Super Soldier

Chapter 1167: Xiao Bing is going away!

"Good power... drink!" Chen Baijian shouted, and all the illusions disappeared.

Then everyone saw a hand stretch out from the crack in the ground, followed by the second hand, and everyone was staring at the scene.

The people at the Guwumen School were frightened one by one: "Is it a dragon son?"

"How is it possible that he should not be dead yet, who can escape under such a strong sword?"

"I don't know, but who else can I have in addition to the Dragon King? There is just a illusion, and it is also a space disorder caused by the power of terror, so it creates a illusion."

"That would be terrible...but this shouldn't be, this power, the power of heart, isn't it beyond the early days of Tianzun?"

All the hearts of the people screamed fiercely, and a horrible and oppressive suffocation shrouded all the people, and then they saw Xiao Bing crawling out of the crack little by little.

The clothes on Xiao Bing were ragged and bloody, but the breath on his body did not weaken at all, and even became extremely powerful and incomparably scary.

Gao Fei clenched his fist and his pupil narrowed slightly. He said, "I have seen it before, and the boss looks like he is walking away."

Xiao Bing climbed up from the crack and stood in front of everyone. His body was bent and trembling. The bones of his body even creaked. His hands were curved like talons, and his The eyes were red, and the inside glowed with a **** red glow.

Xiao Bing snorted and gasped, suddenly tearing off his clothes. The gold dragon on his body was so conspicuous that all the people even felt that the golden dragon seemed to be alive, especially The dragon's pair of pupils revealed the majesty and domineering of the world.

Chen Baijian frowned and looked at Xiao Bing in front of him in an inconceivable way. Some questions were puzzled: "Why, my eyes can see that my sword has destroyed several important veins on your body, almost To destroy your internal organs, why is the momentum on your body improved? Oh, no, the injury on your body is recovering quickly... It’s impossible, no one in the world can recover the injury at such a fast speed, you How did it do it?"

Xiao Bing grinned, and he laughed like a beast, making people shudder.

Everyone who looks at this scene, whether it is a person in the dark world or a person from the ancient Wumen school, is frightened and shuddering.

This force has exceeded everyone's imagination. Xiao Bing obviously is not hurt, but they feel that Xiao Bing's terror is now on top of Chen Baijian.

"Are you afraid?" Xiao Bing grinned. "You are upset? Are you shaking?"

Xiao Bing said, while walking toward Chen Baijian step by step, Xiao Bing is like drunk, his feet are squatting, his body is bent, and the two hanging arms are constantly shaking, as if they can be lightly Lightly push him down.

However, no one has the courage to go forward, because Xiao Bing is more horrible at this moment than at any time in the week, and the horrible power seems to be able to smash everything, just like the ancient behemoths of mythology, as if I can break the world, the sky and the earth, but I am the only one!

Zhang Qianmen’s disciple Zhang Wei trembled: “He is not a person, he is a devil, the devil who came out of hell...”

Although this is ridiculous, but other people are unable to refute one by one, such power, such a terrible atmosphere, even the horror feeling that makes each of them fall like an 18-story hell, Xiao Bing In their hearts, even more terrible than the devil.

Zhang Wei said: "The lord... the lord will not lose?"

"No, how is it possible!" Li Huai, the elder of Baijianmen, said sharply: "The door of our hundred swordsmen is the first person of the Eight Great Schools. It is the only one in the heavens and the earth. It is not comparable to anyone. He will never Will lose!"

Li Huai was very excited when he said this, and it was this kind of excitement that even the two elders of his hundred swordsmen lost their enthusiasm.

In the mouth of Tiequan’s Dai Jun, he kept whispering: "Kill him, kill him, must kill him, kill him..."

Suddenly, he was as crazy as he rushed into Xiao Bing and slammed into the head of Xiao Bing.

At this time, Dai Jun’s strength has reached the beginning of Tianzun. In the past, few people will be his opponents. Even if Chen Baijian wants to kill him, he must be treated seriously, and he has to fight with all his strength. Everyone had a flower in his eyes and rumbling, Dai Jun was directly thrown down on the ground by Xiao Bing. This pounced, the ground was directly smashed like a spider web, and then Xiao Bing laughed, two He held the arms of Dai Jun and opened his mouth and bite it directly on Dai Jun’s neck. Dai Jun’s mouth screamed in horror, and everyone else looked at the creeps, and some even squatted directly on the ground. Scared of urine.

Dai Jun’s body is constantly struggling, but his strength is too weak and too weak in Xiao Bing’s hands. Xiao Bing bites his throat bit by bit, and then the blood whispers constantly and the ground is red. The blockbuster, Dai Jun’s convulsions are getting more and more powerful, and finally they are no longer moving and dead.

The strong leader of the early Tianzun level was actually killed by Xiao Bing!

Chen Baijian sighed and looked at Xiao Bing with a dignified look. "Now your strength can finally let me do it all!"

Xiao Bing climbed up from the ground. His body was full of blood. He had his own blood. He had the blood of Dai Jun. He wiped the corner of his mouth full of blood. He turned his head and grinned at Chen Baijian. The voice was very excited but it was Very excited and shouted: "You guys!"

"You guys!"

"The Guwumen faction of your group of weak meats should have perished long ago. Except for a limited number of conscience sects, other sects should be destroyed!"

Chen Baijian’s indifferent voice: “Our Guwumen represents the supreme ancient Wu, the future of martial arts among the nations.”

"You represent the future of the martial arts of the nation?" Xiao Bing hahahaha laughed wildly, his laughter caused a shock in the space, and some weak people around him smothered their ears, and even some The man was directly stunned by laughter, and everyone looked at it with stunned eyes.

Xiao Bing screamed: "What do you want to bring to the people? You only think about yourself. You treat all ordinary people as ants. What are your faces and mention the national character!"

Chen Baijian said coldly: "The ancient Wu world, the weak meat and strong food, the strong survive."

"Yes, in your world, the fist is the biggest, so the lives of ordinary people are like the ants in your eyes. If you want to crush it, you will kill it. If you want to play with it, you can play it... If it is not controlled by the national government, you I don’t know how much it will be evil, I don’t know how many people will die!”

Chen Baijian asked indifferently: "I don't want to discuss this with you. For half an hour, you first think about what else you can do. Next, I won't let you live!"

Xiao Bing madly laughed and said: "I have been killing criminals for so many years, punishing the wicked, unifying the underground world, and constraining the dark world. Everything is for the world! You don't kill me... I will kill you one day sooner or later. If it is not in the interest of the people, you should not exist in this world. I am going to judge you first today!"

With a bang, Xiao Bing flew straight out.

So fast!

The strength of Chen Baijian’s body was released to the strongest moment, and the sword formed a tight net of swords.

The reason why the sword is a spiritual sword, because it has been psychic, can instantly capture Xiao Bing, oh, Xiao Bing's speed is fast, but the sword is not appearing in the position that should appear all the time, resisting Xiao All attacks by the soldiers.

Chen Baijian was so arrogant from beginning to end that he was not chaotic.

"Good strength! Then come and pick me up!" Xiao Bing's figure suddenly appeared. He did not use speed, but used all the power and made a punch. He broke the space under this punch. The watchers can even see how the space is crushed from the naked eye, and then quickly begin to heal. The power and speed of this punch has reached the limit, and the fist directly hits the sword of the sword.

The two men suddenly turned back at the same time, the spirit sword screamed, the light dimmed a bit more than before, and Xiao Bing's fist was even more bloody, even people can not bear to see, terrible.

Xiao Bing smiled and laughed wildly. He could feel that his body's strength was still not weakest. The power was burning more and more vigorous. The power of terror seemed to burn the world. The surrounding air seemed to be Burned.

He suddenly turned his head, and the horrible eyes swept to the Guwumen school. Several Guwumen disciples who had reached the strength of their enthusiasm in the eyes turned out to be all over the ground. Come out, wow, cry, then the green juice from the mouth, the body convulsions and die.

They are scared to death!

All the people were frightened and scared, and the arrogant master of the class was stunned by a casual look. What a fierce atmosphere!

Chen Baijian frowned and said: "Your strength has reached the middle of Tianzun, and even reached the middle of the Tianzun, and your fierceness, even if it is in the middle of the Tianzun, is not available. This breath is like the legendary ancient station. At the peak of the world, the demon or the top monster... Long Gongzi, who are you?"

Xiao Bing grinned and laughed, and a bang, instantly disappeared from the spot, went straight to Chen Baijian.

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