Super Soldier

Chapter 1108: Hongxing's ulcer

Xiao Bing saw Jiang Zheng handing a bank card to himself. He was not polite, received it directly, and then said with a smile: "Jiang Zhengyi? Listen to the meaning of the two women, you are Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Jiang's?"

Jiang Zheng’s two bodyguards coughed and specifically reminded their young master not to tell the truth, but Jiang Zheng did not pay attention to it, or said: "Jiang Huairen is my father."

"Oh, Hongxing boss Jiang Huairen!" Xiao Bing nodded, said, "I didn't expect to be able to meet the Jiang family's young masters when I walked here casually. This is also the fate. How much is this card?"

Jiang Zhengdao said: "The total is 100,000 yuan, compared with my life, it is not worth mentioning."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But I feel that I just took a casual shot and didn't even have the activity to open my hands and feet. I took you 100,000 yuan, a little too much. So good, they can send this. If two people come to kill you, it is possible to send someone else to kill you. The two bodyguards behind you are estimated to protect you, and I will directly protect you back to Xianggang."

Jiang Zheng took a moment and said with joy: "Do you mean it?"

"Of course it is true." Xiao Bing said with a smile, "When did Xiao Jun speak it?"

Jiang Zhengdao said: "Your name is Xiao Jun. We are now known. Xiao Xiao Ge, your strength has just been seen. It is really amazing. These two women are easily laid flat, but I still It is not recommended that you drowning. This time it involves Dongxing. Dongxing has always been unscrupulous in doing things.

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "I don't want to drown now, is it possible?"

Jiang Zheng thought for a moment, smiled bitterly: "This thing is really tired of you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That's not the case. Anyway, I should have offended the offense. It is better to send you back to Xianggang."

"That's okay." Jiang Zheng sighed. "But if you send me back, the money is too little. After returning to Xianggang, I will transfer another sum of money to this card. ”

One of the two black bodyguards called the Xiangjia Jiangjia side, and the other one called the police to solve the problem. After all, it was not a trivial matter, and Xiao Bing borrowed this time and Jiang Zheng chatted.

It turned out that Jiang Zheng had a little unhappy with his father in the recent period. His father was a decisive act, and only Jiang Zheng was such a son, so he always felt that Jiang Zhengyi was a man who was too kind, how to do it in the future. Can you safely hand over the society to his hand? So Jiang Zheng had some squabbles with his father during this time, and then he came out.

At this time, one of the bodyguards hung up the phone, and the tone suddenly said very heavy: "Young master, the master has an accident!"

"What?" Jiang Zheng stunned, and then the tone was a little bit rushed. "What? What happened to my father?"

"I just called the home, it was the general manager. This morning, someone sent it to the house for a time bombing. The lord was seriously wounded. Now he has been sent to the hospital and rescued in the emergency room."

"Why don't you tell me early?" Jiang Zheng seems to be a relatively gentleman, and at this moment he also showed a few minutes, loudly roaring.

The bodyguard smiled bitterly: "It’s just something that happened just now. There is an urgent need to take care of the lord, and I will definitely not be able to inform you."

Jiang Zheng took a deep breath and said with a serious face: "Go back to Hong Kong immediately!"

Jiang Zhengyi let the bodyguard go back with him. Another bodyguard stayed behind to do the aftermath. Then he looked at Xiao Bing and said in a sincere tone: "Mr. Xiao, this time may be more dangerous than you think, you You can choose not to accompany me. If you go back with me, I will definitely repay you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I just have nothing to do now, Xiangtan is also good, let me take a trip."

"That line, let's get on the bus now!"

Xiao Bing sat in the car of Jiang Zhengyi, the bodyguard drove in front, Xiao Bing and Jiang Zheng, who was in awe-inspiring face, sat behind, and the car went all the way toward the airport.

Xiao Bing said: "How can Master Dong Dong suddenly attack you Hongxing?"

Jiang Zheng thought for a moment and sighed: "Hey, I should have thought of this for a long time. Some time ago, the elders of Dongxing died, and they died in the hands of Xiao Bing in the three northern provinces. Well... strictly speaking It should not be said that it is the northern provinces, but the biggest squad of China, Xiao Bing."

Xiao Bing did not expect to have a relationship with himself. If Xiao Bing is wearing sunglasses and a mask now, it is estimated that it may be recognized by people. Xiao Bing is curious: "What does this have to do with Xiao Bing? What?"

Jiang Zheng said: "Xiao Bing's momentum is too strong, and Dongxing has offended Xiao Bing. I think that in Dongxing's view, as long as Xiao Bing settles in the mainland, he will immediately start to Dongxing, and there will be tigers before the wolf. How could he be the opponent of Xiao Bing? So they are now jumping into the wall, they must want to break the boat once, settle our Hongxing, unify the underground forces of Xianggang, and may be able to protect themselves in front of Xiao Bing."

"It turns out to be like this." Xiao Bing said in his heart that he was originally because this Jiang justice was a good person, so he helped him, but now it seems that this thing is caused by himself, and he is even more There is no reason not to take the shot. Although Jiang Zhengyi said that it is also after Xiongxiong, it is more honest. It should be a person who can entrust. If he can help him to become the boss of Hongxing, he will kill Dongxing by the way. It is a blessing for the underground world of Xianggang to have such a benevolent person to be the boss of the underground world of Xianggang.

Jiang Zhengyi continued: "Dongxing Lao Ma Tianbang, known as Ma Wangye, this person is very heart-wrenching, and he is very good at doing things. The people who usually offend him are all broken and even the family members of the other party are not let go. He is going to pay the salary directly to us. I am afraid that this time we will die a lot of people in the Jiang family."

Xiao Bing sighed: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they are involuntarily."

Jiang Zheng gnawed his teeth and said: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and there must be a scale in their hearts. The battle in the underground world can't imply innocence. The enemy is killing no problem, but it can't harm the family. This is the rule of being a man in the underground world! Ma Wangye never Tell these rules!"

Xiao Bing said: "Then kill the Ma Wangye, let the people who are the rules be the boss, the boss of the entire Xianggang."

Jiang Zheng looked at Xiao Bing with a strange look.

At this time the driver said: "Young master, I am at the airport."

"Well, let's go, get off."

After entering the airport, Xiao Bing took his ID card to buy his own ticket. After waiting for the security check, several people waited for a while in the terminal, then entered the plane. Xiao Bing took the mask off but did not pick up the sunglasses. I started to take a nap with my arms.

Jiang Zhengyi sat next to Xiao Bing and looked at Xiao Bing wearing big sunglasses. He only felt that Xiao Bing was familiar, but he did not usually chase the stars. Although he also saw Xiao Bing on TV, it was also Unexpectedly, Xiao Bing fell asleep, but he couldn't sleep. The things at home made him full of worry, especially his father was still alive and dead.

After the plane arrived at Xianggang Airport, three people left the airport. Jiang Zheng called and asked the hospital where his father was, and immediately rushed toward the hospital by car.

Sitting in a taxi, Xiao Bing asked: "How is your father?"

"It’s dangerous to leave life, but still in a coma."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "In any case, as long as people are still alive, you don't have to worry too much. There are still many important things for you. Hong Xing needs you to preside over the overall situation. ”

"Well, I know this." Jiang Zhengyi tightened his fist and said. "In the past, I hated these associations the most, but after all, this is the Jiangshan of our Jiang family. I can't say anything about Ma Wangye's success."

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you hate clubs because the clubs don't talk about rules?"

"Well." Jiang Zhengyi said with a bit of pain in his eyes, "My father is not like Ma Wangye, but he is becoming more and more ruthless in doing things, more and more unruly, not sympathetic."

Xiao Bing took a shot of Jiang Zheng’s shoulder and said with emotion: “There are scales in people’s hearts. When I heard you say this, I knew that you are worthy of help. If you are relieved, I am Will support you as the boss of the community, as long as you become the boss, the rules are naturally set up by you."

Jiang Zheng looked at Xiao Bing a little strangely. Xiao Bing re-appeared the mask, plus the pair of black sunglasses. Although he couldn’t see Xiao Bing completely, he could feel it from Xiao Bing’s tone. A kind of calm and self-confidence that his father didn't have, Jiang Zheng asked with some emotions: "Who are you? I always feel that you are not ordinary, although what you say feels like no one can be heard by anyone." I believe that people feel very arrogant, but after listening to it, I always feel very practical, and I feel like you can do everything."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is the personality charm."

Jiang Zhengyi sighed. At this time, he didn't have a heart to make a joke. He looked out the window, and the inside of his head was like a mess. His father had an accident. The community must be a mess, and I don't know what will happen to Dongxing. In the move, the Ma Wangye was a mad person. Since he used a bomb to kill his father and sent someone to assassinate himself, he would not have no follow-up actions.

At this time, I heard the host on the radio station in the taxi broadcast: "Emergency to insert a news, three murders have just occurred in the North District. The two deceased and one injured are the Hong Kong community in Xianggang, suspected gangsters. revenge."

Jiang Zheng’s face was dignified and his fingers were pinched: “Dongxing really continued to shoot...”

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