Super Soldier

Chapter 1294: Mountaineering method (one more)

Xiao Bing sneered and sneered: "I don't think your IQ is enough. You can't see it? It seems that your IQ is really not enough."

Fujiwara martial arts face anger, with murderous eyes in his eyes, slightly approaching half a step forward.

Xiao Bing did not seem to have found that Fujiwara martial arts had murdered his voice. He asked quietly: "We should have advanced for a while compared with you, but I have been sitting here with Xiaodie." Hours, you have just come to me, unless you have been resting all the way before, otherwise it does not mean that you have no way to go to the mountains, because you lost your way?"

Fujiwara martial arts witnessed fierce light, and was about to start. Suddenly, Master Matsumoto gave him his arm. Master Matsumoto looked so heavy and looked at Xiao Bing. He asked: "Qing Mujun, what do you mean?"

"I mean, you continue to walk like a headless fly. At most, you are here around the circle. Can you really go to the mountains? I am afraid that you are thinking about it now and you can’t go down. If you go up, you will waste your energy. When you are exhausted, you can eat a few wolves."

Fujiwara martial arts twitched twice, but they thought that they did not take to the top of the mountain for a long time today. It is reasonable to say that this peak is indeed very high, but they have never seen the peak above them. This is indeed unusual, and they are still unable to go out, so now it is calm on the surface. Under the circumstance of Xiao Bing, his heart is also a little scared.

Master Matsumoto saw that Xiao Bing could see this. He originally thought that Xiao Bing was an ordinary person. He was not too eyeing. Whether he was alive or dead, he was too lazy to take care of it, but he saw Xiao Bing so calm. He couldn't help but look at Xiao Bing, so his attitude became quite serious and he asked: "Qing Mujun, do you have any way to climb?"

Xiao Bing looked up and faintly said: "The time has not arrived yet, there will be a way."

When I heard Xiao Bing say this, Master Matsumoto sighed with relief and smiled and invited: "Aoki is not as good as us. Aoki has a way to climb, and we can protect your safety. Both are the best."

At this time, Xiao Bing did not want to completely reveal his identity for the time being, so he did not refuse, and nodded slightly.

Master Matsumoto completely let go of his heart and smiled and said: "Then we all accompany the two children to have a good rest here, and wait for Qingmu Jun to take us to climb."

They themselves were tired. They had been walking before. At this time, after listening to the words of Master Matsumoto, they all sat down and began to rest.

Fujiwara martial arts is really interested in Yamamoto Kocho. Of course, most of the young masters like him have a kind of playful attitude, not to mention him, another big one with him. When the young master looked at Yamamoto Koto, his eyes were very hot, but his family was not as good as Fujiwara martial arts. Therefore, due to the reasons of Fujiwara martial arts, it was not good to shoot, only to give Fujiwara martial arts.

The other two beautiful women are very arrogant. They are too lazy to take care of Xiao Bing, an ‘ordinary person’, and they are full of jealousy about the woman who is above them.

Fujiwara martial arts came to the side of Yamamoto Koto, and kept talking about it, constantly boasting, and occasionally glanced at Xiao Bing, revealing a proud attitude, in the face of Xiao Bing and Yamamoto Koto, attitude judgment If two people.

Yamamoto Koto is not cold or hot to Fujiwara martial arts. He is neither enthusiastic nor refusing him completely. It makes the vines in Fujiwara's heart itch. Xiao Bing sits on the side but completely ignores the innocent look. He is too lazy to take care of it.

Fujiwara martial arts originally thought that Yamamoto Kobuki and Xiao Bing were a pair. At this time, seeing Xiao Bing is not angry, he feels that Xiao Bing is afraid of him in his heart. Fujiwara martial arts is more and more not to put Xiao Bing in his eyes. Can't be alive.

These young people are too lazy to take care of Xiao Bing. Although Master Matsumoto feels that Xiao Bing may have a role, he does not feel that such an ordinary person has any necessary relationship, so he only symbolically said two words with Xiao Bing. Then I will no longer pay attention to Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing is just happy.

It was a few hours passed, and the young people were chatting. The lady named Qian Chuanzi suddenly looked depressed: "My mobile phone has no electricity."

This Kagawa Yoko is also very refined, although it is better than Yamamoto Kobe, but barely can be called the class flower level, but the kind of pride in her bones is not the type that Xiao Bing likes, but these young The bones of men and women are full of pride, not to put anyone in the eyes, and they are used to the home.

"What is the use of electricity?" said another woman named Miyamoto Yuki. "There is no signal in the mountain. There is no signal at all. The mobile phone can only be used as a watch."

"Right." The young man named Qichuan suddenly said, "Is there a compass on the phone?"

"It's useless, I have seen it." Xiao Bing said in a faint voice. "The compass is all intricate. It just can't point out the direction. This mountain is obviously weird. The existence of this mountain is like a natural one. The maze method allows people to recognize the position after they come in."

Fujiwara martial arts looked at Xiao Bing and said with a sneer: "How can you take us up the mountain for a while, telling you that if you dare to fool us, don't blame us for being polite to you. When you lose your life, no wonder we are ""

Xiao Bing was too lazy to take care of Fujiwara martial arts. When he saw Xiao Bing pretending to be inaudible, Fujiwara martial arts was angry, but it was still stopped by Matsumoto.

At this time, Xiao Bing suddenly looked at the sky and carefully observed it. Others saw Xiao Bing's appearance, and they all became nervous. If Xiao Bing had no way to identify the direction of the mountain, I am afraid. They really want to be trapped here.

Xiao Bing observed for a long time, suddenly stood up and said: "Go, see if you can go to the top."

Fujiwara martial arts sneered: "Pretend to be a ghost."

Master Matsumoto is also a confused question: "Aoki Jun, we are now standing on a boat, should we explain to us, what did you find?"

Xiao Bing pointed to the top of the fog and said: "It is reasonable to say that from our feet we can judge where it is going up the mountain, where is the downhill, but this mountain must be weird, so when we are climbing, always It is careless to go around the wrong direction. You feel that you are walking straight. Actually, you are winding around. And the compass is not good here. The fog is so we can’t tell exactly where it is in the southeast and northwest. There is only one way."

Master Matsumoto suddenly reacted and asked, "Look at the sun?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing said with a smile. "The sun is rising east and west, and our location is in the west. Now it is near evening, the sun should fall behind the mountain, because there is a mountain block, so Our front should be the darkest, but there will be sun rays in the left and right directions facing the mountain. If you look closely, you can find out where the mountain is and where it is."

Master Matsumoto said with some exclamation: "What you said is justified, but such a thick cloud..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So it is necessary to observe carefully, and the simplest and most accurate time to distinguish should actually be in the early morning, because the sun rose from the east at that time, and there is no mountain to block. At that time, it is the easiest to identify where. Is the real East, the opposite direction is not the West? If we are eager to climb, then take a walk with my feelings, otherwise, tomorrow morning may be more accurate."

Master Matsumoto hesitated and smiled and said: "Then tomorrow morning, I believe the feeling of Aoki-kun, but if you accidentally go wrong, we may go further and further, and the road is likely to continue to go wrong. Orientation."

"Well." Xiao Bing nodded. "Then we will start when the sun rises in the early hours of tomorrow morning. Before the sun hangs high in the sky, we must climb to the top of the mountain, otherwise we will have to wait again. One day."

Master Matsumoto convinced the oral channel: "Aoki Jun, I did not expect that you can think of so much, it is really impressive."

Xiao Bing said in disapproval: "There is such a simple truth, in fact, most people know, but usually people who come in will have a mentality, that is, after getting lost, they will keep watching their feet, then like a headless fly. Looking around, I can't think of analyzing these seemingly simple things. So, the mindset is very important."

Master Matsumoto nodded and said, "Then we will continue to rest here tonight. I have some food and water in my bag. Everyone has a little bit."

Fujiwara martial arts originally did not want to distribute the food to Xiao Bing, but he knew that Xiao Bing was still used now, so he had to turn his head to the side and his eyes were not clear.

At this time, I don’t know how many people are still trapped on the mountain. Xiao Bing knows that there will be many people going to climb the mountain in the same way tomorrow morning. Some people may not have thought of it now, but when they are tired, they can think of this after calming down. Reason, but what Xiao Bing didn't say is that it is not easy to get out of the mountain in the same way, because there is obviously a complicated formation in the mountain, but it is not known to be artificial or natural.

The reason why Xiao Bing does not reveal his identity for the time being is not to attract too many people's vigilance, to get that baby can be foolproof! (.)

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