Super Soldier

Chapter 1241: Nightclubs go to 嗨 (two more)

When I came to the old class office, the old class let Xiao Bing sit down first, then smiled and said: "I heard that you recently trained those people in the office, the effect is very good?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "These people are all selected by me for excellence. According to talents, they are still a lot worse than the Longmen Eight, but I have trained 20 masters of the sturdy period. Not difficult, but it takes some time."

"Yeah." The old class said with some excitement: "Twenty masters are already a small force. If this force is only facing one of the sects, it has already had a battle."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, if you are facing one of the eight sects, twenty sturdy masters, plus me and Li Chaoyang, you can basically swipe any of the eight sects. Of course, it is not in Kunlun. Out of the case."

The old class said: "This time the Guwumen faction summit, Kunlun will be out. I am looking for you to come here. This is the first thing you have to face in Wumen. You take a few people to participate. Goumen Gate Summit, go and listen to their summit."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Can I also participate?"

The old class proudly smiled: "There is a country behind you. Your department is supervising and managing them. What are the things that you can't participate in? If they bombard you, it is an enemy of the whole country."

"Good!" Xiao Bing said, "Since I have this permission, then I will take someone to a trip, but I have to look at what the Guwumen faction can make a big move."

The old class flew out a piece of paper, and fluttered in the hands of Xiao Bing. The old class said: "The time and place are written on it. This is the first time you have made your appointment at the Dingwu Office. Lost face."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Reassured, I don't care about other people. The most important thing is face."

"Well, in addition, the list you gave me, I have already arranged it. Except for the work and preparation of the 22 people who have withdrawn, the preparation of all the players in your office has been implemented, including the guards. Team and logistics preparation. You take the time to let them go to the bank card, and then the card number is handed in. Everyone pays them. In addition, there will be no less than five insurances and one gold. In addition, players who have worked for more than three years. The country will help solve the housing problem."

Wherein you have 20,000 yuan a month. The other team members have a 82 million yuan per month. business team patrols are priced Panel Six thousand yuan, the rest of the logistics staff, including the staff of the canteen, the monthly salary is 4,000. All people provide five insurance and one gold, working for more than five years will solve the housing problem."

"Besides, special members of your office, um, refer to those who perform tasks other than the Guard and logistics. You are special members, others are serving you. You are the members of the mission. Medical expenses are 100% reimbursed, you don't have to spend a penny, and all the money you need during the mission is reimbursed."

Xiao Bing made a snap and said: "Not bad."

"Besides this, unless the top or second hand of the Public Security Department and the National Security Bureau personally orders, the local police will not have the casting power for you if you have not committed a personal murder case."

"But since your Dingwu office is continue to target the Guwumen, you still have to bear responsibility for ordinary people other than the military."

"Understood." Xiao Bing said, "Is there anything else beside that?"

"For the time being."

"Then I will go back first, let them take care of the salary card." Xiao Bing smiled. "They also arrived at the time of the royal food. It is estimated that they are very happy."

Xiao Bing went back and told them about the treatment and the rights. These people were really excited. For them, these treatments are not the most important. What is important is that they finally feel that they have been recognized and finally have it. Your own social status.

Two days later, after the salary card number and their ID documents were all settled, Xiao Bing selected six players to leave Kyoto City with him.

One of the six people reached the middle of the enthusiasm, called Li Long, who is the second master of the homing organization and the third master of the current office, second only to Xiao Bing and Li Chaoyang.

In addition to Li Long, the strength of the other five people has reached the level of the middle of the Dan Jin, one of which is the thorny Wu Qing selected in the Kyoto Military Region.

This Wu Qing has been performing very well in recent days. Apart from being a thorn in the first day, the next few days are very hard to train, even more than others. This is also One of the reasons why Xiao Bing brought him out, and this relationship between Wu Qing and all the players is very good. Everyone has nothing to say that he is over-indulgent, so he is young.

Sitting on the plane, Xiao Bing, Li Long, and Wu Qing sat side by side. Wu Qing’s eyes were somewhat excited and looking forward. He asked: “Xiao, do you say that the Guwumen factions are really so powerful? I have been in the Kyoto Military Region for so long. I have seen all the masters. Although there are more people than I left, there are not many people. Can the Guwumen people be so powerful?"

Xiao Bing said: "Not every one is so powerful, but it is almost the same. At least your strength in the ancient Wumen school is too ordinary and ordinary, even in their second or third generation disciples. It is the most common strength, completely unremarkable."

"Oh." Wu Qing said, "I have to see and see."

Xiao Bing listened to Wu Qing’s words and reminded him with a serious look: “In all of you, you can best count the thorns. When you go to the Guwumen School, you remember to keep a low profile.”

"Oh, low-key." Wu Qing looked reluctant, but still agreed, and now he is convinced of Xiao Bing, so Xiao Bing's words are willing to comply.

The plane landed at the Chengdu District Airport. Xiao Bing took the person to leave the airport. It was a bit late in the day and the group stayed at the hotel.

Xiao Bing had just returned to the room for a few minutes. He heard someone knocking at the door. Xiao Bing opened the door in the past, but he saw Wu Qing’s excited face: "Xiao, you haven’t rested yet?"

"No, what happened?" Xiao Bing frowned and looked at Wu Qing's eyes and asked, "When you look at this kind of scorpion, you don't want to go out and squat?"

"My parents, I know that I am in a sorrow. You don't know, Chengdu is one of the most colorful cities in China's nightlife..." Wu Qing said, the eyes sparkled with light.

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "You have to know, tomorrow we are going to do business."

"I know, I know, but playing this evening will not delay the business of tomorrow. I just let the hotel front desk help me rent a car. It’s too long, enough to sit down and let us go. , I am driving, how about?"

"Your efficiency is not bad." Xiao Bing said with some surprises. "I didn't see it, you are still very capable."

"That is of course, the most important thing about this stuff is not the ability to do things. Anyone who rents a car can do it, just to see if you can think in your head, thinking is meticulous."

"Okay, I boast you two sentences, you don't put gold on your face."

"Hey, I know, I know." Wu Qing said, "I have been greeted with a few brothers. They all go with me. We can't always think of leaving Xiao." Xiao, if you If you go, let's go together. Is it good? During this time, we train every day except training. Sometimes we have to relax and come out to play!"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment. If they stopped them from letting go, they would be a little unappealing. After all, these few people are tired like dogs in recent times. It is really necessary to relax properly, but if they go out alone, Xiao The soldiers are not too reassured, Wu Qing is too thorny, and Li Long is too long in the dark world, so there is not too deep legal awareness.

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, he still went with it, just to improve some feelings with several players.

Wu Qing looked forward to watching Xiao Bing, and when he saw Xiao Bing nod, Wu Qing immediately became excited: "Xiao, I really understand this place. I used to come here to play, friends entertained." But this time I didn't tell my friends that we came over, after all, it was a task that was not well known by too many people."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "You are thoughtful."

"That is a must." Wu Qing smiled. "Let's relax today. Tomorrow, I will face the people of Guwumen."

Xiao Bing reminded: "Remember that when there are many people outside, don't always mention the words of Guwumen, and don't call me Xiao, just call me a soldier."

"Well, Bing brother."

Wu Qing went to pick up a few other players and called them out of the room. Then the group went out to the hotel together. Wu Qing had already rented the car. Wu Qing was responsible for driving. Several people first went to the snack street.

All of them are all kinds of food stores, and all of them are food stalls and the like. Wu Qing is very proud to let Xiao Bing choose what to eat, saying that he will pay the bill tonight, Xiao Bing casually finds a food stall to sit. When I went in, everyone else sat down with them after seeing them.

Everyone simply ate and drank some, and immediately some people couldn’t stand it. Xiao Bing put down the chopsticks and stood up and said, "Let's go, where do you go next?"

Wu Qing’s face is awkward: “Bing brother, I will take you to one of the most famous nightclubs in Chengdu. It’s very playable, beautiful women are beautiful...”

After listening to Wu Qing’s words, several of the players next to them were all eyes shining, and the face was rippling. Xiao Bing did not react much. According to Xiao Bing’s current vision, how many people can get into Xiao Bing’s eyes? Wu Qing felt that he was very embarrassed to play, but he did not know that he and Xiao Bing were really awkward, but how could others say that the most popular in Kyoto four is Long Shao and Lin Shao?

However, Xiao Bing followed them to the nightclub that Wu Qing said. Wu Qing was very refreshing to give the staff who led the road a tip. Then several people walked into the hall, but they saw the dance floor of Nuo Da. Many people were there. Dancing, waiting for the two of them to come in, a luxurious woman wearing a cheongsam immediately stood with dozens of **** women wearing thin and thin, and these beautiful women shouted one by one: " Good gentleman!"

Wu Qing looked at Xiao Bing and smiled: "Bing brother, which one?"

Xiao Bing’s tone is faint: “You should pick it first.”

After that, Xiao Bing’s gaze began to look around.

Ps: start to recover three chapters of normal updates

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