Super Soldier

Chapter 1281: a group of weirdos (two more)

Xiao Bing saw Shantou Xiaodie and said: "It’s hard to keep alive now..."

Yamamoto Xiaodie smiled and said: "Don't you think of a way to be happy before you die?"

If I didn't see the boy who was squinting in the night, if it wasn't for the conversation between the two people in the elevator, Xiao Bing might not really be able to endure the temptation of this Yamamoto, because she was not prepared for her. heart.

But now it is different. Xiao Bing has already seen through the beautiful and amazing appearance of Yamamoto Kobashi. What kind of snakes are hidden under the beautiful appearance.

Xiao Bing deliberately lamented: "Hey, now life is not necessarily guaranteed, do you think I still have that kind of mind?"

Yamamoto Xiaodie smiled and said: "I don't think you should be like the kind of man who is self-pity. Is it that I am wrong? Don't look at you being caught by them now, but as long as you listen to me, it may not be There is absolutely no chance to escape. When you are on the way, you will always listen to me, understand."

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "You are hard to protect yourself now."

"I can't protect myself?" Yamamoto Kodie laughed. "You see me falling in their hands, but who are they dare to tell me? Tell you the truth, these people don't dare to move me even if they commit suicide. A vellus, so I am not what you can imagine."

Xiao Bing’s heart is moving. So, is this Yamamoto Kodie not an ordinary identity? However, it is also possible that she is ignoring herself. The woman herself is really fake and can not be seen clearly.

At this time, the six-sister brother Hetian came over here and stood in front of Xiao Bing and Yamamoto Kodie. The tone of the yin test said: "Sister, what are you talking about?"

Yamamoto Kotoh whispered a small mouth, and he was wronged and said: "I am now a prisoner. I am still talking about this person who is sick with the same illness. Is it not jealous?"

Tsuruta hurriedly said: "What nonsense, how can I be jealous."

Although he resolutely denied it, Xiao Bing clearly heard some feelings of guilty nervousness from his tone.

Xiao Bing is not too surprised. This Yamamoto butterfly is so beautiful. They are all brothers and sisters. Even if they like this Yamamoto butterfly, it is not surprising.

Yamamoto Xiaodie smiled and said: "If the six brothers are not jealous, then dare you let me test?"

Tsuruta’s tone is sullen: “How do you test?”

"This is not easy." Yamamoto Kobashi suddenly stood up from the ground, and the two tied scorpion hands stretched out toward Tsuru’s chest and said with a smile, "You let me touch you." The heartbeat is not fast, can you know?"

When the six-sister brother Hetian stretched his hand in the small butterfly of Yamamoto, suddenly the whole person ducked to the side and quickly evaded it. His nose breathed out a heavy breath, deliberately swearing: "Sister, your means." Others may not know, how can the six brothers not know? Do not play this trick with the six brothers."

Yamamoto Kobuki smirked and said: "The six brothers said that this can make people feel a little embarrassed. Xiaodie knows that the six brothers have always been very good to Kocho. They have always pampered Xiaodie, and Xiaodie is even the other. What kind of means will people use, and how can they use those methods for the Sixth Division? It’s just that Xiaodie is really curious. Is your heartbeat really fast, is it nervous, is Xiaodie talking with other people? When will the six brothers be jealous?"

Yamamoto Xiaodie said with a grin: "Xiaodie is very concerned about whether the six brothers will be jealous for Xiaodie."

Yamamoto's smile is enough to make anyone fascinated for her. Xiao Bing is watching on the sidelines. It seems that the six brothers are actually heart-moving, but maybe her six brothers are too clear about their sister's character. Therefore, it is inevitable that the inner struggle will be more struggling, and the will will control one's heart.

This Yamamoto butterfly is not an ordinary person, and the beauty is like wearing a poison. This sentence is not wrong at all.

Tsuruta sighed and said: "Little butterfly, Xiaodie, you are like a thorny rose, obviously so beautiful, but whoever touches it, it is very likely that there will be no life, from this point Look, you are much more terrible than the thorny rose. The thorny rose is just a pain, but it won't kill you directly."

Yamamoto Kobuki smirked and said: "Would you like to touch people?"

"I don't want to, I still want to live now." Tsuruta said with a serious face, and then the tone suddenly became more severe. "You two sit apart, don't think about any tricks, this time must I will take you to the front of the Master and listen to the disposition of the Master!"

Tsuruta pointed to Xiao Bing and said: "I still want to live, left a little."

Yamamoto's little butterfly looks at Tsuruta with a wink in his eyes, and his eyes sparkle with the smugness of Hetian’s heart, but he resists the unhappiness in his heart and the incitement of being smashed, turning his head and watching Xiao. Soldier.

Xiao Bing stood up very obediently, kept some distance from Yamamoto Koto, and sat down.

Tsuruta stunned, and then sat down opposite Xiao Bing and Yamamoto Kodie. Yamamoto Komiya also sat down again, his eyes flashing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiao Bing is somewhat curious. Since they are all brothers and sisters of the same door, what do these people do with Yamamoto Koto, is it that Yamamoto is betraying their teachers? Become a traitor?

It seems that this demon organization itself is full of all kinds of mysterious colors. Even in these people, although Xiao Bing can easily see how their cultivation is done, it is difficult to see what their minds are thinking, because these In Xiao Bing’s view, there are basically no normal people.

This group of people sat here again for more than 20 minutes, and then the fifteenth division of Fukuyama suddenly became arrogant. He stood up and continued to walk back and forth, his mouth kept shouting: " I am hungry, I want to eat meat, I want some meat!"

His gaze suddenly fell on Xiao Bing's body and took a big step toward Xiao Bing. It looked like a starving ghost saw a table delicious, and shouted as he walked: "I want Give him a roast and eat!"

Tsuruta saw his fifteenth division brother went straight to Xiao Bing, and he shot it with a palm. The palm of the hand directly took Fukuyama to the head and fell to the ground. Everyone looked over and Tsuruta’s voice was cloudy. The road: "He can't eat, I said, this person's skeleton is strange, first handed over to Master."

Everyone dared not speak out, and Fukuyama just got up from the ground and looked at Tsuruta like a fierce tiger.

Tsuruta snorted and said in a cold tone: "Do you still want to do it with me?"

Fukuyama bit his teeth, although his emotions are arrogant, but he still resists. His strength and Tsuruta are so much different. Even if Tsuruta only uses one hand, he is definitely not an opponent of Tsuruta.

Fukuyama screamed and walked toward the depths of the woods and shouted: "I am going to find food!"

When Fukuyama left, the atmosphere became a little easier, and then I heard the next tenth brother said: "This old fifteen, like a starving ghost every day, as long as it does not eat for a day, it becomes so arrogant. ""

Someone immediately said: "You said it wrong. He didn't eat because he didn't eat for a day. We just had something to eat a few hours ago. He didn't eat human flesh for three days. His temper, he didn't eat human flesh for more than three days. He will be arrogant, and if he does not eat human flesh for more than five days, he will become unrecognized by the six parents."

Yamamoto Kobama suddenly buried his head in the middle of the two legs, and giggled, and the laughter was so pleasing to the heart, especially in the middle of the night, it was the heart of the people who could not help but shake. .

Among his several brothers, one of his eyes has become hot. Looking at Yamamoto Kosuka, his eyes are full of **. As for others, it is not so natural.

Six brothers Hetian cold and cold: "What are you laughing at?"

"Don't laugh, just listen to some funny. If you don't recognize the six-parent for more than five days, you can say that if you really let him not eat meat for two days, then will he give you all the time?" Eat it?"

Tsuruta sneered: "This is not funny, and you, what is your name?"

Tsuruta looked at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "My name is Aoki Aoki. Can you give me away? Really, I won’t say anything about the night, let alone I don’t know you, you take me. What to do with the kidnapping?"

Tsuruta asked coldly: "You are called Aoki Aoki? So late, what are you doing here?"

Xiao Bing deliberately said with helpless smile: "I found it myself, hey, so it fell on your hands. I came from outside to play, I heard that the local people in the vicinity said that there is a baby unearthed in Zhuyin City, so Other friends are gone, I want to explore alone, not for what baby, just to find a stimulus."

Tsuruta sneered: "In order to find excitement, it finally fell into our hands. This incident shows that the world can't really be too curious."

"Can you let me go?" Xiao Bingdao, "I have money, you put me out, can I give you money?"

Xiao Bing will play a special image. These people have no doubts about Xiao Bing, especially when Yamamoto thinks of Xiao Bing when he first met Xiao Bing. He was also under a remote volcano and felt Xiao. The soldier is the kind of person who likes to take risks. He simply can't think that Xiao Bing is actually a martial artist. Even the strength is enough to crush all of them. A slap can kill them all!

Tsuruta cold and cold road: "Do not think about it, up to two hours, wait for Fukuyama to find food back, we fill the stomach and continue to leave!"

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