Super Soldier

Chapter 1309: The bombing of the R country (two more)

The octopus screams in anger, all four big mouths are open, squirting ink, and then the tentacles are all entangled in the past.

Xiao Bing and the fish monsters began to struggle, and they were all inseparable.

Now compared with before, Xiao Bing is not only a defense, but also a crazy attack, and finally no longer falls into the wind, and even more and more tentacles of octopus are cut off by Xiao Bing.

The battle between one person and one strange, everyone sees it, Xiao Bing has slightly occupied the upper hand.

Suddenly, the octopus blame slammed and ran.

Xiao Bing slightly stunned, and everyone else was stunned. No one thought that such a monster would choose to escape.

Fukuda’s infuriating voice shouted: "Come back, you are the weapon I created, you give me back."

Xiao Bing is going to chase the past. Suddenly, a long chain of chains came from a distance. The chain blocked all the retreats of Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing took a few shots in the past and finally repelled the chain.

Then Xiao Bing chased it out and kept chasing far and far. He saw a row of white houses on the road, but when Xiao Bing’s footsteps stopped, the octopus blame was gone and disappeared. Xiao Bing’s At the foot is the abyss.

Xiao Bing sighed and slowly walked back to the place where he had just fought. Looking at the unbelievable Fukuda Hideo, Xiao Bing said with a slight sarcasm: "I didn't expect you to build the ultimate weapon, and finally Will it fall into the hands of others?"

Infuri Fukuda took a moment and then looked angry and said: "What do you mean? Fall in the hands of others?"

Xiao Bingdao: "Yes, it falls in the hands of others, otherwise you think that the black chain has just come. Is it that the tentacles of the octopus have all become iron chains? Hey, I can't think of making a wedding dress for others. But you are the most sad, know, Mr. Fukuda, you have already gone astray. You want to build these monsters all to obey you, but these monsters must become too powerful and full of wisdom, you How can you guarantee that the monster will not betray you?"

Fukuda Hideo took a deep breath and some collapsed in his heart. He really never thought that his decades of hard work would betray himself, but he created him, because he has become like this. Powerful!

Xiao Bing looked at Futian Yingfu and said: "So many people are dead in your hands. You are a sinner, but I will not kill you. You should leave with me, then go to the trial of the law or use you. The rest of the life is made up. Oh, after all, you are also a victim, I don't want your life."

"Don't let my life? Let me be judged? Hahahaha." Fukuda Hideo laughed. The laughter was filled with grief and anger. "I don't accept any moral judgments from you. Do you understand? Any trial I It is impossible to accept. You have to know how I got to where I am today. If I really leave here, I have to retaliate against this society and never compromise."

Xiao Bing frowned, a stubborn old man, and he still has the need to let him? Although he is also a victim, there is no way, this is fate.

Xiao Bing has sympathy for him, but this is not the reason for letting him go.

Xiao Bing sighed and walked over. The old man suddenly smiled and pointed to the two shackles that protected him from the void level. He said, "Kill him!"

The two scorpions rushed to Xiao Bing at the same time. Xiao Bing shook his head slightly. These two strong players who broke the void level were within three strokes and were collectively killed by Xiao Bing. When Xiao Bing was trying to kill Fukuda Hideo, Fukuda Hideo has sat on the floor with his knees. His face is black and his mouth is still bleeding with black blood.

Xiao Bing looked at him. He looked at Xiao Bing and grinned. "I am so old, and I die when I die. But I said, I don't accept anyone's trial, because you are not qualified. I I can only die in my own hands."

Fukuda Hideo died, and the strange birds, spiders and white wolves all retreated. There are only Xiao Bing and several other survivors.

Bil sighed: "It's amazing, it's too powerful. Is this the strength of the first person in the dark world?"

Xiao Bing's tone is calm: "Yamamoto Kocho, come over."

Yamamoto Xiaodie ran to the side of Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing took the hand of Yamamoto Kobun and asked: "Have you ever thought about running away?"

"Thinked." Yamamoto Koto said the truth, "But I don't dare, I know I can't run, and I can't run out."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Fortunately, you are still a smart woman. Let's go. Let's go to the lab behind. I just saw their lab when I chased it out. Let's go see the lab. What else?"

After listening to these people, they all followed Xiao Bing, but no one dared to play tricks. Now even if there are really treasures, they dare not compete with Xiao Bing. The strength of Xiao Bing is really Too strong, even if they are added together, it is impossible to be Xiao Bing's opponent.

When the lab arrives, this lab seems to have been in existence for a long time. It has not been refurbished for too long. There is nothing inside. There are only some experimental data and equipment. Xiao Bing put the experimental data on his body. Then, with the big guy out of the lab, watching these people, said: "You have all seen it, we are all fooled. There is actually no treasure unearthed here. Now I am leaving, are you leaving with me?"

"Okay, let's follow the dragon son." said a villager in Kimura.

"Well." Xiao Bing nodded. They followed Xiao Bing all the way. It was easier to go out than when they came in. The animals saw Xiao Bing running far away, and no animal dared to go to death. Just when Xiao Bing and others had just walked halfway up the mountain, suddenly everyone looked up and looked at the sky.

One of Kimura’s faces was frightened and pointed to the sky with anger. He shouted: “What is that?”

However, I saw countless missiles smashing the sky like a meteor, flying over the mountains, and a total of six or seven missiles flying to Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing's pupils contracted for a while, and finally laughed, laughing loudly: "Okay, a good government of the country!"

Xiao Bing suddenly stepped on the ground with his feet. The whole person jumped up and flew high above the air, showing the horrible ability to stagnate, but now no one is paying attention to it. No one cares about Xiao Bing’s heroic attitude. What a mighty thing, they think about how they should live, even if it is a master of martial arts, it is impossible to compete with these missiles!

Yamamoto's little face looked blank: "I am going to die here, but it is also very good. It is worth it, and it is also a relief."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" said a strong man who was eager to see the peak. He finally saw the way back. He finally had the hope to leave here. He came in dozens of masters. Now There are five or six people left, but now he just has hope, hope that it will be shattered so soon, there are troops outside to bomb them!

They have become a little dazed, how can people compete with the army?

Zeus's pupil contracted slightly, then slowly squatted down the ground and picked up two stones.

Just when everyone thought that they wanted to be extinct, Xiao Bing suddenly screamed, and there was a thunder in the sky. Then Xiao Bing slammed out several times in a row, the forces of terror condensed together and collided with the flying missiles. In a flash, several missiles all exploded in the air.

Everyone was stunned and looked at this scene, stunned and looked at the **** of war that was slowly falling in the air!

Seven missiles, now only one is still flying towards this side, Zeus suddenly screamed, the stone in his hand was thrown out by him, like a meteor, a bang, hitting that Above the missile, and then the missile detonated in the sky, rumbling, the sky seems to have burned the fire.

The big parents breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xiao Bing with awe. Then they looked at Zeus one by one. Some people who can really block these troops here are only Xiao Bing and Zeus. Others are These missiles are too small in front of them, and they are completely powerless.

Xiao Bing said calmly: "The government's goal is not only us. Their goal is actually Professor Fukuda on the mountain, or the secret here. They don't want these secrets to leak out. They don't want things that were known to the world decades ago. So they have to kill all the people who come here."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But the good thing is that they can't see the mountains at all. They don't even know where there are people in the mountains. The clouds are too big. Even if satellite positioning is not working, they are just carpet bombing. So, we can always find loopholes. Let's find a way to escape the mountain. When they don't dare to do it."

After listening to it, everyone let out a sigh of relief, and then followed Xiao Bing and others to run down the mountain. They tried to avoid the bombing range of the missile. Occasionally, several missiles just flew, and they were all blown up by Xiao Bing. Now Xiao Bing In the eyes of these people, it is really God of War, and there is no difference between God and God of War.

When they finally reached the foot of the mountain, they rushed to the direction of the town with the people. No missiles continued to fly toward them, because they could not cause too much attention from the world and could not cause a large number of casualties.

At this time, Xiao Bing stopped, took the hand of Yamamoto Kobun and looked at Zeus and said, "I will leave first."

"Good." Zeus agreed and said, "I will overtake you one day sooner or later."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am looking forward to that day, it is really a special expectation."

Xiao Bing took Yamamoto Koto, and Zeus left, and several others were preparing to leave. Suddenly a voice came over, one sounded very Sven, but one could not tell. The inexplicable evil voice came over: "Oh? A mountain village? I can't think of seeing you as a master of martial arts here."

The young man who came out of the darkness looked very gentle, his body was thin, his face had a faint smile, his eyes were very gentle, he had a knife in his hand, and he was black with a magical spirit. Knife.

A villager frowned and curiously asked, "Who are you?"

"Fengchen Jiakang." The young man said with a smile.

One of the villagers was a little surprised: "Fengchen Jiakang? Are you the new master of the Wu Shen Temple?"


One of the villagers has a respectful saying: "Mr. Wushen, don't you know that you came here to find treasures?"

"Oh, of course not. I came here for you this time."

A family in the mountain village was surprised: "Looking for us? Why?"

"I want to take one of your things."


"Your life!"

The voice falls, the long knife is squirted!

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