Super Soldier

Chapter 1068: Contact Princess Anna

When I heard the poisonous fox ask about it, Toyotomi said: "Yes. Scorpio novel.|2"

The poisonous fox smiled and said: "If you are not a teacher and a teacher, how can your masters let their loved ones do this in person? Is this not to let your apprentice be hostile and alert to the entire martial arts world? In this respect, he uses you to exclude dissidents. On the other hand, why not follow up on his mind after he has not forced you to die?"

Toyotomi’s Kang was slightly silent, and then his face showed a sinister smile: “What is your name?”

"Poison fox."

"Mr. Fox is not a poisonous fox. It is like a fox. But if the average person cooperates with you, then be careful, because the first word of your name is poison, if a person is a sly fox, It’s very poisonous, it’s really terrible.”

The poisonous fox said: "Mr. Toyotomi thought a lot. Absolute power can smash all the intrigues. I am too worth mentioning in front of Mr. Toyotomi. But we can still do a good job about this cooperation. Have a chat."

"Okay, let's talk about it."

The two men smiled and discussed each other. When smart people face smart people, they will inevitably feel a little uneasy because they are afraid that the other party will be guilty.

But smart people meet smart people, and they will be more reassured if they have the same purpose. At least they are not afraid to meet pig teammates.

Toyotomi Jiakang told the poisonous fox about the situation of Akasaka and the two goods, and then discussed the specific rescue details with the poisonous fox.

At the moment, Xiao Bing in Kyoto City is immersed in excitement. Xiao Bing lets the poison fox talk, but his heart is also very concerned. After all, if the disciple of Tokugawa Benxi can stand on his side, Then this time the rescue plan will be more hopeful for success.

Xiao Bing was lying in bed at this moment, and looked at the rouge that was sleeping next to him. He crept down from the bed, opened the window, and lit a cigarette.

This time, the incident of two goods is almost the most difficult task that Xiao Bing has encountered, because this is his brother is deeply trapped inside, so the mentality is easy to have problems, Xiao Bing must always stabilize the mood. ,maintain balance.

And this time it was the royal residence of the country of r, and it was even harder to rescue three people at the same time.

Xiao Bing waited, the poisonous fox finally called himself, Xiao Bing picked up the phone of the poison fox, whispered: "Hey, poisonous fox, how about talking?"

"Lord, this Fengchen Jiakang is willing to help us."

"Oh, I am not surprised by this." Xiao Bing said, "I have long guessed that there is a problem between their masters and apprentices. Under such circumstances, he certainly does not want his master's strength to rise too fast. In this way, his master will no longer need him one day, just as a strong man may need another adult who is not very strong, but he will never need a 7-year-old thin child as a helper. ""

"If his master's strength is too fast, his master becomes the strong man, and he becomes the little child. When his master kills him, he will only be resigned."

The poisonous fox said: "So he is very cooperative. He will stay with his master and send us information at all times. He is also willing to help us to open the temple of the martial arts on the day we do it. We can safely bring people out. ""

Xiao Bing excitedly said: "This is very good. There is no need to worry too much in the Imperial Residence. There should be help in the Imperial Residence. If the Wushen Temple can also be solved, at least they can safely The individual came out from the royal residence."

The poisonous fox said: "This is the case, but now it is not completely flawless. For example, we bring people out of the Imperial Palace. If they have not left Jingdong City, they will be present. If we want to escape, it is not so. It’s easy. This time, the Lord’s husband is not alone, but with the three of them left together, and they need to protect their safety at the same time.”

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "Yes, this is a problem, so we can't continue to act rashly for the time being. We must continue to study the next plan. How to leave Jingdong City must be foolproof!"

The poisonous fox said: "I will continue to think about the countermeasures. If there is a look, I will call the main public at any time."

"That, it’s too late, you go back to rest early, pay attention to safety, I will hang up first."

"Okay, goodbye."

Xiao Bing took the phone away, annihilated the cigarette butt, re-sit back to the bed and continue to think.

The next day, Zhang Qiang and Zhong Qiqi lived here for one night. They had to leave without saying good, but Xiao Bing let them wait, then Xiao Bing and Anna made a phone call. Anna saw Xiao Bing to her. I was very happy and happy when I called. After two people chatted for a while, Xiao Bing told her about the movie.

Anna hesitated and said, "I want a Hollywood movie? I am not sure about this. You should wait a moment, I will help you through the relationship."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, you first ask, I am waiting for your call."

"Well, just a few minutes."

Princess Anna is very energetic in the Eagle Kingdom and the M country. It is the most sure thing to hand over to Anna. Zhang Qiang and Zhong Qiqi are sitting and chatting not far away. Xiao Bing smiled and felt more These two people are really very good. I didn't expect to be a fan of my life. Now I am working as a matchmaker. I think it is a bit funny when I think about it.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Xiao Bing received a call from Princess Anna. Princess Anna said with a smile on the phone: "Xiao Bing, your friend's luck is really good, just like a movie made by Hollywood." Preparations, have entered the stage of selecting actors, I and they proposed two of your friends. But the male and female protagonists of this movie are European and American superstars, there is no way to change to Chinese people, then they give me face, ready to temporarily let the writer The roles of No. 2 and No. 2 were changed to Chinese people. Let your two friends come to audition. As long as there is not much problem with acting, they will sell it to me. What do you think?"

"That's just too good!" Xiao Bing excitedly said, "Reassured, their acting is absolutely good, there is no problem at all."

Xiao Bing actually only knows that Zhang Qiang’s acting skills are absolutely good. As for Qi Qiqi’s acting skills, Xiao Bing is not very clear, but after all, he is a professional actor, at least try to say it over there.

Xiao Bing excitedly asked: "When did they go, where to go?"

"M country, I will give you a mobile phone number, the director of their crew, the world's top big-name director, let them call this director to talk in detail, rest assured, the boss of a company in Hollywood owes us The royal family’s personal feelings, their boss personally said, as long as the acting skills are not bad, there will be no problems."

"Well, I will tell my friend this good news."

Xiao Bing excited to hang up the phone, Princess Anna sighed, some resentful words: "Xiao Bing, have you missed me during this time?"

Xiao Bing heard the resentment and complaints in Princess Anna’s voice. She couldn’t help but say awkwardly: “Of course, I’ve been too busy recently to see you.”

"It doesn't matter, I don't have to be with you all the time to come with me, as long as you think about me, it will be enough."

Anna has always been a very good woman, even if she is a princess, but she has never had the pride and willfulness of Princess Nami, even if she is sincere to treat the people around her, Xiao Bing listens to her. If you have decided to accept Anna, you really should have time to spend more time with her. You can’t keep her on the side because of the distance. Hey, you can only blame yourself. It’s too romantic.

Princess Anna smiled and said: "Well, Xiao Big Brother, you don't have to think about it. Actually, I didn't blame you. I have to go to Asia for a few days. After the visit, I will go directly to you." it is good?"

"Okay." Xiao Bing smiled. "I welcome you at any time. You come to Asia, where are you going?"

"R country, you have not heard of it, r country, eagle country, m country to conduct three ** exercises, I am the royal representative of the eagle country, personally went to watch the war."

Xiao Bing indifferently, this kind of peripheral military exercise, in fact, Xiao Bing is not very fond of, usually have the role of showing military strength and showing muscles to neighboring countries, who can show muscles in r country? I don’t even have to think about it. Han is their alliance. North Korea is too weak. They don’t have to have muscles for this level of national show.

However, there is no way to say anything about this kind of acting. After all, it is also the norm. There are too many military exercises in the world. Huaxia often conducts some military exercises. In addition to showing muscles, it is also practiced in peacetime. It is also normal to look at the army and increase the actual combat capability of the army.

After Xiao Bing sighed, he smiled and said: "Yes, then you will come to me when you come, but it is best to call me before coming over, because I have a lot of things recently."

"There are a lot of things..." Anna looked a little disappointed.

"Yeah, my friend has encountered some trouble." Xiao Bing thought of the troubles encountered by several people, thought of the problems he encountered, and then thought of this military exercise, Xiao Bing's eyes could not help but shine I couldn’t help thinking of a solution, and then excitedly said, "Princess Anna, where are you now?"

"I am? I am at home."

"Well, then you wait for me, I am going to go over and want to discuss something with you."

After listening to Princess Anna, she was very happy: "Really? But then you have to come soon. I will be out after five days, but I can't delay my trip."

"I will not delay, I booked the ticket for this evening, I will arrive tomorrow morning! I will not talk to you more, I will book a ticket."

Princess Anna is almost a hanging phone that cheers.

After Xiao Bing hangs up the phone, the heart jumps and thinks about the strategy that he thinks. He can't help but feel bold and adventurous, but it is very feasible!

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