Super Soldier

Chapter 1292: The story of Yamamoto Kocho (two more)

Seeing the bitter hatred in her eyes, Xiao Bing felt that this time it was true, not acting, Xiao Bing could not help but ask: "Why, your master is very bad for you"

"Do you think he is very good to me?" Yamaguchi Kodie said: "I can't blame him. I respect this person's character is weird, and the weather is uncertain. You can also see it. The general brothers and sisters live and die. He is I don't care at all. He cares about my life and death only because I am more useful to him."

Xiao Bing saw Shantou Xiaodie's eyes, and Yamaguchi Xiaodie smiled and said: "Don't think about it, my body is still innocent. Don't look like I don't seem to be a good girl, but I really didn't The body is handed over to anyone, and many of the brothers are jealous of my body, but they don't dare, they don't want to die, and my master is the same."

Xiao Bing did not understand, and asked: "Does your body be poisonous?"

Yamaguchi Xiaodie smiled and said: "It's not that my body is poisonous, but my body can't give it to me. My body has to be given to more important people."

Xiao Bing was a bit stunned and asked: "It is someone in your organization who has seen you, and the identity and status of that person is still above your master. But your master is already an elder. Is it true that people who look at your body are actually Still the leader of your demon organization"

Yamaguchi Xiaodie Gege laughed: "Aoki Jun, I am more and more admired by you, it is the leader of our demon organization, how are you, I am honored."

Xiao Bing sounded like a smug and proud from the laughter of Yamaguchi's little butterfly, but there was a sad sorrow hidden inside.

Xiao Bing asked: "Since your lord has seen you, how can you not leave you with him? Although you are very young now, it is time to be a wife."

Yamamoto Xiaodie smiled and said: "Before it was because I didn't need it. Now I am planning to bring me to the altar. First I ran away. Later I grabbed it back, and then I met you again. If this time I was Delivered to the altar, my division is afraid that the status within the organization will be more respected, and even replace the position of the elders, even if his strength is not as good as the elders, there is no suspense to replace the elders."

"If the teacher really likes me, although it would be disgusting to marry a bad old man, I can barely recognize it by biting my teeth, but this bad old man does not like me, but likes my body."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are still a spiritualist who wants spiritual love."

"It's not the same as you think." Yamamoto said with helplessness, "In fact, I was taken by my teacher when I was very young, and then he took me to my side, my parents. Who is it, my family is who I have, I have no impression at all, huh, huh, I will even think about it later, maybe he killed my parents, and then left me with me. But also Just think about it, I don't dare to ask."

"My teacher treats me very well, at least better than everyone else, good to me, good to me, fun to me, and never let other brothers touch me a finger I also taught me martial arts and taught me how to kill. I don't have any martial arts talent, and my temper is naughty, and the master is not angry."

"I always thought that the teacher respected me so well because I had feelings for me, but when I grew up, I became more and more beautiful. I discovered that the master looked at my eyes and other brothers looked at me. The same is the kind of man who looks at women, but the master never touches me, and does not allow those brothers to touch me, so I am also very safe, but after I know his care plan one day, I will Feeling scared and feeling a little disgusting."

Xiao Bing, who is raising a donkey plan, is curious, "What is a plan to raise a donkey?"

Yamamoto Xiaodie said with a bit of sadness: "I once heard my teacher and my master told me that the master took me with me when I was young, just to wait until one day to give me to the devil. The leader, our organization is actually called the demon religion, and it claims the devil. Many people call us the demon organization. Our leader is called the leader. There are six elders below. The order of the six elders is also divided according to their strength."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Is he not going to find a beautiful woman in the folks and dedicate it to your lord? Why is it so hard to train you to grow up? Because he is a beautiful human embryo when he was young, so Want to develop"

Yamamoto Kobashi said: "Yeah, if it is so simple, he can grab one in the private sector. He can even find a way to take the first national flowering island, Baihuizi, to take it away. Why bother with such painstaking cultivation? If I didn't hear them talking, I wouldn't dare to think about it. It felt totally unrealistic. Later, I heard that my teacher said that the person who cultivated the magical power is stronger in cultivation, and finally his body will The more it is eroded by the magic gas, and even one day it may be enchanted. If you want to break this point, in addition to your own strong will to overcome, there is a better way, that is to find a comprehensive If you are a woman of physique, if two people are combined, the hidden danger will naturally disappear."

Xiao Bing flashed a trace of surprise in his eyes, and suddenly put his hand on the wrist of Yamamoto Kobuki, and then a force gently into the body of Yamamoto Kocho, the power inside Yamamoto's body is normal. However, Xiao Bing clearly felt that the blood of Yamamoto is similar to that of himself. It is not the blood of ordinary human beings. When the power stimulates the blood of Yamamoto Xiaodie a little, a fiery force hits Xiaobing. Power seems to be a flame that can burn everything. Although it can't compare with the blood in Xiao Bing's body, it is far beyond ordinary people.

Xiao Bing loosened his hand and sighed: "Your blood is not the blood of ordinary people."

"My teacher said that I have the blood of the gods in my body. He said that I am a descendant of the gods in the world, but the bloodlines are not pure. Even so, my blood is far more common. Human beings are strong and noble. If the teacher is combined with me, it will not only help him completely remove the devil, but even make him stronger."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "I have never heard of the blood of the gods."

"The mythological era has a Protoss, the Protoss is high, generally speaking, it is not tied to the human race, and it is impossible to combine with the human race. However, there are very few ethnic women who have become the probation of the Protoss. They are inadvertently These ethnic women were planted in the body, and most of them were dying, but one or two were born. Later, they slowly continued to this day. Their blood began to multiply by generations of human races. It has become very very diluted, and even the genes of the Protoss are running out, but as long as there is a little Protoss gene, they can make them different from ordinary humans."

Xiao Bing asked: "Who is this?"

"This is recorded in our demon teaching manual. I have seen it before, but most disciples don't know. These people with protoss genes are now in the folk, no one knows who they are, and Even if you see it, you can't find it, because they are now even human beings. The gene of the Protoss is too thin. However, my master has been studying these things very deeply, and outsiders can't find it. Unable to find out, he found me unintentionally, so I left it with me."

"But my blood is combined with ordinary people. It has no effect. It is useless to me and to the other side. It is like the combination of two ordinary humans. It will not produce any reaction. Only with them, they can cultivate to the top. The combination of people can finally stimulate this person who cultivates magic power to go further."

Xiao Bing asked: "So why didn't he give you a little earlier to the leader?"

"Because our teacher has been retreating for years, I have never reached that level. In this year, I heard that his strength has finally reached a bottleneck. It is just the time for me to be, and my teacher also wants to give me a dedication. Help the leader break through the level and get a reward."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "So you ran, and met me at the volcano."

"Well, yeah," said Yamamoto Kocho. "I have met many people outside. Before I had a big family, I was stunned by me. Some of them were hurt by me. Some of them were killed by me. Then I ran. Ah, then I won't meet you anymore."

Xiao Bing sighed: "Some people are deserved of sin, but it is not a good thing to kill you."

"Hey, I will tell you from a young master, you will not kill, others will kill you. You look at my brothers, they are all fighting each other. If you seize the opportunity, it is not a rare thing to be with the door." No one dares to touch me, but also because of my teacher's respect. And I used to think that my master is good to me, but later I knew that it was purposeful. How many times I fled in the past two years, but I was caught come back."

Xiao Bing snorted, and in my heart, sometimes it is too important to educate from a small age. This woman has lived in such a dark environment since childhood. If she can be kind and kind, she is not likely to want to get out of the mud. It’s just too hard.

Yamamoto Xiaodie sighed and showed a few points of obsession with fate. She suddenly closed her eyes and held Xiao Bing’s arm and rested on Xiao Bing’s shoulder. She said: “Qing Mujun, I am a little tired. Let me rest for a while."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing did not move, let her lean on herself.

Yamamoto Koto, while taking a nap, asked: "Aoki Jun, will you kill me?"



Yamamoto Komei sighed, and the two people stopped talking. Baidu’s latest chapter of “Super Soldiers” was free for the first time.

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