Super Soldier

Chapter 1296: Ghost town? (three more)

In addition to Biel and Muhammad, there is also a strong leader who is from the native of the country, but this person Xiao Bing does not know, but Song Bing, who is next to Xiao Bing, is surprised to speak. "Isn't that a village in the pastoral village that was called the sword of the snake?" He remembered that he had disappeared for many years, but he did not expect it to appear here."

When I heard that the other party was actually a husbandry village, several people in Fujiwara were surprised by their faces. Then they looked at each other with adoration. Obviously, this village is very famous here.

However, these few people have no difference in front of Xiao Bing. If these people are only these people, it is not enough for Xiao Bing to see, basically there is no threat.

However, Xiao Bing does not know if there will be other people coming in, and whether there are already some top players in it. There are very few people who can threaten Xiao Bing in the world, but it does not mean that there is no one. And Xiao Bing still doesn't know if there are any more horrible monsters inside.

The African master Muhammad heard the European master Biel say this, but he took back the steps he took out. Although he was African, his head was not stupid. He immediately guessed that these people did not move. Waiting for himself to go in and explore the road first, Muhammad immediately smiled and said: "Since you are not in a hurry, I am not in a hurry. I just want to look at the treasures. Whoever gets it is not important."

At this time, there was a sudden rumbling sound inside, and then I heard a roar of thunder and thunder on a sunny day, and then the roar of the roar was gone, so that no one dared to advance the city.

Bil said: "Well, no one of us will be advanced. It is not a way to stand here and wait. We will arrange a person to explore the road, and we all follow."

Muhammad said: "I agree."

A household in the pastoral village also said: "I have no opinion."

Then the three of them turned their attention to the Tianjiao of the younger generation of the four ancient countries. The four great Tianjiao originally felt that they were stable, but they did not expect to encounter three top strengths here. Masters, so they started to hold the group, which is the fourth largest force among all the people here, and even faintly above the Muhammad three. After all, the three people have their own positions and cannot unite. The four strong players in the middle of the fight must be stronger than any strong one.

A family in the pastoral village began to look at the crowd and muttered to himself: "Who is going in to explore the road?"

At this time, Aso Jun in the four great arrogance suddenly saw Xiao Bing, so he laughed and said: "The young man, I can't think of you being able to come up. It seems that luck is good. Since luck is so good, you can see it from the front. The road is good!"

Everyone looked at Aso’s eyes, but he saw that Aso was looking at an ordinary person. Everyone immediately showed a smile, and this person said that he could not resist.

Fujiwara 武艺 saw that Aso Jun actually took the initiative to find Xiao Bing, his eyes showed a bit of pleasure, and his heart was a little smug, and he hoped that Xiao Bing would die when he opened the road ahead. At that time, he wanted to pursue Yamamoto Koto. There are no obstacles.

Seeing that everyone looked at himself, Xiao Bing asked: "If I don't go?"

Aso’s eyes were like lightning, and the glaring eyes shot directly toward Xiao Bing. His voice was like thunder. He said loudly: “You better understand and answer me!”

“Yes.” At this time, some people in the crowd said, “Ma Shengjun lets you open the road, this is to give you a face.”

"That is, don't shame your face!"

Xiao Bing looked at Master Matsumoto at this time and said: "Master Matsumoto, I just helped you to come up."

Master Matsumoto smiled slightly: "Even without you, we can think of it this morning, but you have saved us a lot of energy, we still thank you."

Xiao Bing heard the meaning of Master Matsumoto. He understood that he was most vocal in thanking himself, but he would not be in his own position. He was dead or alive and he had nothing to do with him.

Xiao Bing looked at Yamamoto Kosher and said, "You walk with me in front."

Fujiwara martial arts face gloomy, cold and cold: "It is enough for you to go to death alone, don't bring Miss Yamamoto."

Xiao Bing shrugged and said loudly: "It doesn't matter if I go to the road, but I have to have my friend with me, because you have seen it. I don't have a little self-protection ability when I have trouble, but since this is the young master Fujiwara. Don't let my friends go in with me, then you will kill me, anyway, it's all dead."

I heard Xiao Bing say that the face of Fujiwara’s martial arts is blue, and Aso Jun replied: "Fuji, you have nothing to do with chaos, is this dissatisfied with me?"

"No, no." Fujiwara martial arts frightened and said quickly, "I have been very long-awaited for you, I don't intervene, I don't intervene."

"Well." Aso had some pity to look at Yamamoto Kobun. Apparently, he also felt that it was a pity that Yamamoto was in front of the adventure, but he was more concerned about what the treasure was, so this time is not a pity. At that time, then Aso Jun said, "Now Fujiwara has not stepped in, and you will walk in front of the road."

Xiao Bing grabbed the hand of Yamamoto Koto, and walked toward the gate. After seeing the face of Yamamoto Kobe, others felt sorry in their hearts. In their view, walking in front was obviously a life of nine deaths. Things, poor beauty like this.

Xiao Bing's tone is calm: "Remember, follow me, don't let go of my hand."

"Oh." Yamamoto Kobayashi felt that his hand was caught in the hand by Xiao Bing. The whole person felt warm and the most important thing was good security. Even in the face of her master, she never had such a A sense of security.

Into the city gate, Xiao Bing actually felt a force, a powerful force is attracting himself to speed up the walk, it is a call from the soul, just like the devil is calling you in your heart to hurry up Similarly, Xiao Bing saw that Yamamoto had even accelerated his footsteps. He immediately grabbed Xiao Bing’s hand and stopped. He yelled in his mouth: “Wake up!”

Yamamoto Xiaodie suddenly woke up, snoring and breathing, and then looked up and looked at Xiao Bing, his eyes filled with horror.

Xiao Bing said: "There is a strange city in this city. The whole mountain is weird. Don't think about it. I grab your hand. You walk in with me."

A force from Xiao Bing’s palm slowly entered into the body of Yamamoto’s butterfly. This force made Yamamoto’s whole person wake up a lot. At this time, Aso’s loud cry was said: “In the mill What are you going to swear? Don't you go?"

Xiao Bing's mouth outlines a smile, pulling Yamamoto's hand and continuing to walk towards it.

But there are hills, rivers, trees, caves, and some houses in the city. But these houses are piled up with stones. It looks very simple. The whole city is very big and can’t be seen at first glance. To the side, it is almost equivalent to a medium-sized urban area.

Xiao Bing walked step by step inside, stepping steady, the front is a forest, the woods can not be very dense, and what kind of trees are these, Xiao Bing has never heard of it, but this is normal, after all, the world The size of the trees is too numerous and not unusual.

But Xiao Bing always feels that there is an unusual force in this city.

When Xiao Bing approached the woods, he heard someone outside the city shouting: "How is it inside? Is there anything wrong?"

Xiao Bing replied loudly: "Nothing."

So these people started to come in from the outside ones. The advanced ones are those who are not too strong. They don’t dare to argue with the top players. They can only take the lead. When they walk in, the stock is like The devil's voice is constantly summoning in their bodies.

Then several people even lost their nature directly, and they smothered each other. A countryman shouted and took out a samurai sword. He broke into a European stomach with a knife. The European was also red-eyed. The two hands smothered the neck of the r-country, and they hardened the other's neck.

These people shouted and killed a few people, and they continued to scream out to the outside of Aso. These people were suddenly awakened when they saw that they had laid down seven or eight bodies on the ground. They were extremely scared. Some people were injured at the moment, and several people in Fujiwara had just walked in. They just lost their nature and were awakened by Aso. Otherwise they would be the same.

Xiao Bing stood outside the woods and looked back at it all. His face was calm. Aso and other people came out from outside the city and then yelled at Xiao Bing. "You just didn't say nothing? Why didn't you say that?" This danger?"

Xiao Bing looked blankly: "Is it really okay? Otherwise, how can I have nothing?"

When they saw Xiao Bing, they were sober-faced and innocent, and they were all somewhat inaccurate. Is it really the most advanced that will not be affected by that force? Or is it because Xiao Bing is not a martial artist, so it has no effect? But what happened to Yamamoto Kocho? Why is she nothing?

They didn't have time to think about it. Now, when they came in, they died seven or eight people. For them, the more opponents are dead, the better, but the things are too strange. Even now they have to use their strong will to resist it. Some people have even retired from the sudden demonstration of the stock market. Some people began to talk about it: "This city is really evil."

"Yeah, it is terrible."

"Or else let's go out?"

"No, they are all the top players. Who knows if there is any danger outside. Is it safer to go out with everyone than to go out alone?"

They all think so, some people start sweating on their foreheads, reluctantly resisting the erosion of the devil, and the strongest people are still better.

Bil looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Continue to go forward, don't play tricks."

"No." Xiao Bing took the hand of Yamamoto Kobe and continued to walk inside the forest...

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