Super Soldier

Chapter 1040: Force Xue family!

Long less?

Kyoto four less?

Lin Zihang shook his head and smiled: "I can't think of it, I really can't think of it. This is the Kyoto four with my name."

Wen Yan also said: "I used to know only the other three of the four youngest in Kyoto. I have been thinking about what kind of young people can match the three little ones. Later I heard that the dragon is less character. Very romantic, there are many beautiful women in Kyoto who have been his woman, but no one knows his true identity. From the aspect of Merry, he is no worse than the other three."

Lin Zihang smiled and said: "Don't say this, I think I am still a very sympathetic man. For example, I think Miss Wen Wei is simply a national fragrance. I can't help but feel tempted at a glance."

Xu Jianxin coughed aside, Lin Zihang hurriedly said: "Oh, I almost forgot, Miss Wen Wei is Xu Shao's favorite person, Xu Erge, you can't go back with Xu Shao and mention this sentence. !"

Wen Zihang, who had no choice but to stop, said, "I have nothing to do with Xu Shaolian."

Xu Jianxin's attitude is gracious: "Miss Wen, my brother has always liked you very much, but my brother said that the thing he likes most is that it is difficult for a strong person, so he is willing to develop with friends from Miss Wen."

Wen Hao smiled very politely: "Thank you, if you are a friend, I am very willing."

The gentle attitude is very decent. She has neither bluntly rejected Xu Shao’s love, nor has she promised.

Xu Jianxin smiled slightly: "That's good. If the dragon is only a romantic, it is not listed as one of the four. He is actually listed as the fourth one because he used to play in the club." Broke a leg of the heir of the second-rate family, and later the family has not pursued this matter, so everyone realized that this dragon must have a deep family background, but he is hidden too deep, not known Well, it was listed as one of the four."

Lin Zihang smiled bitterly: "This dragon is really dedicated to the legs of others. The fame is because the other people's legs are interrupted. Now it is because of the interruption of Xue Shao's legs and Xue's tears."

Xue Gang suddenly shouted there: "I don't care if you are a dragon or someone, interrupting my son's leg, you have to take your life to pay off!"

Xue Jiang slightly frowned, and Long Shao’s name still couldn’t hold him, but the former captain’s identity of the Dragon Tooth Brigade was quite special. The Longya Brigade was a direct special force belonging to the National Security Bureau, and the Longya Brigade Even if the team members are retired, they still enjoy special treatment, such as Xiao Bing. If he is really the former captain of the Dragon Tooth Brigade, if Xue Jiang really killed him in private, it is estimated that he will go to the military. If the court is tried, unless the heads of the above agree and sign the document, he can do so.

Mrs. Xue’s face is gloomy and he is a bit aware of the seriousness of the disorder. It’s no wonder that the old class will maintain this person. The identity of this person is so special, it was once the captain of the Dragon Tooth Brigade.

Xue Jiang did not listen to Xiao Bing's side words, but looked at the old class. The old class said: "Look at what I do? He is right. He used to be the captain of the Dragon Tooth Brigade, even now the head of the above. I still hope that he will come back, but this stinky boy’s heart is wild, he is crazy, and he will not come back.”

Xue Jiang took a deep breath and said with a serious tone: "The prince is guilty of crimes against the untouchables. Don't say that he is the former captain, even if he is the current captain. Xiao Bing, your identity is special, we can't hurt your life, but we I will take you away now, and then ask the head of the above. If you resist, I will add one more when I ask for it. Are you following us or letting my people catch you?"

Xiao Bing smiled. He looked at Xue Jiang and suddenly said: "The following crimes are undisciplined. Who gave you this guts?"

This violent drink is simply scaring Xue Jiang a jump, Xue Jiang's brow wrinkled, said Shen Xiao: "Xiao Bing, I heard that the dragon tooth brigade captain is the rank of major general, even if you used to be the dragon tooth captain, the most That is to level with me, what qualification do you have to say that I am committing the following? Isn't that a joke?"

Xiao Bing smiled out of his arms and took out a military officer's official certificate. Then he raised it up and opened the first page, so that everyone looked at his name, photo and rank. He also intended to show off. In a circle, the big voice: "Let's have a look."

Everyone who saw what was written on this document could not believe it. Even more than before, when he heard that Xiao Bing was the captain of Long Shao and Long Tooth, he felt more shocked, such as being struck by lightning.

"This...this is impossible...this is a fake!!!" Xue Jiang dare not believe in the madness. "How old have you been? Huaxia has never had a lieutenant under the age of 50. How can you possibly !"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You don't believe it is because your news has fallen behind. You can call to investigate and investigate. I believe that the current military system in the country has updated my name. As a senior general, you are It’s just a major general, but it’s barely able to investigate.”

"This is impossible, you wait, I will poke your lies." Xue Jiang rushed out of the phone, began to call, dialed the phone, and looked at Xiao Bing's eyes, the eyes were clearly said You will be proud first, and you will be exposed soon.

After the call of Xue Jiang, the attitude became more respectful and said: "Head, have you heard that you have just appointed a new lieutenant recently? Oh, you have not heard of it?"

Xue Jiang Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Xiao Bing with a smug look. The Xue family’s people were all relieved, and then they sneered at Xiao Bing, thinking that this was a liar. If this is the case, it is estimated that he will The identity of the former Long Tooth Captain must also be investigated clearly. Maybe it is a play by the Secretary of the National Security Bureau.

Although the director of the National Security Bureau should not say such a lie, everyone sees that the old class is to protect Xiao Bing, and it is uncertain whether he wants to temporarily help Xiao Bing escape, especially the Dragon Tooth Brigade. It has always been a mysterious existence. Even the military generals are not likely to know the secrets of the Dragon Tooth Brigade. He may not even know if he is lying.

Not only the Xue family think so, even those who have status status are all in the same mind. If you think about it, how can China Huaxia have such a young lieutenant.

Xiao Bing did not care at all. Xue Jiang continued to say there: "The head, can you help me check the list of national generals? Ok, good, trouble you..."

Xue Jiang looked at Xiao Bing and sneered: "The head of our military region is checking your name through the national information network. You now admit that you are still lying."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then let him check it."

Xue Jiang waited for about two minutes, and then the head of his mobile phone suddenly gave a cry, because the voice was too loud, causing others to hear clearly: "How is this possible, how can I never have Have you heard of this appointment? The 29-year-old lieutenant, this is incredible!!!!"

Xue Jiang's face became extremely ugly, and he trembled: "What is his name..."

"He called... I look at it... Ah, Xue Jiang, are you taking someone to catch him? He is now the death of your Xue family, Xiao Bing!"

When I heard the exclamation over there, basically all of this eyes widened, and then I looked at Xiao Bing, lying in an incredible way. How could the world really have a 29-year-old lieutenant, is he? Is it the pro-son of the great head?

Even if these people present today are already numb to the stimulation, first Xiao Bing and Xue Jia tore the face, followed by killing more than 50 people, killing people rolling, blood flowing into the river, and now it is **** The Xue family of the four great families has become like **** on earth.

But now everyone still feels once again shocked, boss, less than 30 years old, you are the predecessor of the Dragon Tooth Captain can be considered to bear, but you are still a lieutenant, who can bear this?

Do you know how many elite children from the big family in this world have struggled for the rest of their lives to reach the height you have reached now less than 30 years old?

Xue Laotai actually shook his body slightly and fainted. The Xue family did not care about Xiao Bing. He rushed forward and hurriedly lifted Xue Lao’s grandfather, then shouted: “Ambulance, hurry up. call the ambulance!"

Today, the guests who came to give Mrs. Xue’s birthday to watch this scene are like watching a black humor comedy. The whole process of development is like black humor. Originally Xue’s wanted the underground world to deal with Xiao. Instead, the soldiers were slashed by Xiao Bing, who took one-third of China’s underground world.

Xue Jia’s killer is to use the military’s power to deal with Xiao Bing, but the result is that Xiao Bing is actually the military’s lieutenant!

This time Xue’s family was defeated, and the defeat was too thorough.

Perhaps a lieutenant may not be able to fight Xue's family, but there are multiple identities in the middle. The former leader of the Longya Brigade, the largest giant in the underground world of China, and a friend of the National Security Bureau, so that, Even Xiao Bing does not have any family background, but he does not have to fear Xue.

Xiao Bing is an orphan. He has no wealthy family, but Xiao Bing is standing here casually. He is a giant!

The old class watched everyone rushing to save Xue Laotai. He sighed and muttered to himself: "Father, why is this, for a third generation of juniors, is it guilty?"

This is what everyone thinks of all the guests who come here now. For a Xue Tianyi, he has offended Xiao Bing, who has the background of the military and the National Security Bureau. Is it guilty?

As Xiao Bing’s card came out, he even let the Xue family of the four major families have nothing to do with him. The major forces in the country were shocked after learning it!

And Xiao Bing also officially rose from the identity of an underground world to the giant of China!

The name of Xiao Bing began to gradually become Megatron China!

At this moment, in this luxury villa, Wen Yan looked at Xiao Bing, but the eyes flashed out in the same way.



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