Super Soldier

Chapter 1228: The threat of Kunlun (three more)

In the next two days, Xiao Bing accompanied the children at night, accompanied the leaves, accompanied by Su Xiaoxiao during the day, two people eating, shopping, watching movies, everyone saw that the two people are different, everyone wants I have to see something from the face of the leaf, but unfortunately I can’t see any change in the leaves.

The time passed so fast. After the breakfast on the third day, the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao sat together in Xiao Bing’s car. Both of them sat in the second row of seats, and then they sat down and said Non-stop, Su Xiaozi's temper is still cold, but it is better in Xiaofu, but in front of other people, it is not open in front of the leaves.

Xiao Bing’s mood is also very good. He can feel that Su Xiaoxiao is very different these two days. Su Xiaoxiao’s mood for these two days is exceptionally good. Su Xiaoxiao has lived in Xiaofu for several years, but Xiao The soldier never saw her like this in the past few days, Xiao Bing has never been as easy as these two days, because he finally can not easily avoid it, even if it is necessary Looking at other people in Xiaofu, Xiao Bing and Su Xiaoxiao also became very natural when they met in Xiaofu.

Perhaps this choice is really correct.

Seeing that the company is going to the leaf, Xiao Bing’s cell phone keeps ringing. Xiao Bing takes out his mobile phone from his pocket and throws it to the back. He said, “Let me pick it up.”

The leaves took a look and said, "Or else you will wait a little longer to pick it up. It is the call from the class director."

"Oh, my God, there is no good thing." Xiao Bing smiled.

The leaves are also a grievance: "No, you have just returned, no two days, he has something to look for in the past?"

Xiao Bing sighed: "I can't say this well, wait a minute and ask him to talk about it."

The leaves smiled and said: "Nothing, no matter what, your busy business is the most important thing, we all support your work, is it ah, little?"

"Ah? Ah... yes, all support..." Su Xiaoxiao is still a bit in the face of the leaves, just like a lover in front of the main room, always feels diminished.

The leaves smiled and said: "You are still picking up. Going to the cinema these two days, I don't believe that you two are not..."

"No, really nothing." Su Xiaoxiao turned red and hurriedly explained, "We have really done nothing."

The leaves smiled and said: "I didn't go to the cinema to play kiss?"

Su Xiaoxiao immediately turned red on her face. This is not a good explanation. If there is no one who believes, even she does not believe it. In fact, the two people really started kissing in the cinema, just to see the feelings. The movie of the class, the two people naturally kiss when they are strong.

The leaves smiled and said: "You just hurriedly explained that no, what are you talking about?"

Although the character of the leaves is not as bold as Maggie, but it is also very bad. Su Xiaoxiao, who immediately said, couldn’t wait to find a place to sneak in. Looking at Su Xiaoxiao’s shy look, the leaves couldn’t help but giggled. stand up.

Su Xiaoxiao saw that the leaves were teasing themselves, and immediately did not do it. The two men began to fight.

Seeing the feelings of these two women is so good, Xiao Bing’s heart is so beautiful, this world is not without polygamy. For example, the Omen gambling king is married to several wives, in addition to the Omen gambling king, Huaxia also There are several wealthy homeowners who have several wives. Of course, they had special time factors at the time. For example, at that time, Omen did not return, and Omen was practicing Daqing in the 1980s. The law, in that code is to allow polygamy, and there is no need to monopolize the statement, and until the end of the last century, Omen really began to implement the code that truly belongs to modern people.

Therefore, it is cheaper to marry a few daughter-in-law before the end of the last century, but they are not as good as Xiao Bing. How many men's wives can be as good as the women of Xiao Bing? Which one is not the intriguing position of the intrigue?

Of course, this is also because Xiao Bing’s women know that Xiao Bing is truly loving himself and sincerely loves every woman he has, so there is nothing to argue about.

Sometimes, it is a truly intelligent woman who does not fight.

Xiao Bing finally sent them to the company. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You go to work, I will pick you up at night. Little, come on!"

Xiao Bing made a gesture of cheering, Su Xiaoxiao also shyly responded to a cheering gesture.

When they left, Xiao Bing took the phone back and called the old class. After the phone rang a few times, the phone was connected. The old class complained: "How do you answer the phone for half a day?" ”

"Send my girlfriend to work."

"Oh, the color of the light friend's stuff, this can't blame you."

Xiao Bing: "...."

"How are these two days? I have been sending people to protect you in the vicinity of Xiaofu recently. I heard that you have been very moist recently. Are you carrying a woman and Su Xiaoxiao on a date?"

Xiao Bing has a black line and said: "When I talk about this, I will come to the air. Your people will be protected. When Su Xiaoxiao and I are together, they also need to secretly track and protect. Which bodyguard can be more powerful than me. what?"

The old class smiled and said: "I am not thinking about this for you, let me say, before you let me add people!"

"Okay, this thing doesn't blame you, let's talk about it, what's the matter? You know, I'm just in the middle of sweetness, don't want me to help you."

"You can't do it right, you are not doing things for me, you are doing things for the country."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and said: "In short, you will talk about something, I will listen to it first."

"Well, it's really a bit of a thing. You probably don't know it. The Guwumen faction has to hold a summit again. I suspect that they want to choose a new door. After all, the hundred swordsmen are the strongest, but the gates of the hundred swordsmen. The main Chen Baijian will be difficult to recover for a while, at least for two years before he can return to the peak state. If he is strong again, how can he serve in the two years?

Xiao Bing said: "I am not helping you solve a big problem, helping you weaken the strength of the Guwumen School and make it easier for your national department to restrain them. You should thank me."

"Yeah, the country is very satisfied with your performance. The big heads of the above have praised you several times. They said that they are born like Xiao Bing. They also said that you are the real country pillar and the pillar of the future China. You represent the hope of our China, represent the future of mankind, represent the unyielding will of mankind, and represent the strongest patriotism!"

"..." Xiao Bing coughed two channels. "At least there is more than half of the water in this statement. You add it."

The old class smiled and said: "I just help you to convey a more vivid image. Of course, the original words of the great head are not like this, but what he wants to express is these, these are his psychological activities."

"Okay, I know, don't fool me, what the **** is, talk about it."

The old class said with a serious tone: "This time they want to organize the summit, and our national security department has studied and agreed that Kunlun is going to come out."

"Oh?" Hearing the words of Kunlun, Xiao Bing was no longer joking, and he became serious. Before Xiao Bing heard that Shaolin and Kunlun were the two strongest sects, and before Xiao Bing The hundred swords and the iron fists that have been faced are already difficult to deal with. If the two sects originally concentrated on the power of the martial art and the death of Xiao Fu, Xiao Fu would have to be miserable, if it was broken by Xiao Fu one by one. Xiao Bing really can't deal with it.

Even the hundred swords and the iron fist door are so bad to deal with, how terrible this Kunlun should be?

Xiao Bing asked: "What happened to Kunlun? Do you still let me and Kunlun to seize the status of the lord?"

"Of course, this is not possible. We mean, give you the position of the deputy director of the National Security Bureau, and then specifically set up a department in the National Security Bureau. It is mainly responsible for the underground forces and the ancient Wumen sects. When you It’s also a good thing, what do you think?”

Xiao Bing frowned and said: "If this is the case, the underground world is good to say. Anyway, I am already the master. I am afraid that the beams of the Guwumen School are getting deeper and deeper. They are jealous of me. Don't you want to be removed and then fast?"

The old class couldn't help but smile: "Do you think that your Liangzi is not deep down now? Now they are not going to get rid of you soon. To tell the truth, this idea is still proposed by me. I certainly can't replace it. You hate people, not to make you vengeful with them."

Xiao Bing didn't have a good spirit: "What are you doing for? Actually, I don't think that the Guwumen faction has been forced to seal the mountain for so many years. Do they have no resentment against the country in their hearts? I don't think they are so arrogant. The arrogant character, will not brew some conspiracy in the future? One day they will become a nail of the country, the nails must be unplugged, and before that, what they want must be to nail their nails If they are nailed to the seven-inch body, then they will win. From then on, the country will be controlled by them. If they are in the wrong position, they may have to rip their skins with the country. The Wumen faction no longer exists, and the country has to pay a big price."

"If I am in charge of such a department, I am the first obstacle to be removed under their ambitions, and then the country is the second obstacle!"

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you still say that it is not for me to provoke an enemy?"

The old class smiled and asked: "If I don't do this, do you think they will let you go? I told you that by then, they will deal with you with real guns. After Kunlun came out, I am afraid. The first one is to start with you and collect people's hearts!"

Xiao Bing's brow wrinkled slightly, and a sense of crisis from the heart came to life.

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