Super Soldier

Chapter 1087: Buddha son with one enemy five

More and more people, the three-tiered and three-tiered secular masters will surround the pavilion. At this time, one person finally stood up and started to challenge. He came out with a thin, 40-something man, man. Wearing a black dress with a scarf on his head, he stood there casually, and the people standing outside felt a sense of suffocation.

Someone in the crowd began to talk about it: "Who is this predecessor, do you know?"

"I heard that I heard that it is the first master in Morocco. This gas field has actually ignited the breath in my body. I feel that my blood is boiling and the breath is disordered."

"Breaking the Nether Power is definitely breaking the Nether Power!"

"I didn't expect that there is such a hermit in this world!"

"Hey, he is not a hidden world. He is the first strong man in Morocco and the patron saint of Morocco, so people in the dark world rarely go to Morocco to get into trouble!"

"I have heard of it before. It is said that the strength of this strong person can be ranked in the top few even if the whole world is looking at the world. It is only a low-key week, so no one knows him."

The man moved his body and punched two punches, and the air fluctuated.

A few people in the pavilion glanced at each other and said: "I can't think of the world's best in this world. It is also the beginning of breaking the void."

After hearing the strength of this person reached the beginning of breaking the void, those outside were exposed with respect and fear.

The Moroccan strong man looked into the pavilion, the light in his eyes was glaring, and his sharpness was sharp. His tone was calm and calm, and the faint road said: "The Guwumen School has long been agreed with the countries, and can come out to collect people, but not too much. Provoke, it seems that your Guwumen faction has been closed for too long, and it has already lacked awe in the outside world."

When he was suddenly over, he jumped out of the gazebo, his fingers rang loudly, his voice squeaked like the other person’s ear that struck the bell. He smiled and said: “It seems that you are one of the best in the world. Master, it’s no wonder that the madness between the talks, let me educate you well! Remember my name, the fierce fire of the fire door!"

The strong Moroccan voice calmly said: "Moroccan, Gramm!"

His voice was calm, but the sturdiness of his body seemed to have burned, and the violent breath made everyone feel suffocated and hot.

There is also a flame burning in the eyes of Yu Chiba. He laughed happily: "I can't think of it, I can't think of it, Gram, you are the best sparring opponent of my hey!"

He is laughing and laughing. His appearance is also burning with flames. It is not a real flame, but a hot suffocation. Then two people rush toward each other at the same time. Every time they take a step, the ground makes a violent vibration, then Start cracking, gravel splash.

尉 霸 霸 霸 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳They seem that either of these two people, even if they are casually punching, are enough to kill them directly.

Even at the end of the game, everyone could not clearly see the figures of these two people. At this time, the two men suddenly separated and flew backwards. When he was flying a few meters away, he was stopped. Then haha ​​laughed and said: "Happy, happy! Gram, you lost!"

This Graham landed on the ground, and a little blood appeared in the corner of his mouth. According to the move, the two of them were not the same number of roads, but they were all very subtle and difficult to distinguish. According to the realm, both of them also broke the void. In the early days, this 尉 霸 霸 is used in the infuriating manner is more subtle than him, almost no waste of a little instinct, so the two people are the same instinct, but the strength they exert is completely different. He is a little better than him.

Gramm sighed slightly: "I lost!"

At this time Hou Zijian suddenly said: "I saw the person I wanted."

Suddenly he shot and rushed into the crowd. All the people who wanted to stop were shocked by him. Then a boy who seemed to be only 17 or 18 years old was caught in his hand. He grabbed the teenager and flew back. Go to the pavilion.

A middle-aged man in his forties is roaring: "Let my son go!"

The middle-aged man rushed out of the crowd and slammed his fists. His strength actually reached the peak of enthusiasm. The crowd exclaimed: "Isn't this the "furious fist" Zhang Beihai who has lived for many years? I didn't expect him. Also here!"

Hou Zijian was cold and cold, and the sword in his hand was squirted. A sword like a meteor in the sky just cut off the throat of Zhang Beihai. The strength of the two people was only one layer, but it was another layer of difference.

Hou Zijian received the sword into the sheath, and the young boy who was caught in his hand shouted with anger: "You killed my father, you killed my father!"

Hou Zijian stunned the boy and said: "This person is mine."

Yan Chiba walked back to the pavilion and shouted at the door: "I am afraid it is not right? Isn't it good to have a stone scissors?"

Xia Changdong said faintly: "If you don't follow the instructions, then who is stronger?"

Hou Zijian thought that the most powerful person in the area was Xia Changdong. He immediately threw the boy on the ground next to him and said, "Stone scissors."

These few people got together, together with the stone scissors cloth, and finally won the 尉 霸 霸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Others saw that these people were so over-excited, they were arrested by them, and they were distributed in such a way that they were ashamed, as if they were exchanged as goods, everyone It’s anger, but it’s helpless, because their strength is really worse than the other side.

At this time, the crowd began to move, and they shouted one by one: "How come the dragon son has not come yet?"

"Yeah, this time the dragon son should come out."

"Or the Buddha son can do it. There is always a lesson to teach these arrogant people."

These people quarreled one by one, Xia Changdong's face was slightly ugly, because he thought that he had just lost to the injured dragon son, it is simply a shameful shame, but he is not here to say to people. .

There was a hustle around, and the jade charm suddenly smiled and said: "You should not grab me with these two!"

She flew into the crowd like a butterfly. People didn't have a resistance, and there was no dodge, and they were all immersed in her moving figure and fragrance. Two young people with good shape were given directly by the crowd. I caught it and flew back to the gazebo. The jade charm looked at them both in a wink and smirk and asked, "Would you like to go back with me? Well?"

These two young people, like the madness of madness, shook their heads madly: "Happy, happy."

Jade charmed a burst of laughter, smug.

Several other people glanced at the two men caught by the jade charm, but they were handsome and tall, but they did not see any special bones. It looked like they were taken back as a sun-filling yin. The tools are gone, they are too lazy to grab.

Several other people swept away to the crowd. For them, deterrence is a master of the world. The important purpose is to bring all the masters, and then they choose the target to bring back to the martial art.

Xia Changdong suddenly turned his eyes and flew toward the crowd. Several people in front of him in the crowd were pierced by his long sword. For a moment, the blood in the crowd flowed into the river. Those people did not want to block. However, he didn't have time to dodge, but he lost his life. Then he grabbed a young man in his early twenties in the crowd. The young man seemed to be a good person he was looking for.

Only his hand had not had time to catch it, but he felt a strong breath rushing in the face, and then a Zen stick directly slammed down, Hou Zijian out of the sword block, slamming, he was directly shocked by this huge force A few meters away, the people in the dragons couldn’t get in the crowd. The drunken gyro haha ​​laughed: "Happiness, happiness, let you see if you can pick up a few tricks!"

Liu Zhen’s face was put on. The laughter said: “You guys who don’t know where to come out, really think that no one in the world can cure you? Oh, what is it called? ...... Xia Changdong, right? You don’t want to face your face anymore. I know that the door of our Dragon Gate has been in serious battle with Wei Sihai and Tokugawa West. It has already been seriously injured. Now I am recovering. You are taking this opportunity to go. Challenge my homeowner, how are you going to lose?"

Xia Changdong feels that the whole person's face is hot, and several other ancient martial arts people know that Xia Changdong had already challenged the dragon son of the two sons, and even the injured dragon son has not played.

Drunken gyro yelled: "The doorkeeper defeated you, but the original owner was very serious. Now it has touched the body's injury. Otherwise, I will come over and crush all of you one by one!"

Xia Changdong gritted his teeth and said: "I have a nonsense, I played with Longgongzi, but the two big men in the dark world are just that, I can't help him, he can't help me."

The masters of the many secular circles in the crowd heard Xia Changdong say so, all of them laughed, and they were just killed by the people of these ancient Wu worlds as poultry and goods, and they snatched and robbed. When the people of Longmen came, they finally got the backbone.

Molong looked at Xia Changdong, and his body exudes an extremely dangerous atmosphere. His tone is calm, the calmer but the more dangerous: "You said that our dragon gate master is just like this, but also depends on the knife in my hand. ”

After feeling the horror of the ink dragon, the younger generations of these ancient martial arts all changed their faces one by one, and they were still horrified behind them.

When Molong had not had time to take the shot, there was a vague figure in the center of the venue. The figure became more and more clear, with a robes and a golden mask. The Buddha son did not know when he stood here!

Molong loosened the knife in his hand, and the murderous gas dissipated. At this time, the voice of the Buddha’s son did not know that he was happy or angry. He said: “Do you want to challenge the world’s warriors? Don’t be so troublesome, I only have myself. One person, let's go together."

These people glanced at each other and felt deep fear from each other's eyes. Even if they faced the elders in the door, they never felt this way. It felt like the other person was a lion. And they are just insignificant ants at the foot of the lion.

Shouldn't the master of the ancient Wumen school be high? Shouldn’t it be easy to put these little people in the world of the world under their feet? How could it be like this?

The panic of the five of them was extremely incomprehensible, and then they couldn’t stand the fear. At the same time, they shot at the Buddha’s son, and the five full blows that broke the master of the void, all of them were all empty, when they turned around, everyone They all found a pair of eyes in front of themselves.

That's right, it's just a pair of eyes.

Then they feel that they are entering another world. There is no ground in the world, there is no sky, only endless darkness, and then there are countless chains flying in the dark, directly penetrating their bodies, stabbing Wear their heart.

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