Super Soldier

Chapter 1302: How can we overcome? (two more)

Fukuda Hideo sighed and said: "Unfortunately, it is not so easy to turn many common ants into cannibal ants. Even if I studied for decades, my teachers and other staff members Already passed away, there is only me left here, I still haven't researched it, only the animals that are very ferocious are becoming more powerful, and all obey my orders, only to do this. uuk .la"

Xiao Bing said: "But now, the war years have already ended, and you have been abandoned. Why are you still not dying to this day, but also to study these?"

"Retaliation." Fukuda Hideo laughed. "Of course, in retaliation, do you know why the country abandoned us? Our research is the most important study of the whole country, and it is the key to our success as soon as possible, but We were abandoned. At that time, we did not understand what happened. Until then, some explorers stumbled into it. There were also very few masters who broke into here. Among them, there were live-mouths that we were caught by. We know why. We were abandoned."

"Because the war is already over!"

Fukuda Infuri is full of sorrow and anger: "We have always known that our experiments are prepared for war. The country let us do this experiment here in order to win this war. Yes, in your opinion, We may be war criminals, but we are a patriot for our country. His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister let us experiment here, we have been waiting here for nearly ten years, and the war distance has ended. In the past six years, only two masters have finally entered this place because of exploration, and then we know that the war has already ended, and the country has become a defeated country."

Fukuda Hideo actually shed tears: "As a defeated country, we must accept punishment, and it is our country that actively provoked this world war. If we let the outside world know that we are carrying such a horrific experiment, then the Emperor will be even more To withstand tremendous pressure, Mr. Prime Minister and His Majesty the Emperor will also be under greater pressure!"

"So, for their position, in order to reduce their crimes, they have abandoned us. For so many years, no one has come in to find us. Even for a lifetime, we are not going to let us go out. They want us to stay here forever." Until the final death. We have become a sad abandon!"

Xiao Bing sympathizes: "Politics is cruel, not to mention those ambitious people who have the heart to provoke war, even if they let them give up their children, they will be willing, let alone give up those heroes."

"Yeah, this is a politician." Yingtian Futian shook his head and looked sad and angry. "We just had some hope at the beginning, but time passed a little, my teachers are old, and we are The rest of the people are also old and die, and some ages are almost the same as me. Because of illness and death, we do all kinds of research, and the body itself is greatly affected. It is an occupational disease, like me. This life is still too little."

"In the later stage, our experiments have been successful, but these are all in vain. We can only stay here and wait silently. When the dozens of people in the lab counted me, there are only seven or eight left. We finally I know that I don't have to wait any longer, no one will pick us up, we can't leave, but we want to retaliate!"

Fukuda’s hand is shaking: “We are still experimenting, we are making more and more animals our experimental objects, making them strong, making them our army, if one day we have the opportunity to leave here. At that time, we will retaliate against them and retaliate against this world that abandoned us! At that time there will be thousands of poisonous snake ants entering every lane, then I will make this experiment public, I want them to The royal family and the government have become the laughing stocks of the world!"

Xiao Bing heard some backs and colds. Others were even more like this. They thought of the scene. A spider attacked everyone. A wolf was on the streets and alleys. The bird suddenly appears on the top of your head, and then a hole in your eye, it is a human disaster!

Xiao Bing’s face is heavy. If there is such a thing, I am afraid that it’s hard for Xiao Bing’s level master to stop the tragedy. After all, those are anti-defense animals, maybe you are sleeping, one Only the horrible poisonous scorpion sneaked into your bed, how should you guard against it?

Xiao Bing said with some emotion: "The most terrible thing in the world is not the warriors, but the scientists of you."

"You are right." said Fukuda, "We are patriotic, but they forced us to retaliate against the world, and they forced us!"

Suddenly someone asked: "What happened to the treasures that were unearthed some time ago?"

"The treasures are unearthed?" Fukuda Hideo suddenly smiled. Some crazy words, "That is indeed a treasure. It is a great invention that we have created over the years, but for the time being, you still have no way to see it. Wait a second. I didn't expect that this kind of light would burst out when I created this great invention, but it is exactly what I want. I just can take the opportunity to attract more and more masters, I know. How big is this for your martial artists."

Xiao Bing said: "Your purpose is to attract us all? Then turn us into the same as the walking dead that I have just seen, become your embarrassment?"

Infuse Fukuda said: "You are right, of course, of course, I have other purposes. My current experiment is a success, but my experiment is even successful, if it is inseparable from here. It’s useless, so I’m not just going to turn your top masters into my jealousy, I’m going to find a way to find a master of the formation.”

Fukuda’s gaze is free on Xiao Bing and others, saying: “Whoever of you can take me out, he can not become my jealousy, I will let him go immediately after I go out, I am the one who hates me the most. It’s just that you don’t believe it, so I will keep my promise!”

The words of Fukuda Hideo made these people face each other. Suddenly, the strong man who broke the void level, Nan Gongqing suddenly said: "We are not afraid of him, but it is just a bad old man. The strength of the two people around him is strong, I am afraid. It’s also better than Mr. Zeus and the Dragon King, killing the old guy first, and then seeing what his research is.”

These people responded enthusiastically one after another. They are now supported by others, and naturally they are not afraid of this old man.

Fukuda Hideo suddenly smiled, seemingly laughing at the ignorance of these people and ignorance.

Nangong Qing language is cold and cold: "Well old man, you are so old, **** it, we are so many top players here, just to take your life, what are you laughing?"

Yingtian Futian sighed and said: "Hey, look at you, I thought about myself and my teachers and colleagues. We are all ignorant and fearless. You really think that you can still resist me and continue. Live?"

Fukuda Infuriated and stood up, holding a cane, licking his body, looking at them with a look of chaos, saying: "The ignorant is fearless, I don't blame you, just like we were full of good for the future, for the Great East. When the prosperity of the Asian Communist Party came to a force, we realized that we are only the victims of those politicians. It’s ridiculous to think about it!"

Inofu Fukuda turned and slowly walked toward the back. Nangong Qing said: "Dragon son, these two people are not good to deal with, or are we going to take it together?"

Yingfu Futian shook his head and suddenly smiled: "You are wrong. You really have to deal with them. They are just my own slaves. You really have to deal with them!"

Fukuda Inov knocked the cave with a cane, and suddenly there was a roar in the cave that made the whole earth tremble. Even some people in the crowd had soft legs and sat down on the ground with a sigh.

"The inside is... what?"

"Yeah, what is that? Is it the roar of the monster?"

The sound of the roaring inside was one after another, and the black bear, which was more than four meters high, came out from the inside.

No wonder the house is so huge, the door is so wide, the black bear is about half the size of an ordinary black bear, like a giant tower, like a tall building, so that everyone can look up, shudder, and most The terrible thing is that these black bears have just come out, and these people who are oppressed by a terrible sense of oppression are out of breath. He patted his chest in a row and then made another roar. The screams directly shattered Kagawa’s The eardrum, Kazuo Kagawa licked his own bleeding ears, and screamed like a ghost in his mouth: "My ears, I can't hear, I can't hear..."

Kagawa Yoko rushed toward the black bear, and the black bear took a casual slap. The half body of Kagawa Yoko was smashed, and the internal organs of the body were spilled. The **** scene of this scene. The horror that made everyone stunned and shuddered.

And this is not finished, then, under the stunned eyes of everyone, the second bear got out of it, then the third head...

Fukuda Hideo laughed and said: "There are three little guys, they are your opponents! And I want to tell you, I have done experiments, even the two strong ones that break the void level around me are not Their opponents of the three little guys!"

Several people in the crowd had soft legs and fell to the ground. They trembled: "How can we overcome?"


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