Super Soldier

Chapter 1197: Your parents are not ordinary people!

Someone next to "Blood red?" said, "Isn't the body of Xiao Bing not only hiding this golden force? Is there any blood red energy? But it is not present... It can't be detected by equipment.??"

Zhang Yijiao frowned, thinking hard, he remembered very clearly, once saw Xiao Bing in the real face of desperate, his body bursting red energy, even his eyes became red, like coming out of **** Like the devil, but the power that has just been tested is so sacred and powerful, but it is golden. What is going on?

At this time, there was already a tube on the side of the laboratory that was inserted in Xiao Bing's body. He began to absorb the moving golden force in Xiao Bing's body, and finally he was sucked away a little bit.

Zhang Yizhi went up and carefully analyzed the data displayed on the screen next to it, and then continued to observe the picture on the other screen. Xiao Bing used the instinct to provoke the mysterious force inside Dantian to leak some of the flow in the body, and Dan Tian It is basically certain that there is only such golden energy, so where does the blood red power come from?

Zhang Yizhi did not understand, but still felt that Xiao Bing’s body must be more than just this power. Xiao Bing’s body is like a huge treasure, and now his gold mine is only about half of this treasure.

Zhang Yizhi said: "Today, let’s do this. Zhou Assistant put Xiao Bing out to rest, take Xiao Bing to have some lunch, and I stay here to study data with everyone."

A white man in his 30s said immediately: "I know, Zhang Lao, then I am over."

"Well, let's go."

Zhang Yizhi is the honorary dean of the medical school. Therefore, the status of Huaxia Medical is very important. The people here are mainly Zhang Yizhi. Everyone respects Zhang Yizhi’s opinions.

An old doctor next to him said: "Zhang Lao, your body is not good, it is better to take a rest and let Xiao Zhou stay, let us study together."

Zhang Yizhi shook his head and said: "No, I don't analyze the data well. I don't rest well."

Zhou’s assistant’s eyes turned and said: “Zhang Lao, Mr. Xiao is our guest here. If he is gone, our research is to say that nothing can be done. He brought you, and only Your relationship is the best. If I just take him to lunch, I am afraid I will say that we have slowed him down."

"This..." Zhang Yizhi felt that this was nothing, but think carefully that Xiao Bing did not suffer much today. The two people who were shocked were not able to stand up. If they really throw him down, it is not good. Then he said, "Well, then you have something to eat at noon. Remember not to delay the time and try to study a result. I can't leave Xiao Bing here for too long."

"Know, Zhang Lao."

"There is still the strength of the extraction, to analyze as much as possible, until the afternoon, I will analyze with you."

After Zhang Yizhi was arranged properly, he left here and came to the laboratory. He pressed the button and the glass on the glass box was opened. Xiao Bing climbed out from inside and said helplessly: "Zhang Lao, this time you have to Good compensation for me, you don't know, I lay there and feel like a dead person."

Zhang Yizhi smiled and said: "Well, well, I know. Immediately at noon, I will take you to the cafeteria to have some food. The food in our cafeteria is not worse than the hotel. You can walk here casually in the afternoon. I will arrange a room for you to rest. I will stay here tonight. I guess there should be nothing in the afternoon. I will wait until tomorrow."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and asked, "Would you like to live for a few days?"

Zhang Yizhi smiled and said: "I know that your kid is a free person, but you are not curious about what power is in your body? We will try to study the results and tell you about it."

"That line, then I will be patient with the temper." Xiao Bing smiled. "Let's go, but I can say it. I can eat anything at noon. You have to accompany me for a drink."

"This can't be done." Zhang Yi pointed to a serious face. "I have to analyze with them in the afternoon. Before the test is over, I can't touch a drop of wine. In order to ensure the stability of the test, you must also Do not drink alcohol."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "If you don't drink, you don't drink alcohol. Anyway, I am not a drunkard. If you can study how to integrate all the power in my Dantian into the body, you will tell me!"

Two people said that they came to the cafeteria. The canteen here is indeed not small, and there is a buffet situation. There are dozens of dishes in total. It can be seen that the food treatment here is indeed very good.

Xiao Bing casually took two dishes, took two hoes, and then found a place to sit down. After Zhang Yizhi also sat down, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, your environment here."

"Of course, the people who live here are all the top medical experts in the country. If the conditions are too harsh, can you do it?" Zhang Yizhi said, "This is not because they are asking too much for food. It is because if there is no good If you have a meal, you will not sleep for a few days and nights during the week when you have an experiment. The body simply cannot hold it."

Xiao Bing is full of respectful words: "Yes, there is a good body to be able to work hard. I think your work is really hard."

Zhang Yizhi sighed: "I don't want to wait, we can slowly come slowly, but can the people? Sometimes there is an infectious virus. As long as we are slow for a minute, there may be somewhere where someone will die. That is life!"

Xiao Bing said awkwardly: "You are right."

“Hey.” Zhang Yi pointed out. “Unfortunately, many people now use colored glasses to look at the current medical workers, including the doctors in the hospitals below. In fact, it is undeniable that some hospitals now have red packets. It is indeed smearing the overalls, but most of the doctors are good. The reason why they are medical practitioners is because they have the ideal and the heart to save the wounded and help."

Xiao Bing said: "When everyone is young, when they set up their dreams, they will think that I want to be a doctor to save the wounded and ill. I have to be a teacher to teach and educate people. I want to be a soldier to protect the country. I want to be a The police went to protect the relatives around me. Only then some people lost their way on the road to pursue their ideals."

"Yeah." Zhang Yizhi said, "I hope that the doctors in the world can all have the relief of the world, and I hope that the people can have more understanding. Well, don't say these, eat."

Zhang Yizhi really has something to worry about, maybe because he hasn't checked what the golden strength in Xiao Bing's body is, so he took down the chopsticks after eating two, then made a phone call. After a while, Zhou Assistant came in, Zhang One finger asked Zhou Assistant to arrange a room for Xiao Bing, and then he and Xiao Bing first stepped off and immediately left the canteen.

Xiao Bing also put down the chopsticks at this time. Zhou Assistant smiled and said: "Zhang Lao is this temper. If he has not finished his work, he will not be able to live."

Xiao Bing asked: "Can his body hold on?"

"Hey, we will look at it. I will arrange a room for you first."

"Well, then you have to work."

Xiao Bing followed the assistant Zhou to another area, which is the dormitory area here. Zhou Assistant arranged a room for Xiao Bing, and he left after two sentences.

Xiao Bing returned to the room alone, sitting cross-legged on the bed, still a little bit to pull the power inside Dan Tian into himself, as long as it can be slightly integrated, Xiao Bing's body strength will be much enhanced.

Xiao Bing stayed here for two days in a row, which is equivalent to three days and two nights. On the afternoon of the third day, Zhang Lao finally let Zhou Assistant find Xiao Bing. In these few days, Xiao Bing, in addition to eating, Sitting patiently in the room to practice, constantly improve their strength.

Xiao Bing and Zhou Assistant went out and asked: "Is there a result on the experiment?"

Zhou Assistant smiled and shook his head. He said: "There is basically no big gain, or wait for Zhang Lao to talk to you. After all, I am only an assistant."

"Yes." When I heard that there was not much gain, Xiao Bing’s heart was sinking and he sighed.

Xiao Bing followed Zhou’s assistant to a private office. Only Zhang Yizhi sat inside. Zhang Yizhi saw Xiao Bing coming in. His face stood tired and stood up, pointing to the seat next to him and saying, “Sit down.”

After Zhou’s assistant closed the door, he retired. Xiao Bing sat down on the seat and smiled and said: “Zhang Lao, look at your appearance, I know that there is almost no gain.”

"Well, there is really nothing to gain." Zhang Yi pointed a serious face. "I can only tell you. According to our careful observation, you have an incredible power in Dantian. The power does not know. How much, but that power is terrible, we have extracted some of that force a bit, and the experiment proves that the same little bit of this golden force would be the same volume if it compares the infuriating of the normal warrior. Thirty times the strength of the power."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and looked awkward: "So horrible?"

"It's really terrible, but according to my analysis, there is more than just this golden power in your body, and there is a horrible evil force that is just the opposite of this sacred power."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Two forces?"

"Yes, it's just that another force does not exist in your body in this way, but in your genes, so only when you are in danger, your genes are suddenly provoked, That power will suddenly fill your body, and even your consciousness will be controlled by the moment. If this is the case, your body should not be an ordinary human body..."

Xiao Bing’s face changed and asked: “What does this mean?”

"Your parents are not ordinary people!" 8

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