Super Soldier

Chapter 1059: My words are the truth!

Even Zhang Qiang did not expect Xiao Bing to suddenly start playing, and others could not imagine it. Scorpio novels.|2

Zhong Qiqi dared to openly sing the opposite of the Xing family, it was already amazing enough. Xiao Bing dared to do it directly, it was simply making everyone stunned.

Jiang Xinxin is simply scared, she hurriedly said: "Schoolmaster, are you okay? This person is not invited by me, he is not my friend, I don't know him at all, he is...he is...he It was brought by Zhang Qiang."

"Zhang Qiang!" Xing Yilong almost squirted a fire in his eyes and snarled: "I want to block, I want to block you, Zhang Qiang! I want you to never mix in the entertainment circle, I want you to give me a go!"

"And you!" Xing Yilong pointed to Xiao Bing and shouted: "You dare to beat me, you are finished, you know? You are dead!"

Xiao Bing sighed with some regret, this person really does not know how to live and die.

Xing Yilong laughed happily: "Sighing is useless, now I know regret, late!"

Xiao Bing is speechless: "Do you think I regret it? I just pity you a little, find a second-hand woman that my friend has given me, and because this woman is planting the head, don't you think you are very pitiful? ?"

Xing Yilong coldly said: "I think you are a madman!"

Jiang Xinxin was cold and cold next to him: "Zhang Qiang, and Xiao Jun, I don't welcome you here, please leave."

Jiang Xinxin thought that Xiao Bing was a dragon actor, so he did not remember the name of Xiao Bing.

Xing Yilong coldly said: "Your original name is Xiao Jun, are you also mixed in the entertainment circle?"

Jiang Xinxin hurriedly said: "Schoolmaster, he is a running dragon."

"Very good, I dare to work with me when I run a dragon, oh, since then, there is no place for you in this world."

Xing Yilong’s new girlfriend, Zhang Rongrong, feels that today’s thing, she must also express her attitude. Otherwise, it is easy to lose a backing such as Xing Yilong, so she stunned her heart, and her tone was cold, and she did not care about Zhang Qiang at this moment. The painful look, the cold voice is like a root arrow, almost piercing Zhang Qiang's heart: "Zhang Qiang, I did not expect you to be so motivated, make friends to hand over the dragon."

"And, no matter how unwilling you are, the gap between you and Xing's brother is heaven and earth. You can't compare with Xing's brother in this life. You should have self-knowledge. Don't think about eating swan meat anymore. Unrealistic fantasy."

"I only love Xing Da Ge alone. I used to be with you. It was just playing. I didn't touch the society at that time. I didn't know anything, so I will be fooled by your sweet words. Zhang Qiang, don't entangle me anymore. I look at you now and feel sick at a glance."

So many people were watching Zhang Qiang’s girlfriend being taken away by others, and still sneer at Zhang Qiang here, even if people who are hard-hearted, they feel a little bit unbearable, but society is so cruel, before they felt they wanted Ba Jie Zhang Qiang is a second-line star, but now they are absolutely unwilling to fight with the capitalists for a star. That is simply impossible.

Xing Yilong listened to Zhang Rongrong's words, and his eyes showed a cruel pleasure. He said arrogantly: "Zhang Qiang, this time you heard it. Don't think about eating swan meat anymore. I now give Rong Rong a chance to choose. She doesn't. Will you choose, do you believe?"

"I believe!" Zhang Qiang stood up and lost his soul. He really invested in this woman. For so many years, he has been fighting at the bottom, all his energy is used in his career, so he never talked about feelings. In terms of things, it’s hard to talk about one now, and if I pay the truth, the result is so much hurt, how can he bear it.

Zhang Qiang lost his soul and walked toward the door. When he passed Xiao Bing, he looked at Xiao Bing and sighed: "Sister Xiao, sorry, it hurts you to lose face with me. We don't welcome us here, let's go. ""

Xiao Bing suddenly smiled: "Zhang Qiang, lost face, can't you find it yourself?"

Zhang Qiang gnashed his teeth: "One day, one day, I must work hard to find it back!"

Xing Yilong sneered: "Even artists like you, even if you work hard, it is useless. You are destined to work, give us these capitalists to work, and Zhang Qiang, Zhang Qiang, you are too superficial, and we are high. People in society are not deep enough, because you have shown their hatred towards me, how can I still let you climb? From then on, the entire entertainment circle will not have your foothold, you used to All the efforts of many years will eventually turn into nothing."

Everyone feels cold and cold, this is really cruel. Zhang Qiang’s things have been heard. The bottom struggle has been so many years to have today, how much effort has been put into it, how many eyes and taunts have been experienced, how much has been swayed Sweat, and with Xing Yilong's words absolutely can make him become nothing, this is even more cruel than never before.

Zhang Qiang's face was white and white, and then his eyes firmly said: "I will never surrender if I have nothing since then. I will not have anything, I will not bend your waist. Xing Yilong, you Except for a family, where are you stronger than me? With your character, you are worthy of a high society person? You are not worthy!"

Although Zhang Qiang is still reluctant, but his eyes are all desperate, and even there is no glory.

Zhang Qiang tightened his fist and said: "Xiao Xiao Ge, let's go."

Xiao Bing smiled: "Why are you going? Your fists are already tight. You have lost everything. What else are you afraid of? Why don't you beat him? Can you beat him after he hits him? What do you pay for more than you can now?"

Everyone is all stunned. Who is this guy? Is he a madman? Before Xing Yilong slaps a slap in the face, and now Zhang Qiangqiang is going to beat people.

Zhang Qiang really listened. He said, "Yeah, I have already done this. I have no career and death. Even if I am shooting, I will die again. What terrible do I have?"

After that, Zhang Qiang slammed his fist and hit it. No one thought that Zhang Qiang really started playing. Everyone hurriedly wanted to pull the frame. Before they pulled the frame, Zhang Qiang had already swollen Xing Yilong and several punches. Xing Yilong did not. He was good at hands-on, was directly beaten by a few punches, fell to the ground, Zhang Rongrong screamed in his mouth, shouted: "Zhang Qiang, you are crazy, are you crazy?"

Everyone rushed over to Zhang Qiang, and several people hurried to help Xing Yilong and asked: "Xing Shao, are you okay?"

Xing Yilong was beaten by the mouth of his mouth, and he was embarrassed. He stood up and became angry and rushed toward Zhang Qiang. However, he did not expect Xiao Bing to suddenly squat on his stomach. Xing Yilong wow, almost noon. The food was spit out and fell directly to the ground.

Jiang Xinxin stared at this scene and muttered: "Insane, crazy, all crazy."

Yang Yue frowned at the side: "Xin Xin, if Xing Shao has something wrong, and finally pursued the responsibility, implicated in your words, I am afraid you have to follow the bad luck."

Jiang Xinxin shuddered, and his heart hated Xiao Bing and Zhang Qiang. You two are going to die and die a little farther. What are you doing here? And you Zhang Qiang, your girlfriend was robbed. Going away, it is useless for you. You are a waste. If you are less than the young master of Xing, you will bow down and see how you can do it.

Zhong Qiqi was beside him but cried: "It’s good to play, good to play."

Xiao Bing looked at Zhong Qiqi and smiled in his heart. It was really not easy for such a small girl to mix into a three-line star in the entertainment circle. However, Xiao Bing felt that she was more pleasing than some other people. They all flattered Zhang Qiang, but now, one by one, they all stood on the side of Xing Yilong.

Yang Yue looked at it with a cold eye and looked at Zhong Qiqi. He sneered: "This Zhong Qiqi, unfortunately, can climb to the present level. Actually, there is not even a little eyesight. It seems that these two people are not only the two people. This Zhongqiqi’s entertainment career is also It’s over.”

Everyone else listened to a cold heart, but they all secretly glad that they did not stand the wrong team.

At this time, these people began to blame Zhang Qiang one by one: "Zhang Qiang, you said that you are now a second-line big star, how can you still have this quality, and you will hit people."

"Yeah, you graduated from a secondary school. The young lady is a noble temperament. You can't match it yourself. How can you still anger at Xing Shao?"

"You really want to eat swan meat. The key is that you and Xing Shao really can't afford it!"

"Which is Xing Shao, who are you, why don't you look in the mirror?"

"And you, this person, you dare to start with Xing Shao, I will call the police now, let the police arrest you."

"Yes, Xing Shao, we can all testify, these two people beat you."

These people have one count, all of them started language attacks. Zhang Qiang and Xing Shao, Zhang Qiang’s eyes were like gray, and it seemed to have lost interest in everything. This time, the blow to him was too big.

Xiao Bing walked to Zhang Qiang and coldly stunned the two men who were holding Zhang Qiang's arm. The two men hurriedly loosened. I don't know why, but I was afraid of Xiao Bing's gaze.

Xiao Bing patted Zhang Qiang's shoulder and sighed: "She doesn't talk to you, that's her no blessing. Xing Yilong dares to provoke my friend. It's his bad luck, hadron, don't frown, nowhere in the world." Grass? I think that Mengqi is very good."

Zhong Qiqi’s face was red.

Xiao Bing suddenly turned around and looked at Xing Yilong, who had just stood up on his stomach. He said: "You just said that this world is like this. The right to have money and fists is the truth. Then look at it now. Who am I, think about what I said is not true."

Xiao Bing took off the sunglasses on the eyelids. After seeing the appearance of Xiao Bing, the others exclaimed one by one, but no one exaggerated the expression of Xing Yilong. Others were just surprised. Xing Yilong was a fear!

Ps: Normally, Monday to Friday is three chapters a day, Saturday and Sunday are two daily, but in order to thank everyone for giving so many rewards this month, today and tomorrow continue to add a chapter, four per day. Chapter update, thank you all! Want to pay attention to the specific update time, plus WeChat public number: Liang Bufan

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