Super Soldier

Chapter 1064: The Buddha son broke through!

This hadron was a very interesting child. The last time I said that I owe Xiaobing a drink, this time I really paid off.

After drinking the wine, Xiao Bing returned to the Pink Lady Club by car, then dialed the phone number that the ear gave to himself. The phone rang a few times, then finally passed, and there was a pass there. Very old voice: "Hey, who?"

What the other party said is actually r.

Xiao Bing said: "It’s the ear that lets me contact you."

"Ear...." The voice over there seemed to have risen a bit, and then excitedly asked: "Who are you? How do you know your ears?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment whether his identity should be told to this stranger, but the ear is one of the people he believes most. Since it is introduced by a person who believes, then he should unconditionally believe it, so Said: "I am a Chinese, called Xiao Bing."

"It's you." The man vomited and then turned to speak in a fluent Chinese language. "I didn't expect that one day I will receive your call, but I know that there will be such a day sooner or later, let's talk, ears let What are you doing to contact me?"

Xiao Bing said: "Can I ask your identity first?"

"Yes, I am the head coach of the Emperor Guard in the Royal Palace of the Republic of R!"

Xiao Bing took a sip of cold air and almost stunned. Although the head coach of the Emperor Guards may not be able to match the martial temple, it is already a big man with great rights. He wants to let his ears do a favor for himself. The ear actually helped me to contact such a big man.

Xiao Bing is more familiar with the situation of the Imperial Palace. He knows that the security in the Imperial Residence is basically the responsibility of the general coach. Although the Wu Shen Temple is the highest force of the R Royal, the real master of the Wu Shen Temple is the successive r. The national martial arts god, although the emperor can command, after all, some of the difference, and the emperor **** is the real power to defend the emperor, belonging to the emperor's armed forces, responsible for protecting the security of the emperor, in the emperor is the right to be with the martial temple Armed forces.

Xiao Bing's call was directly dialed to the head coach of the Emperor Guard!

The other party said: "You can rest assured that since it is the ear that lets you contact me, I will not sell you. I know the contradiction between you and the country of r. The last time you made a fuss in Jingdong City, all the public security except Jingdong City The bureau, the impact of that time can not be eliminated within a few years, but this has nothing to do with me, I only care about what you want me to do for you."

Xiao Bing is both excited and worried. The excitement is that he can contact a real person like this. He is worried that the other party is responsible for defending the imperial residence. Will he cooperate with himself?

The other party went on to say: "I owe a person to the ear, this person must be paid back, so you can rest assured that no matter what, I will try my best to help!"

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said, "That's good, I believe in you."

The other party said: "Do you want to save Akasaka and his granddaughter? And what about the second?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing is not a mother-in-law, and said straightforwardly, "I want to save them, but I must ensure that everything is safe. I can easily come and go with my strength, but I want to rescue these people directly. It's not that easy."

The man said: "It is really difficult. The guards in the Imperial Palace are strict, especially if you bring them the Imperial Palace, but it is safe to take them away from Jingdong City."

"So, I want to be foolproof now."

The other party said straightforwardly: "Others can't help you, but you can tell me the day you really save people. I will open the door for you. You can pretend to be a member of the Royal Guard. I will help you. I will prepare a few sets of Royal Guard's clothes for you. You will wear them to the people and let them dress up and follow you. In short, our Royal Guard will try to let go that day. What you need to consider is The temple of Wu Shen."

Xiao Bing sighed with relief. As a result, the difficulty of this time was basically reduced by one-third. Xiao Bing also had a sigh of relief. Xiao Bing thought about it and couldn’t help but ask: "Why are you doing this? Help me, is it because you owe your ears?"

"Yes, it helped you this time, and the human condition is basically gone. You can rest assured that if I promise you, I will not regret it."

"Okay, thank you. Right, what is your name?"

"My name is Taro."

Zhongping Taro and Xiao Bing hang up the phone, Xiao Bing is relieved, and the ear is more mysterious. Under the circumstances, there seems to be no difficulty in getting the ear. He even has a relationship with the royal family of the country, and the people are inseparable. The chief instructor of the **** still owes his human feelings. How big is this person's feelings. In order to repay this person's feelings, even the temple of the martial arts is not afraid of offending.

Xiao Bing shook his head, forget it. I don’t want to do this anymore. No matter what is going on, this is not a good thing for myself. Anyway, the ear is his own person. If he has more secrets, he will It is trustworthy.

Xiao Bing wants to stop this, and he has a little more confidence in his heart. It seems that this time he wants to rescue them, it should be a little easier.

At this moment, in the Buddha Mountain Villa, the belly of the soft child is finally a bit big. Now Xiaobei has to help the children to go around every day, and always stay with them, even if the Buddha Villa can now be casual. In and out, Xiaobei did not dare to drop the soft child. According to the current situation of the child, if it accidentally touched it and fell, it was a big trouble.

Soft children walked on the green grass, with a big belly and a faint smile on their faces. The words were soft and soft. "It will take a few months to give birth. In fact, it is not so delicate. Xiaobei brother does not have to be with him every day." I."

Xiaobei smiled softly: "I don't stay with you every day, what do I do? Now taking care of you is my biggest responsibility. The child in the stomach has been for five months, and there are still months. I am going to be born, I really can't wait, I don't want to wait for a day, I want to see what my child looks like."

Soft children smiled sweetly: "Little North, you know, the few months you spend with me in the villa is the happiest time in my life."

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Silly and soft, I will be with you every day, and there will be a day when I will take you out of here and let the children go to see other relatives in this world. Then I have to buy a house outside, you and I and the children live together, happy and happy, children, study and study every day, you take care of your family every day, I go out to make money for you, what a happy day! ”

"Yeah, how happy!" Joel smiled very happy. "I am looking forward to that day."

Two people are thinking about a bright future. Suddenly the sky has changed. It has already arrived at night, but the distant mountain peak suddenly appears bright, and then the air inside the whole mountain seems to have fluctuated wildly, even if it Lianrouer, a person who does not know martial arts, can feel the violent fluctuations of that power.

Xiaobei’s face changed and he said with amazement: “What is happening here?”

Xiaobei actually felt that the power inside his body was faintly fluctuating, and even had the feeling of breaking through, and the fluctuation of that power seemed to have spread to the entire mountain village, and then countless people came out from their own rooms to see To the direction of the mountain.

In the direction of the mountain, a figure suddenly stood on the air. This person stepped on the mountain step by step, and finally over the mountain, stepped on the air, and then floated gently toward the mountain.

Everyone's eyes followed the figure and looked at it. Even in the dark, even if they are far apart, everyone can clearly see the person's appearance.

The man was covered with a cloak, and his face was wearing a golden mask. The light shining in his eyes seemed to penetrate the void, and the heavens and the earth were trembling. The breath on his body could not be described, such as the Buddha, the fear. But it is adoring.

Numerous individuals in the villa were involuntarily squatting on the ground, shouting loudly in their mouths: "Congratulations to the Buddha to go out!"

Xiaobei looked at the figure with disappointment until the Buddha’s son had fallen to the ground. The front was blocked by countless houses and trees. After he got out of his sight, Xiaobei grew a tone and muttered: “This is Buddha son..."

There are some nervous words in the soft child: "Little North."


"Why... I just wanted to surrender when I saw that person, and I wanted to worship."

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Because he is a strong man, and he is a peerless powerhouse that is rare in the ages. Hey, in everyone I have met, I am afraid no one can exceed him, even he No, at least not yet."

Joel asked: "Who is he?"

Xiaobei shook his head and said: "You don't know it now, but you will know sooner or later, soft child, I will help you back to the room."

"Well." Joel nodded softly, and the two walked away. The soft child suddenly couldn't help but ask, "Little North, are you leaving again?"

Xiaobei hesitated and said: "No, I have to stay to take care of you."

Soft child smiled with a happy face: "In fact, Luo Er is just pregnant for five months, the baby has been stabilized, and there is someone in the family who is taking care of it. You don't care for a big man better than others. You don't need you. The care is no problem, as long as I am able to be with me when I have a baby, I am relieved."

Xiaobei hesitated a little, seems to have been told by the soft child, and it seems that the heart has already begun to sit uneasily, feeling that it is time to go out, he finally nodded, looking at his woman, in the eyes There was a hint of embarrassment.

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