Super Soldier

Chapter 1047: Account for the task

Rouge Jiao said: "Who can afford your vinegar, you are not only a day's playboy, there are still a lot of beautiful women in Kyoto City, if I eat jealously? It’s just that this Xue Cai is not the same. Although I don’t have much contact with her, I have already touched some of these young masters in Kyoto, and I can make a comment. Tianzhu’s novel.|2 This Xue Cai Ning is in my opinion. The mind is very deep, and very ambitious. It is a woman who can try not to touch it without touching it. Otherwise, maybe someone sells you, and you are still helping people count the money."

Xiao Bing listened to the rouge, haha ​​laughed, then nodded: "Well, you are very eye-catching, her heart is really not shallow, but in front of me, I am still a little tender. ”

Xiao Bing then Xue Xue Ning wants to seduce him. Finally, he told Rouge that he knew that this matter is to be kept secret, but Xiao Bing believes in his own woman.

Rouge listened and nodded. "You are good. I thought she would seduce you casually. You will be hooked. I didn't expect to know that people have traps. ===Look at classic comics. On the stupid dog comic network ===."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Do you think I am a stallion? Tell you, in fact, I can be pure now, but I don't believe it."

Rouge Gege Jiao smiled and said: "Who are you going to ask, who can believe it? But this thing you have done very well, I feel that working with her, as long as you pay attention to it, it should still be more beneficial than the disadvantages, others will not Say, you offended Xue Jia, Xue Jia is more stable and powerful, and the threat to you is greater. If you give Xue Cai a support, the more Xue Xue Ning will dare to fight."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You said it is good. I think so. No matter what benefits I can get in Xue Caining's body, there is a benefit but it is real. It is to support a person inside Xue's family. It can make the interior of Xue's family become unstable. It is only good for me, no harm."

Rouge leaned on Xiao Bing's body and said, "But she dreamed of her homeowner and wanted to seduce my man to go to bed. It was really not a good thing."

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "You still said that you are not jealous, come, let me see, is it a vinegar flavor."

"Oh, don't look, the rouge's stomach is hungry."

"Let's go, I will take you to dinner."

After Xiao Bing and Rouge put on their clothes, they planned to go out to eat with rouge. They didn't want to waste money, and they went out to eat, and they went to the club's restaurant to eat.

Seeing Xiao Bing and Rouge two people walking in with their arms, countless pairs of eyes brushed over, many people are talking in private, rouge and Xiao Bing together, the heart can not tell the joy, she Standing high, like a beautiful and proud white swan, enjoying the surrounding gaze and discussion, she secretly thought, although I am not the last woman who will win a woman, at least now I belong to his woman This is enough.

Seeing the boss coming in, the employees were naturally more enthusiastic. Xiao Bing and Rouge just sat down. Two beautiful women dressed in exposed and **** bodies immediately came over. The voice was sweet: "Rouge, the menu is for you. What do you want to eat?"

When the two men spoke to Rouge, they also quietly looked at Xiao Bing from time to time.

After Rouge ordered two dishes, he handed the menu to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing also took two points and then smiled and said: "Okay, let's just do it. It is a waste of too much."

The two staff members just took the meal and retired. Immediately, a fat man came over with a wine glass and looked at Xiao Bing. He smiled and said: "Mr. Xiao, hello, I was lucky enough to have a birthday party at Xue. I have seen you above."

"Oh." Xiao Bing asked: "Are you?"

"I introduce myself, my surname is Wang, called Wang Changbai." The man shook hands with Xiao Bing, and said with a smile, "I am the director of the Public Security Bureau of this district, but I will soon transfer to the local area to work. Xia Nai is the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It turned out to be Deputy Secretary Wang. Hello, are you. Do you want to sit down and eat together?"

"No, no." The man hurriedly waved his hand. "I still don't bother with Yaxing. I came with my friend. I just came over and said hello to Mr. Xiao. I have a chance to get in touch later. This is me. Business card."

Xiao Bing took the business card and said two sentences must be certain. Then the man and the rouge were set aside and went back to his table to sit.

Then there were some people who came over and greeted or toasted with Xiao Bing. They were basically people in the upper class of Kyoto. Although they were not as high as the four families, they were all personal, and they were basically outside. It was something that ordinary people couldn't afford, and they didn't bother much, just politely and Xiao Bing, then handed in the business card, and then went back.

After Xiao Bing gave these people a fight, Rouge whispered a smile: "Xiao Big Brother, you are now in a different identity, and the reputation is outside, these people want to have a good relationship with you."

Xiao Bing whispered coldly: "When Xue family wanted to deal with me, they estimated that they all regarded me as a god, but now they are starting to install people here, but society is like this, I can understand, many friends. There are many roads and there is no need to go with them."

Rouge Road: "You are right."

Xiao Bingdao: "But there are individuals who can't be friends."

Rouge asked: "Who?"

Xiao Bing sneered: "Before designing the leaves, it is not only Xue Tianyi alone, but also one person can not be ignored, Fang Fangming."

Rouge frowns: "Fangjia said that it is not comparable to the four major families, but it can be regarded as a second-rate family. If it is placed on the place, it is considered a giant-level power, and it is not easy to provoke."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you think he is not irritating, or am I not irritated?"

Rouge thought for a moment, then smiled: "Even Xue family have been beaten by you, of course, you are even more difficult to provoke."

"What you said is, since it is even worse for me to provoke him, he has provoked me, how can I not pay any price? But rest assured, I will not let them grasp the handle of this matter, even if it is a tooth. They are knocked out, and they have to swallow their stomachs themselves."

At this time, there were two beautiful women who couldn’t help but come over. Looking at Xiao Bing, the eyes were shy and sly, and finally cautiously said: "Rouge sister, can I ask your friend for a photo?"

Rouge smiled and said: "I almost forgot, Xiao Brother, you are still a celebrity in the entertainment circle. But don't ask me, just ask the parties, I don't mind."

The reason why they just didn't ask well was that they were afraid that Rouge would be unhappy. At this time, they got the boss's consent. They looked at Xiao Bing with enthusiasm and excitement. Poorly asked: "Xiao Big Brother, we can like your movie, yes. Your iron powder, can you..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "No problem, take pictures with your mobile phone?"

"Well!" These two beautiful women and Xiao Bing took a picture. In the distance, there were several female employees who were still looking at the scene. They all came together, and they all joined Xiao Bing. Zhang Ying, Xiao Bing is almost a visitor, Rouge looked at this scene with a smile, his heart is not jealous, but there is some happiness, my heart is thinking, this is the man I like, this is my man The charm!

After Xiao Bing took a photo with them, they all said that they did not bother Xiao Bing and Rouge, and they all ran to one side.

Rouge smiled: "The big star, so many beautiful women like you, Yan Fu is not shallow!"

Xiao Bingxiao smiled and said: "Oh, this day, in fact, I am almost annoying, and where is the beauty."

"It's ok, I see your mouth is going to go to the ear, and the happiness is broken, and it is said to be annoying. Ok, let's eat soon."

After Xiao Bing and Rouge finished dinner, Rouge first went to work, let Xiao Bing wait for her in the room for a while, and two people would like to go to the night scene of Kyoto City together. Xiao Bing also planned to accompany Rouge in these two days. It is a little compensation for rouge.

After returning to the rouge room, Xiao Bing directly called the crow and told the crow to arrange for someone to go to Kyoto City. He would kill the party and must be foolproof. The crow said that he would personally go out.

For the ability of the crow, Xiao Bing still has full reassurance. Since the crow personally does this thing, Fang Yiming basically will not live these days, and this is why he dared to help Xue Tianyi to calculate the leaves. The price that should be paid!

After finishing the call, Xiao Bing basically completed all the things he had to do temporarily, and then made a phone call with the second goods. He asked about the situation there. The sword is different from the ordinary sword and sword, even if It’s that the sword wants to build and it takes a lot of effort. The sword wants to create it. Even some powerful refiners need to exhaust the countless scenes, even if this is just a repair, but it’s too broken before. It’s amazing, the sword-making work over there will take a long time to complete.

The second shipment asked Xiao Bing if he wanted to come back soon. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Oh, listen to your tone, you don't want to come back. You must be very happy there? Don't worry, spend more time with you. It’s good to come back later, it’s best to come back with the branches.”

The second goods smiled and said: "Hey, I really want to go back, but since Xiao Laoda said so, he will listen to you, don't go back..."

"Then come back!" After Xiao Bing finished, he saw that there was no words, and he couldn't help but laugh.

In the northern three provinces, the mysterious crow also embarked on a plane to Kyoto, ready to hunt Fang Yiming's life!

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