Super Soldier

Chapter 1076: Buddha son is stronger than me

Out of the airport, there are already two cars waiting outside, one of which is standing next to the car, and there are some masters who protect the leaves.

When Xiao Bing and others came out from the inside, the leaves immediately came over with a smile and grace. Xiao Bing held her in his arms and said softly: "Think of me?"

"I am used to it." The leaves were a little wronged and groaned and said, "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Nothing, you still don't trust me." Xiao Bing smiled.

"Oh, I guess too, good people don't live long, bad people live for a thousand years." The leaves came out of Xiao Bing's arms and looked at the two grandsons of the Red Dragonfly. It was very polite. "Is this grandfather?"

Akasaka said: "So a beautiful girl, you are Xiao Bing's girlfriend?"

"Yeah." The leaves answered happily.

Akira Nakayama sighed: "Xiao Bing is really blessed, I am Akasaka."

"My grandfather is good." The leaves looked at the red stalks and asked with a smile. "Are you a young lady?"

"Yeah." Akasaka said with a smile, "You are Xiao Brother's girlfriend? It looks so beautiful."

The leaves smiled and said: "Your Chinese is very good. It looks like you can get used to it here. You are very beautiful. Let's go, let's go back by car, I will take you home, the rooms are packed. Go back and you will be able to stay."

They sat in the car separately, Xiao Bing, the leaves, the red grandson and the grandson, two people sitting in a car, and the rest sitting in the other.

The character of the red oak branches is gentle, although the leaves are now maturer than before, but they are also very lively in private, so soon they became friends, and the leaves of the red-breasted branch sister, sweetly called.

The car arrived at the door of Xiaofu. Everyone got off the bus. When they walked into the courtyard of Xiaofu, the red oak branches could not help but exclaim: "Wow, good-hearted!"

There are high guards outside the gate, the yard is very large, and the long and long houses are connected together. It is basically comparable to the feelings of the ancient mansions in the ancient times, and the small ones in the former home of the red oak branches. Compared with the cabin, the yard is just a heaven and a ground. He is naturally amazed.

At this time, Maggie and Xiao Mingyue also came out from the inside. After the red rose went out to play with Maggie and Xiaobai, they all looked energetic, and Maggie seemed to grow a few centimeters taller.

Xiao Bing used to hold Xiao Mingyue in his arms. Xiao Mingyue held Xiao Bing’s neck and said in his mouth: "Dad, I miss you tomorrow."

"I miss you too, come, kiss my father."

"Trojan!" Xiao Mingyue took a kiss on Xiao Bing's face.

Akasaka branches widened their eyes and said: "Wow, Xiaobing’s big brothers already have little babies? And it’s so cute, I want to hug.”

Xiao Bing put Xiao Mingyue down and laughed loudly: "Come, come and hug. Mingyue, Dad will accompany you for a while, Dad will go see your little uncle!"

Xiao Mingyue licked his mouth and let the red stalks hold himself in his arms.

Xiao Bing walked into the hall quickly. Sure enough, Xiaobei and Su Xiaoxiao were talking. Seeing Xiao Bing coming in, Xiaobei excitedly stood up and did not speak. Xiao Bing used to hug a small one. North, patted the back of Xiaobei, the loud voice: "Stinky boy, can worry about dying me!"

Xiaobei’s heart raised a warm current, revealing a sunny smile on his face. He smiled and said: “Bing brother, you can rest assured that I am good, Xiaobei will not give you a shame.”

"I know, I know!" Xiao Bing released Xiaobei and said, "You are finally coming back. I don't know where the Buddha Villa is. Otherwise I will go in and find your whereabouts. What happened during this time? Didn't you have any news?"

Xiaobei said: "The Buddha Mountain Village has been blocked for some time. The news can't be transmitted, and I won't let me go, so I can only wait patiently in the villa, until I can leave it in these two days. I It was only after the messenger of the Buddha Mountain Villa left the village, and then immediately came to see the brother."

Xiao Bing patted Xiaobei’s shoulder and smiled and said: “Well, anyway, you can come back safely. Let’s have two drinks together at night.”

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Well, drink together."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Go, go to my room and talk to me about what happened recently."

"Well, I have a lot of words I want to say to my brother alone."

"Well, let's go, little, you help me take care of the red-breasted father and the branch lady."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "No problem, right, there is something for you to let Xiaobei tell you honestly."

"Oh? Is there any secret? Haha, I have to listen to it."

Xiao Bing took Xiaobei into his room, then closed the door and let Xiaobei sit down. He poured a cup of tea to Xiaobei, then sat down on the opposite bed and smiled: "Come on Well, what is the little meaning, what do you tell me?"

Xiaobei’s face smirked: “Small is letting me tell you that I will have children soon.”

“Is there a child?” Xiao Bing is almost a bit stunned. “Really?”

"Really." Xiaobei told him about the relationship between him and Rouer, and told him that Xiaoer had been pregnant for more than five months, and then said, "Soft now knows that I am Xiaobei, and I let her. I have seen my true appearance, but I told her not to let her and anyone mention this. Don’t call my real name when someone is around. She is a sensible and intelligent girl, so I can rest assured."

"Well, I don't worry about this. Although your age is small, but you don't be confused, I won't worry." Xiao Bingdao, "But since she is pregnant, you have to take care of yourself. If you stay here for a few days, go back and take care of my younger siblings, unless you can bring your younger siblings out of the Buddha Mountain Villa, otherwise you won’t come out. And I don’t need you to do any other tasks for me. Unless you can bring out the soft children, you will be called Zhao Zaixing from now on, no longer called Xiaobei, understand?"

Xiaobei asked: "Bing brother, you don't need my help?"

"I don't need it, but your woman needs you more than I do! You will be with her in the future. If you can't bring her out, never think about what tasks to perform, and don't think about helping me." Listening to intelligence, because we can't take risks, now you are not just yourself, you have a wife, and a future child, even if it is a thousandth risk, you can't take it!"

Xiaobei’s heart is full of emotions.

Xiao Bing continued: "If you still remember that you are Xiaobei, then you will soon be exposed to flaws. After you go back, you will really regard Zhao Zaixing as the Buddha Mountain Villa, even if there are any flaws and clues that you find. You don't want to see it, don't pay attention, you know?"

Xiaobei took a deep breath and thought of Joer. He nodded and said, "I know, Bing brother, as long as you can understand me."

"Of course I can understand." Xiao Bing laughed. "You are going to have children. How can I not understand? Oh, I should be the uncle of the child? No, I have to prepare for the children these two days." a gift..."

Xiaobei smiled and said: "I don't worry, the child is still not born, and I don't know if it is a boy or a girl."

Xiao Bing stunned, then touched his nose and smiled and said: "It seems that too, even boys and girls don't know, it's a bit early to prepare a gift, then forget it, wait until the child is born. So excited. This is the first person to have a baby next to me. Right, what do you feel when you know what you are doing with your father?"

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Excited, still excited. At that time I almost jumped up."

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "It's really enviable. You are also a father."

"Well, yeah!" Xiaobei said. "Right, Bing Ge, let's talk about other things first. Do you know why the Buddha Villa was blocked some time ago?"

"I don't know." Xiao Bing said, "Even the people of Buddhism disappeared in the dark world without a trace, as if they had never existed before."

Xiaobei sighed: "That is because the Buddha son personally issued the news of the blockade of the villa, the Buddha son is to shut down the practice, I guess is afraid that he is not in the situation, afraid that no one will preside over the overall situation, then will have trouble."

“Breakthrough?” Xiao Bing asked. “What level does he break through now?”

"I don't know." Xiaobei shook his head, suddenly appeared in his mind when the Buddha's son broke through, the entire Buddha Mountain Village felt the shock of the air, and even many people could not help but lie on the ground. To the Buddha's son to surrender, although that is related to their fear of the Buddha in the past, but it is still different, what a terrible power!

Xiaobei took a look at the words and told them to Xiao Bing.

When Xiao Bing heard that the Buddha’s son was breaking through, the power fluctuations affected the entire villa, and then countless people worshipped it. Xiao Bing thought about it. Although he was unwilling, he still had to say: “His strength. Still above me!"

Xiaobei sighed: "I think so too, but it doesn't matter, Bing Ge, you may not have discovered that your martial arts progressed fast in the past few years. Others may have to use it from the initial sprint of breaking the void to breaking the void. Ten years or even twenty years, but you have jumped several levels in a few years, so, brother, now even if you are strong, still have not reached your limit!"

Xiao Bing smiled: "Bad boy, you will comfort me."

"I am telling the truth, not to mention that you have not done it after all. Some things are still unknown."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing thought for a moment, with a reluctant reluctance in his eyes, and his arrogance in his bones said, "In any case, as long as it is not really hands-on, I will not admit defeat. After all, I will win him. Hope!"

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