Super Soldier

Chapter 1128: End the abuse of the three elders!

The white man rushed over and asked aloud: "What is your name?"

Molong word by word: "Molong!"

"Remember my name, the person who killed you is called Ouyang Lie!"

Ouyang Lie ran in the middle of the ground, and the ground under his feet was smashed by him, and then he slammed into the ink dragon with a punch.

Molong’s hand grabbed his own handle from beginning to end, but he did not pull the sword. His eyes fell on every movement of Ouyang Lie, and he could even clearly feel the infuriating movement of Ouyang Lie’s body. Ouyang Lie’s body Seventy or eighty percent of the infuriating scent is on his fist, and more than ten percent of the body's appearance is condensed on the surface. In addition, only three-four percent of the infuriating is not used. of.

This is simply a terrible instinct to run. Other strong players who break the void level can usually only use the infuriating 9% of the body, and can effectively enact 90% of the infuriating It is already a genius to use, and this person almost does not waste a bit of power in the body, and that 3 to 4 percent is negligible.

This is a genius among geniuses. On the one hand, the inheritance of martial arts in the ancient Wumen School is indeed much higher than the outside world. On the other hand, this person has a terrible martial arts talent!

Ouyang Lie shouted: "Remember my name, Ouyang Lie, the real first person in the future of Tekken!"

Molong began to step back, Ouyang Lie rushed toward Ouyang Lie, and the momentum of Molong became weaker and weaker, and the momentum of Ouyang Lie became more and more terrifying, and gradually reached its peak. At this moment, even at this moment, even It is a strong person who breaks the peak of the void. Although Ouyang Lie is difficult to win, it is not impossible to threaten the other party.

The strength of this Ouyang Lie has reached the limit of breaking the void period, and his power can destroy any character who breaks below the peak of the void.

"Let you see it, this is the real power of our ancient martial arts genius!" Ouyang Lie's imposing manner, chasing the past, destroying the ancients and chasing the ink dragon.

In the yard, Miyamoto and the two men have already knocked down a large number of disciples, and then the remaining disciples have gathered together, and Miyamoto and the two men have been confronted, and neither of them dares to act rashly.

The strength of the three elders was originally very strong and strong, but in the hands of Xiao Bing, he was fiddled with Xiao Bing like a toy. Often a person just got up and punched Xiao Bing out. Another person just got Standing up, and then being kicked by Xiao Bing.

Seeing this scene, those outside the disciples felt chilly and shameful.

These elders have always been godly in their hearts, but why are they so vulnerable in the hands of this secular person?

Many disciples are facing an incredible scene and are frightened!

Xiao Bing didn't kill the killer. The elders were swollen by Xiao Bing, and it was even more shameful than killing them. Especially on weekdays, they always felt that they were tall and unbelievable. It has been done like this by the people of the world, and it is also a great destruction for their self-respect.

"You killed me!" The four elders just got up and screamed out of their mouths. A bang, Xiao Bing hit another punch on his face. He knocked off a few teeth and the man followed. Go out.

The other two elders could not climb even at this time.

Xiao Bing stood in the middle of the main hall and looked at the three people, carrying his hands and proudly saying: "Now, you should know what kind of feeling is being relied on by people. You guys are sitting on the ground and watching the old things, one by one. What are your great ancient martial arts factions, look down on those outside us, go out every two decades and force the tying people back to learn martial arts with you. Yes, you really have your own situation, maybe it can be said to continue your martial art. So I have to do it!"

Xiao Bing loudly said: "But every time you go out to force the apprentice, even if you go out, you will be arrogant, and show your strength in the outside world. Whoever wants to kill will kill anyone. Whoever bullies will bully, what is this?" what?"

Xiao Bing continued to say aloud: "Today I am going to let you hand over, forcing you to surrender your martial arts mind. You think we are bandits and bandits. Your people went to my house to hurt my family and want to take us away. When the spirit sword forced my family to hand over the martial arts exercises, what do you think?"

"You think that you are very good, you are high, what you want, others should be handed over to you honestly, you are the ancient Wumen, you are arrogant? Who the **** habits you are not dead, Old things?"

"This is not to say that a few of you guys are here, even if the doorkeepers of your sects are here, Lao Tzu is going to ask for a fairness here!"

Xiao Bing’s eyes swept away. No matter whether it was the three elders or the many disciples outside, no one dared to look at him.

The four elders struggled from the ground and climbed up. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and his nose. His face was swollen and he was swollen, and there was a little extravagant.

The four elders are full of resentment and look at Xiao Bing. He is high on the weekdays. Today, he is so horrified in front of so many people. He hates Xiao Bing in his heart. He wants to kill this person immediately, but he knows himself. It’s not Xiao Bing’s opponent, so I can only swallow the voice: “You have already made our iron fist door like this. What do you want?”

"Not enough." Xiao Bing proudly said, "Let your three elders come out and apologize to me, hand over your martial arts cheats, and I will leave with my people immediately."

The four elders screamed: "You devil, this is impossible!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are right, I am a devil. There is nothing in this world that is impossible."

The early perfect atmosphere of Xiao Bing Tianzun was completely released. The disciples outside the main hall were all in a quagmire, and it was difficult to move.

Xiao Bing said: "If you don't agree, I will kill all the people in your iron fist!"

The faces of the four elders were furious, their bodies shivered, their faces were blue, and their teeth were gnashing: "You are deceiving too much."

"Yes, I am bullying you." Xiao Bing smiled. "Because you are weaker than me, I bully you."

Xiao Bing’s words almost let the four elders vomit blood.

The four elders said: "You will also pay the price. The person you use the knife will die."

"No, he won't die." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "You looked at your own disciples too high. You think that all of your Guwumen people are high, but you still lost in my hands. Just like some time ago, Guwumen sent out to provoke the outside world. As a result, several masters including Xia Changdong of your martial art all died in the hands of the Buddha. Your disciples are geniuses, and my brothers are naturally not. weak."

The four elders gnashed their teeth and said: "Do you really want to force our iron fists to step by step? Now you are a moment of prestige, and when our doorkeeper returns, he will bring all of you to destroy!" ”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then I will wait until he comes back and say it again. Now my fist is the biggest, so you have to listen to me."

The four elders shook their heads and suddenly laughed. They laughed wildly. The six elders and the eight elders climbed up from the ground. The momentum of these two elders suddenly rose wildly, then left and right, and simultaneously toward Xiao. The soldiers rushed.

Xiao Bing’s heart was a little surprised. The two men had just been unable to play the bombs they had been playing. At this time, they recovered their peaks so quickly. Even the original strength of these two people was only to break the peak of the void. At the time, it showed the power of the half-step Tianzun level. Xiao Bing is equivalent to a man’s crazy attack against two half-step Tianzun level powerhouses.

When Xiao Bing’s gaze turned, he suddenly realized that the four elders had escaped from the corridor next to them by this opportunity.

The six elders shouted: "External, don't look around, let you see and see our iron fist!"

The two long-term agings are the shadows of the sky, and they are generally overwhelming toward Xiao Bing, and the breath of these two people has begun to rise, even surpassing the half-step Tianzun, going toward the realm of Tianzun.

The martial art disciples outside felt awkward and relaxed, knowing that the person inside had no energy to use their power to control them. After seeing such a terrible attack by the two elders, they even felt one by one. The suffocation, and then the excitement that has never been there, screamed wildly.

"Definitely dead, this outsider is dead!"

"To kill them all, this is the price of provoking our iron fist!"

Xiao Bing felt the pressure of the superposition of these two people. The strength of the two people together, even faintly reached the full force of an ordinary Tianzun master, Xiao Bing also had to be cautious.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and looked at them through his fists. His pupils shrank and suddenly he was surprised: "I understand!"

On the other side of Molong, Ouyang Lie is still attacking wildly. The strength of his whole person has been raised to the extreme. Such a terrible blow, even if the peak of breaking the void is almost enough to shake, Molong has been violently retreating. The momentum finally fell to the lowest valley, and at this time, Molong suddenly found that his back is a rockery, has been retired.

Ouyang Lie screamed wildly: "Use your life to let the world know that my Ouyang Lie morning and evening party is the strongest person in the new generation of Tekkenmen!"

Ouyang Lie’s fist even seemed to be unbearable in the air, causing violent fluctuations, and Molong faced such a fatal blow. He was about to be smashed by the waves in the middle of the sea. boat.

However, his expression is still calm and calm.

Molong grasped the handle of the handle and suddenly held the blue veins tightly, and immediately pulled the sword: "With my knife, break your soul!"

This knife has surpassed the limit, breaking through the limit of breaking the realm of the void period, and instantly raising the peak of breaking the void, transcending time and splitting the space!

Ps: update the third chapter around 4 pm

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