Super Soldier

Chapter 1264: Pointing (one more)

Xiao Bing continued to practice on the volcano for the next few days. He came back to sleep in the old place every night. Dinner is a grilled fish caught in the river, and each time this Watanabe Zuochuan will come over and wait until after eating. .

Xiao Bing never asked why the transition side Zuochuan would come here every day, and he was not interested to ask.

On the tenth night of Xiao Bing’s practice here, Watanabe’s Zuochuan came again. He always walked slowly, and then like a hungry tiger, he saw the meat-like staring of Xiao Bing’s grilled fish, like A starving ghost who has never eaten anything for a lifetime.

Of course, Xiao Bing also thinks that the grilled fish he made is more delicious. Whether it was in the Longya period or later in the Longmen period, Xiao Bing often went out to perform tasks, often in the wild, and the old and the thick around him. The ones that are eaten are all simple to deal with, and they don’t pay attention to the taste. Xiao Bing’s only one thing to eat in the Longya and Longmen period is indeed the drooling of Su Peiya, Xiao Bing, whether it is pasta or grilled. The fish are all learning with Su Peiya.

I still remember that when I first ate Su Peiya’s grilled fish, Xiao Bing and others almost drooled on the ground. Others basically only ate and didn’t learn, the most important thing was that Su Peiya did not teach. Su Peiya only went to church Xiao Bing alone. Xiao Bing was dreaming and did not think that he would learn Su Peiya's craft, but Su Peiya was not there.

"Hey, this fish is for you." Xiao Bing handed one of the grilled fish that had been grilled to Watanabe.

Watanabe Zuochuan sat down beside Xiao Bing, first took a deep breath and then sighed: "This delicious grilled fish, if you can't eat it in the future, I really don't know what else to eat in the future."

Xiao Bingdao: "Then you can pay attention. You can't really eat it in the future. I won't live here for too long. It will take up to ten days or so."

Xiao Bing has been here for about ten days now, plus a few days before the delay in Kyoto, the time of the previous contract has been half a month, and the speed of Xiao Bing’s current strength is indeed very Fast, the infuriating body is getting fuller and fuller, and the honesty is even more pure and lethal than the normal person.

If it is the challenge of the same level master, Xiao Bing is confident that with his current mental strength, physical toughness and the violent instinct of the body like a flame, he can basically abuse the same level master, even if it is the mid-term great realm of Tianzun. The strong man encounters Xiao Bing and also turns around and runs.

But Xiao Bing’s opponent this time is not only that, the strength of the other side should have reached the peak of Tianzun, and it is even possible to reach or close to the degree of perfection of Tianzun’s peak. There is definitely more than one level than Xiao Bing’s strength. The strong, Xiao Bing is still far from the difference.

Watanabe Zuochuan saw Xiao Bing’s stunned beside him. He first put down the grilled fish in his hand and asked, “What are you so eager to become stronger?”

"Living." Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will die soon, so I need to live."

"Oh, it’s really important to keep your life." Watanabe laughed. "You can eat so good and eat well."

"Mr. Watanabe said yes, old gentleman, but I am not only trying to save my life, but I am also trying to protect my family. I am going to protect a country."

"Then you can be amazing, let my old man awe." Watanabe Zuochuan said, "Oh, yes, I remember, you said that you were a soldier."


"The military is indeed determined to have a home to protect one's home. I agree with this. I have a country first and a family. I think that the young people now don't know this sentence. I didn't expect to go back to the country." It’s really rare for you to be a young man with a family concept. It’s a Chinese person, if you are our country, how good it is.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "To tell the truth, the country I hate the most is your country, but I don't hate the people of your country, just hate some politicians in your country."

"Well, I can understand, just like the one you asked me when I met me for the first time, I know that you are a patriot, and it is very rare." Watanabe Zuochuan praised Xiao Bing and began to bow again. Continue to eat grilled fish.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Don't you, what do you do? Well, you should have retired since you were at this age. What did you do before? How do you have time to run to me every day, are you living nearby? ”

"Haha, you finally asked about this." Watanabe Zuochuan ate a grilled fish clean, wiped his mouth and said with a smile, "In fact, you asked, I may not say it, but I can give you to the elderly." Tell me a story of my own. When I was young, I was like you, pursuing my own strength. You are now forging copper and iron bones. If someone else can punch 50 pounds, you want to play a hundred pounds. Beyond others, then you are stronger than others. Now the opponent you meet may be two pounds, twice as much as you, so you can improve yourself by this way others can't accept inhuman ways. Did you say anything wrong?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment: "It is basically this truth."

The old man said: "There is like a chess game, you are like a murderous chess player, the sharpness is unstoppable, and your killing, there are not many people in the world who can match you."

The old man smiled and said: "Your willpower has reached the apex of mankind. Basically, it is destined that one day you will be able to surpass everyone's existence, because whether it is a chess player or a warrior, the most important thing is the willpower. !"

Xiao Bing nodded slightly, waiting for what Watanabe Zuochuan said, he always had a feeling that Watanabe Zuochuan would have to say something that would be very helpful to himself.

Watanabe Zuochuan’s eyes are deep, as if recalling many years and years ago, an era that did not know how many years, and then the voice began to have a sense of vicissitudes, Xiao Bing actually felt the temperament of Watanabe’s left-handedness. Suddenly changed, from a 60-70-year-old man to a hundred-year-old old man who has experienced vicissitudes!

A small tribe in the country of r, at this time the tribe is silent, this is a terrible dead silence, and there are corpses everywhere in the tribe, blood everywhere, blood has gathered into a river, that rich The **** smell makes people feel numb.

The population of this tribe was originally about 200 people, nearly 100 strong men, and the rest are women and children. They belong to the population of r countries, but they rarely interact with big cities unless they go out to buy essentials for life. In any country, there will be some tribes similar to this primitive one. The state will not be bound by them, but will also take care of them and respect their customs and life.

Today, this tribe has turned into **** on earth, and there is no such **** **** under the sun.

More than 200 people, all deaths!

Some were decapitated, some were directly blocked by the waist, and some were cruelly separated. The expression of each deceased was very frightened, as if they saw the most terrible things in the world, as if they were before death. I saw the demon coming out of hell.

Yes, only the devil in **** can kill so many people so cruelly!

Kill one person as a sin and kill thousands of people as a demon!

Xiao Bing is still listening to Zuo Chuan at the moment, and Watanabe’s left-handed voice is extremely deep, making people feel as if they are going deep into it and being directly brought into the era he has experienced, everything he has experienced. .

The voice of Watanabe Zuochuan is full of vicissitudes of life, saying one sentence at a time: "A good player, some people are attacking and defending, attacking is the main purpose, the main purpose is to kill. Some people are both offensive and defensive, keep It is the offensive and defensive balance, and any one who can reach the top in one aspect can be regarded as the top player. But they are not legendary, and they are not up to the legendary players!"

Xiao Bing asked: "What is the legendary chess player?"

Watanabe Zuochuan said: "The legendary chess player is not thinking about every piece of chess in the game anytime, anywhere, not only to remember these pieces, but to forget them."

There was a bit of confusion in Xiao Bing’s eyes.

Watanabe Zuochuan smiled and said: "It's normal, because you are already the top player, but there is still a small gap between the legendary players. It's hard to understand what I said. But I am today. These things that are said to you are very likely to be of great help to your next battle. You have to write down the words, and then you can't figure it out. If you can't understand, it's not me. I can know."

Watanabe Zuochuan smiled and said: "Normally, no one in the world can understand before they actually set foot in that field."

Xiao Bing: "...."

Watanabe Zuochuan laughed and said: "But I believe that you are the only exception in the world, because you can practice on such a high volcano. Your perseverance is even the age of my life. I have never seen it. I have been there, so maybe you are a man who can make a miracle."

Xiao Bing said: "Old gentleman, you can say it."

"Good." Watanabe Zuochuan said, "The true legendary players have to remember these pieces and forget these pieces, because the legendary writers really have to control what is not a casual piece, really to control. It’s the whole game, and what’s in his mind shouldn’t be where every piece of chess should fall, but the countless subtle changes in the entire game that each of the players has brought in. And master all the changes in the game, This is still the first step."

Xiao Bing asked: "This is the first step? What is the second step?"

"The second step is to take advantage of the situation." Watanabe Zuochuan said sacredly, "When you are aware of the whole game, you will observe the momentum of the whole game, and then use the momentum of the game to help you. Use, beat each other!"

"By taking advantage of the situation, observe the momentum of the game..." Xiao Bing muttered to himself, as if he understood something, but actually did not understand anything, always felt that he still had some key things not caught. And it will be of great help to his own martial arts realm.

Watanabe Zuochuan stood up slowly and said: "The old guy is going to leave, remember what I just said, your practice on the volcano is of great use, and even this practice can only be done by you. No, no one else can do it under the sun. But if you want to beat a person who is twice as heavy as your fist, it’s hard to do in a short time, you want to really create a miracle, maybe What I just said will have some magical effect for you."

Xiao Bing stood up and said loudly: "Thank you, Mr. Watanabe."

"You're welcome, I am just a chess player, and you are not necessarily able to enlighten you. I was in Huaxia and I have been playing with a long-time friend for more than ten years to realize this truth. And you only have more than ten days to go. But I still hope that you can create a miracle. After all, young people like you know how to grill fish are getting less and less... After you have a chance to meet, I will eat your roast. fish."

Watanabe Zuochuan went farther and farther away. Xiao Bing had been watching the left side of Watanabe left to go, until the figure of Watanabe Zuochuan disappeared completely, and Xiao Bing took back his eyes, and his eyes showed a respectful color.

Regardless of who this Watanabe Zuochuan is, he is at least a respectable person who has helped himself... (.)

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