Super Soldier

Chapter 1207: This is called the big man! (three more)

This evening, Xiao Bing and Su Ni Ni’s two people swelled again. Xiao Bing liked Su Ni Ni, but she couldn’t talk about love, but when she was with Su Ni Ni, Happy, very happy, and very relaxed, because this girl is very simple and direct, she is naturally smart and has a plan, but in front of Xiao Bing, what she wants to get will be very clear, the more such people The more it does not cause any psychological burden.

**After one night, I woke up the next morning. When I saw Su Ni Ni staring at herself with a big eyes, Xiao Bing couldn’t help but smile: "What do you look at with this kind of adoring?" ”

Su Xiaoni said softly: "I really admire you."

Xiao Bingxiao smiled and said: "I am joking."

"I am not kidding." Su Mei Ni said, "If you didn't have you yesterday, I don't know how Shao Shangnan was doing. The character of Shao Shangnan has always been bad, even if I played it. I will be jealous soon, I feel sick when I think about it."

Xiao Bing softly said: "A fool, we are friends, do you still have to say this?"

Su Mei Ni’s eyes are obviously a bit of a feeling, with a feeling of affection: “Yes, we are friends, but you have not heard of it, as if all the girls were in danger. I hope that a Prince Charming can stand up and protect himself, and every time I need someone, you stand up. You are the Prince Charming."

Xiao Bing heard Su Mei Ni say so, I feel very comfortable inside, but I don't know what to say, mainly because I am afraid that Su Ni Ni will fall into this.

Su Mei Ni was very clever. When she saw Xiao Bing not talking, she immediately smiled and asked: "Are you afraid that I will get caught up with you?"

"Of course it is not. I have done it. As long as you want me to be responsible, I will not shirk responsibility."

"Giggle, fool, I said it before, I won't be pestering you. What I want is that we can all be relaxed and happy. It is more important than anything, more important than responsibility." Isn't it that people are happy to be alive?"

Xiao Bing can see that Su Ni Ni is talking about her heart, and she will no longer entangle this problem with Su Ni Ni.

"Well, you are lying down first, I am letting people come in early."

"No," Su Yanni said with a smile. "I will always get fat when I lie down. I will go out to eat with you."

"That's fine, let people send the breakfast to the deck as soon as possible, let's just sit on it and blow the cool breeze and enjoy the sea view."

"Okay." Su Ni Ni promised happily, got up and put on her clothes. She was very slim, her waist was very slender, her skin was very white, her legs were very slender, and she wore a pair of black underwear. Wearing a red bra, then putting on a skirt, and Xiao Bing walked out of the room with his hand, Xiao Bing told a maid in the cruise ship, and then came to the top of the boat. In less than a moment, someone would give it earlier. Sent it up.

Xiao Bing and Su Ni Ni sat on the deck with their knees on the deck, feeling the gentle breeze of the sea breeze. Xiao Bing looked at Su Shi Ni’s constantly rising hair, and the look of that face, the face could not help but reveal Smile.

Su Mei Ni curiously asked: "Small brother, what are you laughing at? I think you are really beautiful. When people appreciate beautiful things, don't they all laugh?" Xiao Bing said of course.

Su Xiaoni said happily: "Small brother, you can really talk, to be honest, sitting here is very happy, I never thought that I could sit on such a luxurious cruise ship one day, this is in me. It seems that it is a scene that will appear in the movie."

Xiao Bing added: "And this cruise ship still belongs to you."

Su Mei Ni quickly said: "Xiao Big Brother, I really can't want this, this gift is too expensive, and it is what you want to come, or you stay."

"Forget it." Xiao Bing smiled. "Do you think I have time to enjoy these people? For a warrior, excessive comfort is not a good thing, don't forget that I am a martial artist, so This is still what you keep. Not to mention that your current level is different. You have already entered the entertainment circle. You have to make a lot of friends. It’s not bad to have some friends to play here. You can also expand your communication. This is also considered to be A facade."

Su Xiaoni hesitated: "Good is good, but it is too expensive."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Some dead things, what is expensive and not expensive, if you have been so stressed, it is too tacky."

Suddenly, the applause sounded, but Lin Zihang and Zhu Beibei walked over with their arms. Lin Zihang applauded and smiled: "Say good, say good, Long Shao said right, some The dead things, the world's more valuable things can not match the companionship of fine wine and beautiful women. Like a beautiful lady like Ms. Ni, it is not surprising that the dragon is generous and generous, Miss Su is still not polite. Not to mention Long Shaojin’s status today, if Long Shao and who asked for such a cruise ship, are they afraid to come?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Lin Shao, you said that I am like a robber."

Lin Zihang laughed all three people. Lin Zihang laughed and said: "In fact, in my eyes, you are more terrible than the robbers. Which robber dare to interrupt the two legs of the Xue family heir? Which robber? Dare to force the Hengzhou bully to jump directly into the sea?"

Xiao Bing touched his nose, Lin Zihang said with a smile: "People are powerful and famous. These external things don't matter, because fame and power can be exchanged for anything, so this cruise ship is worthless, but it is In the eyes of Long Shao, it is really nothing."

Su Mei Ni said: "Well, since I said so, I will accept it."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Receive it, this will still have to talk about Lin Shao, and you will accept it. It seems that Lin Shao’s face is big!"

Su Xiaoni giggled, then a charming white Xiao Xiao looked and said: "Lin Shao said so, I remembered that you are a local tyrant."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Right right, I am a local tyrant who drives a small noodle restaurant."

Everyone smiled in good faith. Su Nini went to the bow and grabbed the handrail of the bow. She shouted excitedly in her mouth: "It feels so comfortable to blow the sea breeze. I really want to do a live broadcast again. The look is going live."

Xiao Bing smiled: "In fact, it is ok. I have seen the live broadcast you used to do. Really, your appearance in the live room is very cute, very playful and very moving."

Su Xiaoni smiled and said: "Well, then I will do another live broadcast for you to see."

Xiao Bing three people sat together, Su Yanni stood alone in the bow, began to pull out the mobile phone, found the live broadcast software, although she has left the live broadcast industry, but the original live room is still reserved for her, she After the live broadcast, a large number of fans soon entered the live broadcast room. There were audiences when she was live, and new audiences, as well as fans of Su Yanni in the music scene.

Su Shini is hearty and enthusiastic in the live room. She smiles like an angel. The cute one is like a doll. The casual look is casual and a grin is awkward. However, the following gifts have been blown up, and countless people are on the screen, Su Ni Ni, I love you.

Lin Zihang whispered to Xiao Bingdao: "Your girlfriend can really be a material that enters the entertainment industry."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "She is my good friend, not a girlfriend."

"I see."

When the broadcast ended, Xiao Bing let the cruise ship to the beach. The young masters and the beautiful ladies also came to the deck of the ship and waited for the boat to be disembarked. This one night was a torment for them. After yesterday’s thing, they Some of them are afraid that Xiao Bing will find them after the fall, but seeing Xiao Bing seems to have no plans to care about them, they are also a little relieved.

When the boat approached the harbor, Lin Zihang suddenly pointed to the shore and smiled and said: "Long Shao, you see what I said right? Some people can't wait to come over."

Xiao Bing and others have looked at the shore, and I saw a lot of people are waiting for them. These people are all well-dressed, even many people are 40 or 50 years old, and from the dress and temperament, should They are all high-class people, but at this time they are only nervous and restless on their faces.

And behind those people, there are still some people who carry big bags and carry things.

Someone in the crowd was surprised to say: "Isn't that the Tian family's patriarch Tian Zhongren? He is a person with a face in Kyoto."

"Ah, isn't that Lu Family's patriarch Lu Feng? He actually came?"

"There is that, that is the royal family."

Every time I recognize a person, the ship will ring and exclaim, until the last person appears. These young masters are all shocked. Some people tremble: "That is not Shao Hui, the owner of the Shaozhou Shaojia, he is Shao. Shang Nan’s father can be regarded as a leading figure in Hengzhou. Even if he looks at the entire Huaxia business circle, it is a big and important person. He did not expect him to come.”

After recognizing Shao Hui, these young masters and those **** and beautiful women dressed up look at Xiao Bing's eyes one by one. They have long known that Long Shao is in Kyoto and have heard of Long Shao. Some legends, but they did not think that Long Shao had such a weight. From the perspective of those people's attitudes, those people are definitely not coming to the teacher to ask for sin, but to come to the court.

The sons of these big men are forced to jump into the sea. In the end, these big parents of the parents have to come over and apologize. How many people in China can do this?

Even if it was the original Xue Tianyi, I am afraid that there is no prestige of Xiao Bing now!

It is no exaggeration to say that Xiao Bing is a Chinese character who is on a par with Xu’s Xu Shao.

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