Super Soldier

Chapter 1028: Shocked Kyoto City

After rushing to Xiao Bing, the three men all flew out in an instant. (..)

"You are too weak." Xiao Bing said indifferently. "Don't try to provoke me again. Go back and tell your lord. Xue Tianyi's leg is interrupted by me. My name is Xiao Bing. If you are not convinced, you can come to me." ”

The two black bodyguards didn't even know what was going on, the ribs broke two, and the painful sweat was like rain, barely stood up, and dared to rush again.

The iron slave originally planned to continue to work. After hearing the words of Xiao Bing, he immediately resisted it. Then he looked at Xiao Bing with horror. Before the Wei Sihai challenged Xiao Bing, the whole thing in China was full of enthusiasm. Ordinary small people may not know that the two black bodyguards may not know, but this iron slave is the absolute confidant of Xue Tianyi, and he is the top master in the entire Xue family. He can't help!

I thought that this person in front of me had just killed an old monster who had lived for two hundred years. What they had counted in comparison, his cold sweat came out.

Xiao Bing snorted and looked at them with disdain. He said, "Take your young master back. Remember to tell you the father of Xue's family. He is not good at discipline his grandson and let this Xue Tianyi insult me. Woman, this time I interrupted his two legs is light, roll!"

The iron slave hurriedly picked up the owner of his family and ran to the elevator. The two black men also followed, and the security guards around did not dare to appear. They looked at Xiao Bing like the devil. It’s horrible to step on the other’s legs without saying a word.

Xiao Bing closed the door and returned to the room. Ye Xiaoxi sat on the bed and licked his mouth. He said, "Hey, I just want him to hold me. Although I didn't do anything about it, it felt really disgusting."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Reassured, all this is very careful. He can't have a chance to treat you. The pill's effect is very fast. It can both provoke his desire and at the same time make him stand up. A little bit of strength. As for now, let’s take a look at what Xue’s family is prepared to do, and whether they can stand this breath.”

Ye Xiaoxi asked: "Can they?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "No!"

Xiao Bing said that there is a basis for it. Xue Tianyi is too important in Xue Jiashi. He is the most outstanding person of the third generation of grandchildren. After his father became the master of Xue family, it will be several decades later. He will definitely become the next Xue family, but now his two legs are abolished, and Xiao Bing is also awkward. He can't recover from his legs even if he goes to the hospital. He is destined to take a wheelchair in his next life. He is destined to be incapable of inheriting the position of Xue Jia’s family. Xue’s family could not let a blind man in a wheelchair come to be the master, not to mention that this matter is more deadly to Xue Tianyi’s spiritual attack. His future nature must be extremely extreme.

In addition to affecting Xue Tianyi, even Xue Tianyi’s father will be affected. Xue Tianyi’s second generation is not only his father alone, his father Xue Gang has two younger brothers, and his third brother Xue Jiang’s ability is absolutely Sufficient to sit in the head of the family, no worse than Xue Gang, the only flaw is that Xue Jiang’s three sons are too unfair. If Xue Jia is handed over to Xue Jiang, it will inevitably make people worry that Xue Jiang will once again position the owner. Passed to one of his three sons, after all, the human heart is selfish, when Xue family is destroyed, so the possibility of Xue Jiang becoming a homeowner is very small.

Then only Xue Chuan, Xue Chuan has a son and a daughter, the daughter's ability is absolutely no problem, but lost in the daughter's body, his son is still younger, but can be slowly cultivated, so Xue Tianyi's injury Almost affected the successor of Xue's second generation, Xue Gang's position is difficult to protect, and the second brother Xue Chuan can certainly replace it.

But at this moment, everyone has no time to think about it. Xue Tianyi’s injury shocked the entire Xue family. Even the entire city of Kyoto, Xue’s other heavyweights except the old man went to the emergency room of the hospital. Xue Gang was outside the emergency room. Walking around, Xue Jiang no expression, Xue Chuan is as gloomy as ever, no one can guess what he is thinking.

In addition, Xue Tianyi's mother sat on the chair and cried, and two other women were gloating over the face. The two women were Xue Jiang and Xue Chuan's daughter-in-law, and Xue Tianyi was at home on weekdays. I don’t put these two Niangniang and Sanniang in my eyes. Now Xue Tianyi is hurt. They think that their children may have hope. Naturally, they are gloating, and it’s not good to show them.

When the emergency room door was opened, the doctor came out from the inside and asked: "Who is the family of the injured?"

Xue Gang hurriedly walked over, and some excitedly said: "I am his father, what happened to my son?"

The doctor took off his mask and sighed: "We have tried our best, but...hey."

Xue Gang said with excitement: "In the end, the doctor, you will tell the truth."

The doctor sighed: "His legs need to be amputated, and he can only be in a wheelchair or lying in bed for the rest of his life."

Xue Gang asked aloud: "Can't you use a prosthetic limb?"

The doctor smiled bitterly: "You can also study prosthetics, but it is basically difficult to walk normally with prosthetics. At most, you can take a few steps with a cane, mainly using a wheelchair instead."

Xue Gang sighed and looked like a gray, nodded and said: "Doctor, I know."

"Well, your son will be hospitalized for a while, first nursed and nursed back to health, at least for more than half a year, then we will prepare for him surgery, according to your request, prepare a prosthetic for him."

Xue Gang sighed: "I know."

At this time, Xue Chuan and Xue Jiang both came over and said one by one: "Big Brother, this is the end of the matter, don't think too much."

"Yeah, big brother, the festival is changing."

Xue Gang shook his head and said: "My son is just a broken two legs. His life is still there. He can't make a sorrow and change. He will be able to regain his perseverance in the future."

At this time, Xue Jiang’s wife’s yin and yang said: “Yes, I am physically weak.”

Xue Jiang turned his head and glanced at his wife, and sighed: "Close your mouth."

His wife was shocked and hurriedly closed her mouth.

Xue Jiang said: "Big brother, if you know this thing, you will be very sad and sad. Oh, but there is no way. Dad tells our brothers, after waiting for the results, let us both go back and tell him the situation here. Let you and my nephew not rush to go, take care of God here, then let's go first."

"Well." Xue Gang nodded. He knew in his heart that as his son's legs were broken, his family's successor position could not be saved. This matter even exceeded his blow. The blow to his son was injured.

Xue Jiang and Xue Chuan walked with their daughter-in-law quickly. Xue Gang saw his wife still crying there, and screamed in distraction: "Cry and cry, see your son." Hey, Dad repeatedly doesn't want to provoke Xiao Bing, don't go to provoke Xiao Bing, he is so obsessed with the idea of ​​a woman who is wearing Xiao Bing!"

"What use is it for you and me?" Xue Tianyi's mother looked up and looked at her man, full of resentment. "Isn't it revenge? Isn't it revenge for God?"

Xue Gang gritted his teeth and said: "I and Xiao Bingqiu are like the sea. The hatred of the whole body can't be seen like the waves. I don't report this **** sea vengeance, I don't want to be a man!"

Rouge was checking the work in the red-pink beauty. By the way, he greeted the distinguished guests. He suddenly saw a few people rushing to leave. Rouge knew the few people, all of them were big people in Kyoto, rouge up. Jiao smiled and asked: "How do you go so rushed, it will not be the wife who urged it at home?"

"What?" One of the sons of the second-rate family in Kyoto City smiled bitterly. "There was a big deal. Xue Shao, who was in Kyoto's four young people, was interrupted by two legs. I heard that he could only be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. I spent the rest of our family and let us go back. I am afraid I have a good time."

Rouge was shocked and said: "There are four losses in Kyoto. Who is so daring, even the four Kyotos dare to move?"

"Hey, I heard that Xue Shao bullied the woman from the North Xiaobing. As a result, he was blocked by the Xiao Bing in the room. He directly interrupted the two legs and let Xue Shao’s several bodyguards go back and tell. Xue Laotai, if you are not convinced, always go to find him Xiaobing to settle accounts, he Xiao Bing is waiting at any time!" This person said and said, can not help but look forward to a long time, "I am really arrogant, really domineering! However, it has attracted the Xue family, and it is estimated that this Xiao Bing will be unlucky."

Rouge was shocked: "What, Xiao Bing came to Kyoto City? Is Xiao Bing playing?"

"Yeah." The man said with emotion, "I didn't expect Kyoto to be peaceful for several years. Even today, such a big event happened. I see, Xiao Bing can't walk out of Kyoto."

"That's not necessarily." Someone said next to him, "This Xiao Bing is the underground world hegemon of the three northern provinces. It is the existence of a Tyrannosaurus level. Now it is equivalent to the feeling that a strong dragon wants to cross the river."

"Cut, even if it is a strong dragon, what about it? Not to mention that Xue is not a local snake. Xiao Bing is even more powerful in the underworld. Can he still win the overbearing master of the Xue family? Don't forget, Xue Jiake is Kyoto. One of the four major families in the city, their power can be compared to just a subterranean world."

"You are right, too. In the underground world, you can't afford the national machine. I heard that Xue has a great influence in the military and political affairs. Xiao Bing is going to be unlucky this time."

"Rouge, not much to say, let's go first."

"Take away."

After they left, the rouge eyes with a bit of worry, with a bit of confusion, muttered to himself: "The angry hair is red, Xiao Bing, I don't know if it should be worried for you, or it should be for you. I am fascinated. But Long Shao has been like this for me."

Thinking of the dragon, the rouge showed a happy blush.

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