Super Soldier

Chapter 1202: Odd people (one more)

Xiao Bing also stood up and looked at the direction of the coast, but saw that a luxury car had just stopped at the shore, and then a handsome young man in the sun was carrying a young beauty in his early twenties under the protection of two masters. On the beach, the black bodyguards paid tribute and then brought the young man to one of the speedboats.

This is the Lin Zihang, Xiao Bing and Lin Zihang have met before, but the two people can not be regarded as knowledge. At that time, Lin Zihang was the birthday gift to the Xue family, and Xiao Bing was a big trouble Xue family. What contradictions, no contact, no friendship, and almost no words.

Xiao Bing’s impression of Lin Zihang is ok. I have heard about some of Lin Zihang’s things before. The outside world said that the two most popular people in Kyoto’s four majors are Long Shao, the second is Lin Zihang, two Individuals are almost equal, but since they left Longya, so many years have passed, and Long Shao’s love affairs are almost gone. If they are in Xuejia, then many people will forget Kyoto. There is also a dragon in the four.

Lin Zihang's two bodyguards came up first, then pulled Lin Zihang and the beautiful woman, and Shao Shangnan hurriedly greeted him. Others also surrounded them one by one.

Lin Zihang smiled and said: "Yes, it took a lot of money."

"There is not much money, not much money." Shao Shangnan smiled. "How can I get the money from Lin Shao's eyes?"

Lin Zihang smiled and said: "You are a good cruise ship. Oh, my sister Miss Ni is coming. I am your loyal fan, hello, hello."

Lin Zihang hurriedly reached out and shook hands with Su Nie. It was basically ignored by other people. The name of Merry is really worthy of the name.

After Su Xiaoni shook hands, she quickly took out her hand and smiled and said: "Lin Shao, my reputation for you is just as good."

"What's the fame?" Lin Zihang waved his hand and said, "I just said that I am a playboy, a young master, and I can have any good reputation."

Others hurriedly greeted Lin Zihang on the side and raised Lin Zihang. Su Ni Ni was a slight smile. Xiao Bing’s impression of this Lin Zihang was also a bit better. Although it was romantic, it was not awkward. The most important thing was to be honest. Not so hypocritical.

Lin Zihang looked at Shao Shangnan and said: "I heard that, Miss Su is the person you are looking at. I am relieved. I brought a dance partner today, but I will not take a woman with you. Is it ah, baby? ""

Lin Zihang said, he took the girl into his arms and kissed him on the face. He smiled and said: "I will introduce this, this is the flower of our Kyoto Film and Television Institute, Zhu Beibei, Beibei, and Everyone asked for a good voice."

Zhu Beibei immediately waved his hand and said sweetly: "Hello everyone."

This beautiful woman looks really good, and the youth who dresses up is somewhat similar to Su Shini. It is also young and beautiful, and there is still a touch of mature charm.

Immediately next to someone, he said: "Oh, this is where the flowers are, this is clearly the school flower."

"Yeah, yeah, Miss Zhu is such a beautiful beauty. If I enter the film and television circle in the future, it must be a new flower."

"Let me see, Lin Shao's eyes are good, like Miss Zhu's beautiful beauty, and Lin Shaozhen is a genius, a natural pair."

These people, one by one, screamed, and Zhu Beibei smirked and smiled happily in the arms of Lin Zihang.

Shao Shangnan’s hand was grabbed by Su Ni’s hand, and he smiled and said: “Let’s look inside the cabin, but there is no hole in the sky.”

Su Xiaoni subconsciously avoided Shao Shangnan's hand. Shao Shangnan only felt that he was not coming to Taiwan in front of so many people. His eyes flashed a hint of gloom and a bit of anger.

Lin Zihang smiled and said: "When you look into the cabin, it’s not too late. It’s too late to enjoy the night scene. It’s better to eat and drink here first, and then go back to sing k and dance later.”

“Also is good.” Shao Shangnan laughed. “It’s rare that Lin Shao has this kind of Yaxing.”

Everyone sat down one by one. This time, Shao Shangnan sat on the left side of Su Shini, and on the right, Lin Zihang.

Shao Shangnan first and Jiang Zihang were polite, and then whispered to Su Nie: "Yes, sister Ni, about your record, I have two words to talk to you, you are not convenient and me. Go to the side and say a few words"

Su Xiaoni hesitated a bit, but she was a singer, and the other party was the vice president of the record company. She always had to deal with it, so she stood up, and Shao Shangnan walked to the side not far away. To.

Shao Shangnan suddenly smiled and said: "It is not very convenient to talk here. It is better to go to the cabin and say it."

Su Xiaoni’s eyes showed vigilance and shook her head: “I think it’s very convenient here, me.”

Shao Shangnan suddenly put Su Ni Ni on the arm of the ship, and then pressed his body on Su Shi Ni, whispered: "Su Mei Ni, I am worse than the poor boy in the noodle restaurant. Is there anything that Shang Man can't match?"

Su Xiaoni did not expect that Shao Shangnan was directly strong with himself, and it was in the public. The key point was that the two of them looked like a couple who wanted to kiss, and others could not see anything.

Su Xiaoni sullenly said, "Shao, if you do, I will yell at indecent."

Shao Shangnan pressed his fire and nodded. He loosened Su Ni Ni, his eyes flashed with anger, and his mouth said: "Sister Ni, if I say, you should think clearly, be a woman of Shao Shangnan, I promise you. I can be safe and worry-free for a lifetime, even if I think that the future is not impossible."

Su Niuni did not speak, and the two turned and returned to the seat, but Su Ni Ni’s face became unnatural.

Xiao Bing secretly looked at these things in his eyes, but his mind was slightly more angry, but he did not immediately start. The more so, the more unfortunate Shao Shangnan was.

Lu Shao, next to Xiao Bing, smiled and said: "You are called Xiao Jun."

"Yes." Xiao Bing smiled faintly, "What do you think?"

"I want to advise you to teach you." Lu Shao said with some pride. "Look at the people present. Which one is the boss of your noodle restaurant. You don't feel very awkward when you sit here. If you are a smart person. If you are a human being, you should not come to this party. This is not the place where you should come. The most important thing is that you should not provoke the Su Ni Ni, you don’t know that he is the one who Shao sees."

Xiao Bing was surprised and shouted: "Shao’s sister Ni is my good friend, but we are both sweet and blue, no guess."

Xiao Bing’s voice was a bit too big. All the people present in the room heard it all at once. All of them closed their mouths and the atmosphere was quiet. Everyone looked at Xiao Bing.

Lu Shao almost made a big red face. He didn't expect Xiao Bing to say something and suddenly shouted out. Originally, he wanted to tie up Shao Shangnan and scare the unknown boy. The result was that the other party shouted directly. He was so embarrassed.

After hearing the childhood sweethearts and the two little words, the poor Xiaobing couldn’t help the hearts of everyone. Sure enough, Shao Shangnan’s eyes were burning and angered. Well, it’s because of you, so Su Ni’s only two. Refused me, I Shao Shangnan, if you don't want to kill you, I will have a last name with you.

Although Lin Zihang was later, he also saw some eyebrows. He couldn’t help but be curious: "Shao Laodi, this is."

"Oh." Shao Shangnan pressed his anger and said, "This person is a partner brought by Sister Ni, saying that it is a small boss in their hometown. It may be a good idea to meet with Sister Ni."

Xiao Bing suddenly said: "Don't talk nonsense, my sister and I can not only know, just I didn't say it, we are both childhood, two little guesses, this piece of clothing on my body is bought by my sister, this dress It can be worth two thousand. From this, I can see the friendship of my sister."

Su Xiaoni’s face is suddenly red, and her heart is Xiaobing’s eldest brother. Which one is out of trouble?

Su Xiaoni almost found a place to sneak in, Shao Shang's handsome face is blue, others are strange, Nima, Su Ni Ni's friend is a strange person.

Xiao Bing said from the self-concerned: "I just said what is next to me, Lu Shao, he said that you want to bully the male tyrant, to take the sister Ni from my side and say that even if I and my sister are How can you feel good when you are in love? You can kill me if you take money."

Lu Shao was angry: "I didn't say it."

It is a pity that Xiao Bing did not give Lu Shao a chance to speak. He said in his mouth and opened a machine gun. He continued to say: "He also said what kind of bully you are calling in your Hengzhou, and occupying a girl every few days, and There is still a collusion in the underworld. No one dares to provoke you. You also let him warn me that if you don’t stay away from Sister Ni, you will let him throw me into the sea to feed the fish."

Lu Shao patted the table and shouted loudly: "Where, when will I."

Lu Shao’s words have not been finished yet. Xiao Bing’s slap is also shot on the table, shouting loudly: “Isn’t it just a table, who are you scaring?”

Shao Shangnan said: "Lu Shao, you are drunk, or go to the cabin for a while."

Lu Shao hated and stunned Xiao Bing's eyes. He knew that today, not only did he not win the good feelings of Shao Shangnan, but Shao Shangnan lost people in front of everyone.

Shao Shangnan said: "Let's go down, Lin Shao, it's better to wait until the evening to continue to enjoy the night scene. Now go dance inside."

"Also." Lin Zihang knew that this was Shao Shangnan's awkwardness, so he didn't mind if he eased the atmosphere. Then he stood up and looked at Xiao Bing with a few interest, then looked again. Su Mei Ni, carrying the beauty in her arms, first walked down the cabin.

Shao Shangnan accompanied by Lin Zihang, looked back and looked at Xiao Bing with a hateful look, as if to eat Xiao Bing in general, the heart is secret, this is what you forced me, this evening, Su Niu must return to me. Shao Shangnan can't

Shao Shangnan thoroughly moved the liver fire, and even moved to kill Baidu, the latest chapter of the "super warrior" free reading for the first time.

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