Super Soldier

Chapter 1148: Xiao Bing, unmatched!

Xiao Bing and the invincible two people are separated by tens of meters. No one has any movement between them, but the momentum of the two people is constantly rising.

The strength of two people is as substantial as it is, and even the naked eye can see the terrorist power of the body.

Everyone was surprised to see their feet. The ground under their feet began to tremble. Like an earthquake, they went to see the feet of these two people. The ground under the feet of Xiao Bing and the invincible crown began to crack, and even the hard under the feet. The stone is still splashing everywhere while it is broken.

The two men began to walk toward each other step by step. The two of them clearly did not change, but the feeling for everyone was like two giants. Every step, they would shake the mountain. At this moment, the power of both of them All of them are condensed in one body, try not to leak, so those forces have not spread to spread to everyone, but because of the cohesion, this power is even more terrible.

The movements of the two of them were not as big as Goofy and Tokugawa Benxi, but the power contained in them was even more terrifying than that of Tokugawa and West.

Gao Fei looked at this scene and said quietly: "I don't think the boss has reached this step. Sure enough, while I am improving, the boss has a new understanding."

The two men finally walked face to face, and then Xiao Bing punched out, and the invincible punch also hit out. Xiao Bing’s fist fell on the invincible body, and the invincible fist also fell in Xiao Bing’s Physically, the two bodies' bodies swayed at the same time, each stepping back two steps. Both of them were amazed at the strength of the other party and the hardness of the body.

In Xiao Bing’s heart, if it was originally practiced on the volcano with two goods, and tempered his body like steel, I am afraid that it will not really be the invincible opponent of this crown. Now Xiao Bing, Even if it is a hard-resisting attack under the celestial respect, Xiao Bing can resist for a few minutes without falling, even if it is a strong person in the early stage of the great perfection of Tian Zun, there is absolutely no such strong physical quality.

The invincible heart is even more surprised than Xiao Bing. They are dominated by boxing, and their fists are just overbearing. Under the same level, almost no one can hold their fists, but Xiao Bing Is it hard to resist his punch without falling down, is this person from the alchemy furnace through the three-flavored fire monkey?

The crown invincible once again punched out, this punch even appeared numerous illusions, and finally all the welcomes were all in one, Xiao Bing snorted, also punched in the past, this boxing Xiao Bing will be inside All the murderous murders were used. All the onlookers were surprised to see that the flames were actually rubbed out in the air. The two men’s fists seemed to have a flame burning. This is because of the power of these two people. At the extreme, the speed is almost at its best.

With a bang, the invincible and Xiao Bing each received a punch, and the two men stepped back two steps. The invincible was shocked, and his fist did not have the upper hand. This person was able to fight with himself. !

Xiao Bing suddenly laughed: "The crown is invincible. Your boxing method is just like this. Now I use my shortcomings to go to your strengths. If I use my strengths, how are you my opponent?"

The crown is invincible and screams: "What is your strength?"

Xiao Bing laughed loudly: "Before you come, why don't you ask the elders of the iron fist door and think about how the two elders died?"

The invincible insignia is slightly disappointing, and the picture of the bodies of his two younger brothers emerges in his mind. No, his two younger brothers are obviously burning and dying...

The invincible champion was about to open his mouth and asked. Suddenly, the light of a sultry man in Xiao Bing’s eyes shot directly into his mind. His head screamed and his spirit was slightly stunned. No, I counted it!

The invincible reaction of the crown was also very fast, but when he opened his eyes, Xiao Bing was already squatting, a fist fell directly on his face, a bang, a crown of invincible head was a roar, the whole person was like The arrow off the string generally flew out.

Xiao Bing’s two legs slammed on the ground, instantly appearing in front of the invincible crown, and then punched again.

"Wang Ba Gu, find death!" The invincible nose of the crown bleeds, anger and anger, a fist hurriedly greeted, two fists collided together, the crown invincible actually screamed, his fist of the contemporary door of the iron fist There was blood flowing out of the sharp gap, and then he quickly retraced backwards.

Xiao Bing snorted and approached in an instant. At the same time, the soul suddenly emerged from Xiao Bing’s body, and Xiao Bing actually went out!

Gao Fei clenched his fist and stared at this scene. This is a trick created by Gao Fei to apply murderousness to the extreme. I did not expect Xiao Bing to use it so quickly.

The person of Xiao Bing was divided into two in an instant. The shadow of the murderous suffocation was first stepped in front of the invincible crown. After the invincible roar and the punch was broken, Xiao Bing’s fist had already reached the invincible eyes. With a bang, this punch passed through the invincible strength of the crown, and once again fell on his face with a punch. The invincible teeth were knocked off several times, even if his defense is strong, his head The heavy blows that were picked up one after another almost lost consciousness and the eyes became blurred.

Immediately after everyone saw it, Xiao Bing’s figure appeared innumerable, and all sides were the shadow of Xiao Bing. Then the invincible was like a sandbag. It was hit by Xiao Bing from the east to the west, from the south to the north. The top powerhouses among the eight major martial arts schools in Guwu, and even the lords of the Eight Great Schools of Guwu, were so applauded by Xiao Bing.

Gao Fei looked at this scene and looked at this battle that had unexpectedly lost suspense from the very beginning. The eyes burst into the light, and the heart was dark, this boss... He just started to fight the fist with invincibility and crown invincibility. And his boxing method and the invincibility of the crown are almost different, and it is difficult to distinguish.

In terms of strength, in fact, the strength of the two of them is also between the two, and Xiao Bing can make this matchup so suspense so quickly, in fact, because Xiao Bing is more scheming than that person, even in In the battle, all the tricks were used. Who can think of the two people just doing it, Xiao Bing will complete the calculation of this crown invincible.

In the invincible in the crown, I heard that Xiao Bing’s shortcomings were inconsistent with his strengths, and there was a bit of chaos in his heart. Xiao Bing used the language to shake the firm will of the invincible, and then took the opportunity to use his mental strength. Between the invincible brain of the attacking crown and the moment when the invincible brain was attacked and unable to counterattack, Xiao Bing had already punched the invincible head. At that moment, the two of them had already separated. The outcome is won.

It is better to say that the strength of the invincible is not as good as that of Xiao Bing. It is better to say that Xiao Bing, who is invincible in battle, is far better than Xiao Bing in combat experience. Since childhood, Xiao Bing has been bullied in school, often being smashed by the crowd, and then retaliated back. At that time, he had to use his brute force and he had to move his head.

Later, after entering the dragon tooth, Xiao Bing started from the ordinary players of the dragon tooth. I don’t know how many lives and deaths have passed, and finally I got the position of the captain of the dragon tooth.

As for the later establishment of the Dragon Gate, Xiao Bing often performs a variety of tasks, and the combat experience has increased. Now Xiao Bing’s age is only close to 30, but his combat experience is nearly 100 years old. The old man may not be able to compare.

Xiao Bing’s battle depends not only on absolute strength, but also on the brain, but the mind is also part of the strength.

Under the invincible defeat of Xiao Bing, the whole person almost lost consciousness, the mouth and nose were all bleeding, the nose was collapsed, the teeth fell off several times, and the eyes were swollen and almost inseparable.

The masters of Tekkenmen wanted to rush one by one, and the strong men of the Diablo World all stood up one by one. The masters of the first few said loudly: "This is the battle between the Dragon King and your doorkeeper. If you want to To help, then we are welcome."

The second elder Dai Jun shouted: "Everyone is together!"

At the moment when the people on both sides had to start, Xiao Bing suddenly stopped, and the crown fell to the ground and fainted.

Xiao Bing faced the people of Tiemeng, and took a deep breath. Then suddenly there was a long shout in his mouth. This shouting sound wave even made the air faintly turbulent, and then the strong sound wave made the iron fist door Everyone was holding their hands in their hands and their faces were painful.

Finally, some of the weaker disciples were stunned, and they bleed, and they fell one after another. One, two, three, these fallen people have ten people, all of which have reached the innate realm but still Did not reach the innate power to break the virtual realm, there are several disciples who have reached the level of breaking the void and the elders of the heavenly level can still hold on, but all of them are pale and the body is swaying.

All the people were stunned, and Xiao Bing killed ten people. This strength almost made everyone stunned. Some people even squatted on the ground and began to worship.

Zhou Shaopeng’s eyes widened and muttered to himself: “God man, this is a man of God!”

Lei Hongyan said with a bitter smile: "This is the true position of the gods. The so-called innate masters, if they even broke the void, they did not reach the emptiness in front of Tianzun. The old mortal was lucky enough to see the power of Tianzun today. Even if it is dead, it is also eye-catching."

Lei Jing also stunned and muttered to himself: "Great, Xiao Jun's big brother is really too powerful, oh, no, he is called Xiao Bing, called Long Gongzi... We thought that he was an ordinary person before losing. ”

Hearing this, Zhou Shaopeng could not help but blush.

Xiao Bing stood there proudly, overlooking the rest of the Tekken Gate, whether it is the dark world or other top players from all walks of life, everyone worshipped and surrendered!

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