Super Soldier

Chapter 1042: Constantly tempting the beauty of Xiao Bing

The second goods opened the door, but they saw two strangers from the door. The two goods just wanted to ask questions. Suddenly they thought that they would not speak r, so they closed their mouths. Scorpio novels.|2

Chisongzhi curiously asked: "Who are you looking for?"

The eyes of these two people fell on the branches of the red scorpion, but the age of the red stalks was still small, but it was pure and pleasing, and the eyes of the red stalks showed a bit of vigilance.

After seeing the two goods on the side of the waist, the two men hurriedly regained their gaze and said, "Excuse me, we passed by here, thirsty, want to drink a glass of water."

"Oh." Although the Akasaka branch is not very good for these two people, but the kind-hearted Akasaka branch still said, "Please come in, you wait in the yard, I will go in and get you water."

After speaking in the r dialect, Akasaka said to the second goods: "Two brothers, the two of them are thirsty. You will accompany them in the yard first. I will go in and pour them a glass of water."

"Oh, I know."

The two men looked at Xiao Bing with amazement and snorted in his mouth: "Huaxia?"

However, the Chinese people were not too few in the r country, they quickly returned to normal, then walked into the yard, standing in the yard and waiting for the red branches.

The two goods and the two of them were unreasonable in language, and they did not know what to say. They stood by and waited for the red stalks that poured into the water to come out of the house.

These two people are not tall, one is a dwarf, one is a fat man, the fat man suddenly smashed his companion, his companion looked at the past, but saw that there was an iron stove in the yard, and around There are a lot of guys, and at first glance it’s iron.

They both look at each other, this is a coincidence or...

Soon, the red scorpion branch came out from inside with two water-filled cups, and each one handed it over and said, "Warm water, drink slowly."

The two of them took the cup, and the dwarf asked casually: "Miss, thank you, your heart is really good, what is your name?"

"I am, Akasaka."


Both of them had a bit of excitement in their eyes. The dwarf asked: "Do you still have a grandfather?"

The red scorpion branch was not prepared, and asked, "How do you know?"

These two people immediately confirmed that this place is the residence of Akasaka, and the excitement in the heart is inextricably added. The dwarf is very exciting. He said, "Oh, our brothers have been wandering around in the last two days and have seen you. grandfather."

"It turned out to be like this." Chichiko asked, "Do you want to drink water?"

"Don't drink water, don't drink water." The two men returned the cup to the red stalk, and said, "Thank you, let's go first."

"That line, go slowly."

The red stalks and the second goods sent the two men away. The two of them left here and endured the excitement. After walking far away, the short fat man smiled excitedly and said: "I didn't expect to give up soon. I was touched by you and me. This time you and I have made a great contribution!"

The thin man smiled and said: "Yeah, it must not be wrong. There is a tool for refining in the house, and the girl is still surnamed Akasaka. Where is there such a clever thing under the sun? What should you do with me? It is direct Hands-on..."

"Don't worry." The fat man is more shrewd. He shook his head. "The stupid big one, have you noticed? The person gave me the feeling that it was like a beast. I have a feeling that you Adding to me will not be his opponent."

The thin man wrinkled his brows, and the strength of both of them reached the early stage of the chemical. Although they couldn't talk about any great masters, they were hard to get a hand in any city. He just felt it in front of the second goods. Dangerous, he thought about it, sighed and said: "Yes, this credit is still not good to grab, first try to inform the lesser, then let him do the decision."

After the two men finished speaking, they disappeared into the darkness.

In Xiao Bing's room, Xue Cai condensed in. She was wearing a red lace skirt and a translucent skirt, revealing a long white tender thigh. The reason why Xiao Bing was because she had thought before opening the door. Who is coming so late, the only possibility that Xiao Bing thinks is rouge, but I didn’t expect that the woman who came in finally came this time, this third-generation daughter, Xue Cai, who just swollen their family’s face. .

I have to say that Xue Cai Ning actually looks very beautiful, but the temper is proud of some. At this time, wearing a red lace perspective skirt, it looks very **** and seductive, so people can't help but want to sin.

Xiao Bing coughed and said: "You sit down, don't know what Miss Xue Da has done in my room in the middle of the night? It seems that it is not so good?"

Xue Caijing sat down and picked up a small mouth and said: "Xiao Big Brother, what's wrong, you can now hold a family by one person, so even the hospitality is gone, I ran all over. Don't you tell me something to drink?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Then I will give you some tea, as long as you don't drink, you can do it."

Xue Cai's eyes looked at Xiao Bing with a wink and asked: "Why, I am afraid that I have no alcohol?"

"Yes, it is not. I think that wine is such a thing, it is not a good thing, wine can be chaotic, I am afraid that when you see me look so handsome, after drinking the wine, it is easy to hold."

Xue Caiing covered his mouth and giggled: "I really didn't think that Xiao Da Ge, you are still a very humorous person. You are frightened me during the day, and we are shocked by the whole Xue family, a total of sixty. The people around the world are actually killed by you. The kind of domineering, you don't know, it feels like a devil coming out of hell."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "As for what, I am actually a very good person to talk about."

"Of course." Xue Xuening said, "The whole Xuefu is simply blood flowing into the river. After you have all gone, the next person cleans the battlefield and vomits while cleaning up."

Xiao Bing faintly said: "In fact, I don't want to kill people. They are looking for them. Well, strictly speaking, they are all the cannon fodders that your grandfather has found. Your grandfather is also awkward."

Xue Cai sighed: "If my grandfather is not enough, how can I support such a big family? In fact, this is no wonder my grandfather, people live in this world is like this, if you want to do big things, you must remember not to Nostalgia, no poison, no husband."

"A good non-toxic husband." Xiao Bing said, "This is the survival philosophy of your big family. I have already learned about it. So, your family will take me away and say what will kill me." You Xue’s Xue Tianyi’s revenge, isn’t it actually to find a face for your family? It’s just that you can rely on the power of your family to hold me back. If you have known so many identities behind me, it’s estimated I will not act rashly. Even if I am stronger than I am now, maybe you will say to me what I am doing right now. Xue Tianyi should be interrupted by two legs. Do you believe it or not?"

"I believe." Xue Caiing smiled. "The weak meat is strong, society is not like that. But we still don't talk about it now, it's too beautiful."

“煞景?” Xiao Bing’s pupil shrinks slightly and carefully examines Xue Cai’s condensation.

Xue Caiing sat on the chair at this moment, and the left leg was placed on the right leg. The two white and slender legs looked too attractive, and the eyes of the people could not help but fall on it, and her skirt Very short, even Xiao Bing can vaguely see the scenery at the bottom of the skirt. It seems to be wearing a small white inner inside. If you look up, the red lace perspective is full of temptation. The color itself is a bit fascinating.

Coupled with Xue Xie's hot body and her beautiful appearance, Xiao Bing immediately made a judgment. This woman is clearly coming to seduce herself. I am afraid that it is impossible to find a man who can face a dress. Such a **** and glamorous beauty is indifferent?

Xiao Bing swallowed two salivas and saw that Xiao Bing’s throat was rolling, and Xue Cai’s eyes were even more hot.

Xiao Bing asked: "Miss Xue Cai Ning, what are you doing today? Are you afraid of the scenery? Wouldn't it be to come to me to talk about love?"

Xue Cai was stunned and smiled. The eyes seemed to be teasing Xiao Bing. Her legs were changed. When she lifted her legs, the beautiful legs and feet seemed to seduce a man to rush toward her.

Xue Cai Ning asked: "If it is really love and love?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I am afraid that it is not very reliable. I and Xue are enemies. You are the daughter of Xue's daughter, Miss Xue Caining. Are you laughing?"

Xue Caiing looked at Xiao Bing with a bit of sadness, and said faintly: "I thought about it when I came. You actually said this. Actually, I am coming over today. Isn’t the most wronged person not me? You I just hit the slap in our Xue family, but I came to you at this time. Do you think I am embarrassed?"

"Nothing." Xiao Bing hurriedly said, "I never think of a woman, especially a beautiful woman. I just think that I am so **** and charming."

Xue Cai said quietly: "You are right, today in the yard, although you are giving us a resounding slap in the back of Xue Jia, but I don't know why, I only have one feeling, you are so charming. Xiao Bing, you are the man that Xue Cai Ning likes... Are you willing to have more comprehensive contact with me?"

Xiao Bing screamed: "All-round ... contact?"

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