Super Soldier

Chapter 1199: Su Ni Ni’s troubles (one more)

"Hey." Xiao Bing's heart jumped, Su Ni Ni, this girl is also charming, and her girl is the most hooked, which is why she can have so many people when she was the anchor.

Xiao Bing’s heart was hot, but his face was a serious face: “This is why... We haven’t seen each other for so long, and it’s hard to see it today. It’s okay to talk through the night.”

For a time, Xiao Bing temporarily put the rouge down, after all, seeing is a fate, and Su Shini meets less often, two people usually contact, but after the last hype, it has not been seen for too long Face it.

Su Mei Ni Ge Ge Jiao smiled: "Xiao Big Brother, what are you thinking about?"

"Hey, I just want to talk about it in the candlelight. What do you think I am thinking?" Xiao Bing said a little embarrassed. "Do you still find me something else?"

"Of course there are other things. Have you heard of Tianhui Entertainment?"

"I heard that." Xiao Bing said, "This is the largest entertainment company in Hengzhou, the top three entertainment companies in the Mainland, and the strength has soared very quickly. I heard that there are some relationships in the underworld."

"Yes, it is ranked third, but other families do not dare to provoke him. After all, their Shao family is very relevant on the road, and often send money to the official, huh, huh, get through a lot of relationships." Su Mei Ni said, "The boss of this entertainment company is called Shao Hui. The deputy is always his son named Shao Shangnan. This time, Shao Shangnan will hold a water party in Beidaihai, which will be held in the cruise ship of their home."

Xiao Bing asked: "Would you like to go to the party?"

"I don't want to, but Shao Shangnan sent me an invitation. Who can not go?" Su Ni Ni said helplessly. "In the recent period, Shao Shangnan publicly said that he was fancy me, making it Now most male stars and I are kept away from each other. When the female star looks at me, my eyes are different. I am very annoying to him, but I don’t dare to offend him. I simply think that he is still a gentleman for the time being. How about me?"

Xiao Bing thought of some of the not so good reputations of Shao Shao’s young master, and immediately reminded: “I have heard that this Shao Shangnan has the name of Hengzhou bully, and does not do bad things.”

Su Xiaoni smiled bitterly: "What about that? I also watched out for him, but according to me, he may have been boring because he is bullying, so I want to play with me freshly. Learn the heroines in those romance idol dramas, want to play the story of the romantic president chasing Cinderella, plus Bi Tingting also publicly stated that she is my friend in the entertainment circle, this is also to protect me, the two together, This Shao Jiada master has never been able to take me."

Su Mei Ni said here, some curious words: "Xiao Big Brother, what is the relationship between you and Bi Tingting, if it is just an ordinary friend, she will not offend the one for me because I know the understanding between me and you. Shao Jia Da Shao?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Not an ordinary friend, a good friend."

"Oh." Su Ni Ni did not think too much, continued to say, "He has been chasing me for a while anyway, this time I sent an invitation to come over to the party, I didn't want to come, but he and our company CEO After saying hello, the boss told me that I must come, and I can't offend others..."

Xiao Bing sneered: "It is estimated that there is no good idea."

"Well, this time he said that everyone must bring a dance partner, but know that he wants to chase me. No one dares to be my partner now. After all, Shao Shangnan’s reputation knows that he has offended Shao Shangnan for me. ""

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So you want to pull me to stop the gun?"

Su Mei Ni spit out her tongue and said: "After all, you are not in this circle. If you are offending him, he can't treat you like? Do you open a noodle restaurant, will you be afraid that he will block you? The energy of the Yeh Group is not worse than that of the Shao family. It may be even more powerful than the Shao family. You should not be afraid of him."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You really have a good calculation, but you are right, then I will accompany you to take a trip."

Su Xiaoni’s face was delighted and excited: “Do you really want to help me this?”

Looking at Su Mei Ni's look of excitement, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "A little busy, between friends, should I help?"

"This is not a little busy!" Su Yanni said. "If you can't find a partner this time, I don't know how to treat me after I get on the boat. Although he may not be strong, I will not use it. It is always inevitable to move the manual foot."

Xiao Bing sneered: "Do you think it is just a manual hand?"

"What about that?" Su Shini hesitated, shook her head and said, "He won't force me to happen with him? After all, there are so many people at the party, how could he..." ”

Xiao Bing sighed and said profoundly: "You don't know what power can bring to people. Power and wealth can turn black into white. If you go to a party, how much more, you Believe it or not, after he gave you something, those people would even say that you are seduce Shao Shangnan."

Su Mei Ni showed a look of surprise, then her face was a bit ugly, muttering to himself: "What you said is, what should I do?"

Although Su Xiaoni said that she was very independent from an early age, and she has a very good goal, it is very purposeful to do things. It is not the same as a normal girl, but she is also a girl after all, facing this big man who is arrogant, she There are still some lost points.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, don't think too much, this time I will not be with you."

"Well, yes!" Su Yanni said with a sigh of relief: "This time you are with me, but although the Ye Family Group is bigger, they may not be offended by Shao Jia, but they are Shao Jiahe. There is a relationship between the underworld and the temperament of doing things. You should never offend him. As long as he does not break through the bottom line, we can give back one step and give up one step. You promise me, okay?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay."

Su Mei Ni Chang Shu breathed: "That's good, let's try to hide from him this time."

Xiao Bing suddenly smiled and said: "But you have to promise me one thing."

Su Nie took a moment and asked, "Ah? What?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You can't tell my identity to them, and you can't let them know the relationship between me and Ye."

Su Meini was surprised: "What is this for?"

"I naturally have my thoughts. To put it bluntly, this time I will be your partner as an ordinary person. After boarding the ship, you will say that I am an ordinary friend before you become a star. You directly say I just opened the noodle restaurant in Jiangcheng."

Su Xiaoni hesitated a bit. In fact, she felt that if the other party knew the identity of Xiao Bing and knew that Xiao Bing was the boyfriend of the Ye Shi Group, he might be more worried, but since Xiao Bing is so determined, he does not want people. I know that Su Ni Ni will naturally not let Xiao Bing embarrassed. After all, she is asking Xiao Bing to do things. Perhaps Xiao Bing is not inconvenient to say.

Hey, forget it, this time, anyway, if you can not be tired, Xiao Bing is the best, don't let people know Xiao Bing's identity, at least not let Xiao Bing offend people.

After Su Mei Ni thought about it, she said, "Oh, I promised. But if you have been through the fire for a while, Shao Shangnan is also a person in the entertainment circle. He can recognize it when he sees you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The mountain people have their own ideas, I naturally have my way. You wait."

Xiao Bing got up and asked the waiter, then walked in the direction of the bathroom.

Su Yanni was thinking about it. If it was really like Xiao Bing, this kind of arrogant person would not care what the occasion was, then what should I do? What if he really wants to be with himself... but it shouldn't be, in short, he just said nothing and he didn't want to go.

Su Mei Ni was thinking, suddenly saw a strange but somewhat familiar man came to face, a polite smile: "Miss, can I sit opposite you?"

Su Meini apologized: "Sorry, I am opposite."

Su Mei Ni thought that it was just a conversation. She just refused, but she didn't expect the other person to stand here. She couldn't help but feel unhappy. She was about to respond with a cold, and suddenly found this man's body. Dressing and Xiao Bing are exactly the same, even the body is the same, although it is not the same face, but that look ... that eyes are too familiar.

Su Meini was surprised and opened her mouth, but did not know what to say, it was a coincidence? Or... Su Ni Ni is somewhat blind.

Xiao Bing smiled and recovered his original voice. Haha smiled: "What's wrong, I don't know me so soon?"

Just now Xiao Bing was deliberately speaking with another voice. At this time, the original voice was restored. Su Niuni immediately heard it. She stared at her mouth and widened her eyes. She was surprised for a few seconds. Very surprised: "Dr. Xiaobing, you are... what is going on?"

"I just didn't say it. They definitely can't recognize me. I feel relieved. This is a fresh thing I bought before. It can be disguised as a mask of other people's appearance. Oh, yes, from now on. If you change your identity, you will say that I am a businessman in the opening hall of Jiangcheng. My name is Xiao Jun."

Su Xiaoni was still amazed, looked at Xiao Bing incredulously, and finally patted her chest and said: "It's incredible, too unbelievable... I know, you called Xiao Jun... I still call You Xiao Brother."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That's just for you."

Xiao Bing sat down on the opposite seat, then deliberately pretended to be a scornful smile: "Beauty, now I am sitting here conveniently?"

Ps: Big brothers, I also served. Before I broke out for three days, four chapters a day, how can anyone still leave a message in the circle saying that I am less and less, my codeword update all night has been ignored... The outbreak is over. There will be three chapters before 10 o'clock this evening. This chapter is the first chapter.

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