Super Soldier

Chapter 1053: Undead war god

Tokugawa Benxi sighed with a sigh of relief and gently waved his hand. Immediately, except for the four elders, the other 26 people all rushed up. There are three Danjin mid-term and Danjin peaks in the twenty-six. People outside of this are all below the Danjin period. Even so, so many top players are enough to make a strong period must be retreat. Scorpio novels.|2

The second cargo station is there, one step is not retreat, a savvy master leaps into the air, punches two goods, two goods do not hide or not, the fist falls on the head of the two goods, a bang, two goods Lived in his arm, and then forced him to the ground, a bang, the earth followed the roar, this person was directly killed.

Another **** of a strong master inserted into the eyes of two goods, two goods closed their eyes, fingers inserted on the eyelids, this person holding two broken fingers, painful screaming, two goods have been forced One head slammed into the face, and the head hit the man's face. The man's neck snorted and fell directly to the ground.

Six acquired masters joined forces to hug the second goods, hoop the arms of the second goods, and then a strong man of the top of the mountain hit a fist on the neck of the second goods, the second thing grinned, bowed his head, bite in On the palm of his hand, the squeaky, squeaky voice of the palm and the screams of this person made all people scalp.

The two goods violently screamed, and the six people who hugged him were actually thrown out by him at the same time. They fell far and far, and they fell on the ground and did not know whether they were dizzy or dead.

Two goods violently said: "Mom, too light, too light, you guys, don't scream at his mother, have the ability to kill 俺!"

A flash of light flashed, and another strong man with a strong thorn was directly punctured into his mouth. The sharp cockroach had just entered the mouth of the second goods, and was bitten by the teeth of the second goods. The strong man screamed, crazy. Stinging into the inside, but the teeth of the second goods are really terrible, and the cockroaches are not bitten by the bite, and Dan Jin’s mouth is screaming in r: "Gossip, how is it possible!"

Two goods flew up, directly blasted the heart of this person, this person flew directly out, and then snorted, the sharp cockroach was actually directly bitten by the second goods, the second goods immediately spit with a mouth, biting in the mouth The half-blinking lightning in the general penetration of the other palm of the hand was crushed by the second cargo.

The two goods slammed their chests and shouted: "It's too weak, it's weak!"

Tokugawa’s eyes flashed with a hot glow, and smiled: “Not bad, such a talent is exactly what I need!”

Two goods rushed into the crowd, almost one punch, no one is the enemy of the second goods.

When the masters all fell to the feet of the second goods, the two goods were facing up to the sky, and there was a roar in the corner of the mouth, and they went straight into the sky.

The four elders next to Tokugawa’s body were glanced at each other. The four people had a tacit understanding of each other, and they rushed into the yard at the same time, screaming twice, and the two goods were instantly in the palm of their hands. This time, the goods finally stepped back and forth several steps, and the ground was followed by two deep footprints.

Tokugawa Benxi smiled and said: "This kid is too mad, and there are four elders."

The four elders occupied the four orientations of the front, back, left and right. The second one slammed and started to shoot, but the cooperation of these four people was too tacit, and the realm of the two people was not weak compared with the second one. It’s also the peak of the enthusiasm, and the two are slightly weaker and reach the middle of the enthusiasm, far from being able to compare those who just.

In a blink of an eye, the second goods fell into a crisis. He did not have any resistance at all. He was hit by the other side, and his head, heart, chest, throat, back, legs, shoulders... Although it is said that because his King Kong is not bad, the other party can't bring him fatal damage, but the two goods that are also hit are a little dizzy. He only feels that things in front of him are constantly shaking, and the corners of the mouth are also bleeding, even among them. One person also used a sputum on his back to draw a long wound. Although the wound was not deep, at least the second was injured.

Finally, four people made a single blow at the same time. Four palms were shot on the body of the second goods. The two goods were attacked by the four elders at the same time. They were instantly squatted on the ground and face down. The broke into the ground.

This is not finished, one of the elders leaps high and slams down, knees directly on the waist of the second goods, even if it is a strong one to break the void level, I am afraid it may not be able to withstand so many fatal Attack, not half dead.

The elder took a breath and stood up, then Shen Sheng said: "Mr. Tokugawa, this person has already solved it."

The red scorpion branch rushed straight over. One of the elders swept the red scorpion branch and was about to take it. Tokugawa Benxi hurriedly stopped the loud noise: "Don't move him."

The elders were allowed to smash the red stalks to the second goods, and they shed tears to lift the two goods from the ground.

Tokugawa Benxi’s eyes stared at Akasaka, and smiled: “This girl is very beautiful, so it’s a shame to kill it. It’s good to be with the old man.”

This is how many elders are unhappy. The reason why they are not so convinced by Tokugawa Benxi is because the virtues of Tokugawa Benxi are far less than the original Ixuanchuan Valley.

The second goods turned over, his body was blood, but he was grinning and said: "The branch, what are you crying, you are only suffering from a little skin trauma, and you will not die with these four old people." It’s not that easy to kill you."

Said, the second goods actually climbed up from the ground, the four elders saw the second goods like nothing, four people could not help but reveal a dumbfounded expression, just the heavy blows still can not kill, even It seems that except for the knife on the back, it is really a little skin injury, the rest is really nothing, this is simply incredible!

Two goods pulled the clothes off the body, fell to the ground, licking his fingers, and the fingers slammed loudly. He laughed loudly: "You guys are so addicted to the old guys, it’s so cool. It’s cool.”

The second cargo grabbed the red stalks and threw the red stalks directly. The red peony seeds flew out to her grandfather's side, and then the eyes flashed with joy and looked at the two goods, crying and laughing: "Grandpa, two goods My brother is fine."

"Well, nothing, rest assured, he is fine."

Although the mouth said so, but the heart of Akasaka’s Zhongshan is still worried, although the second goods are still fine, but the other side has four elders, even if there are no four elders, Tokugawa Benxi personally came over, Tokugawa Benxi The strength of the unpredictable, the master of the previous generation of the martial temple, is the current master of the martial arts hall, can be called the first master of the r country, the second goods can be his opponent.

The four elders are a little angry and angry. The four guys are already grandfathers. As the elders of the martial temple, they are all high on weekdays. Few people will need them, not to mention four people at the same time. The result is so long, the other side can still stand here live?

This is a great humiliation for the four of them.

The four of them glanced at each other and then rushed over at the same time, hehe...

The attack of the four people was in sight, but the strength of the two goods was strong, but under the attack of the four top powerhouses, they were still able to withstand the same hardship as sandbags.

He was constantly beaten, and the whole person was beaten to the west. After he fell down, he stood up again. After he flew, he climbed up again. He was like an undead little strong, no matter how many times he was defeated, but he still could Climb up, standing there like a **** of war.

No matter how fierce he was hit, even his forehead had blood, but his backbone was still so strong. He was fulfilling his promise with practical actions, as long as he could stand here. No one can move the Red Sun Yat-Sen, unless they step on his body!

The mouth of the second goods is bloody, and there is already bloodshot eyes in the eyes, but he is still laughing in a crazy way: "Old things, useless... you can’t fight, you can’t die... you are like It is tickling."

After he finished speaking, his temple was once again hit hard, and he fell to the ground again.

The four elders began to breathe, and they were too tired. The two goods looked like they were not fatally wounded, but they were all bruised.

Akasaka is crying, loudly: "Two brothers, don't worry, you don't care about us, beg you, you are not their opponent."

The second cargo climbed up again. This time, the second cargo climbed very slowly. It looked like it was played by the four elders like sandbags for so long, even if he was not fatally wounded, but it was also weak at this time. .

The second paper wiped the blood on his face and smiled: "The branch, what are you worried about? You haven’t been addicted yet, just can’t talk about warming up.”

Two goods looked at them four, haha ​​laughed: "This is already tired? You can't do it, hahahaha, isn't the age too big, physical strength is not good? Physical strength is not good, it should be the turn It!"

The red oak branches wiped their tears and choked: "Grandpa, two brothers, he..."

Akasaka’s complex face in the middle of the mountain: “The branch, your second brother is a real hero.”

"But I am so sad, I feel so sad, what is going on, wow... oh... ah ah ah..." Akasaka squatted on the ground, burst into tears.

Akasaka sighed and sighed, gently stroking the head of Akasaka.

Akasaka, looking at the firm back of the second goods, burst into tears and cried, crying and crying out loudly: "But my heart hurts..."

Akira Nakayama sighed: "The branch, he is a hero, a man worthy of your favorite."

"I like him..."

"You didn't like it before. I don't know. Grandpa knows that from now on, you can't forget him anymore."

Akasaka Nakayama looked at Tokugawa Benxi outside the door and said: "Mr. Tokugawa, you want to arrest me, I want you to help you cast weapons. Why bother, let them go, I will go with you."

Tokugawa Benxi smiled and said: "I have no opinion."

Zhongshan Akasaka sighed with relief and said to the second goods: "You should not continue to work with the two brothers. I will follow them. I will take care of the branches for me. The branches will follow you. I am relieved..."

The second one screamed and went straight to one of the strongest ones, and the elders did not expect that the second goods were so fast, even faster than before, and they were recruited in an instant, while the other three were simultaneously Going to the siege of the second goods!

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