Super Soldier

Chapter 1084: a sectarian disciple

It was there.

Xiao Bing hesitated, frowning: "But the whole Shangri-La is also very big, presumably they are hidden in particular, I don't want to find their martial address."

The old class said: "This range is already very small and small. If it is specific, I can't help you. But your time is very abundant, and you listen to me, this thing is not a matter of urgency. Since they took your friend away, they proved that they are very optimistic about your friend's talent, so they will never hurt your friend. Moreover, the fairy door is full of women, not even a man, their temper. Among the major sects, it is also the most moderate and uncontested. Even if your friends refuse to learn martial arts, they are at best tempted and should not hurt your friends."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I know, old class, thank you anyway."

"Okay, stinky boy, you are also a catastrophe. Now it is almost the same as the external disaster. I started to provoke those ancient martial arts. Oh, remember to pay attention to the measure. It is reasonable to say that the country is not letting me." Tell you this, after all, the country has not bothered with the ancient Wumen faction for so many years, and does not want to cause unnecessary troubles because of your friends, so you must pay attention to the size!"

"I know, old class. Right, how do you think my strength is enough to defeat the ancient Wumen faction?"

The old class thought for a moment and said: "Those ancient Wumen factions have been escaping the world for so many years. There are several masters among them. I don’t know what strength I have, but I estimate that according to the realm of your heavenly level, There should be no problem after entering, at least self-protection is still possible. To be honest, Tianzun has been regarded as a master since ancient times."

"Then I understand, the old class, don't bother you first, you go to work, next time you go to Kyoto City and ask you to drink."

"Okay, don't fool me, goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bing thought about it. He decided to send a spy to listen to the news of the fairy door. They all said that it is reasonable. What is the strength of the fairy door? No one is sure. Xiao Bing also thought about bringing it. The people on the Longmen went in together. It is reasonable to say that the Dragon Gate is strong enough. It does not necessarily care about an ancient Wumen school, but what if there is a monster of the Tianzun level? My own injury has not recovered yet. In addition to myself, the Dragon Gate has not broken the void above. If the other party has a strong Tianzun level, it will be difficult for Longmen Eight to die.

The most important thing is that Aydin will definitely not have any life-threatening danger. After all, the other party will only come out in 20 years. If you take back a person, you will kill it. That is impossible, even if Aydin is really unwilling to practice martial arts, just as the old class said, they will also follow the temptation.

So since it is such a situation, Xiao Bing does not care about waiting any more.

The holiday of the poisonous fox is not over yet, but there is no way for it to be urgent. Xiao Bing called the poisonous fox and let the poisonous fox send people to the net in Shangri-La, and then search for the whereabouts of this martial art.

Xiao Bing is also very embarrassed. He is forced to give people a holiday. Now he has a holiday, and he has to let his family start work in advance. Xiao Bing is ready to wait for a while before giving him a vacation.

This is the case for the time being. Xiao Bing also called the criminal investigation. The police had already informed Ayi Ding’s family that it was estimated that Ayi Ding’s family was anxious. Now it should be every day. Uneasy, Xiao Bing let the captain of the week tell Ayi Ding’s family to say, at least, there is no danger in Ai Ding. The captain of Zhou just did not agree to say it. After all, he is a policeman. Every sentence he said was responsible. Xiao Bing had no choice but to call the provincial party secretary Yu Wenhua. Yu Wenhua went to command the captain of the week, and the captain of Zhou was willing to agree.

Now both sides have been arranged properly. The rest of the matter is to hurry up and get better soon. Xiao Bing can only continue to worry about the inside of his heart and continue to patiently raise the injury at home. Every day, in addition to going to the woods, meditating and absorbing. In addition to the atmosphere of heaven and earth, it is to accompany the leaves, accompany the moon, accompany the small flower, Liu Kexin will come over.

Xiao Bing is at home in the world, but the dark world is shaken.

In the dark world, the two top players in the middle of the enthusiasm exchanged ideas about martial arts. As a result, many of the dark world powers came to listen. Most of them were from the early days of Danjin to the peak of Danjin, and they were barely in the dark world. Get the hand, but can't talk about any first-class master.

However, when you step into the enthusiasm, you are already considered a master, so they also want to hear what the strong people in the martial arts have in the martial arts, and then learn. At this time they are sitting in the gazebo, those Dan Jin masters are sitting around and listening, one by one, eager to listen, thoughtful.

The top players in the middle of the two enthusiasm were communicating there. At this time, there were suddenly two red and black figures flying into the gazebo. Everyone around them was shocked.

The two middle-class masters sitting on the gazebo stool saw the two men, and they were equally surprised. They could not see through!

These are two young men, all about forty years old. The red dress looks more stout, with a big beard, a big eyebrow, and a voice that sounds like a bell. Haha laughed: "Hou Zijian, I I have heard that your swordsmanship is like a god, but I want to teach."

The black man next to the middle-aged man was slender and indifferent, with a sword behind him. After listening to the man like a fierce fire, he said coldly: "Hey, he is a hundred swords, you are The fire hall, we are all ancient Wu, why bother to fight, here is not someone who can naturally take the test sword?"

Hey, hey, he laughed and said: "I mean this too."

The two middle-class masters who were originally communicating were standing up and surprised. One of them arched the archer: "We met here to exchange martial arts, but I didn't know but disturbed the two predecessors."

In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected, and the strength of these two people is above them. They naturally want to be called predecessors.

The Hou Zijian’s indifferent voice said: "No, just want to use your people in the world to try the sword in my hand and see if it is sharp!"

After that, Hou Zijian had pulled out the sword and scabbed it out. The sword had just stabbed it out. The person who had just spoken quickly swarmed, but it was still slower. The scream of screaming was directly pierced by a left eye, and the other When people saw the other party and did not say hello, they immediately rushed to the scene. As a result, a piece of sword net shrouded, and the other’s swordsmanship was mysterious. The two men couldn’t avoid it, and there was no hidden, two swords in the body. Fall to the ground and die.

The surrounding Dan Jin masters who were originally trying to listen to the experience were all by one.

Hou Zijian took the sword into the sheath and shook his head and sighed: "It's too weak, too weak."

尉 霸 霸 霸 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha The master may not be able to ask for it in front of you. It is really a bit bully to deal with these two people."

Hou Zijian sighed: "I just intended to suppress my cultivation, but I used the same strength in the middle of the battle to fight against them. But their two moves are too simple, not my opponent at all, is it outside? Are people so weak now?"

Hou Zijian looked at the people outside the gazebo and said, "You immediately give me a list of your worldly masters. Remember to be a little more detailed, or else you can't leave alive!"

These people were so scared that they promised, and they said again and again, yes, yes.

After the list was drafted, Hou Zijian read the name on the list and said: "I don't think there are really a lot of experts outside. If I think about it, I will challenge this Israeli ghost hand first."

"No." Yan Chiba smiled. "I have an idea. It is better for us to directly agree on a place and allow them to challenge us on that day. Haha, by the way, the other martial arts experts who are walking outside are called to let the world The world knows well what it is called heaven and earth. If there is something that makes us satisfied, our people from several sects can cut the cloth with stones. If anyone wins, they will bring it back and return it to the martial art of this person."

"Okay, good idea!" Hou Zijian looked at Yu Heba and said, "I can't think of you as a rough person. I can think of such an idea. Let these people from the secular world take the initiative to go from the investment network and feel the talent. People, let us take any of them, and bring them back to the sects as apprentices."

"Okay, that's it!"

Hou Zijian looked at the masters of Dan Jin and said: "You can help me tell you all the masters of the world. After three days, our ancient masters will be here waiting for the challenge of all of you. Anyone can challenge us and be fair. Duel. Just say that Hou Zijian wants to suppress everyone in your worldly customs, let you know that our Guwumen is the strongest in the world!"

After listening to these masters, they nodded and hurriedly nodded, and then ran away hurriedly.

Yan Chiba looked at the back of their escape, and laughed happily: "These people in the world are really a bunch of waste!"

Hou Zijian said: "After they spread the news, the other Guwumen factions should have heard the news. Oh, you said, are we a little too bully of these people outside?"

"There is nothing to bully." 尉 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸The children started to provoke, but I have some time and interest to go around and look for children with great bones!"

"That's not necessarily true." Hou Zijian said faintly. "My brother-in-law had found a very good seedling for the martial arts. The child was just six years old and didn't want to leave with his parents. His parents are still entangled in the dead, but they have been forcibly taken away by my younger brother, and now they have been brought to the martial art."

"Oh, such a good opportunity, those parents do not even know how to cherish." 尉 霸 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸 霸

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