Super Soldier

Chapter 1230: Research array (two more)

"Hey, I have to go back to work for this old man." Although Xiao Bing’s mouth is sighing, but there is a bit of temptation in his eyes. "Thinking about leaving the state department for several years, it is time to show your skills." Yes, first call Li Chaoyang."

Before Xiao Bing left Li Chaoyang's contact information, he promised to help him to whiten it. Now it is just a fulfillment of his promise at the time.

After the phone rang a few times, Li Chaoyang said with a little excitement in his voice: "Dragon son, you finally contacted me. Is there any progress in whitewashing?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are really anxious to wash white."

Li Chaoyang sighed and said with a smile: "To tell the truth, who doesn't want to be a bright and honest person, you see that I am one of the eight major members in the dark world, and the status is respected, but the dark world is called the dark world after all, because here The people are basically wanted by all nights, and they are the ones who can't see the light. Some people enjoy it in the dark world, and feel that it is a kind of freedom, but for me and our returning birds, we It is forced to be helpless. We are all ordinary people who want to be normal married and have children and want to get along with their loved ones."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "What you said are also some of the ideas of normal people. I can understand. Now I will tell you a good news. I just had the telephone number of the National Security Bureau. You have already called. The bird organization is about to get free, and the country’s wanted all members of your organization are about to be cancelled."

"Really?" Although Li Chaoyang had asked Xiao Bing to help him, but he only held a few hopes, and did not dare to place his hopes on Xiao Bing 100%. Now that he has such good news, he is naturally overjoyed. Excited, I could hardly control myself. I was very excited and asked, "Is the country really no longer wanted us? Is it really knocking us off the list of wanted criminals?"

"Really." Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Now it has not been smashed, because the country still needs you to submit a list of all members of your homicide organization. At that time, it will be unified and quit, and rest assured, the class director is in China. The status right is equal to the minister of a ministry, with a high degree of authority, and promises will be honored."

"Great, Dragon King, you are the reborn parents of all the birds we organize, and we are owed to you by the bird organization, even if it is ten years, there is no way to pay off."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There is nothing owed, this is what you deserve. Maybe you have done wrong things before. Knowing the mistake can improve Mo Dazhao and let go of the knife to become a Buddha. This is because the country has seen your determination to put down the butcher. In the past few years, your performance has been seen in the eyes of the country. Today, the class secretary also said that you haven’t been doing things for China in the past few years, and have not done anything evil. Otherwise, if you are not evil, I will count It’s energy, I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

"That's not the same." Li Chaoyang said, "In any case, your kindness to us, we will never forget."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "If I miss my good, then I will tell you the second thing."

Li Chaoyang said seriously: "You said."

"The country wants to create a new department in the National Security Bureau for the Guwumen School. It is called the Dingwu Office. I will be the director of the Dingwu Office. Today I have recommended you in front of the class director, let you be the deputy of the office. Director, a deputy director of the National Security Bureau, whoever goes to any province, can compete with the department level of a province. In addition, you can be registered as an elite master of the bird organization. Whoever wants to join this organization can sign up. Give it to me, I can join by reviewing it."

Li Chaoyang said: "As long as you trust, I am absolutely no problem."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Is it so happy? Don't think about it?"

"This is also a consideration." Li Chaoyang also laughed. "Dragon son, you believe me, then I must not be able to recognize it, and you have helped me so much. I will say, after returning to China, although Say that according to my current property, even if I don’t do anything, as long as I don’t spend too much money on weekdays, I can eat enough in my life, but I can’t start to care for the elderly at such a young age. What do I do? If I do things, I don’t really know what other things are, except for the effort."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then you will hurry up to sort out the list, and then call everyone on the homing bird organization to come to Kyoto City. Whenever you want to join the new department, they will choose it. But this department has to face it. It is the ancient Wumen school, so I will not accept all of them. Only the masters who have reached the innate realm will be eligible to enter my department. Since this department is to be established, it will become the strongest in China. department."

"Well, I will go to the list now and inform all the members who will perform the task to come back immediately. I will fly back to the country the next morning."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Huaxia needs you!"

Li Chaoyang is incomparably solemn: "I swear allegiance!"

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Bing sees Li Chaoyang giving himself protection. He feels relaxed. Now, after recruiting Li Chaoyang, he has some weights in front of the Guwumen. Of course, these are not enough. They have to go to Kyoto. It is necessary to let Li Chaoyang accelerate his progress. Otherwise, with the strength of Li Chaoyang, some of the second generation disciples of the ancient Wumen School will naturally have no problem, but the faces of the elders may still be weaker.

Xiao Bing did not even think that Longmen Eight will enter the office, but Xiao Bing wants to let Longmen Eight continue to stay in the dark, so that walking with two legs, one bright and one dark, can better cope with the future. The situation, but since the returning birds are all whitewashed, it is imperative to help Longmen Eight to wash the white.

Xiao Bing drove to the hospital and wandered around the hospital. At noon, he called Liu Kexin to drink a cup of coffee. In the afternoon, he continued to return home and began to study the notes that Han Huabin handed over to himself. After the confrontation with the four masters of Xu Shao’s men Xiao Bing is more aware of the importance of arrays and illusions. Even at some point, the importance of these things is not weaker than martial arts. It is only that modern and ancient times are not the most powerful. No one cares about these things that many people already think are the same.

But are these really side-by-side?

There is no mention of illusion and the like. Xiao Bing used illusion to win the battle in several battles of life and death. He said that these formations are often used in the ancient times when fighting between the two armies. Directly smashing a whole army, otherwise, how could ancient times create so many magical arrays, there are square arrays, round arrays, sparse arrays, arrays, cones, and geese. Hooking the line, there is a mysterious array, there is a fire array, there is a water array. In addition to this, there are many more in the array, which is only the most basic.

In martial arts, if several people join forces against the enemy, why not use the exquisite array method to exert several times the power to defeat the enemy?

The few men of Xu Shao’s hand gave Xiao Bing a great inspiration. Xiao Bing’s previous research was all about breaking the way, but he did not carefully study the layout of the book. Now, I started to look at it. Xiao Bing is totally addicted to this. I only think that there is an infinite charm in the formation that is not weaker than martial arts. There are many mysteries that I have never known before. Waiting for yourself to learn.

Once a person learns new knowledge that he has never touched before, he will immediately devote himself to it. Xiao Bing is like this. He watched it all afternoon, until the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao came back from work at night, and the leaves opened. The door told him to go to the restaurant to eat. Xiao Bing reacted and found that he had forgotten to pick them up and got off work. It is now at night.

Xiao Bing put the notes down and then went out from the room. I saw everyone in the restaurant had already sat down. Xiao Bing also sat down with Ye Xiaoxi and looked at Su Xiaoxiao. He asked: "The first day of work." How do you feel? I was going to pick you up from work, and the result was delayed."

Ye Xiaoxi smiled and said: "Okay, live to learn old, you have been learning the book that Han Huabin gave to you today?"

Seeing Ye Xiaoxi asking about this, many people have looked at Xiao Bing, especially the Longmen Eight-Care. They are even more curious about the illusions that Xiao Bing has mastered. They must know that they have seen Xiao Bing and People started, several times Xiao Bing and the strength of the other side are almost the same, even weaker than the other side, the result is to rely on illusion to win.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yeah, I am studying the formation of the law. Mr. Han is really a genius in this respect. His martial arts may not be very strong, but in terms of hypnosis and formation, I am afraid that Putian It is also difficult to compare with him."

Xiao Bing looked at Molong and others and said: "I went to Kyoto City this time and played against the four masters of Xu Shao. The four of them were all breaking the early days of the void, and they could be promoted to break through the secret. The extent of the void period, the result is that four people almost have to stop me for half an hour."

I heard Xiao Bing say so, even if the ink dragon can not help but change color, it sounds like four enemies, but almost blocked Xiao Bing for half an hour, as if it is not something worth showing off, but to know that The gap between the four people and Xiao Bing is huge. There is a world of difference between breaking the void and Tian Zun. The gap is almost the same as the distance between the day after tomorrow and the innate, let alone four, even if it is again. It is impossible to double the number of people who are tempted by Xiao Bing, unless there is a special situation such as injuries in Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing said: "The four of them are using a tactic. The array is extremely mysterious. I am afraid that if a strong man who reaches half-step Tianzun falls into their formation, he will even be defeated by them."

The face of all the people who were present at Longmen Eight changed. Even among all the martial arts people in the audience, except for Gao Fei, the faces of other people have changed. The drunk gyro slammed the door: "The array is so powerful?" ”

"Yes, so I also want to study the research method and teach you."

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