Super Soldier

Chapter 1082: Ancient military secret

Everyone is happy to talk, and Akasaka’s Sun Yat-sen and his wife are also living here very well. There is just a refining room built in Xiaofu, so that Akasaka’s Zhongshan is refining in Xiaofu. No one will come here this time. Interfering with Akasaka, the two days, although busy, but Xiao Bing also through the relationship to help Akasaka branch to complete the admission procedures. Scorpio novels|2

Although the Chinese level of Akasaka Branch is very good, but suddenly it has changed from studying in the country of r to becoming a textbook for learning Chinese, there are still some problems. Xiao Bing has told people in the family that they must take more time. The guidance of the red scorpion branch, whether it is Su Xiaoxiao, the leaves or Maggie, can guide the homework of Akasaka. Although Maggie is still young, when Maggie was younger, she was already a small family. Teacher...

After dinner, everyone chatted in the room, some played in the yard, some went back to the room to play or went to sleep, but at this time there were two policemen coming to visit, Xiao The soldiers let them in.

The captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade and a small police officer came in. The captain and Xiao Bing once had a deal. After the meeting, they said, "I am not in a hurry. This time I want to ask, you know one. Is Yiding’s little girl?”

Xiao Bing stunned. At this time, there were four people in the room, including Xiao Bing, Ye Zi, Li Chunlan and Su Xiaoxiao. Xiao Bing asked: "Know, what happened to Ayi Ding?"

Zhou Chengsheng, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, sighed: "Things are like this. Today, near you in Xiaofu, someone saw Ayi Ding being stunned by two women."

Xiao Bing was a face that couldn't believe it. Others were a little surprised. Xiao Bing said: "I was stunned by two women. Who is it? What is going on?"

"Hey, if this is asked by other people, I will definitely not say it, but it is Mr. Xiao who asks, I naturally want to tell."

Xiao Bing said with gratitude: "Thank you, although I am not familiar with Ayi Ding, but they are also friends with each other. I know that her hometown is a Xinjiang person. It should be a job in Jiangcheng. Is she provoking an enemy? ?"

"According to the description of passers-by, it should not be. Although the passer-by describes a bit absurd, but there is only such a passer-by confession, there is no other clue."

Xiao Bing said: "Captain Zhou, I have seen anything ridiculous, you will tell me directly."

"it is good."

Then the team leader of Zhou Sheng described the whole process of the incident. The passers-by at that time was not far away. At that time, he saw that Aidin was beautiful, so he always looked around and saw that he did not expect it. I will encounter such a thing, and the two women do not seem to care about the presence of this passerby, so he listened to the passage and dialogue of the incident.

After listening to Zhou Sheng, Xiao Bing frowned and muttered to himself: "Fairy Gate? They have taken a look at Ayi Ding's qualifications, so they have to kidnap her into the fairy door?"

"Yeah." This week, the student smiled bitterly. "But I just checked it. I have never heard of such a martial arts association or organization in the world, so I doubt if the passers-by is wrong."

Xiao Bing sighed: "If you get it wrong, you will be in trouble. There aren't even a few clues at the time, but I feel that passers-by will not be mistaken. Can you hear the mistakes so detailed?"

Zhou Sheng asked: "Where Mr. Xiao thinks where to go to find this fairy door?"

Xiao Bingdao: "I don't know it yet, but I will check it, and Captain Zhou is also good to check it out."

"This is nature. This is my job. It is my duty. If Mr. Xiao has any clues to remember to provide it to me, then we will go first and bother."

"You're welcome, the captain of the week is slow."

Xiao Bing sent Zhou Sheng all the way. His mood was very bad. Although it was like what he said, he and Aidin did not have much contact, but he could not say to Aydin. I really didn't feel good, but Xiao Bing didn't want to be too addicted, so I didn't want to contact Ayi Ding intentionally, but I didn't expect Aydin to come to Jiangcheng for myself, even when I decided to see myself. Kidnapped.

Fairy Gate, what kind of existence is this? Why have you never heard of it before?

Xiao Bing looked at Zhou Shengyuan and sighed, then turned and walked back and lost some souls.

The leaves greeted the room from the inside of the room. Looking at Xiao Bing, who was obviously worried at the time, the leaves advised: "Reassure, the girl looks good, the Kyrgyz people have their own nature, I believe she will be fine. ""

"I hope so." Xiao Bing looked at the leaves, said, "Leaves, I really have nothing to do with her, but I can't see this thing."

"I understand." The leaves are very understanding and laughed. "Even if it is just a passer-by if it is in danger, we will not have to touch it. If we encounter it, we must also help us, let alone our friends! However, With such a clue, how can I save her? Do you know the fairy door?"

Xiao Bing shook his head in a blank way, saying that he did not know.

The leaves smiled bitterly: "This is troublesome, but there is still a way. You can ask the old class. He is the director of the National Security Bureau. I am afraid that there are not a few things under the sun that he does not know."

Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up and said, “Yes, I am asking the old class.”

Speaking, Xiao Bing took out the phone and dialed the phone while walking towards his room. After pushing the door into the room, the phone was also dialed.

The old class smiled and said: "Is it good news for me? Gao Fei won the competition, I already know."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "It's not good news, there is another thing. Old class, there is something I need you to check it for me. Is there any ancient Wumen faction in the world, and it is called the fairy door?"

The old class stunned and asked: "Fairy Gate? What do you ask this?"

Xiao Bingdao: "A friend of mine was taken away by two people of this sect in broad daylight, saying that she was going to take her back as a disciple. Some passers-by saw this scene and then reported the police. But I have never I don't know what the fairy door is, old class, you know?"

"Fairy Gate... I really know this martial art, but this is already the highest state secret. Now it is time for them to join the WTO, but it has attracted you."

Xiao Bing sighed: "I am still confused now. They claim to be Guwumen. How can there be Guwumen in this world?"

The old class sank a bit, then said: "There are some, but you are not clear or unusual, because the Guwumen school is like the high-ranking people who are in the market, they are also hidden, but the city is tall. It is living in the city and alleys, maybe every day is around us, but the Guwumen faction is living in various depths of Taoyuan. It is extremely difficult to find, and they are usually never born, nor will they Nothing comes out to provoke people in the secular, and it will not cause trouble to the national government.

Xiao Bing angered: "How do they catch my friends?"

The old class smiled bitterly: "They won't be born, they won't cause trouble. I mean when they usually do, they usually don't come out. But they will enter the secular world every 20 years. This year may be just two. ten years."

Xiao Bing’s voice is cold and cold: “What are they doing in the secular world?”

Old class: "Looking for people who are suitable for martial arts. After all, their martial arts must be inherited by others, so they will come out every 20 years to find someone who has a chance. Those who have a chance will be brought back to the martial art and accepted as disciples. ”

Xiao Bing angered: "Is the winners forced to tie back?"

The old class smiled bitterly: "You have to understand that they are all people who have lived outside the mountains for a long time. They have not received formal legal education since they were young, so there is no awareness in this respect. For them, the strong are respected. Weak meat and strong food, not to mention that they think they are so powerful, if you look at who it is, it should be the blessings of the other side, even if the other party does not understand, after the return, the other party can slowly accept of."

Xiao Bing asked: "Everyone is not an individual. They have relatives, friends, parents, and they bring back to the so-called good people. How do they let the parents who have raised this kind of person for so many years? How do you live for the rest of your life? Who cares for the elderly? And, how do they know that martial arts are the most important to these people? Perhaps what these people really want is the unfettered life outside, and the desire is too good. Your own ordinary days!"

The old class sighed: "I naturally understand this truth, but these ancient Wumen factions have not been in the world, and they will not be so prosperous. If you are too embarrassed in this respect, their incense Wouldn't it be to sever? If the state does not allow them to accept the apprentices, isn't it necessary to close them all the way? Cut off their future inheritance, which is almost more terrible than to kill their lives. These people have to fight desperately with the country."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "A big country in the classroom, will you be afraid of some martial art?"

"Fear is not enough, but after all, it is necessary to bring some deaths and injuries to the people. In fact, if the state mobilizes the arms and cannons to destroy them, their sects will cease to exist, but if there are two fish caught in the society, Retaliation, how much harm these martial arts masters will bring to the society? Another point, although their behavior is not very good, but it is not worth letting the country to kill them all, they usually never come out to do evil, just two It appears once in ten years, so the country generally treats them with one eye and one eye."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and angered: "I don't care about the attitude of the state to them, but this time they even provoked my friend, then I can't just casually forget it. Old class, this How can the fairy door be found?"

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