of this party is about 30 years old. It is slightly older than Xue Tianyi. He also has a bit of temperament. His position in Fangjia is much higher than Xue Tianyi. Now the business of Fangjia is basically basic. He was handed over to him to take care of. His father is the president of the company. He is the general manager. However, in order to hone him well, his father is almost not very concerned about the company. This is also the time that Ye Xiaoxi came to Kyoto. He is responsible for The reason for negotiating with Ye Xiaoxi.

Xue Tianyi followed three people, two are temperamental black bodyguards, the strength is in the degree of strength, and a muscular man wearing a vest, this man is a terrible muscle block, his temperament looks Slightly there are some flaws, but the temper is a rough type at first glance, giving people the feeling that it is like the second one of the small one. This person is called the iron slave, and is a close-knit master of Xue Tianyi's loyalty. A period of hard work.

Fang Yiming smiled enthusiastically: "Xue Shao came so early."

Xue Tianyi looked at Fang Yiming and asked: "Is Fang Shaozhen not earlier?"

"Haha, know that Xue Shao is coming, of course I have to wait here, let's go, the room has been booked, just wait for Ye Dong."

"Well." Hearing Fang Yiming and mentioning Ye Xiaoxi, Xue Tianyi’s eyes were filled with greedy light. He was one of the four youngest in Kyoto. He was in the city of Kyoto, and countless women wanted to go to him. Fluttering, but he is only holding a playful attitude for those women, and tired of playing for two days, but this Ye Xiaoxi is different.

He had heard that Ye Xiaoxi came to Kyoto City and had to negotiate with Fangjia. Then he immediately contacted Fang Yiming. When Ye Fang negotiated, he happened to appear. His purpose was to find an opportunity. Before taking advantage of Ye Xiaoxi, he heard that Ye Xiaoxi was the first beauty of Jiangcheng. He naturally tickles in his heart. On the other hand, he intentionally humiliated Xiao Bing. Before because of Xiao Bing, he was closed behind his house. Now he dare not provoke Xiao Bing, but if he can let Ye Xiaoxi cast his arms and take Ye Xiaoxi away from Xiao Bing's side, isn't he equivalent to humiliating Xiao Bing once?

However, after seeing Ye Xiaoxi, Xue Tianyi's everything turned into greed. He thought that Ye Xiaoxi might look very beautiful, but the result still made him amazed. He is now full of ideas to get Ye Xiaoxi to get it.

After entering the private room, Xue Tianyi said with a smile: "This time you did a good job. I thought that Ye Xiaoxi's girl might not be able to promise you. I didn't expect you to have a good way. Rest assured, you will be me in the future. Xue Tianyi's friend."

Fang Yiming was overjoyed and smiled. "For a friend, he has a knife, and he is not saying anything. Xue Shao took a fancy to Ye Xiaoxi. It is her creation of Ye Xiaoxi. Although Ye Jia has a strong momentum in the business world, how can he and Xue Jia It’s beautiful, I just heard that Ye Xiaoxi’s boyfriend is not so good....”

Xue Tianyi smiled and said: "It is nothing more than a coward. You can't go to the table."

Fang Yiming hurriedly said: "Xue Shao said it."

Two people sat down, Xue Tianyi looked at the two black bodyguards behind him and said, "You two go out, guard at the door. If Miss Ye is coming, please invite Miss Ye, and no one else. Let's bother."

"Yes, young master."

The two black bodyguards retired, and there were Xue Tianyi, Tienu, and Fang Yiming in the room. The iron slave stood behind Xue Tianyi like a tower.

Fang Yiming whispered: "I will persuade the wine in the room for a while, and I will try to advise Miss Ye to be drunk, then I will leave, and the rest will be handed over to Xue Shao."

Xue Tianyi smiled and said: "You, my four Kyotos, will use this method, my goal is to conquer her body and mind, and then let her be my Xue Tianyi woman. Originally I only I’m planning to play, but now I’m really moving, I’m going to marry her.”

"Oh, it turned out to be the case." Fang Yiming hurriedly said, "That is the heart of my little man's heart. I don't think Ye Dong actually has such a blessing. I can get Xue Shao's favor. This is her life's blessing. Points!"

Xue Tianyi’s eyes showed a bit of fascination, suddenly thought of something, and said: “But the idea you just said is not infeasible. I want to get her good feelings, I have to find a way to find some more and her. The chance to get along with each other, so that I can have the opportunity to grab him from the hands of the Yihan. You will persuade her to have a few glasses of wine in a while, then I will find an excuse to leave. When I am drunk, I am drunk. Send her back to the hotel, then take care of her, maybe I can get a good impression."

Fang Yiming erected his finger and said: "Xue Shao Gao Ming, it is really high."

Xue Tianyi smiled and said: "The outside world thinks that our Kyoto four is the swaying son of Kyoto. In fact, it is not. There are many Playboys in Kyoto, but if you can really afford to be Kyoto, you must have a full wrist and ability! ”

Xue Tianyi was talking. The voice of the two black bodyguards came out suddenly: "Miss Ye is coming, our young master is waiting for Miss Ye, please come in."

Xue Tianyi immediately restored the gentleman's appearance, looked at the door, opened the door, Ye Xiaoxi walked in from the outside, and said back to the 4th and 5th: "You wait outside, don't come in."

Xue Tianyi looked at Ye Xiaoxi's white dress, and felt very impressed in his heart. He took a deep breath and quickly stood up and reached out and smiled. "Miss Ye."

"Xue Shao." Ye Xiaoxi walked over and reached out, and Xue Tianyi gently shook his hand, and then quickly recovered. Then Ye Xiaoxi looked at Fang Yiming again and smiled and nodded: "Fang."

Fang Yiming has already stood up and hurriedly smiled: "Ye Dong, Xue Shao, thank you very much today for your two guests to join us. Just sit down and don't want to be a guest. Today, this is my treat, mainly Invite two friends and get together with each other."

Ye Xiaoxi sat down and sat in the middle of Xue Tianyi and Fang Yiming. He glanced at the food on the table. Ye Xiaoxi smiled and said: "As for the three of us, this is a bit wasteful."

Fang Yiming smiled and said: "Where is Dong Dong, two of them are my guests, not wasting, not wasting at all."

Xue Tianyi couldn't help but feel uncomfortable: "A person like Miss Ye can still have such a diligent and good character. No matter who can pick up Miss Ye in the future, it is really a blessing for a lifetime." ”

Ye Xiaoxi smiled faintly: "A woman like me has a lot in this world, and Xue Shao has touted me too much."

"Where, where I had a little misunderstanding with Miss Ye, I am an apology here today. Miss Yeh Yee has a cup and I will do it first." Xue Tianyi said, raise the glass and give a full glass of white wine. Drink it.

Ye Xiaoxi also picked up the cup, looked at the wine in the cup, and smiled: "Xue Shao, my drink is not good, so..."

Fang Yiming said next to him: "Ye Dong is not right. Xue Shaohe is the first time you have eaten, and this glass of wine still apologizes, how can you drink it?"

Xue Tianyi quickly said next to him: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, Ye Xiaoxi is not polite, just drink half a glass of wine, meaning it will do."

Xue Tianyi's goal is not only to get Ye Xiaoxi drunk, but the most important thing is to win Ye Xiaoxi's good feelings. Naturally, he can't harden the wine, and the matter of persuading the wine is still going to be done.

Ye Xiaoxi saw Xue Tianyi say this and smiled. "That line, then I will drink half a cup, and I will be less Xue."

Ye Xiaoxi gently drank a half cup of wine and put down the glass. He smiled sweetly: "Xue Shao said that the previous thing was a misunderstanding, then we will turn over that page first."

Ye Xiaoxi casually smiles like this, Xue Tianyi is almost a ghost, and it must be said that after three years of Ye Xiaoxi, the charm is not weaker than the first beauty of Jiangcheng Ye Xinyi, the innocent is the sister flower of Ye Family, she is now except Beyond the playfulness, there are more mature charms that were not found three years ago.

Fang Yiming is also watching. In the impression of Fang Yiming, there is only one woman in the whole city of Kyoto who once made him feel fascinated. The woman is the first social flower rouge in China.

Fang Yiming quickly recovered Qingming. He thought that this woman was Xue Shao’s fancy. He dared to be angry with the slightest thought. He said with a smile: "Miss Ye, I want to thank you for giving me this face today, so. I also respect you for a cup, first of all, and Miss Ye, since the amount of alcohol is not good, then I am free."

Fang Yiming is also considered to be a go out, a glass of white wine directly under the belly, Ye Xiaoxi is not good to give this face, so gently sip a drink.

Fang Yiming smiled and said: "Come, eat and eat."

While several people were eating vegetables, Xue Tianyi said: "Fang, ah, Ye Jia is famous in the commercial sea of ​​China. This time, Ye Dong personally ran to Kyoto, and it was a very good face. I see you. The contract will be signed soon."

"That is of course, that is of course." Fang Yiming knows that Xue Tianyi is selling to Ye Xiaoxi, and he wants to win Ye Xiaoxi's favor. He hurriedly pushed the boat. "We were very optimistic about the cooperation with Yejia, this time. Seeing Ye Dong’s style, it’s even more solid in my heart. Now that Xue Shao has said this, how can I not give this face. Signing, I will definitely sign, Ye Dong, let me go back today and let the company draft contract."

Ye Xiaoxi smiled and said: "Then I will thank you, Mr. Fang, I will always have a cup."

Seeing Ye Xiaoxi actively toasting, Xue Tianyi and Fang Yiming all had a big heart, Fang Yiming hurriedly sipped, Ye Xiaoxi gently drank the remaining wine in the cup, and his face rose with a touch of tenderness. Red, let a few men in the room shake their hearts.



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