Super Soldier

Chapter 1062: Do you like your strong brother?

The reason why Xiao Bing said that Tianle Group is unlucky, naturally it will not be casually said. In fact, just after Mr. Xin said the words, Xiao Bing’s heart is already angry. You Tianle Group earns us. The Chinese people’s money, now dare to show your superiority in front of our Chinese people, I feel that you are superior, I will not hit you, who will I fight? ”

For foreign friends who are friendly to China and China, we must of course hold friendship and sincerity. network

For those unfriendly foreigners who dare to humiliate our Chinese or Chinese people, we naturally have great deals!

After Xiao Bing let them go, Xing Yilong and Yang Fu were both thankful and nodded. While walking, the vice president of the Tianle Group’s Huaxia region also followed.

Now there are only Xiao Bing, Zhang Qiang and those little stars who have come to Jiang Xin to celebrate their birthdays.

Jiang Xinxin's face changed, and then barely smiled: "That, just the things have passed, they are simply too much, Long Shao, you are right, and strong brother, we are all in your heart for you. Hold it up, that, let's continue to eat and drink, don't take care of them..."

Xiao Bing looked at Zhang Qiang and smiled and asked: "Had, do you want to stay here with your friends to eat and drink?"

Zhang Qiang shook his head and said: "I don't have friends here. If there are two friends, one is you, the other one... Mengqi, let's go together, I invite you to drink with the soldiers."

Xiao Bing wears sunglasses and laughs. This is also a reason why Xiao Bing appreciates Zhang Qiang. He loves hate clearly. Whether he has put down the woman or not, he gives up and gives up. For friends and enemies, he will not be perfunctory. Xiao Bing It is a person who has been a soldier, so I appreciate it.

Before Xing Yilong came, all the people stood on the side of Xing Yilong. Only Zhong Qiqi dared to tell the truth, so Xiao Bing’s impression of this little girl was quite good. After Xiao Bing and Zhang Qiang went out, Zhong Qiqi hesitated. Finally, I went with it.

The rest of the people in the private room are all face to face, and a good party has become such a look, no one can think of it, especially if they originally had a chance and the Chinese dragon really stood on the summit. The relationship, but the result is because they have a blind eye, a good opportunity to miss it, plus a big star like Zhang Qiang and they are relatively speaking, they are now offended, they suddenly one by one In the heart, they pushed the fault to Jiang Xinxin.

Zhang Lei glanced at the watch and said, "That, I still have something. The agent is looking for me to talk about things. I will go first."

"Me too, I have something, I am leaving..."

These people all found a variety of reasons, so they left the room. In the end, the only private room in the private room was Jiang Xinxin himself. Jiang Xinxin was on the table, and wowed out. .

Sometimes it's not a big mistake to get a stagnation, but if you really want to stand up, then if you are standing in the wrong team, you can only blame yourself, don't blame others.

Xiao Bing and Zhong Qiqi sat on Zhang Qiang's car, Zhang Qiang drove, Xiao Bing sat in the co-pilot, Zhong Qiqi sat behind, Zhong Qiqi asked: "Strong brother, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, can't the bar go? I invite you to drink."

Zhong Qiqi smiled bitterly: "That, you have to drink wine?"

Xiao Bing said: "Let's go, how much do you want to drink today, we will accompany you to drink."

When Zhong Qiqi heard Xiao Bing say this, he said: "I am also, isn't it drinking, what is great, as long as it can make you happy."

"Good." Zhang Qiang drove, laughing. "Zhong Qiqi, I can't think of those people, you are my friend Zhang Qiang."

Zhong Qiqi said: "I just can't get used to the bully named Xing. What is the power in the family? What is the right thing to do? You have the power to grab someone else's girlfriend. Strong brother, you can rest assured, Tianya He There is no grass, what a good girl has is that you can get better sooner or later."

Zhang Qiang sighed and said: "I don't want to talk about it now. Just have a good drink with me for a while."

The car drove all the way to a nearby bar, three people got off the bus, Zhang Qiang gave the car owner a tip of two hundred dollars, and then walked into the bar where the music was placed. There was a resident singer in the middle of the bar singing. Dancing, and the bartender is performing a bartending. Some people around are sitting on the deck, and some are sitting on the platform.

Zhang Qiang and three people found a relatively remote place to sit down, then called the waiter, asked for two bottles of red wine and several fruit bowls, and when everything was complete, Zhang Qiang began to fill all three cups. Wine, I started up and gave it a drink, then said: "Dry!"

Xiao Bing also drank a bit, then said: "Kiki, you drink less."

Zhong Qiqi did not say anything, but also a boring, after putting down the cup, he said: "All said well, today, I want to accompany my strong brother to have a good time. How can I disappoint?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. This little girl is pretty good, looks beautiful, dressed in youthful fashion, and even dressed in a sexy, short skirt and navel, but this little girl is really good, kind heart.

Xiao Bing thinks that she and Zhang Qiang are together.

Zhong Qiqi sighed and said: "Strong brother, you said that you are now a popular star, and you still need to find a girlfriend in the future? That woman must have seen you as a celebrity before, so I am with you. Such a woman is not worth it. It is a good thing to separate it earlier."

Xiao Bingdao: "Yeah, sometimes it’s always going to be chaotic."

Zhang Qiang shook his head and said: "I know in my heart, but my heart is still not happy. You know, I really paid the truth before, I want to propose marriage after a while, wait until she graduates and marry her. If she wants to enter the art circle, I can help her. She wants to be a grandmother at home, and I am willing to raise her. But now... haha, everything has changed."

Zhang Qiang drank another drink. After Zhong Qiqi met, he also accompanied a drink. Xiao Bing looked at the two of them and then accompanied them to drink. Then he said, "Oh, today, anyway, we will accompany you. You have a good time to drink, and tomorrow you will put everything down, and everything can be started again, know."

"I know." Zhang Qiang laughed. "She has been so kind to me. Can I go back to find her? It is impossible, broken things, even if they are re-sticked together, there are cracks. Bing brother, I can't think of you so much. I used to know that you have a lot of energy in Jiangcheng, but I didn't expect you to be a dragon in Kyoto. I have heard of Kyoto four before, then It is an unattainable existence, and you are one of them."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What is unattainable, that is what is going on."

"That's not the same." Zhang Qiang said, "You have been squatting all the time, no, you have to drink a glass, I will accompany you to drink!"

After Zhang Qiang finished, it was a drink of a glass of wine.

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "If you want to drink, you want to drink, what are you looking for?" He said, Xiao Bing also followed in a drink.

Several people talked while drinking, and in two blinks, they drank two bottles of red wine, and called a box of beer, and then several people one bottle after another, until Zhang Qiang drank on the wine table, Zhong Qiqi also drank The face is red, the eyes are blurred, and it looks a little drunk.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Kiki, you are a good girl, how is your impression of Zhang Qiang?"

Zhong Qiqi licked her head and stumbled: "Strong brother... Strong brother is a good person. There are several star big names in the entertainment circle that will take care of these little characters... Strong brother is different, I have heard before. Too strong brother's things, very inspirational, there are many people at the bottom, but most people are blaming others, they feel that God is unfair, feel that their strength is not worse than those who are popular, that is, lack of opportunities, there are very few people They all look for reasons from themselves, and make little progress. Even if they are not famous or resentful, they are constantly making efforts."

"Strong brother is a very small number of people. He was not famous at that time, but many people in the circle know that his acting skills are very good. He usually loves to observe in the studio. Later, the opportunity is for those who are prepared. He Famous, fire... I always regard him as my idol."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are right. The opportunity is for those who are prepared. It is not advisable to blame others. Success always has inevitable factors. After all, it is impossible for a person to be unlucky in his life. If that is the case, it must be This person himself did not take the initiative to create opportunities. Zhong Qiqi, since you think that your strong brother is so good, you have no interest in him."

Zhong Qiqi stunned and stumbled: "Is there any interest?"

"That is, do you like him?"

Zhong Qiqi touched her face and smiled and said: "Like, of course I like it."

She said, she was swaying and fell asleep on the table.

Xiao Bing smiled a bit, and when he said the key moment, it was really disappointing. However, it was really good for Zhang Qiang to see it. Her girl, regardless of her appearance or her heart and character, was a hundred times stronger than that of Zhang Rongrong. Next, I will see how long it takes Zhang Qiang to get out of the previous relationship.

Xiao Bing went out to call a taxi, and then let the taxi driver help the two people together to help the car, driving to a nearby hotel, Xiao Bing went to open three rooms, and then let the staff in the hotel help The two men were given back to their room, and then Xiao Bing returned to the room to prepare for a break. At this time, it was already tossed to more than two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Xiao Bing originally intended to open a room for these two people and create an opportunity for them, but I think that after all, it’s not good. Some things are what you want. If you like it, you like it. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Can you walk? Together, it is still up to them to solve.

At 9 o'clock the next morning, Xiao Bing returned his room alone, then went out to call a car and began to go to the village in the middle of the ear.

Extraordinary notice: Today is the last time the book has been added. The extraordinary has reached the limit. One is the limit of the body. Most other authors have two chapters a day, three chapters per day, and four chapters. Two consecutive days last weekend, two chapters were updated. As a result, the two days were crazy. The post did not know how many management deletions. A few days ago I was sick and updated. When the child was sick, it was updated in three chapters, occasionally two. The chapter will be sprayed. In fact, the anxious mood of reading is understandable, but it is also understandable. Even if the code is 24 hours a day or two, it is useless. People should say that you update less, or you will say that you update less, no matter what. How about, fulfill the promise today, add more again, let everyone cool and cool...

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