Super Soldier

Chapter 1270: Take advantage of the situation! (three more)

Xiao Bing is still running, running wildly and running without stopping.

In everyone's opinion, he runs without meaning at all. At most, it is a symbolic dying struggle before dying. Those Guwumen people even have some morbid pleasures in their eyes because they used to It’s too bad to be defeated in the hands of Xiao Bing.

The people of the Guwumen School have always been extremely proud. They even regard the outsiders as ants, but they have been defeated in the hands of Xiao Bing. The Tekken Gate is now almost in name only, and the Fox Gate is similar. The doorkeepers were directly and seriously injured. They are now naturally extremely hostile to Xiao Bing. Only Xiao Bing’s life can wash away their shame.

Everyone in the dark world is nervous. Even those who are not high enough in martial arts may not see it so well, but this does not prevent them from feeling the mystery and horror of this sword. The hearts of each one are also raised.

Even the people who love Xiao Bing's Xiaofu have become pessimistic at this time. Almost no one in the world is optimistic about Xiao Bing. No one believes that Xiao Bing can live. Some people feel happy, some feel sad, some People even prepared for sensation, and some people held an indifferent state of mind. Only the eyes of the Buddha’s son calmed down more and more, and the faint and excited light flashed in the eyes.

The high-level officials of the major countries that watched this war through satellites also all confirmed that Xiao Bing was dead. Huaxia’s side felt very helpless and sad. The most important thing is how the Guwumen should respond from then on. Is it really necessary to eliminate it in one go? Or simply let it go?

As for foreign countries, especially those that have a competitive relationship with China, they are cheering. They are all looking forward to the loss of Xiao Bing. When China’s instability occurs, this is what they like, and now it seems that Xiao The death of soldiers has become a foregone conclusion!

Finally, Chen Xingtian began to move, and Chen’s body turned into a completely long sword with a length of more than ten meters. The long sword was bolted out, and the speed was so fast that it could not be captured by the naked eye. To the extent that everyone can only hear the sound of the eardrum that the air is punctured.

too terrifying!

All the people are involuntarily raised, even those who are looking forward to the death of Xiao Bing is no exception. This sword is terrible, and the heart is already their normal physical reaction.

Although Xiao Bing’s speed is fast, no one thinks that Xiao Bing can escape this sword.

Only one person can realize that Xiao Bing did not hide. Instead, he stood down. His eyes were full of blood red light. His body's genes have been stimulated by him, and there is still a golden glow in the body. The power inside Dan Tian was also used a little by him. Now he almost uses all the things at the bottom of the box.

But this is not enough!

This is not enough to stop the sword of this man's sword!

He slammed his foot and sighed in his mouth. The distance in the center of the field, which was tens of meters long, was the radius of the tens of meters. The power seemed to be a day. The light column, the moment of perseverance is there.

Then, the forces of these beams joined together, forming a series of incredible changes. Numerous forces around them quickly condensed toward the light column, and then the forces inside these beams began to inject into the body of Xiao Bing, the body surface of Xiao Bing. Shining with dazzling light.

Xu Shaoqi widened his eyes and clenched his fists and muttered to himself: "This is..."

The Buddha’s son said faintly: “It’s over!”

Others have different expressions, and obviously have never seen such incredible things.

Xiao Bing is now like an armor warrior, and his armor is made of energy, which is different from ordinary enthusiasm. Any enthusiasm can not be so cohesive, even a little horrible!

With a bang, Chen Xingtian, who was a sword, finally slammed into Xiao Bing’s body. Xiao Bing was directly hit and flew out, flew out nearly 100 meters away, then landed on the ground and rolled forward more than ten times. The distance of meters far, this barely stopped.

Even if Xiao Bing’s body has produced such incredible changes, all people can’t believe that Xiao Bing can save his life under this sword.

But everyone knows that Chen Cracking is completely finished.

Chen Cracking is lying in the middle of the contest. At this moment, he is covered in blood. His life is slowly dissipating, and he can’t come back after his life is lost. Even now he has only the last breath. He insisted on the last breath to know whether Xiao Bing was dead or not.

At this moment, Xiao Bing was at a position 100 meters away. All the people looked at the distance, and then they saw Xiao Bing struggling to stand up from the ground and then walked step by step.

God of War!

All people have the same vocabulary in their hearts, that is, God of War!

"This is impossible!" Ouyang Qing shook his head hard. He only felt that some of them had to collapse. They shouted in disbelief. "He can't do it, it is simply unrealistic!"

The people of the Guwumen School were all going crazy, all of them collapsed. They originally thought that this was the best chance to kill Xiao Bing. As a result, Xiao Bing actually won!

Xiao Bing came step by step and walked toward the position where Chen cracked down.

The people of Xiaofu cheered up, and the dark world was also cheering. Only the ancient Wumen factions were dead.

Xu Shao took a deep breath and smiled on his face. The tone sounded very joyous and said: "I don't think he actually did it. I really can't think of it."

Xiao Bing walked to the front of Chen Cracking, who fell to the ground. Chen cracked his mouth open, but did not make a sound. Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I know what you want to ask, I only have two words to answer. You, borrowing power."

When Xiao Bing was running, he was actually setting up the array. Xiao Bing was already studying how he could take advantage of the situation. In the volcanic period, he also thought of the four beasts of the four masters around Xu Shao. Xiao Bing himself was also a battle. The master of the law, so when I was running, I actually arranged the formation to the dark, and the magical effect of this method is to gather the aura around the world.

Normally, no matter where or where there is a world of aura, but usually the aura will be relatively thin, and Xiao Bing's method is to gather all the heavens and the earth through the array method, and apply it to the body.

If he is known for his purpose, basically his array has no chance to be arranged. His array is to interfere with the surrounding air flow and then form a whirlpool. It is simple to say and actually very complicated. On the one hand, Chen Xingtian is also gaining momentum. On the other hand, no one wants to get the real purpose of Xiao Bing. He thinks that Xiao Bing is just trying to avoid this sword, and Xiao Bing is looking forward to Chen Xingtian thinking about it. This just gave Xiao Bing an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After listening to the words of the borrowing, Chen Xingtian’s eyes suddenly lit up, and the eyes shone with excitement, then his mouth made a laugh, snoring and gasping and said: “I don’t think... I can’t think... I After more than ten years of retreat, I have studied martial arts for more than 100 years, but it is not as good as a small doll. I don’t think that the most important thing about the sage level is a 'potential', and your strength is so different, but there are some points. Comprehension of the sage level... If I have realized this for a long time, I may have broken through it..."

Chen cracked the sky and laughed, laughing and laughing. His voice stopped abruptly and completely lost his life.

Xiao Bing sighed slightly, his eyes swept to the Guwumen school, and all the people were shuddering. This time Xiao Bing was different from the previous times. Before the battle with Chen Baijian, Xiao Bing was the last. It was a victory, but it was a terrible victory. At that time, Xiao Bing was almost incapable, and he suffered a very serious injury. This time, Xiao Bing had only a slight injury and had no influence at all.

The strong and martial arts understanding that Xiao Bing has shown has made these Guwumen people horrified. Even the power that Xiao Bing has now has the strength of one enemy, except for Kunlun. You can not be seen in Xiao Bing by all.

For the Guwu sect, Xiao Bing is like a nuclear bomb, and it is a living nuclear bomb. It will not spread to other people and can be released at any time. This feeling makes them shudder.

Xiao Bing looked at them. The last time Xiao Bing won, he severely warned them. This time, Xiao Bing won more thoroughly, but he smiled and his voice was very harmonious. "It is very troublesome today. Everyone came here to watch the battle. Mr. Chen Cracking’s strength is very strong. Today, he did not lose to me, but lost to himself. It was because he had helped Chen Baijian’s master to show his secrets. I have lived through the life, so he will be defeated today, but no matter what, I am very respectful of anyone who is a father and son of Chen."

Xiao Bing’s words surprised the people of the Guwumen School. Before they had always felt that Xiao Bing was an extremely strong person, but at this time Xiao Bing’s attitude was to make them unbelievable and break. Their previous thoughts.

But in their opinion, Xiao Bing's smile is like a big gray wolf dressed up to fool the little white rabbit, but they are somewhat unreliable and uneasy.

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Now Chen Litian is not there, but this battle can definitely be lost. Everyone will remember the shocking sword of Mr. Chen Cracking, and hope that the friends of Bai Jianmen will go back for me. And Chen Menzhu said a sorrowful change. In addition, after a week, I hope that all the sects can send a representative to my Dingwu office in Kyoto City. I have something to discuss with you."

Everyone understands why this is so smiling, and it is the weasel that gives the chicken a New Year’s greeting.

However, they did not dare to refuse. The strength demonstrated by Xiao Bing has already shocked them. This is the significance of the existence of the Dingwu Office.

The people of Baijianmen looked at Xiao Bing in a complicated way, and then went to lift the body of Chen Cracking. These people arched their hand to Xiao Bing and went to the mountain. Guwumen sent all and Xiao Bing greeted. And then left.

Xiao Bing looked at the Buddha son and said: "Buddha, you are here!"

"This battle is very exciting." The voice of the Buddha's son is calm.

Xiao Bing’s pupil contracted and his eyes filled with taboos. This Buddha’s son still made him unable to see through. Although Chen Chuantian also made Xiao Bing invisible, the Buddha’s son’s feeling for Xiao Bing was better than him. When Chen Chuangtian is feeling more terrible!

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